electronics trading & production SwayStar User Manual

Manual English
Manual UK SwayStar v3 20 02_eng.odt | Date: 25/01/2007 10:43:46 PM| Version: 2.00.02 Page 1 of 28
1 Contents
1 CONTENTS................................................................................................................2
2 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................4
2.1 GENERAL.............................................................................................................................4
2.2 TECHNICAL SAFETY................................................................................................................ 5
2.3 INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE...........................................................................................................6
2.4 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS.......................................................................................................... 7
2.5 DURABILITY.......................................................................................................................... 7
3 DELIVERY..................................................................................................................8
3.1 ACCESSORIES....................................................................................................................... 8
4 DESCRIPTION OF SWAYSTAR™............................................................................9
4.1 THE SYSTEM........................................................................................................................9
4.2 APPLICATIONS.......................................................................................................................9
5 NEW FUNCTIONS...................................................................................................11
6.1.1 Installation of the Bluetooth® driver for the Dongle................................................................................ 12
7 GETTING STARTED / ASSEMBLY........................................................................14
7.1.1 Checking the Bluetooth® connection ..................................................................................................... 15
7.3.1 Placement of the belt.............................................................................................................................. 17
8 CHARGING THE BATTERIES................................................................................18
9 INDICATOR LIGHTS...............................................................................................19
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10 CLEANING / CARE / MAINTENANCE..................................................................21
11 STORAGE AND TRANSPORT.............................................................................22
12 TROUBLESHOOTING...........................................................................................23
13 WARRANTY...........................................................................................................24
14 DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY......................................................................25
15 TECHNICAL DATA................................................................................................26
16 MANUFACTURER.................................................................................................28
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2 Introduction
2.1 General
You have purchased a SwayStar™ System from etp and BII to measure balance and perform movement analyses. We thank you for your trust in our product. SwayStar™ has been developed and manufactured
according to the specifications and regulations of the current available technology. All components fulfil the
demands for functionality and safety and have the CE-mark according to the requirements 93/42/EWG for
medical products.
To facilitate the use of the system,
we created this manual….
…which describes the technique and use of the system
…which provides you with advice for storage and care of the system
…which helps you with troubleshooting.
Every person, who uses this product, should have read the paragraphs of this manual, which are
marked with this symbol. Please retain this manual. It should be available for all employees at all
times. This will avoid handling errors and insures undisturbed operating of the system.
The texts and pictures in this manual do not necessarily correspond to the shipment received, and the symbols
are not mapped to scale.
Technical alterations to the system may occur.
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2.2 Technical safety
Before using the device for the first time, check it for any transportation damage. Before connecting and starting
up the SwayStar™ it is imperative to read the manual in order to avoid faulty installation. Please carry out the
instructions carefully to be able to use SwayStar™ without any problems.
Please notice, that the device has an active power source (lithium-ion-battery). To recharge the battery, use the
cables provided with the device.
Do not open the device or one of its components!
When you have a problem with the device or one of its components, please contact your supplier or technical
contact person.
As a power source (in Europe) you should use a properly installed power socket (220 / 230 Volt, 50 Hz). The
power cord is only to be removed from the power socket by grasping and pulling out the plug. Do not touch the
plug with wet hands. Do not loop or bend the power cord or connecting cable around sharp edges. In general;
protect the connecting cable and power cord against any mechanical damage. Lay the cables from the device
avoiding the risk of compressing the cables and do not place anything on the power cord.
Following DIN EN 60601-1-2 you should notice that for the SwayStar™ device special precautions
should be taken conceerning electromagnetic (EM) exposure. The device was tested according to
EM-guidelines and is safe for use under normal circumstances. Portable and mobile HF-equipment
can influence the function of the device, but not its safety.
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2.3 Instructions for use
General instruction: Handle your device with care! Always store the device properly in the suitcase and hold it
safely in your hands when manipulating it. This will prevent the device from being dropped and therefore damage
to the device. Always check the attachment of the device to the belt, to prevent unintended detachment or
dropping of the device from the belt.
Only use the accessories (Bluetooth® Adaptor, power supply, power cord etc.) that were provided to
you with the SwayStar™ device. You cannot perform a measurement while the device is connected
with the power cord. The device recognizes connection to the power cord and will only allow
measurements when the battery has been charged (notice chapter 8 „Charging the battery“!). You
can check the power-status by looking at the control-LED (see chapter 9 „Lower LED (control-LED)“).
The device should be shut down after use, by switching it off at the main switch (see left), because
the device remains active when turned on until the battery is empty. Please check the control-LED
(see chapter 9) and the position of the switch, so that you do not have to recharge the battery
between measurements; this will save you time.
The device should not be exposed to temperatures under +20°C and over +40°C during
measurements but also when the device is stored. In lower or higher temperatures, safe use of the
device is not possible; moreover it can influence the measurement results.
The SwayStar™ device is not protected against water sprays. To guarantee that it functions safely, it
should not be used in bath or simming rooms, nor should it be exposed to high humidity. Optimal use
is warranted in dry rooms. The device should not be used outside and should be kept (especially
when operating) far from water sources, e.g. bassins or filled waterbuckets.
The use of the device with patients is only allowed by specialized medical staff. During
measurements, an assistant should be present to help the patients with the tasks and prevent falling
in case of balance loss. This warrants a safe use of SwayStar™ .
The SwayStar™ system (device and accessories) should only be transported and stored in the
suitcase that is delivered with the device. The suitcase has been specially developed, so that the
system and its accessories can be stored in a safe manner.
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2.4 System requirements
Hardware minimal requirements PC:
Pentium III / 850 MHz
128 MB memory (Network-PC: 256 MB)
8-fold CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive
Graphic-card with 16 MB memory
(Laptops with „Shared Video Memory“ are not recommended)
30 MB free hard-disc memory for the installation
500 MB free hard-disc memory, (for Network-PC: 1GB) for saving the data
Software minimal requirements PC:
Windows NT, 2000 or XP (Home and Professional)
Internet-Explorer (Version 4.0 and higher)
Adobe Reader
Administrator rights to install the driver and software
(contact your system administrator)
If you would like to print the measurements and analyses, you will need an additional printer (not provided in
2.5 Durability
The expected durability of SwayStar™ is dependent on the quality of the handling, cleaning, as well as transport
and storage. With appropriate use and cleaning, a life-span of 10 years is presumed. Exceptions are the plugs
and lithium-ion-batteries, and other non-durable components.
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3 Delivery
Please check that the product was delivered to you with all its components.
Nr. Description Product number
SwayStar™ device V3.00
(distributor specific product numbers)
One of the following numbers:
109939, 109995, 109996,
109997 or 109998
02 SwayStar™ USB Adapter (Bluetooth™ Dongle) 109984
03 Power supply unit FRIWO MPP15 with power cord (2 m) 109978
04 Power adapter EURO 008135
05 Power adapter UK 008136
06 Power adapter USA 008137
07 Power adapter Australien 008138
08 Power adapter ROW (Rest of the World) 008407
SwayStar™ Belt size M
SwayStar™ Belt size XXL
SwayStar™ Manual
SwayStar™ Suitcase
The SwayStar™ device housings have distributor specific logos.
Accessories can be ordered for replacement, using the product number.
3.1 Accessories
Nr. Description Product number
13 Operator software SwayStar™ (accompanying CD-ROM)
Software manual SwayStar™ (accompanying CD-ROM)
15 Standard Windows-PC or Laptop with USB-port Not included in delivery
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4 Description of SwayStar™
4.1 The System
SwayStar™ is an easy to use and precise measuring system of body movements during standing and gait, or
during other movements. It is designed for use with patients that have balance or orthopaedic problems, which
could be caused especially by ageing, neurological deficits, whiplash injuries or hip joint problems.
SwayStar™ consists of a measuring device, which is held in place on the upper part of the patient’s back with
the help of a belt. Its very sensitive sensors measure angle and angular velocity of the trunk. The connection to
the PC, in which the movements of the patients are recorded, is established using a wireless radio communication
(Bluetooth®). By means of a proprietary SwayStar™ software program, the different variables are processed,
recorded and calculated. The level of accuracy is extremely high (<0,01 °/s).
4.2 Applications
The device and its software can be used for the following purposes:
Clinical examinations of balance and other motor dysfunctions
Checking the progress of a treatment or a surgical operation
Scientific studies on standing and walking capacities in humans
Use for other applications should be communicated in written form to etp and BII.
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