Electro-Voice Bass Module Sb122 Technical Specifications

Key Features:
Very Compact and Lightweight -­Only 33 lbs/15.0 kg
Integral handle
400 Watt continuous, 1,600 Watt peak power handling
Parallel Neutrik Speakon high current input connectors
Integral low-pass filter -- No additional amplifier or processor needed
12” 400-Watt
Bass Module
General Description:
The Electro-Voice® SB122 bass module is a very compact, lightweight subwoofer system that is designed to add bass enhancement to EV Sx and Zx Series speaker systems. The SB122 combines the advantages of a long-throw 12" woofer with a strong, lightweight composite enclosure. The large vent provides less vent compression and turbulence for increased low frequency output. The EVS12SB cast frame transducer created for the SB122 uses the same motor and suspension design as the EVS18S used in EV’s larger systems. With nearly two inches of peak-to-peak excursion capability , this is literally a twelve inch with the heart of an eighteen. An integral low-pass filter allows the SB122 to be directly connected in parallel with a full-range speaker for truly impressive low-end output without the need for an additional amplifier and processor. The filter is transparent below 160Hz, allowing the SB122 to be used as an independent subwoofer in biamp applications without the need to disable the internal filter. For maximum output in biamp applications and protection of the full-range system when running in parallel, a 40Hz Hi-pass (subsonic) filter is recommended. The SB122 features a convenient pole mount socket on top of the enclosure to allow a small full­range speaker such as the Zx1 or Sx80 to be mounted on the optional ASP-1 accessory pole, resulting in a compact system than sounds much bigger than it looks.
Technical Specifications:
Half Space measurement.
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302055-000 ASP-1, Adjustable Sub Pole
5912525 PDSx, Carrying Bag
302053-001 TSS-1, Tripod St and
Performance Match:
Q66 Power Amplifier
SB122 Part Number:
302013-001 SB122, Black Finish
302013-002 SB122, White Finish
Dimension Drawing:Frequency Response:
WARNING: The SB122 is very lightweight and has a small footprint. Do not attempt to pole-mount a speaker system larger than a Zx1 or Sx80 on the SB122.
12000 Portland Avenue South, Burnsville, MN 55337 Phone:952/884-4051, Fax:952/884-0043
www.electro voice.com
© Telex Communications, Inc. 3/2006
Part Number 38110-535 Rev 1
U.S.A. and Canada only. For customer orders, contact Customer Service at:
800/392-3497 Fax: 800/955-6831
Europe, Africa, and Middle East only. For customer orders, contact Customer Service at:
+ 49 9421-706 0 Fax: + 49 9421-706 265
Other International locations. For customer orders, contact Customer Service at:
+ 1 952 884-4051 Fax: + 1 952 736-4212
For warranty repair or service information, contact the Service Repair department at:
For technical assistance, contact Technical Support at: 866/78AUDIO
Specifications subject to change without notice.