Electronics Research, Inc. 100A Series, 100A-2F-HW, 100A-2F, 100A-1M Installation Instructions Manual

100A Series Low Power FM Antenna
Types 100A-1M, 100A-2F, 100A-2F-HW
20100326001_AEN Revision 03
Electronics Research, Inc. | 7777 Gardner Road, Chandler, IN 47610 USA | www.eriinc.com | +1 (812) 925-60000
Installation Instructions
The installation, maintenance, or removal of antenna systems requires qualied, experienced personnel. ERI installation instructions are written for such personnel. Antenna systems should be inspected once a year by qualied personnel to verify proper installation, maintenance, and condition of equipment. ERI disclaims any liability or responsibility for the results of improper installation practices.
Before beginning the assembly and installation of the 100A Series antenna system, make sure all parts are present.
Tools Required (not included):
5/32 Inch Allen wrench •
9/16 Inch Open-end wrench •
Adjustable wrench (15/16 Inch Capacity) •
Ruler or Tape Measure accurate to 1/16 inch (0.15 • cm)
NOTE: A torque wrench adaptable to tools mentioned above will be helpful in the installation process.
Element Boom Assembly (qty 1)1.
Element Arm Assembly (qty 2)2.
Arm Extender Kit (qty 4)3.
Universal Mounting Clamps (qty 2)4.
Cable Ties (qty 10)5.
* The parts listed are for the 100A-1M. For type numbers 100A-2F and 100A-2F-HW, an additional 100A element (as described above) and a PD100A power divider are included.
Step 1: Secure the Feed Grounding Ring to the Element Arm
To ensure a good electrical connection between 1. the Grounding Ring and the Element Arm, temporarily remove the 5/16 wing-nut, lock­washer and at-washers from the grounding set-screw.
Next, locate your frequency range and antenna 2. type number in the table below and nd the corresponding grounding ring position (1, 2, 3, or 4).
Now slide the Grounding Ring over the spot 3. that corresponds to the correct grounding ring position.
Using a 5/32 inch Allen wrench, tighten the set-4. screw to 11 lbf·ft (15 N·m) torque imbedding the screw into the Element Arm.
Repeat Step 1 for the remaining Element Arm 5. assemblies.
Step 2: Install Arm Extenders
Loosen the 15/16 inch End Fastener (brass nut 1. found at each end of both element arms) to the point where the Arm Extenders can be freely inserted. NOTE: As shipped, the element arm’s 15/16 inch end fasteners are pre-tightened in order to trap the assemblies’ internal compression ring. Caution should be exercised while performing this operation. Removing the nut could result in the loss of the internal compression ring.
Insert an Arm Extender into each end of the 2. Element Arms.
Locate your frequency range and antenna type 3. number in the Tip Length table (right) and nd the corresponding Tip Length "L". NOTE: Be certain that you are using the length that corresponds both to your antenna frequency and type number.
Position each Arm Extender so that the exposed 4. length is "L" (from the table). This Length is measured from the top of the 15/16 inch clamping nut to the tip of arm extender. NOTE: The extender tip length is critical and must be set correctly.
Once the Arm Extender is set, secure the 5. connection with an adjustable wrench and torque to 15 lbf·ft (21 N·m) .
5/16 wing-nut, lock-washer
and at-washers
Step 1
Step 2
15/16 End Fastener
Grounding Ring Position
1 2 3 4
100A-1M 96.5 - 108.0 92.5 - 96.4 87.5 - 92.4
100A-2F 96.5 - 108.0 92.5 - 96.4 87.5 - 92.4
100A-2F-HW 97.5 - 108.0 87.5 - 89.4 89.5 - 97.4
Step 3: Mount the Element Arms to the Element Boom
Remove the mounting hardware (stainless steel 1. 3/8 at-washer, lock-washer and nut) from both Boom Cradle Brackets. (Step 3 a)
Place one Element Arm into each Boom Cradle 2. Bracket with the Feed Strap Stud pointing up. (Step 3 b)
Secure the arm to the threaded post using the 3. mounting hardware (stainless steel 3/8 at­washer, lock-washer and nut).
Tighten the cradle nut until the cradle’s sharp 4. grounding point is rmly seated into the Element Arm material and the lock washer is compressed, approximately 12 lbf·ft (16 N·m) torque.
Step 3b
Step 3a
Boom Cradle Brackets
Tip Length, ‘L’
Frequency Range
100A-1M 100A-2F 100A-2F-HW
inch cm inch cm inch cm
107.5 - 108.0 2 5/16 5.87 2 1/4 5.72 1 7/8 4.76
106.5 - 107.4 2 3/4 6.99 2 5/8 6.67 2 1/8 5.40
105.5 - 106.4 3 7.62 3 7.62 2 1/2 6.35
104.5 - 105.4 3 5/16 8.41 3 3/8 8.57 2 29/32 7.38
103.5 - 104.4 3 11/16 9.37 3 3/4 9.53 3 5/16 8.41
102.5 - 103.4 4 10.16 4 1/8 10.48 3 11/16 9.37
101.5 - 102.4 4 3/8 11.11 4 9/16 11.59 4 1/16 10.32
100.5 - 101.4 4 5/8 11.75 4 7/8 12.38 4 1/2 11.43
99.5 - 100.4 5 12.7 5 3/16 13.18 4 7/8 12.38
98.5 - 99.4 5 5/16 13.49 5 9/16 14.13 5 3/16 13.18
97.5 - 98.4 5 5/8 14.29 5 7/8 14.92 5 19/32 14.21
96.5 - 97.4 6 1/16 15.4 6 1/4 15.88 5 11/16 14.45
95.5 - 96.4 6 3/16 15.72 6 5/16 16.03 6 1/16 15.40
94.5 - 95.4 6 9/16 16.67 6 5/8 16.83 6 7/16 16.35
93.5 - 94.4 7 1/8 18.1 7 17.78 6 13/16 17.30
92.5 - 93.4 7 5/16 18.57 7 3/8 18.73 7 3/16 18.26
91.5 - 92.4 7 1/2 19.05 7 1/2 19.05 7 3/16 18.26
90.5 - 91.4 7 7/8 20 7 7/8 20 8 1/16 20.48
89.5 - 90.4 8 5/16 21.11 8 5/16 21.11 8 1/2 21.59
88.5 - 89.4 8 3/4 22.23 8 3/4 22.23 9 1/8 23.18
87.5 - 88.4 9 3/16 23.34 9 3/16 23.34 9 5/8 24.45
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