Electro-Voice 635N, 635D-B, 635D, 635N/D, 635N/D-B Specifications

635N/D 635N/D-B
Omnidirectional Dynamic Microphones
• Powerful Electro-Voice neody­mium (N/DYM®) magnet results in greater output than with standard ferric magnets
• Rugged design
• Choose nonreflecting fawn beige or semigloss “camera” black
• Comes complete with stand adapter
Description and Applications
The Electro-Voice 635N/D and 635N/D-B dynamic omnidirectional microphones are offspring of the legendary 635A microphone. Built with the same rugged design of the 635A, the 635N/D and 635N/D-B offer a new neodymium N/DYM for greater sensitivity. Designed for increased ruggedness to meet the demands of exacting professional applications, the 635N/D’s and 635N/D-B’s are ideally suited for electronic news production (ENG), electronic field pro­duction (EFP), television, film and radio remotes and demanding PA applications.
The microphone’s Acoustalloy permits a very smooth response over a wide frequency range, yet it withstands high hu­midity and temperature extremes, corrosive effects of salt air and severe mechanical shocks. The diaphragm is protected from dust and magnetic particles by a carefully de­signed integral windscreen and blast filter. The windscreen provides excellent protec­tion from wind noise, excessive sibilance and annoying “P-popping.” This helps minimize the need for an external windscreen for out­door use.
magnet structure
The 635N/D comes in nonreflecting fawn beige; the 635N/D-B comes in semigloss black for “on camera” use. The increased output level and low sensitivity to mechani­cal shock make the 635N/D and 635N/D-B excellent for interviews, sporting events, special effects and voice-overs.
Both microphones come with the 311 stand adapter.
Architects' and Engineers' Specifications
The microphone shall be an omnidirectional dynamic type with wide-range response uni­form from 80 to 13,000 Hz. It shall have a nonmetallic diaphragm and an internal pop filter and magnetic shield to prevent dust and magnetic particles from reaching the dia­phragm. The impedance shall be such that the microphone will match 50-, 150- and 250-ohm inputs. The line shall be balanced to ground and phased.
The output level shall be –51 dB with 0 dB equalling 1 mW/10 dynes/cm circuit shall be nonwelded and employ a neodymium alloy magnet.
The microphone shall have a maximum di­ameter of 36 mm (1.42 in.), a length of
. The magnetic
148 mm (5.84 in.) and a weight of 170 g (6 oz). Finish shall be nonreflecting fawn beige (635N/D) or semigloss black (635N/D-B). The microphone shall have a built-in XLR-type connector, and shall include a
/8-in.-27-thread stand coupler.
The Electro-Voice 635N/D and 635N/D-B are specified.
Limited Warranty
Electro-Voice products are guaranteed against malfunction due to defects in ma­terials or workmanship for a specified pe­riod, as noted in the individual product-line statement(s) below, or in the individual product data sheet or owner’s manual, be­ginning with the date of original purchase. If such malfunction occurs during the speci­fied period, the product will be repaired or replaced (at our option) without charge. The product will be returned to the cus­tomer prepaid. Exclusions and Limita- tions: The Limited Warranty does not ap­ply to: (a) exterior finish or appearance; (b) certain specific items described in the in­dividual product-line statement(s) below, or in the individual product data sheet or from
635N/D and 635N/D-B Omnidirectional Dynamic Microphones
owner’s manual; (c) malfunction resulting from use or operation of the product other than as specified in the product data sheet or owner’s manual; (d) malfunction resulting from misuse or abuse of the product; or (e) malfunction occurring at any time after re­pairs have been made to the product by any­one other than Electro-Voice or any of its authorized service representatives. Obtain- ing Warranty Service: To obtain warranty service, a customer must deliver the prod­uct, prepaid, to Electro-Voice or any of its authorized service representatives together with proof of purchase of the product in the form of a bill of sale or receipted invoice. A list of authorized service representatives is available from Electro-Voice at 600 Cecil Street, Buchanan, MI 49107 (616/695-6831
or 800/234-6831). Incidental and Conse- quential Damages Excluded: Product re­pair or replacement and return to the cus­tomer are the only remedies provided to the customer. Electro-Voice shall not be liable for any incidental or consequential damages including, without limitation, injury to per­sons or property or loss of use. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damsigned en­closures. Electro-V oice active electronics as­sociated with the speaker systems are guar­anteed for three (3) years from the date of original purchase. Additional details are in­cluded in the Uniform Limited Warranty statement.
Electro-Voice Electronics are guaranteed against malfunction due to defects in mate­rials or workmanship for a period of three (3) years from the date of original purchase. Additional details are included in the Uni­form Limited Warranty statement.
For warranty repair, service information, or a listing of the repair facilities nearest you, contact the service repair department at: 616/ 695-6831 or 800/685-2606.
For technical assistance, contact Technical Support at 800/234-6831 or 616/695-6831, M-F, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Eastern Stan­dard time.
Specifications subject to change without no­tice.
635N/D and 635N/D-B Omnidirectional Dynamic Microphones
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