Electro-Sensors PM500 User Manual

PM500 User’s Manual
Part Number: 990-005700 REV E
Electro-Sensors, Inc.
sales@electro-sensors.com tech@electro-sensors.com
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Copyright © 2014 Electro-Sensors, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this document can be duplicated or distributed without the express written permission of Electro-Sensors, Inc.
While the information in this manual has been carefully reviewed for accuracy, Electro-Sensors, Inc. assumes no liability for any errors or omissions in the information. Electro-Sensors, Inc. reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any part of this manual or to any product described in this manual.
Table of Contents
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................................................................ iii
List of Figures ............................................................................................................................................................. iv
List of Tables .............................................................................................................................................................. iv
Introduction to this Manual .............................................................................................................................................. v
Introduction to this Product ............................................................................................................................................ vi
The User Interface ........................................................................................................................................................... 1
The User Interface Tables ................................................................................................................................................ 2
(DIAG Menu) How to Perform the Diagnostic Functions ........................................................................................... 2
(SECR Menu) How to Change the Security Settings ................................................................................................... 2
(VAR Menu) How to Change a User Variable ............................................................................................................ 2
Diagnostics Neumonics ............................................................................................................................................... 3
(SECR Menu) The Security Variables ............................................................................................................................. 4
User Variable Descriptions and Formats ......................................................................................................................... 5
(Var 01 to Var 04) Relay Output Setpoints .................................................................................................................. 5
(Var 07) Relay ADC Select ......................................................................................................................................... 5
(Var 08) Relay Output Function .................................................................................................................................. 5
(Var 09) Switch Input Function ................................................................................................................................... 7
(Var 10 & Var 12) Analog Input A& B User Units at Lower Calibration Point .......................................................... 8
(Var 11 & Var 13) Analog Input A & B User Units at Upper Calibration Point ......................................................... 8
(Var 14) ADC Averaging ............................................................................................................................................. 8
(Var 15) Analog Input Enable ...................................................................................................................................... 8
(Var 16) Factory Calibration Selection ........................................................................................................................ 8
(Var 17) Display Function Select ................................................................................................................................. 9
(Var 20 & 22) Analog Output Minimum Rate in User Units ..................................................................................... 10
(Var 21 & 23) Analog Output Maximum Rate in User Units .................................................................................... 10
(Var 24) Analog Selection ......................................................................................................................................... 10
(Var 25) Analog Output Response ............................................................................................................................. 10
(Var 30) Modbus Node Address ................................................................................................................................ 10
(Var 31) Modbus Baud Rate ...................................................................................................................................... 10
(Var 32) Modbus Parity ............................................................................................................................................. 10
(Var 33) Modbus Data Type ...................................................................................................................................... 10
(Var 34) Modbus Integer Encoding ........................................................................................................................... 11
(Var 35 & Var 36) Modbus Faulted Sensor Value ..................................................................................................... 11
Modbus Wiring Diagram ............................................................................................................................................... 12
Programming the Analog Inputs .................................................................................................................................... 13
Programming the Relay Outputs .................................................................................................................................... 13
Programming the Analog Outputs ................................................................................................................................. 13
The LRC Non-volatile Memory Check Feature ............................................................................................................. 13
(DIAG Menu) The Diagnostic Functions ...................................................................................................................... 14
(Anou) How to Check the Analog Output ................................................................................................................. 14
(SIn) How to Check the Switched Inputs ................................................................................................................... 14
(rELY) How to Test the Relay Outputs ..................................................................................................................... 14
(HEyP) How to Verify that the Keypad is Working .................................................................................................. 14
(UEr) How to Find out the Firmware Version Number ............................................................................................. 14
(rESE) How to Reset the User Variables to their Factory Default Values ................................................................. 14
(OFFS)How to Calibrate the Analog Input Offset ..................................................................................................... 15
(SCAL) How to Calibrate the Analog Input Scale ..................................................................................................... 15
Application Examples .................................................................................................................................................... 16
Appendix A—Panel Cutout Dimensions ....................................................................................................................... 17
Wiring Practices for Industrial Equipment .................................................................................................................... 18
Appendix B—Wiring the PM500 .................................................................................................................................. 19
AC Input Power Supply (TB1-1, TB1-2) ................................................................................................................... 19
485 communications (TB1-4 to TB1-6) ..................................................................................................................... 19
Switch inputs (T1-7 to TB1-9) ................................................................................................................................... 19
4/20 mA Analog Input (TB2-10 to TB2-15) .............................................................................................................. 19
4/20 mA Analog Output (TB1-16 to TB1-18) ........................................................................................................... 19
Relay Outputs (TB3-1 to TB3-18) ............................................................................................................................. 19
Wiring Diagrams ........................................................................................................................................................ 20
Wiring Diagrams continued. ...................................................................................................................................... 21
Appendix C—PM500 Specifications ............................................................................................................................. 22
Variable Logs ................................................................................................................................................................. 23
User Variables Log .................................................................................................................................................... 23
Communication Variables Log .................................................................................................................................. 24
Calibration Variables Log .......................................................................................................................................... 24
Security Variable Log ................................................................................................................................................ 25
Index .............................................................................................................................................................................. 26
PM500 User’s Manual Back Cover................................................................................................................................ 30
List of Figures
Figure 1; key assignments for Keypad control of the relay outputs ................................................................................. 6
Figure 2; PM500 Modbus wiring diagram ..................................................................................................................... 12
Figure 3; PM500 Wiring diagram .................................................................................................................................. 20
Figure 4; 2 Relay outputs wiring diagram ...................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 5; 6 Relay outputs wiring diagram ...................................................................................................................... 21
List of Tables
Table 1; Associations Between Keys, LEDs, and Menus ................................................................................................ 1
Table 2; How to perform diagnostic functions ................................................................................................................. 3
Table 3; Security Variable “SdEF”, Security Definition .................................................................................................. 4
Table 4; Var 07, ADC select Variable ............................................................................................................................. 5
Table 5; Var 08, Relay Output Function Codes ............................................................................................................... 5
Table 6; Var 17, Display Function Codes ........................................................................................................................ 9
Table 7; Var 17, Display Function Code 4, Relay Output Status ..................................................................................... 9
Table 8; S codes (sign) ................................................................................................................................................... 11
Table 9; D codes (decimal weight)................................................................................................................................. 11
Table 10; Integer encoding for Var 43 option (2) using various values ......................................................................... 11
Table 11; User Variable Log .......................................................................................................................................... 23
Table 12; Communications Variables Log ..................................................................................................................... 24
Table 13; Calibration Variables Log .............................................................................................................................. 24
Table 14; Security Variables Log ................................................................................................................................... 25
What is in this manual?
This installation and operation manual provides detailed technical information about the PM500 Programmable Process Ratemeter. It should serve as your technical resource to install, set up, operate, and test the PM500.
Who should use this manual
Keep in mind that the function of the PM500 installed in a mechanical process is to monitor position, capacity, speed, etc; therefore, it must be installed by qualified personnel only. This manual is designed for persons who have the primary responsibility to install, set up, operate, and test the PM500. The secondary audience would be those persons seeking technical information about the electrical concepts and operation of the PM500.
Knowledge level
Persons installing, setting up, and operating the PM500 should have good knowledge and understanding of electrical and mechanical concepts and principles pertaining to Programmable Process Ratemeters. Again, the PM500 should be installed by qualified personnel only.
Installing Electro-Sensors, Inc., products is the responsibility of the purchaser, and is in no
way guaranteed by Electro-Sensors, Inc.
While the information in this manual has been carefully reviewed, Electro-Sensors, Inc.,
assumes no liability for any errors or omissions in this manual. Additionally, Electro­Sensors, Inc., reserves the right to make changes to any part of the information in this manual or the product described herein without further notices.
No part of this manual may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language
without the prior written consent of Electro-Sensors, Inc.
Introduction to this Manual
Introduction to this Product
The PM500 is a stand-alone display device that accepts up to two 4–20 mA DC analog input signals.
The display has four 7-segment LED digits with decimal points. The PM500 can be programmed to display any value of user units from ’00.00’ to ‘9999’ and from ‘-0.00 to -
The PM500 has either two SPDT relay outputs or four SPDT with programmable functions (UNUSED,
The PM500 has an option for 2 16 bit 4 to 20 mA output signals, which are isolated from the 4 to 20 mA input
The PM500 display has 5 status LED’s so you can determine which input you are viewing, as well as for
indicating when the PM500 is in the programming, or diagnostics modes. It also signals the user when there is a sensor failure.
The PM500 has 2 regulated +24 VDC outputs that can each supply 50 mA maximum. (This supply can be used
to power sensors, etc.).
The User Interface
Decimal Point key
PROG LED on & Disp reads “ SEC”
Change Security Variable
VAR key
PROG LED & Disp reads “Prxx”
Change User Variable
DIAG key
PROG LED & disp reads “dIAG”
Perform Diagnostic Action
The user interface consists of a keypad, the four character display, five discrete LEDs, several user variables, and three menus—the user variable menu, the security menu, and the diagnostic menu. The three menus are each accessed by a menu key; the VAR key accesses the user variable menu, the DECIMAL POINT key accesses the security menu, and the DIAG key accesses the diagnostic menu. In each of these menus there is an intermediate level (level 2) enabling you to select a menu item and a final level (level 3) enabling you to change or edit the selected menu item.
The method for selecting which menu item to edit depends on what menu you are in. In the VAR menu use the up, down, left, and right arrow keys to edit the two digits of the user variable number. In the security menu and in the DIAG menu use the up and down arrow keys to scroll through menu item prompts. Once a menu item has been chosen, press the ENTER key to move to the final level (level 3) to edit the variable value or perform the diagnostic action.
To edit a user variable value, use the left and right arrow keys to move the cursor (the flashing digit) to the digit whose value you want to change, then use the up and down arrow keys to change the value of the digit. Press the ENTER key to accept the value or press the ‘abort’ key to throw away the changes that you have made. (The ‘abort’ key depends on which menu you are in, i.e. the VAR key enters the user variable menu and the VAR key aborts the user variable menu.)
For example, to change a user variable value, press the VAR key to go to level 2—select user variable number. While in level 2, edit the display so that it shows the user variable number whose value that you want to change. Then, press the ENTER key to accept the user variable number and go to level 3—change user variable value. While in level 3, edit the display so that it shows the new user variable value. Then, press the ENTER key to accept that value and return to level 1—the user units display level. When the user accepts a value the PM500 will test it and will not allow an out-of-range or illegal value. If at any time you don’t like the changes that you have made while you are in a particular level, press the abort key to discard the changes and go back to level 1—the user units display level.
The SECR menu works in a similar way to allow you to change the security variable values. The diagnostic menu will allow you to perform a diagnostic test, to perform calibration actions, or to observe the state of the system, thereby enabling you to set up your system or to troubleshoot your system installation.
The five front panel LEDs are used to indicate which menu you are in or to indicate status information about the PM500. There are five LEDs: Sensor Error, PROG, INPUT A, INPUT B, and KEY ERR. When a menu key is pressed the LED associated with that menu turns on to indicate which menu you are in.
The Input “A” LED is associated with input channel A. The Input “B” LED is associated with input channel B. The Input LED that is illuminated shows the user which input channel is being displayed.l
The KEY ERR LED is used to indicate an invalid key press, an invalid user variable number, or an invalid user variable value. It shuts off after a timeout period of 500 ms.
The PROG LED is ‘OFF’ when the display is showing a real-time value selected by the display function variable.
Table 1; Associations Between Keys, LEDs, and Menus
The User Interface Tables
(DIAG Menu) How to Perform the Diagnostic Functions
1. Press the DIAG key
2. Use the arrow keys to select desired variable and press ENTER a. When finished hit DIAG key to exit menu
3. Press DIAG key one more time to exit the DIAG Menu
Note: See table on next page for Diagnostics description
(SECR Menu) How to Change the Security Settings
1. Select the Security menu by pressing the Decimal Point Key.
2. Use up and down arrows to select the desired variable a. Press Enter b. Change variable and accept by pressing Enter Key or aborting change by hitting Decimal Point
3. Press Decimal Point Key to exit Security Menu
(VAR Menu) How to Change a User Variable
1. Press the VAR key
2. Use the Arrow Keys to navigate to desired parameter a. Press enter key to select or abort by hitting Var Key b. Change variable using arrow keys and press ENTER key to accept or Var Key to abort
3. Press Var Key to exit Variable Menu.
Note: Access to the VAR menu is still permitted during an LRC error in the PM500’s non-volatile memory
Diagnostics Neumonics
Display Value
You have Entered Diagnostic Mode
Analog Output
Output percent “0XXX”.
Verify your analog out by scrolling
from 0 to 100% 0 = 4 mA
100 = 20mA
Switch Input
Read current Switch state
Read current switch state
Relay Test
(When relays are off, 1 value denotes
Relay states. “XXXX”
Relay one–1’s.
Relay two–10’s.
Relay one–100’s.
Relay two–1000’s.
Keypad Test
VAR key–“1111.”.
Up arrow key–“222.2”.
REV key–“33.33”.
Left arrow key–“4.444”.
ENTER key–“5555.”.
Right arrow key–“666.6”.
Decimal point key–“77.77”.
Down arrow key–“8.888”.
Tests individual buttons on keypad
Firmware Version
Displays Firmware Version
Reset Unit
Resets Unit to Factory Defaults
ADC Offset Calibration
ADC value in hexadecimal of the
actively displayed ADC input.
ADC Span Calibration
ADC value in hexadecimal of the
actively displayed ADC input.
Table 2; How to perform diagnostic functions
Display Digits
Digit Function
Function Codes
Digit 1
VAR Menu
When this menu is locked the user variables can be viewed but not changed.
0–Menu Unlocked 1–Menu Locked
Digit 2
When this menu is locked, access to the diagnostic functions are denied.
Digit 3
Not used
Digit 4
Not used
(SECR Menu) The Security Variables
The SECURITY menu is accessed by pressing the DECIMAL POINT key.
In the security menu the user has access to three variables. The input password variable (PIn), the password definition variable (PdEF), and the security definition variable (SdEF).
The security features defined by the security definition variable ‘SdEF’ are enabled anytime the input password ‘PIn’ is different from the password definition ‘PdEF’. In other words, in order to access locked-out functions the user has to enter an input password that matches the password definition (PIn = PdEF). In order to lock out unauthorized changes to user variables the user must enter a password definition that is unknown to unauthorized users (PIn ≠ PdEF). Any attempt to access the password definition by an unauthorized user will result in a display of “HIdn” (hidden).
The following table indicates how menu access is controlled by the digits of the security definition variable.
Table 3; Security Variable “SdEF”, Security Definition
User Variable Descriptions and Formats
Display Digits
Digit Function
Function Codes
Digit 1
Relay Output 1
0–Unused 1–Analog input A 2–Analog input B
Digit 2
Relay Output 2
Digit 3
Relay Output 3
Digit 4
Relay Output 4
Display Digits
Digit Function
Function Codes
Digit 1
Relay Output 1
0–Unused 1–Under setpoint 2–Over setpoint 3–Keypad control
Digit 2
Relay Output 2
Digit 3
Relay Output 3
Digit 4
Relay Output 4
(Var 01 to Var 04) Relay Output Setpoints
User Variable 01 Variable 04 These variables contains the trip point levels for relays. It is a value entered as user
units. They can have decimal places and be positive or negative.
(Var 07) Relay ADC Select
User Variable 07—Relay ADC select. Var07 allows the user to select the ADC input that is assigned to the given relay output. The user can choose from three function codes (one is unused). The following table gives the relay output function codes and shows which Var07 digit corresponds to which relay output.
Table 4; Var 07, ADC select Variable
(Var 08) Relay Output Function
Allows the user to select the relay output function(s). The user can choose from three function codes (one is unused). The following table gives the relay output function codes and shows which Var08 digit corresponds to an individual relay output.
Table 5; Var 08, Relay Output Function Codes
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