Step 3: Mount the Element Arms to the
Element Boom
Remove the mounting hardware (stainless steel 1.
3/8 at-washer, lock-washer and nut) from both
Boom Cradle Brackets. (Step 3 a)
Place one Element Arm into each Boom Cradle 2.
Bracket with the Feed Strap Stud pointing up.
(Step 3 b)
Secure the arm to the threaded post using the 3.
mounting hardware (stainless steel 3/8 atwasher, lock-washer and nut).
Tighten the cradle nut until the cradle’s sharp 4.
grounding point is rmly seated into the Element
Arm material and the lock washer is compressed,
approximately 12 lbf·ft (16 N·m) torque.
Step 3b
Step 3a
Boom Cradle Brackets
Tip Length, ‘L’
100A-1M 100A-2F 100A-2F-HW
inch cm inch cm inch cm
107.5 - 108.0 2 5/16 5.87 2 1/4 5.72 1 7/8 4.76
106.5 - 107.4 2 3/4 6.99 2 5/8 6.67 2 1/8 5.40
105.5 - 106.4 3 7.62 3 7.62 2 1/2 6.35
104.5 - 105.4 3 5/16 8.41 3 3/8 8.57 2 29/32 7.38
103.5 - 104.4 3 11/16 9.37 3 3/4 9.53 3 5/16 8.41
102.5 - 103.4 4 10.16 4 1/8 10.48 3 11/16 9.37
101.5 - 102.4 4 3/8 11.11 4 9/16 11.59 4 1/16 10.32
100.5 - 101.4 4 5/8 11.75 4 7/8 12.38 4 1/2 11.43
99.5 - 100.4 5 12.7 5 3/16 13.18 4 7/8 12.38
98.5 - 99.4 5 5/16 13.49 5 9/16 14.13 5 3/16 13.18
97.5 - 98.4 5 5/8 14.29 5 7/8 14.92 5 19/32 14.21
96.5 - 97.4 6 1/16 15.4 6 1/4 15.88 5 11/16 14.45
95.5 - 96.4 6 3/16 15.72 6 5/16 16.03 6 1/16 15.40
94.5 - 95.4 6 9/16 16.67 6 5/8 16.83 6 7/16 16.35
93.5 - 94.4 7 1/8 18.1 7 17.78 6 13/16 17.30
92.5 - 93.4 7 5/16 18.57 7 3/8 18.73 7 3/16 18.26
91.5 - 92.4 7 1/2 19.05 7 1/2 19.05 7 3/16 18.26
90.5 - 91.4 7 7/8 20 7 7/8 20 8 1/16 20.48
89.5 - 90.4 8 5/16 21.11 8 5/16 21.11 8 1/2 21.59
88.5 - 89.4 8 3/4 22.23 8 3/4 22.23 9 1/8 23.18
87.5 - 88.4 9 3/16 23.34 9 3/16 23.34 9 5/8 24.45