Electro-Sensors Electry-Sentry 1 Installation & Operation Manual

Electro-Sentry 1
Installation & Operation Manual
Part Number: 990-005500
Revision D
Electro-Sensors®, Inc.
6111 Blue Circle Drive
Minnetonka, MN 55343-9108
Introduction To This Manual
What is in this manual?
Who should use this manual
This installation and operation manual provides detailed technical information about the Electro­Sentry 1. It should serve as your technical resource to install, set up, operate, and test the Electro­Sentry 1.
Keep in mind that the function of the Electro-Sentry 1 installed in a mechanical process is to monitor speed and temperature; therefore, it must be installed by qualified personnel only. This manual is designed for persons who have the primary responsibility to install, set up, operate, and test the Electro-Sentry 1.
The secondary audience would be those persons seeking technical information about the electrical concepts and operation of the Electro-Sentry 1.
Knowledge level
Notices · Installing Electro-Sensors, Inc., products is the responsibility of the purchaser, and is in no way
Persons installing, setting up, and operating the Electro-Sentry 1 should have good knowledge and understanding of electrical and mechanical concepts and principles pertaining to speed and temperature monitoring and associated alarms.
Again, the Electro-Sentry 1 should be installed by qualified personnel only.
guaranteed by Electro-Sensors, Inc.
· While the information in this manual has been carefully reviewed, Electro-Sensors, Inc., assumes no liability for any errors or omissions in this manual. Additionally, Electro-Sensors, Inc., reserves the right to make changes to any part of the information in this manual or the product described herein without further notices.
· No part of this manual may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the prior written consent of Electro-Sensors, Inc.
Copyright © 2012 Electro-Sensors, Inc. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
Quick Start Guide: .........................................................................................................................................I
Description .....................................................................................................................................................1
Front-Panel Displays ......................................................................................................................................1
Front-Panel User Interface .............................................................................................................................1
Enclosure ........................................................................................................................................................1
Ratings and Conduit Holes ......................................................................................................................1
Material and Recommended Minimum Installation Area ........................................................................16
Dimensions, With and Without Mounting Feet .......................................................................................22
Modes of Operation: ......................................................................................................................................1
Normal Mode ...........................................................................................................................................1
Program Mode .........................................................................................................................................1
Entering and Using Program Mode ...............................................................................................................1
How to reset the Electro-Sentry 1 to Factory Defaults ..................................................................................2
The UserVar Variables: ..................................................................................................................................2
Speed Variables (Var01 through Var10) ...................................................................................................2
Sensor Type Select Variable (Var11) ........................................................................................................3
The Warning, Shutdown, and BIAS Setpt Temperature Variables (Var12 through Var25) ......................4
Temperature Display Select (Var30) ........................................................................................................5
System Variables (Var31 through Var36) .................................................................................................6
Electro-Sentry 1 Operation Notes Section: ....................................................................................................9
Alarms....... ...............................................................................................................................................9
Latching and holding of Alarms ..............................................................................................................9
How to ‘clear’ Alarms ..............................................................................................................................9
Using multiple Electro-Sentry 1’s in the same application ......................................................................10
Built-in Test Features Section: .......................................................................................................................10
Temperature Rise and Speed Drop Alarm Test Features .........................................................................10
Troubleshooting Section: ...............................................................................................................................11
Standard Temperature vs. 4-20mA Temperature Sensors ........................................................................11
‘Out-of-Range’ Sensor Detection.............................................................................................................11
LCD Display and 4-digit LED Speed Display Error Messages ...............................................................12
Concerning the Var34 Disable/Enable Commands: .................................................................................14
The Green Indicator LEDs, the Replaceable Fuse F12, and the Resettable Fuses F1 through F11: .......15
Specifications Table .......................................................................................................................................16
Front Panel Drawing ......................................................................................................................................17
Terminal Block Connections ..........................................................................................................................18
SW1 Vac Selection Switch .............................................................................................................................18
I/O Board - Terminal Drawing .......................................................................................................................19
Typical Wiring Connection Examples ...........................................................................................................20
User Variable List ...........................................................................................................................................21
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Electro-Sentry 1 Quick Start Guide
Here are the basic questions/steps the user needs to perform to get the Electro-Sentry 1 (a.k.a. ES1) up and running:
1) What is the application’s voltage? 115 or 230 Vac?
VAC SW1 Position Fuse F12 Notes:
115 Towards Right 115Vac/0.4Amp
230 Towards Left 230Vac/0.2Amp
Slo-Blo (The ES1 is shipped with one 230Vac/0.2 Amp Slo-Blo fuse, and one extra 115Vac/0.4 Amp Slo-Blo fuse).
2) Do you need to display speed, or need Speed Alarm Monitoring?
A) NO, Speed Display/Alarm Monitoring is not needed:
 Skip User Variables Var01 through Var08.  Skip the setting of the SW9 3-DIP Switch.  Set Var09 Speed_Display_Select to either a ‘0002’
or a ‘0003’ to disable Speed Monitoring, as needed.
 Skip Var10 MAX_ANALOG_RPM.  Skip Var34 Hour_and_Speed_Command_Select for
now. [If you plan to use the Hour Meter feature, we will return to Var34 later in section (5) below].
B) YES, Speed Alarm Monitoring and/or Speed
Display is needed:
 What type of Speed encoder are you using? A 4-20
mA Analog encoder or a Pulse-Train encoder?
 Set Var01 Encoder_Type_Select, as needed:
0000’ = 4-20 mA Analog Speed Encoder Type
(speed signal is received at TB16).
‘0001’ = Pulse-Train Speed Encoder Type (speed signal is received at TB30). When Var01 = 0001, then you need to set
the SW9 3-DIP Switch for NPN or PNP/ 5V logic-level Encoder Type, as needed per your pulse-train encoder. The SW9 DIP switch is on the back side of the Front Panel, to the left of the J7 ribbon cable.
The Factory default setting of SW9 is for an NPN Pulse-Train Encoder (which is SW9’s switch #1 = ON, switch #2 = OFF, switch #3 = OFF).
Note: Electro-Sensors Pulse-Train
Encoders are NPN encoders.
Factory Setting
User Selectable
Variable Default
Var01 Encoder_Type_Select.
0000 = 4-20mA Analog Encoder. 0001 = Pulse-Train Encoder.
For applications using a 4-20 mA Analog Speed Encoder (i.e., Var01 = 0000):
Set the following variables as needed:
Variable Default
Var02 Pulse_Per_Rev Value. N.A.
Var03 RPM_at_20mA.
This is the analog encoder’s rated RPM corresponding to 20mA. (See Note2).
Var10 MAX_ANALOG_RPM. This is the peak RPM seen by the analog encoder in the application, and the 100% RPM on which the speed setpts are based.
Var04 Speed_Slowdown_Alarm_ SetPt %. (See Note This is the ‘Yellow_Alarm’ speed expressed as a % of Var10 MAX_ANALOG_RPM.
Var06 Speed_Shutdown_Alarm_ Setpt %. (See Note3). This is the ‘Red_Alarm’ speed expressed as a % of Var10 MAX_ANALOG_RPM.
Note1: “N.A.” means not applicable to this portion of Electro-Sentry 1 set-up. Note2: The definition of Var03 is slightly different when Var01 is programmed for an analog speed encoder versus a pulse-train speed encoder. Note3: If you only need to display the speed, without Speed Alarm Monitoring, then you can skip setting Var04 and Var06. But you then need to set Var09 to either a ‘0002’ or ‘0003’ as needed per your speed viewing needs. (More about Var09 on next page).
0200 RPM
0200 RPM
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For applications using a Pulse-Train Speed Encoder (i.e., Var01 = 0001): Set the following variables as needed:
Variable Default
Var02 Pulse_Per_Rev Value.
Most Electro-Sensors pulser
targets give 8 PPR.
Var03 PULSE_MAX_RPM. This is the peak RPM of the
RPM rotating pulser target seen in the application, and the 100% RPM on which the speed setpts are based. (See Note
Var04 Speed_Slowdown_Alarm_
SetPt %. (See Note
This is the ‘Yellow_Alarm’ speed expressed as a % of Var03 PULSE_MAX_RPM.
Var06 Speed_Shutdown_Alarm_ Setpt %. (See Note3)
This is the ‘Red_Alarm’ speed expressed as a % of Var03 PULSE_MAX_RPM.
Note: See the “UserVar Variables” section in the Reference portion of the User Manual for details on any of the above mentioned VarXX’s, if so needed.
What Speed alarms do you need?
Is a Speed Slowdown Warning Alarm or a Speed Shutdown Alarm needed?
If so, connect the application’s ‘alarm’ circuitry to the ES1’s terminal blocks as shown in the following table:
Function Relay
Speed (or temperature)
4 TB24
Shutdown Alarm
Speed (or temperature)
3 TB22
Warning Alarm
Speed Only
2 TB20
Shutdown Alarm
Speed Only
1 TB18
Warning Alarm (These four ES1 relay outputs are ‘Dual Form C SPDT’). See Reference portion of the User Manual, pages 16, 18, and 19, for details on any of the above mentioned terminal blocks, if so needed.
For either type of Speed Encoder (i.e., Var01 = 0000 or 0001): Set the following variables as needed:
Variable Default
Var05 Speed_Slowdown_Alarm_
Var07 Speed_Shutdown_Alarm_ Delay
Var08 Underspeed_Start_Delay 0005
Var09 Speed_Display_Select.
0000 0000 = % and Enable. 0001 = RPM and Enable. 0002 = % and Disable 0003 = RPM and Disable
(See Note
Var34 Hour_and_Speed_
0000 Command_Select. 0000 = Maintained Disable/Enable. 0001 = One-Shot Disable/Enable
with Disable = Closed.
0002 = One-Shot Disable/Enable
with Disable = Open.
Factory default for Var34 is 0000 for a ‘Maintained’ Disable/Enable command needed at input TB34.
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3) How to set-up your Electro-Sentry 1 for Temperature Monitoring: A) The application’s Temperature sensors are typically
connected to the Electro-Sentry 1’s 4-20 mA Analog Inputs as follows:
TB1 1 Head Bearing Left
TB2 2 Head Bearing Right
TB3 3 Head Rub Block Left
TB4 4 Head Rub Block Right
TB5 5 Knee Bearing Left
TB6 6 Knee Bearing Right
TB7 7 Knee Rub Block Left
TB8 8 Knee Rub Block Right
TB9 9 Tail Bearing Left
TB10 10 Tail Bearing Right
TB11 11 Tail Rub Block Left
TB12 12 Tail Rub Block Right
For the TB1 through TB12 terminal blocks:
Pin1 = +24Vout_A, Pin 2 = 4-20 mA Signal Input, Pin 3 = Gnd_A.
All 12 Analog Inputs can be setup for sensors
Analog Input # Description
having a Temperature proportional 4-20mA output. Six Analog Inputs can also be setup for sensors having a Contact Closure output, as shown in the following table.
TB1 1 Ye s No N.A.
TB2 2 Ye s No N.A.
TB3 3 Ye s Yes See Var11
TB4 4 Ye s Yes See Var11
TB5 5 Ye s No N.A.
TB6 6 Ye s No N.A.
TB7 7 Ye s Yes See Var11
TB8 8 Ye s Yes See Var11
TB9 9 Ye s No N.A.
TB10 10 Yes No N.A.
TB11 11 Yes Ye s See Var11
TB12 12 Yes Ye s See Var11 If your application uses Contact-Closure sensors for Rub Blocks, etc, then see page 3 of the Reference portion of the User Manual for details on how to setup Var11.
: Factory default for Var11 is 0000, for all
Note Analog Inputs are set for 4-20 mA
Input #
Temperature sensors.
Closure Var11
For those Analog Inputs that you are not using
(i.e., those Analog Inputs having no Temperature sensors
or no Contact-Closure sensors connected to them):
You must turn ‘OFF’ the effect of any unused Analog
Inputs by setting their BIAS Temperature Setpts to ‘0999’. The BIAS Setpts are in Var14 through Var25, and correspond to the 4-20 mA Analog Inputs as follows:
Var# Description Default
14 Input #1 BIAS
Temperature SetPt.
15 Input #2 BIAS
Temperature SetPt.
16 Input #3 BIAS
Temperature SetPt.
17 Input #4 BIAS
Temperature SetPt.
18 Input #5 BIAS
Temperature SetPt.
19 Input #6 BIAS
Temperature SetPt.
20 Input #7 BIAS
Temperature SetPt.
21 Input #8 BIAS
Temperature SetPt.
22 Input #9 BIAS
Temperature SetPt.
23 Input #10 BIAS
Temperature SetPt.
24 Input #11 BIAS
Temperature SetPt.
25 Input #12 BIAS
Temperature SetPt.
The factory default settings for all the BIAS Temperature Setpts Var14 through Var25 is 0000, which enables all Analog Inputs, but which disables their BIAS alarm feature. (More details about the
BIAS alarm feature later).
What temperature scale do you want to use, Fº
Fahrenheit or Cº Celsius?
Set Var30 Temperature_Display_Select as needed.
Variable Default
Var30 Temperature_Display_
Select. 0000 = Fahrenheit, Fº. 0001 = Celsius, Cº.
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E) What temperature levels do you want for the
‘Yellow_Alarm’ Warning Setpt, and the ‘Red_ Alarm’ Shutdown Setpt?
Set the following variables as needed:
Variable Default
Var12 Warning_Setpt_
Temperature (‘Yellow_Alarm’)
Var13 Shutdown_Setpt_ Temperature (‘Red_Alarm’)
Do you want to use the BIAS Temperature Setpt
alarm feature?
This is where the temperature difference (or deviation) of a left-side temperature sensor triggers a BIAS Setpt ‘Yellow_Alarm’ if it exceeds its right-side companion sensor by the left-side BIAS Setpt amount (and likewise vice-versa). The BIAS Setpts are in Var14 through
Var25 (as shown in the table to the left). The factory default settings for all the BIAS Temperature Setpts Var14 through Var25 is 0000, which enables all Analog Inputs, but which disables their BIAS alarm feature.
See the table on page 5 of the Reference portion of the User Manual for more details about left-side/right-side temperature sensor BIAS companion pairs.
 If you want to use the BIAS Temperature Setpt
alarm feature, then set the desired Analog Input’s VarXX BIAS Temperature Setpt to the deviation desired, in degrees. – For example, set left-side Input #1 temperature
sensor’s BIAS setpt Var14 to 0020 degrees if you want a BIAS Setpt ‘Yellow_Alarm’ to happen when Input #1’s temperature rises 20 degrees higher than its right-side companion’s temperature at Input #2.
 If you do NOT want to use the BIAS Temperature
Setpt alarm feature, then set (or leave) the desired
Analog Input’s VarXX BIAS Temperature Setpt to 0000 (to disable the BIAS Setpt feature).
See section (3, A) above for which Analog Input is a left-side input and which Analog Input is a right-side input (as set by the position of the Analog Input’s corresponding 3-digit LED display on the ES1’s Front­Panel). See section (3, C) above for the correlation between VarXX BIAS Temperature Setpts and the Analog Input #’s. See the “UserVar Variables” section in the Reference portion of the User Manual for details on any of the above mentioned VarXX’s, if so needed.
What Temperature or Contact Closure alarms do
you need?
Is a Temperature or Contact Closure Warning Alarm or a Temperature Shutdown Alarm needed?
If so, connect the application’s ‘alarm’ circuitry to the ES1’s terminal blocks as shown in the following table:
Function Relay
(Speed or) Temperature Shutdown alarm (N/A to Contact Closure)
(Speed or) Temperature/ Contact Closure Warning alarm
(These two ES1 relay outputs are ‘Dual Form C SPDT’).
4 TB24
3 TB22
4) Do you need a Horn, a Red Light, a Yellow Light,
or a Green Light for audio/visual alarm indication, whenever a Speed alarm, a Temperature alarm or a Contact Closure alarm occurs?
A) If you need a Horn, then set Var33 Horn_Operation_
Select, as needed:
Variable Default
Var33 Horn_Operation_Select.
See details in Reference Section. Note: A setting of 0999 is for a solid blast until a manual ‘Silence_Horn/Alarm_RESET’ command is given.
See Reference portion page 6 for details on Var33. Then connect the application’s ‘Horn’ circuitry to the
ES1 as shown in the table below.
B) If you need a Red Light, a Yellow Light, or a Green
Light then connect the application’s ‘Light(stack)’ circuitry to the ES1’s terminal blocks as shown in the following table:
Horn or Light(stack)
Horn 8 TB28
Red Light(stack) 7 TB27
Yellow Light(stack) 6 TB26
Green Light(stack) 5 TB25
(These four ES1 relay outputs are ‘Single Form A
Output #
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5) Do you need to use the Hour Meter?
A) NO, the Hour Meter is not needed:
 Skip User Variables Var31 and Var32.  Skip Var34 Hour_and_Speed_Command_Select
[unless you already set-up Var34 for Speed Monitoring - then leave Var34 ‘as-is’].
B) YES, the Hour Meter is needed: Set the following variables as needed:
Variable Default
Var31 Hour_Meter_Warning_
Var32 Hour_Meter_ Maintenance_Time
Var34 Hour_and_Speed_ Command_Select. 0000 = Maintained
0001 = One-Shot Disable/Enable
with Disable = Closed
0002 = One-Shot Disable/Enable
with Disable = Open.
chart on the inside of the Electro-Sentry 1’s front cover.
Note: The Hour Meter increments and its discrete Green/ Yellow/Red LEDs light-up only if all of the following are true:
· If Var31 is non-zero.
(i.e., Var31 = 0000 disables the Hour Meter).
· AND If in Normal Mode, not in Program Mode.
(i.e., Being in Program Mode disables the Hour Meter).
· AND If the Hour_and_Speed_Enable command
is present. (i.e., The Hour_and_Speed_Disable
command disables the Hour Meter). If any one of these three prerequisites are NOT met, then the Hour Meter does NOT increment hours, NOR do the Hour Meter’s discrete Green/Yellow/Red LEDs light-up as per the number of hours reached.
6) Leave Var35 Test Mode Select at the default value of
‘0000’, to operate the ES1 in the ‘real-live-data-mode’.
7) Please see the Reference Section of the User Manual
for details of any of the UserVars.
8) Please see the Reference Section of the User Manual
for details of the TBx terminal blocks (found on pages 18 and 19 of the Reference Section), or use the handy diagram silkscreened into the back side of the Front­Panel.
9) For easy reference, log your user variable values in the
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990-005500 Revision D
Electro-Sentry 1 Reference Manual
The Electro-Sentry 1 (a.k.a. ES1) is a Complete Single-Leg Hazard Monitoring System. The ES1 contains the following: At-a-glance Temp/Speed monitoring with alarm identification,
for up to twelve 4-20 mA analog Temperature sensors, and for one 4-20 mA analog or pulse-train Speed sensor.
8 relay outputs, for Temperature/Speed alarms, for a Green/
Yellow/Red Lightstack operation, and for a Horn.
Built-in Hour Meter to aid in maintenance schedules. Minimal end-user calibration and setup, with calibration stored
in non-volatile EEPROM memory.
Easy one-button tests of systems and alarms, for simulating
temperature increases and speed decreases.
Rugged, industrial-duty systems and sensors.
Front-Panel Displays
• Twelve Temperature 3-digit LED displays, each with its own discrete Green/Yellow/Red status LED.
• One Speed 4-digit LED display, with its own discrete Green/ Yellow/Red status LED.
• One Hour Meter 4-digit LED display, with its own discrete Green/Yellow/Red status LED.
• One Four-digit LCD display to aid in programming UserVars (located in lower-left-corner of Front-Panel).
Front-Panel User Interface
• Four Push-buttons for programming UserVars. The buttons are ENTER, SHIFT-LEFT, INCRement, and DECPT.
• One Push-button for Hour_Meter_RESET.
• One Push-button for Test_Left_Side_Temperature_Rise.
• One Push-button for Test_Right_Side_Temperature_Rise.
• One Push-button for Test_Speed_Drop.
The enclosure is rated: NEMA 3R, NEMA 4, NEMA 4X, and NEMA 12. Customer to cut their own conduit holes, preferably in the bottom wall of the enclosure.
Modes of Operation:
The Electro-Sentry 1 has two modes of operation, Normal Mode and Program Mode. When in either mode the Front-Panel temperature and speed displays, and their alarms are active. The presence of either mode can be seen by looking at the small four-digit LCD display located in the lower-left-corner of the Front-Panel, as follows.
Normal Mode
This mode is the normal operation mode, and it is to be used when the user is NOT changing any of the UserVars. The Normal Mode is indicated by the absence of the “VAR” icon in the lower-left-corner of the LCD display.
Program Mode
This mode allows the user to change the UserVar variables. The LCD display will display the name of the present active variable (as ‘PrXX’) or its value (as ‘XXXX’). The Program Mode is indicated by the presence of the “VAR” icon in the lower-left-corner of the LCD display.
Entering and Using Program Mode:
Programming is accomplished by using the four pushbuttons located in the lower left corner of the Front-Panel. The four UserVar programming buttons are ENTer, Shift-left, INCRement, and DECPT. a) Press the ENTer button. The “Var” icon will display on the
LCD and the 4 digits will show “PR01”.
b) Press the INCRement button repeatedly until you get to the
variable you want to change. c) Press the ENTer button to access that variable. d) While in that variable you must press the INCRement button
to change the active digit (flashing digit), then press the
Shift-left button to work your way through all accessible
digits. (Not all digits are accessible in all UserVars). e) When you are done with that variable press the ENTer button
to save that new UserVar value, and return to the ‘PrXX’ list. f) To step to the next variable in the ‘PrXX’ list press the
INCRement button. g) To exit the Program Mode and get back to Normal Mode,
repeatedly press the INCRement button while in the ‘PrXX’
list until the “VAR” icon disappears, or simply press the
DECPT button while in the ‘PrXX’ list to make a ‘quick-
exit’ out of Program Mode. Note: If the user does NOT manually exit the Program
Mode, and if there is no further activity in Program
Mode for one minute, then the ES1 automatically
exits the Program Mode.
When this ‘auto-exit’ is performed, any UserVar
that was changed and accepted by pressing the ENTER button during the present Program Mode session will have their new value properly retained.
If the LCD screen was displaying a UserVar’s value
(and not displaying the name ‘PrXX’) at the instant the ‘auto-exit’ was performed, then that particular UserVar value is restored to its previous value (and its new unsaved value is lost). This since the user had NOT pressed the ENTER button during the present Program Mode session to accept the present ‘flashing’ new value of that UserVar.
Note: Electro-Sentry 1’s UserVars all have the decimal point
locked in the far right position.
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How to reset the Electro-Sentry 1’s UserVars back to factory-defaults
Use this procedure to reset the Electro-Sentry 1’s UserVars back to factory-default values:
1) Remove the Vac power.
2) Simultaneously press and hold the INCRement and ENTER buttons (located just below the small four-digit LCD display in the lower-left-corner of the Front-Panel).
3) Re-apply the Vac power.
4) When the small LCD display shows “rESE”, release the buttons. (The UserVars have now been automatically reset to their factory-default values).
The UserVar Variables:
Speed variables (Var01 through Var10)
The Electro-Sentry 1 has two speed signal inputs (only one at a time can be programmed for use, as per Var01):
 the first input accepts a 4-20 mA signal (TB16),  the second input accepts pulse train signals (TB30).
Var01. Encoder_Type_Select.
The Var01 range is limited to these below listed choices:
Factory default for Var01 is 0000 for 4-20 mA Encoder Type.
If Var01=0001 for Pulse-Train Encoder Type, then the NPN vs PNP or 5V logic-level Encoder Type is further selected by SW9 (the 3-pin DIP switch located on the back side of the Front Panel, to the left of the J7 ribbon cable) as follows:
Switch Pin # 1 Pullup 2 Pulldown 3 Cap filter
Note: Switch ‘ON’ is towards your right when facing SW9.
Speed Signal
SW9 Switch
Speed vs. mA or RPM
Reference Points
0% speed = 4mA = 0 RPM. 20mA = Var03_RPM_at_20mA (but this 20mA point is NOT nec­essarily the 100% speed point. See Var10 MAX_ANALOG_RPM for related information).
0% speed = 0 RPM. 100% speed = Var03_PULSE_ MAX_RPM
Var02. Pulse_Per_Rev Value.
This is the number of pulses generated by the rotating magnetic target.
Var02 range is 0000 to 9999 PPR. Factory default for Var02 is 0008 PPR,
Note: If Var01=0000 for the 4-20 mA Analog Encoder Type,
then Var02 is irrelevant and its value is ignored, and a value of 60 PPR is assumed for internal frequency calculations.
Var03. PULSE_MAX_RPM or RPM_at_20mA.
If Var01=0000 for 4-20mA encoder type, then Var03 is the encoder’s rated RPM that corresponds to a 20mA output. If Var01=0001 for Pulse-Train encoder type, then Var03 is the maximum RPM of the rotating magnetic target seen in the application.
Var03 range is 0000 to 9999 RPM. Factory default for Var03 is 0200 RPM.
Var04. Speed_Slowdown_Alarm_Setpt_%
Var04 is the speed at which a slowdown warning alarm occurs,
as expressed in % of Var03 PULSE_MAX_RPM for pulse-train encoders, and % of Var10 MAX_ANALOG_RPM for 4-20mA encoders. (Alarms as: Speed display’s discrete Yellow-LED / Yellow-Lightstack-Relay / Speed-Only-Warning-Relay / Speed-Temperature-Warning-Relay / Horn-Relay).
Var04 range is 0000 to 2000 %. Factory default for Var04 is 0090 %.
Var05. Speed_Slowdown_Alarm_Delay.
This is the number of seconds to wait after the speed has dropped below the slowdown Setpt, before actually triggering the alarm.
Var05 range is 0000 to 0030 seconds. Factory default for Var05 is 0001 second.
Var06. Speed_Shutdown_Alarm_Setpt_%.
Var06 is the speed at which a shutdown alarm occurs as
expressed in % of Var03 PULSE_MAX_RPM for pulse-train encoders, and % of Var10 MAX_ANALOG_RPM for 4-20mA encoders. (Alarms as: Speed display’s discrete Red-LED / Red-Lightstack-Relay / Speed-Only-Shutdown-Relay / Speed-Temperature-Shutdown-Relay / Horn-Relay).
Var06 range is 0000 to 2000 %. Factory default for Var06 is 0080 %.
Var07. Speed_Shutdown_Alarm_Delay.
This is the number of seconds to wait after the speed has dropped below the shutdown Setpt, before actually triggering the alarm.
Var07 range is 0000 to 0030 seconds. Factory default for Var07 is 0001 second.
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