Electromotive tec3r Installation Manual & Users Manual

Product Installation Manual
& User’s Guide
Electromotive, Inc 703-331-0100 9131 Centreville Road 703-331-0100 fax Manassas,VA 20110 support@electromotive.com
Table of Contents
Term and Conditions .................................................................................... 7
Electromotive, Inc. Limited Product Warranty ......................................................................... 7
New Product Limited Warranty: .............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
If You Need Warranty Service:................................................................................................. 7
Out-of-Warranty Product Repair .............................................................................................. 7
Third Party Products and Parts: ................................................................................................ 7
Warranty Exclusions ................................................................................................................. 7
Determinations: ......................................................................................................................... 8
Disclaimer of Implied Warranties: ............................................................................................ 8
Exclusion of Damages: ............................................................................................................. 8
Forward .................................................................................................. 9
A. Installing the Tec3-r System ......................................................... 10
A.1. How it All Works: The Two Pages You Need to Read ........................ 10
A.2. Pre-Installation Checklist ....................................................................... 11
A.3. Mounting the Main Computer and DFU .............................................. 12
A.4. Trigger Wheel and Sensor Installation ................................................. 13
A.4.a. Crankshaft Trigger Installation for 60(-2) Tooth Wheel ............................................. 14
A.4.b. Magnetic Crank Sensor Installation ............................................................................ 14
A.4.d. Verifying Trigger Wheel Timing ................................................................................ 16
A.4.e. Camshaft- & Distributor-Mounted Trigger Setups ..................................................... 18
A.4.f. Full Sequential Applications – Cam Synchronization ................................................. 18
A.4.g. TDC Tooth Setup Software Adjustment Parameters .................................................. 19
A.5. Wiring the Tec3-r .................................................................................... 22
A.5.a. Tec3-r Main Power Connections ............................................................................... 22
A.5.b. Power Harness Installation .......................................................................................... 22
A.5.c. Wiring the Fuel Injectors ............................................................................................. 23
A.5.d. Wiring the DFU’s ........................................................................................................ 24
A.5.e. Wiring the Engine Sensors .......................................................................................... 24
B. Tuning Guide ................................................................................. 25
Introduction ...................................................................................................... 25
B.1. Adjusting the Timing Advance ............................................................... 25
B.2. Establishing Proper Starting Enrichments ........................................... 26
B.3. Getting the Engine to Idle ....................................................................... 27
B.4. Establishing Proper Acceleration Enrichments ................................... 27
B.5. Adjusting the VE Table ........................................................................... 28
B.6. Using TPS/MAP Blend ............................................................................ 29
B.7. Tuning for Cold Engines and Cold Weather ........................................ 29
B.8. Tuning the Idle Air Control Motor ........................................................ 30
B.8.a Configuring the New Electromotive Idle Speed Control ............................................ 30
B.8.b. Idle Speed primer ........................................................................................................ 31
B.8.c Getting Started .............................................................................................................. 31
B.8.d Error Sensitivity ........................................................................................................... 32
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B.8.e. RPM Rate-of-Change Sensitivity ................................................................................ 32
B.8.f. Wiring a 2-wire IAC: ................................................................................................... 33
B.8.g. Wiring a 3-wire IAC: .................................................................................................. 34
B.9. Tuning the Knock Control ...................................................................... 34
B.10. Using the Injector Trims ....................................................................... 34
B.11. Using the Ignition Advance Trims ....................................................... 35
B.12. Tuning the EGO Sensor ........................................................................ 35
C. Direct Fire Units (DFU’s) ............................................................. 36
Introduction ...................................................................................................... 36
C.1. Wiring the DFU’s .................................................................................... 36
C.2. DFU to Spark Plugs ................................................................................. 37
C.3. Spark Plug Wire Routing ....................................................................... 40
C.3.a. Common Engine Setups .............................................................................................. 40
C.3.b. Special Note for Coil-Per-Plug Applications .............................................................. 41
C.4. Coil and Injector Firing Schemes .......................................................... 43
C.4.a. Injector and Coil Firing Patterns for EVEN-FIRE Engines ........................................ 43
C.4.a. Injector and Coil Firing Patterns for EVEN-FIRE Engines (continued) ..................... 44
C.4.b. Injector and Coil Firing Patterns for ROTARY Engines ............................................ 45
C.4.c. Injector and Coil Firing Patterns for 2-CYCLE Engines ............................................ 45
C.4.c. Injector and Coil Firing Patterns for 2-CYCLE Engine (continued) ........................... 46
C.4.d. Injector and Coil Firing Patterns for ODD-FIRE Engines .......................................... 46
C.4.d. Injector and Coil Firing Patterns for ODD-FIRE Engines (continued) ....................... 47
C.4.e. Examples of Typical Engine Setups : ......................................................................... 47
C.5. Common Firing Orders .......................................................................... 49
C.6. Odd-Fire Engines ..................................................................................... 49
C.6.a. To find the TDC Event Order: ..................................................................................... 50
C.6.b. TDC Tooth for DFU “2” needed for an Odd-Fire Engine: ......................................... 50
C.6.c. Harley-Davidson Applications .................................................................................... 50
C.7. Rotary Engines ......................................................................................... 51
C.8. Dual Plug Engines .................................................................................... 51
C.9. Spark Plug Wire Selection ...................................................................... 52
C.10. Spark Plug Selection .............................................................................. 52
D. Fuel Injector Configurations ........................................................ 53
D.1. High vs. Low Impedance Injectors ........................................................ 53
D.2. Injector Firing Schemes .......................................................................... 55
D.2.a. Staged Injection ........................................................................................................... 56
D.2.b. Throttle Body Injection (TBI) ..................................................................................... 56
D.2.c. Phase-Sequential Injection .......................................................................................... 57
D.2.d. Full Sequential Injection ............................................................................................. 58
D.2.e. Rotary Engine Injection ............................................................................................... 59
D.3. Injector Wiring ........................................................................................ 60
D.4. Fuel Injector Pulse Width Derivation ................................................... 61
D.4.a. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 61
D.4.b. User Adjustable Pulse Width (UAP) ........................................................................... 63
D.4.c. Pulse Width Offset Time (POT) .................................................................................. 65
D.4.d. Volumetric Efficiency Table Corrections ................................................................... 66
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D.4.e. TPS/MAP Blend Corrections ...................................................................................... 67
D.4.f. Oxygen Sensor Corrections ......................................................................................... 69
D.4.g. Warm-Up Enrichments (Coolant Temperature-Based)............................................... 71
D.4.h. Manifold Air Temperature Enrichments ..................................................................... 72
D.4.i. Throttle Position Sensor and MAP Enrichments ......................................................... 73
D.4.j. Starting Enrichments .................................................................................................... 74
D.4.k. Battery Voltage Compensation ................................................................................... 75
D.4.l. Deceleration Fuel Cut-Off ........................................................................................... 75
D.4.m. Summary .................................................................................................................... 76
E. Fuel System .................................................................................................. 76
E.1. Injector Sizing .......................................................................................... 77
E.2. Fuel Pump Selection ................................................................................ 81
E.3. Fuel Pressure Regulator Selection ......................................................... 81
F. Tec3-r Output Functions and Wiring ........................................ 82
F.1 Idle Air Control Motor ............................................................................. 82
F.2. Tachometer Output ................................................................................. 84
F.3. The Fuel Pump Relay Output ................................................................. 84
CAUTION: ........................................................................................................ 84
F.4. The General Purpose Outputs (GPO’s) and the Spare Output .......... 85
F.4.a. Available GPO Functions ............................................................................................ 85
F.4.b. The Spare Output Function and Harness Layout ......................................................... 86
F.4.c. Wiring the GPO’s and the Spare Output ...................................................................... 86
F.4.d. GPO Wiring Harness Layout ....................................................................................... 88
G. Tec3-r Input Functions and Wiring ......................................... 88
G.1. The Manifold Air Pressure (MAP) Sensor ........................................... 88
G.2. Throttle Position Sensor ......................................................................... 91
G.3. Coolant Temperature Sensor ................................................................. 93
G.4. Manifold Air Temperature Sensor ........................................................ 95
G.5. The Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor ........................................................... 95
Mounting the Sensor ............................................................................................................... 95
G.6. Wideband O2 Sensor .............................................................................. 97
FAQ’s and Troubleshooting Tips: .......................................................................................... 98
G.7. Knock Sensor ........................................................................................... 99
G.8. The General Purpose Inputs (GPI’s)................................................... 100
G.8.a. Available GPI Functions ........................................................................................... 100
G.8.b. Wiring the GPI’s ....................................................................................................... 101
G.8.c. GPI Wiring Harness Layout ...................................................................................... 103
H. Diagnostics ................................................................................... 103
H.1. Trouble Codes from the LED Mounted on the Tec3-r ...................... 103
H.2. Trouble Codes from the Check Engine Output ................................. 104
Trouble Code Descriptions ............................................................................ 105
H.2.a. Reading the Trouble Codes ....................................................................................... 106
H.2.b. Using the Trouble Codes ........................................................................................... 107
H.2.c. Wiring the Check Engine Light ................................................................................. 107
I. Data logging with the Tec3-r..................................................................... 108
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I.1. PC-Based Data logging ........................................................................... 108
I.2. On-Board Data logging .......................................................................... 108
J. Rev Limiters .................................................................................. 109
J.1. The Primary Rev Limiter ...................................................................... 109
J.2. The Secondary Rev Limiter................................................................... 109
J.3. Valet Mode Rev Limiter ........................................................................ 109
K. TIMING CONTROL ................................................................... 110
K.1. Zero degree advance ............................................................................. 110
K.2. 3-stage coil cut ........................................................................................ 110
K.3. FUEL CONTROL ................................................................................. 110
K.3.a. No Fuel Cut ............................................................................................................... 110
K.3.b. Fuel Cut ..................................................................................................................... 110
K.3.c. Progressive Fuel Cut.................................................................................................. 110
L. Troubleshooting ........................................................................... 110
Air, Fuel, and Spark .............................................................................................................. 111
L.1. Starting Problems .................................................................................. 111
L.1.a. Air-Related Starting Problems ................................................................................... 111
L.1.b. Fuel-Related Starting Problems ................................................................................. 111
L.1.c. Spark-Related Starting Problems ............................................................................... 111
M.1. Idling Problems ..................................................................................... 112
M.1.a. Air-Related Idling Problems ..................................................................................... 112
M.1.b. Fuel-Related Idling Problems ................................................................................... 112
M.1.c. Spark-Related Idling Problems ................................................................................. 112
N.1. Low-, Medium-, and High-Load Problems ......................................... 113
N.1.a. Air-Related Load Problems ....................................................................................... 113
N.1.b. Fuel-Related Load Problems ..................................................................................... 113
N.1.c. Spark-Related Load Problems ................................................................................... 113
O.1. Summary of Troubleshooting Topics .................................................. 113
Appendix I. Electromotive Tec3-r ECU Specifications .......................... 114
Outputs ............................................................................................................ 114
Inputs ............................................................................................................... 114
Tuning Features .............................................................................................. 115
Supported Engine Management Configurations ......................................... 116
Data logging Features..................................................................................... 117
Physical Dimensions ....................................................................................... 117
Environmental Considerations ..................................................................... 117
PC Requirements ............................................................................................ 117
Appendix II. Electromotive Trigger Wheel Availability ........................... 118
Appendix III. Coil Polarity for Redundant Ignition Applications ........... 119
Appendix IV. Tec3-r Custom Harness Specification Sheet ................. 120
Appendix V. Firmware Upgrade Procedure............................................... 121
Appendix VI. Tec3-r Connector Pin Out Summary ................................ 123
Gray Connector ..................................................................................................................... 123
Appendix VII. Tec3-r Connector Pin Out Summary ................................ 124
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White Connector ................................................................................................................... 124
Appendix VIII. Tec3-r Wiring Harness Layout ....................................... 125
Appendix IX. Tec3-r Power Harness Schematic ................................... 126
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Terms and Conditions
Electromotive, Inc. Limited Product Warranty
Products manufactured by Electromotive (XDi Ignitions and TEC ECUs) are built to last. Many of our products have been in service for multiple decades. Products sold, but not manufactured, by Electromotive are warranted as described under Third Party Products and Parts. Should your product fail to function properly during the warranty period, please first check Tech Support information available at www.electromotive-inc.com under the Support tab. You may find that the issue is due to something other than unit malfunction. Our warranty period is 1 year as of January 1, 2017.
New Product Warranty:
Electromotive offers a 1 year warranty on all new XDi and TEC units, for the original purchaser only, from the original purchase date. We warrant our products to free of defects in materials and workmanship during the warranty period. The replacement product will, in turn, be warranted for 1 year from the date of replacement. Electromotive will pay for standard shipping to return the repaired/replacement unit to the customer, if a defect covered under warranty is found.
Note: At Electromotive’s discretion, products that show evidence of tampering, abuse, accident damage, or
other unusual wear and tear conditions may not be eligible for warranty coverage. See details under
Warranty Exclusions.
If You Need Warranty Service:
Notify us at support@electromotive-inc.com or 703/ 331-0100 M-F 8:30 to 5:00 EST. Then, send (1) a completed Electromotive Diagnostic & Repair Request Form, with a summary of the issues you are experiencing, (2) a copy of your sales receipt, and (3) the XDi or TEC unit. Ship to: Electromotive Repairs, 9131 Centreville Road, Manassas, VA 20110. You must include the sales receipt, and it must clearly
show name of the seller, date of purchase and purchase amount.
Out-of-Warranty Product Repair
Should your product be out of warranty, we offer factory diagnosis and repair services. There is a small fee for diagnosis and estimation of repair costs. Check with us for the current diagnosis fee. You will have options including (1) repair, (2) purchasing a refurbished unit (if available), or (3) trading your old unit for a discount on a new unit. We strive to keep our repair times to within 5 business days, plus shipping days.
Third Party Products and Parts:
We make every attempt to source third party products and parts that live up to our quality standards. In the rare instance that one of these third party products/parts fails within 90 days of purchase, return it to us along with a copy of your sales receipt and we will replace it with a new, remanufactured, or refurbished product, unless an exclusion listed under Warranty Exclusions applies.
Warranty Exclusions
The following conditions are excluded from warranty coverage:
1. Any product, on which the serial number has been defaced, modified or removed or does not
appear in the Electromotive serial number registry.
2. Damage, deterioration, or malfunction resulting from:
Tec3r Manual Version 1.11 - Page 7 - ©2017 Electromotive, Inc.
A. Accident, misuse, neglect, contamination, fire, water, lightning, or other acts of nature,
unauthorized product modification, tampering, or failure to follow instructions supplied with the product/available for download from www.electromotive-inc.com
B. Repair or attempted repair by anyone not authorized by Electromotive. C. Removal or installation of the product. D. Causes external to the product, such as electric power fluctuations or failure E. Use of supplies or parts not meeting Electromotive specifications. F. Shipment.
G. Any cause other than a defect in a product sold or provided by Electromotive.
All determinations as to warranty coverage, warranty exclusion, and appropriate remedy will be made in the reasonable discretion of Electromotive.
Disclaimer of Implied Warranties:
Apart from the above Limited Warranty, Electromotive disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties or merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, and any warranties that might otherwise arise from usage of trade or course of dealing.
Exclusion of Damages:
Your sole and exclusive remedy, and Electromotive’s entire obligation, for breach of warranty is repair or
replacement of the defective product. Electromotive’s liability is limited to repair or replacement of the
defective product. In no event will Electromotive be liable for any monetary damages, whether direct, indirect, consequential, special, incidental, punitive, exemplary, or other damages, arising out of or in connection with any product (including third party products) sold or provided by Electromotive. This exclusion applies to all monetary damages of any kind, including but not limited to:
1. Costs of removal, installation, tuning or set up of the product before or after the malfunction.
2. Damage to, or costs of repair to, the engine or vehicle on which the product was installed or to any
other property.
3. Damages for inconvenience, loss of use of the product, loss of time, loss of profits, loss of business
opportunity, loss of goodwill, interference with business relationships, or other commercial loss, even if advised of their possibility of such damages.
4. Claims against the customer by third parties.
5. Shipping charges from the customer to Electromotive.
6. Damages or costs resulting from a cause other than a defect in a product sold or provided by
This exclusion of damages shall apply to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law and shall continue in effect regardless of whether Electromotive has been advised or should have known of the possibility of any particular damages, regardless of whether any exclusive remedy provided in this Agreement is deemed to have failed of its essential purpose, and regardless of whether the customer is deemed to have been left without an effective remedy.
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The Tec3-r Total Engine Control system is the latest in ultra-high resolution engine management
systems from the company that revolutionized engine management over fifteen years ago. The Tec3-r can be configured to control virtually any 1-, 2-, 3-, 4-, 6-, 8-, or 12-cylinder engine, as well as 1-, 2-, or 3-rotor rotary engines, dual plug 4 or 6 cylinder and 6 cylinder odd-fire. The heart of the TEC series of engine management systems has always been a high-resolution ignition, which offers incredibly precise ignition timing even at the highest acceleration rates. The Tec3-r continues this tradition; only what was once done with an analog ignition circuit is now done with a high-speed microprocessor. Direct Fire Units (DFU’s) are available from Electromotive in 2- and 3-coil versions. These DFU’s are completely weather proof, and
feature sealed electrical connectors. Additionally, the DFU’s are impedance matched for optimum
performance with our Tec3-r.
The Tec3-r with eight dedicated fuel channels and drivers also covers fuel control. This allows up to
16 low or high impedance injectors to be driven. Staged injector firing is a built-in option on the Tec3-r for most engine configurations. Sequential operation is also available through the use of a cam position sensor.
Four dedicated, user-definable, general-purpose outputs (GPO’s) are included with the Tec3-r to
make your high-tech engine setup a snap. The GPO’s can be used to control anything from wast-egates for turbo setups to simple electric radiator or intercooler fans. The possibilities are nearly limitless.
In addition to the four GPO’s, there are also four GPI’s (General Purpose Inputs). Two of the GPI’s
have frequency-based input capabilities, which can process data from wheel speed sensors or similar devices. The other two GPI’s are analog inputs only, and do not feature frequency-based capabilities. These channels can perform fuel trims, timing trims, and many other functions.
Beside the GPO’s and GPI’s, several functions are built-in to the Tec3-r that are quite useful on
most applications. The following outputs are standard on the Tec3-r: Tachometer (configurable to drive most modern tachs) Check Engine Light (24 diagnostic codes) Fuel Pump Relay Ground (activated at appropriate times by the Tec3-r) Idle Speed Motor control (stepper motor style)
The Tec3-r uses the following inputs to perform engine management: Crank Trigger Cam Trigger (optional) Manifold Air Pressure Coolant Temperature Sensor Manifold Air Temperature Sensor Throttle Position Sensor Knock Sensor (optional) Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor (O2 sensor)
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A. Installing the Tec3-r System
A.1. How it All Works: The Two Pages You Need to Read
The goal behind Electromotive’s Total Engine Control product line is to provide complete, high-
resolution control of all functions of the modern engine, and to do so with a user-friendly interface. Consequently, the Tec3-r is designed to easily control a huge number of complex engine management functions through the hands of a user who is new at the game.
Engine Speed & Position = Crank Sensor…
What separates our engine management systems from those of our competitors is the fact that our products are all designed around an ultra high-resolution ignition. For this reason, we use a 60(-2) tooth crank trigger wheel to give the computer an extremely accurate engine position input. This is also the reason that we do not support any other types of trigger inputs. Take, for instance, the flying magnet trigger input used by some manufacturers: 8 cylinder engines have 4 magnets mounted to the crank trigger wheel. Our 60(-2) tooth trigger has 15 TIMES MORE RESOLUTION! From a magnetic sensor aimed at the trigger wheel, the Tec3-r receives its input for engine speed and position.
Engine Load = MAP Sensor…
As nice as the 60(-2) tooth trigger wheel is for determining engine speed and position, more is
necessary to perform ignition and fuel control; namely a load input. While many OEM’s use Mass Airflow
(MAF) sensors to determine the airflow (and thus the load) of an engine, Electromotive systems are designed around Manifold Air Pressure (MAP) sensors as the load-determining device. MAP sensors simply plug into the intake manifold of the engine (after the throttle), and are inherently easier to install than MAF sensors since they are not sensitive to vacuum leaks or engine airflow requirements. A 1-Bar MAP sensor is designed for naturally aspirated engines. A 2-Bar sensor is used for turbo/supercharged engines with up to 15psi (about 200kPa absolute) manifold boost. A 3-Bar sensor is good for up to 30psi (300kPa), while a 4­Bar is good for up to 45psi (400kPa). Choose the appropriate sensor for the application, and you are done.
Ignition Advance Control…
Once the MAP sensor and crank sensor are installed, the Tec3-r has inputs for RPM and load. Under steady-state conditions on a fully warmed-up engine, these are the only necessary inputs for the Tec3­r to control the fuel and ignition curves. Control of the ignition advance curve is quite simple: there is a table of RPM vs. MAP in which the desired ignition advance angle is entered for every point. The table can be made in any size from 8x8 to 16x16 data points. Between each data point, there is a 256 point interpolation occurring. This keeps the advance curve from “stepping” from point-to-point. Additionally, it means that the engine can be tuned with only a few input numbers; some other systems on the market rely on the tedious input of hundreds of numbers to obtain an ignition advance curve that is still not as smooth between data points as ours.
Fuel Injector Control…
Control of the fuel curve is very simple as well. When the user first sets up a calibration, the Tuning Wizard is generally used. The Wizard asks for the engine horsepower, peak RPM, number of injectors, and the amount of manifold boost. From these, a raw fuel curve is established. Most importantly, the User Adjustable Pulse Width (UAP) is established. UAP is the fuel injector pulse width when the MAP sensor reading is full-scale (wide-open throttle on a 1-Bar MAP sensor, 15psi boost on a 2-Bar sensor, etc.). The
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second variable that is established is the Pulse Width Offset Time (POT). POT and UAP can be thought of as the idle adjustment screw and the main power jet of a carburetor, respectively. From these two numbers, a fundamental fuel curve is established. However, the fundamental fuel curve only works on a thermodynamically linear engine. A thermodynamically linear engine would have a torque curve that is a flat horizontal line from idle to redline. In reality, engines stray from this straight line, sometimes dramatically, as in the case of motorcycle engines. To compensate for non-linear fuel consumptions, a Volumetric Efficiency (VE) table is included in the software. The VE table is based on RPM and MAP readings (like the Advance Table) to provide fuel injector pulse width offsets for various loads and engine speeds that stray from linear.
Having a warmed-up engine running under steady-state conditions is all well and good, but in the real world, we must deal with cold weather starting, engine accelerations and decelerations, etc. For these scenarios, engines need fuel and spark compensations. The coolant temperature sensor (CLT) provides an input for the Tec3-r to measure the engine temperature. Since cold engines need more fuel than hot engines, tables are provided in the software to allow fuel flow increases as a function of engine temperature. Other parameters related to the coolant temperature are cold starting (cranking) enrichments and throttle movement enrichments when cold. A Manifold air temperature (MAT) sensor is mounted in the intake tract to measure incoming air temperature. This reading is used to supply additional fuel for cold weather, or to take away some fuel on hot days. The throttle position sensor (TPS) is used for functions similar to the accelerator pump on a carburetor. Also, the TPS reading is used in the TPS-MAP Blend routine, which is very useful for multiple throttle setups and radically-cammed engines.
Additional Features…
Once all the necessary input sensors are in place, and the software is tuned, the engine will run quite well. However, to further refine the control of the engine, a few additional features are included. The idle air control motor (IAC) is used to meter air into the engine at idle. This helps maintain a smooth idle, regardless of operating conditions. It can also be used to increase the idle for cold temperatures, or air conditioner activation. A fuel pump output is also included, which allows the user to turn on the fuel pump relay for a set amount of time when the ignition is turned on. This primes the fuel system, and powers the fuel pump once the engine is cranked and running. A tachometer output is included, which will drive most modern tachometers, and a check engine output is included to keep track of failed engine sensors. A host of other engine input and output options are included as well, and are outlined in other areas of this manual.
A.2. Pre-Installation Checklist
To perform a complete Tec3-r installation, the following items are required:
1. Tec3-r Computer
2. DFU(s)
3. Resistor Core Spark Plug Wires (see notes on Spark Plug Wires)
4. Tec3-r Wiring Harness w/ Power Harness
5. Windows-based PC-type Computer (see notes on Computer Requirements)
6. Serial Connector Cable (DB9) for PC
7. Crank Position Sensor (Magnetic Sensor)
8. 60 (-2) Tooth Crank Trigger Wheel or 120 (-4) Tooth Cam Trigger Wheel
9. Coolant Temperature Sensor (CLT)
10. Manifold Air Temperature Sensor (MAT)
11. Manifold Air Pressure Sensor (MAP)
12. Throttle Position Sensor (TPS)
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13. Exhaust Gas Oxygen Sensor (EGO)
14. Idle Air Control Motor (IAC)
15. Knock Sensor (KNK)
16. Fuel Rail(s) and Fuel Pressure Regulator (see notes on Fuel Pressure Regulator)
17. High Pressure Electric Fuel Pump (see notes on Fuel Pump)
18. Fuel Injectors (see notes on Fuel Injectors)
19. Fuel Injector Wiring Harness
20. Throttle
21. Wire Terminal Crimping Tool (available from Electromotive)
22. Shrink Tubing
23. Assorted Wire Crimp Terminals
24. Drill
25. ¼” Bolts for DFU(s) & Tec3-r ECU
26. Soldering Gun
A.3. Mounting the Main Computer and DFU
For utmost reliability, install the Tec3-r computer where temperatures will not exceed 150oF (65oC). It is recommended that the Tec3-r computer be installed in the passenger compartment of the vehicle where it will not be exposed to the elements. A good location is in the kick panel of a vehicle originally equipped with a factory ECU. If the Tec3-r must be mounted in an area that is partially exposed to the elements, there should not be a problem; the circuit board is completely sealed for harsh environment installations. A well vented area is recommended, particularly in engines utilizing most of the injector channels and operating at sustained high speeds. It should be noted that the Tec3-r might get hot under prolonged high­rpm operation. As long as air is moving around the ECU, there is no risk of damage to the Tec3-r; just be careful not to burn yourself on the unit! Secure the Tec3-r ECU with four ¼” socket head cap screws. The wiring harness should be passed through the firewall using a suitable grommet to avoid chafing.
The DFU(s) can be placed nearly anywhere under the hood of the vehicle where the temperatures are below 250oF (120oC). Since they are entirely sealed, exposure to the elements is not an issue. The DFU Ground Wire MUST be installed to vehicle ground.
It is recommended that the ECU and DFU be separated by at least six inches for the purpose of reducing electrical noise in the ECU.
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Tec3-r ECU Dimensions (bolt pattern is 3.5” x 6.025”)
A.4. Trigger Wheel and Sensor Installation
The foundation of the Tec3-r ultra-high resolution ignition is the 60(-2) tooth trigger wheel. The trigger wheel is designed to give uncompromising timing accuracy at the highest engine acceleration rates. As such, Electromotive does not support other triggering systems, particularly those of the “flying magnet” variety. These systems can lead to vastly inaccurate spark timing, and can contribute to engine damage. For most applications, the 60(-2) tooth trigger wheel is mounted on the crankshaft damper or pulley. Some applications may warrant the use of a camshaft- or distributor-mounted trigger wheel. With this setup, a 120(-4) tooth trigger wheel is necessary, since the camshaft turns at half the speed of the crank.
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A.4.a. Crankshaft Trigger Installation for 60(-2) Tooth Wheel
Air Gap
0.025" max
0.035" max
0.050" max
0.060" max
0.070” max
0.080” max
Fig A.4.1 : Universal Crank Sensor Bracket
Table A.4.1:
Crank Trigger Specifications
For a crankshaft-mounted trigger wheel setup, an appropriate place must be found to mount the wheel and trigger. Typically, the easiest place to mount a trigger wheel is on the harmonic damper or pulley. If it is mounted on a damper, it should be mounted on the inner hub rather than the outer dampening ring. The damper/pulley should be keyed to the crankshaft so that it cannot spin on the crankshaft, as this would cause an ignition timing error. When using a damper that has bolt-on pulleys, the trigger wheel can usually be mounted between the pulleys and the damper. However, the accessory pulleys will need to be shimmed out by 1/8” (the thickness of the trigger wheel). A variety of application-specific trigger wheels are available. See Appendix II for a listing of applications. Universal trigger wheels are also available in a variety of sizes, and are listed in Appendix II as well. Electromotive can custom-make trigger wheels in nearly any configuration for a one-time tooling fee.
To choose the proper size trigger wheel, find the diameter of the pulley or damper on which the
wheel is to be mounted. The trigger wheel diameter should be about ½” larger than this diameter. It should also be noted that the trigger wheel should be at least ¼” from any moving magnetic pieces, such as bolts or
other fasteners, to avoid interference and false triggering. It is important that the trigger wheel be perfectly concentric with the crankshaft centerline. To achieve concentricity, a shallow cut can be machined in the front or rear face of the damper to create a centering ledge, and a hole can be created in the trigger wheel to match the ledge diameter. The trigger wheel can then be drilled to bolt it to the damper.
See Table A.4.1 below to determine the tolerances that must be maintained when mounting the trigger wheel. These tolerances may require the use of a lathe to true the trigger wheel with the crankshaft centerline, which can be accomplished by putting the entire damper/trigger wheel assembly on the lathe. Note that the maximum out-of-round is the distance between the lowest and highest teeth and the crank sensor. That is, if a feeler gauge is used between the sensor and the wheel to measure the out-of-round, the reading between the lowest and highest teeth should not exceed the guidelines in the table.
A.4.b. Magnetic Crank Sensor Installation
When installing the magnetic sensor, an appropriate bracket must be made to aim the sensor at the trigger wheel. A good starting point for a magnetic sensor bracket is Electromotive part number 210-72003, which is our universal sensor bracket (See Figure A.4.1). If this part is not used as a starting point, a custom bracket can easily be made. The most important things to remember
when fabricating a bracket are that it should be bolted directly to the engine block, away from rotating steel or magnetic pieces, and should be nonferrous (not attracted to magnets). This will keep the sensor and trigger wheel
vibrating together so the gap between the two always stays the same. Variations in sensor gap may cause erratic timing or false triggering of the ignition. (This is the reason for not mounting the trigger wheel to the outer ring of a harmonic
damper.) As such, any custom magnetic sensor bracket should be
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very rigid. The sensor can be secured with either a set screw or a clamping arrangement, as long as the 1/2”
3/8” Diameter
Chisel Point
PN: 250-72212
1/2” Diameter
Flat Tip
PN: 255-72218
All 120 (-4) Tooth
2-3/8” & 2-1/2”
60 (-2) Tooth
3-1/2” 60 (-2) Tooth
(below 6000rpm)
3-1/2” 60 (-2) Tooth
(Above 6000rpm)
Greater than 3-1/2”
60 (-2) Tooth wheels
sensor is utilized (part number 250-72218). If the smaller 3/8” sensor is utilized, a clamping arrangement should be employed rather than a setscrew, as the setscrews may crush the sensor. See Table A.4.2 for the appropriate magnetic sensor/trigger wheel combinations.
Once a magnetic sensor and trigger wheel are installed, they must be aligned such that the Tec3-r computer knows where to locate Top Dead Center of the #1 cylinder (referred to as TDC #1). Correct
alignment necessitates that the center of the sensor must be aligned with the trailing edge of the 11th tooth after the two missing teeth when the engine is at TDC #1 (see the drawing at the end of this section). Aligning the magnetic sensor with anything other than the 11th tooth will cause an ignition timing
retard or advance, depending on the direction of the misalignment. Each tooth represents six degrees, so if the sensor is aligned with the trailing edge of the 12th tooth, the timing will be advanced by six degrees. Conversely, if the sensor is aligned with the trailing edge of the 10th tooth, the timing will be retarded by six degrees. In the event that the sensor is not aligned correctly, the Wintec software can be made to compensate by manipulating the Tooth Offset Parameter, as outlined in Section A.4.g of this manual.
Table A.4.2: Magnetic crank sensor selection. Note: use a clamping arrangement for securing 3/8” sensors, rather than a setscrew. The ½” sensors can be secured with any clamping method.
Fig A.4.2: Electromotive ½” (12.7mm)
crank sensor
Fig A.4.3: Electromotive 3/8” (9.53mm) crank sensor
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A.4.c. Wiring the Magnetic Sensor
The crank sensor has three wires. The red wire is the signal from the sensor, the black wire is the signal ground, and the bare wire is the shield. The harness has provisions for both a crank and a cam sensor. The crank sensor cable must be used for all 60 (-2) or 120 (-4) tooth trigger wheel inputs. The cam sensor cable should only be used for the “sync” pulse from the cam-mounted trigger wheel on sequential applications. If you are unsure which cable is for the crank sensor, measure the resistance between pin G9 on the Tec3-r harness and the red wire coming out of both the crank and cam cables. The wire that reads zero resistance to pin G9 is the crank sensor wire. See Figure A.4.4 for details. Consult the end of this section for details on sequential applications.
Figure A.4.4: Wiring layout for crank and cam sensors. Note that the Cam Sensor is only used on full sequential applications. It is NOT used on applications using the 120(-4) tooth cam trigger wheel with no crank trigger.
A.4.d. Verifying Trigger Wheel Timing
The most important step in the trigger wheel installation process is to check the ignition advance with a timing light. A timing indicator (pointer) should be attached to the engine block, and it should point at a line on the crankshaft pulley or trigger wheel when the engine is at TDC #1. When running the engine, verify that the timing value read by the timing light corresponds to the timing value in the software’s engine monitor screen. Use of a good-quality inductive timing light is recommended. DO NOT use a timing light that goes between the spark plug and spark plug wire with a clamp probe. Dial-Back inductive timing lights can be used, but will need to be dialed to DOUBLE the actual desired timing value due to the waste-spark firing of the DFU coils. They are fooled into thinking that the timing is twice as advanced as it actually is.
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A.4.e. Camshaft- & Distributor-Mounted Trigger Setups
While crankshaft mounted triggers are preferred, it is sometimes easier to install a camshaft- or distributor-mounted trigger wheel. For these cases in which the trigger wheel is spinning at half the engine speed, a 120(-4) tooth trigger wheel is necessary. This wheel has two sets of two missing teeth, spaced 180 degrees apart. As such, the input to the Tec3-r is identical to that of the crank-mounted 60(-2) tooth trigger wheel. Electromotive offers 120 (-4) tooth wheels in 3.25” and 2.75” diameters. It is often easy to use an old distributor rotor to serve as the mount for a 120(-4) tooth trigger wheel. A simple nonferrous bracket would need to be fabricated to hold the sensor. The 3/8” chisel point sensor (PN: 250-72212) must be used on 120(-4) trigger wheels. As such, the bracket for the sensor should use a clamping arrangement rather than a setscrew to hold the magnetic sensor. Just like the crank-mounted
trigger, the distributor/cam-mounted triggers require the sensor to be aligned with the trailing edge of the 11th tooth after the two missing teeth when the engine is at TDC #1. The same tolerances that apply
to the crankshaft-mounted trigger wheels (Table A.4.1) apply to the camshaft-mounted trigger wheels as well.
A Note on Engines with High-Overlap Camshafts:
If your engine is equipped with a camshaft that has early intake valve openings or very long duration, you may experience backfiring through the throttle during starting. This is caused by the intake valves beginning to open on the exhaust stroke. Since the spark plugs fire on both the compression and the exhaust strokes, the spark on the exhaust stroke may cause unburned fuel in the intake manifold to ignite, resulting in a backfire.
To remedy this situation, advance the “mechanical” timing by manipulating the DFU “A” Trigger
Wheel TDC Parameter. If your crank sensor is aligned with the 11th tooth of the trigger wheel at TDC #1, setting the Tooth Offset to a number LOWER than 11 will add mechanical advance. If the number “10” was set for the Tooth Offset, the mechanical timing would be ADVANCED by 6 degrees (6 degrees per tooth). This would require that you subtract 6 degrees from the values in your ignition advance table in Wintec to obtain your desired advance value. That is, the timing table will have to read 30 degrees in order for the engine to operate at 36 degrees advance. See Section A.4.g. for more details.
A.4.f. Full Sequential Applications – Cam Synchronization
When full sequential fuel operation is desired, a once-per-engine-cycle synchronization, or “sync,” pulse must be received by the ECU. Typically, the sync pulse is generated by the installation of a 1-notch (or 1-tooth) trigger wheel onto the camshaft. A standard Electromotive magnetic (inductive) sensor can then be used to obtain the reading from this trigger wheel. A Hall effect sensor could also be used as a triggering method instead of a magnetic sensor setup. With either method, the tooth must pass by the magnetic sensor between 180o and 6o before TDC Compression (not exhaust) of the number one cylinder. See Figure A.4.7 for installation details. The Tec3-r will only trigger off a rising edge during the synchronization period (between 180o and 6o BTDC compression). A rising edge occurs when the metal on the cam trigger wheel becomes closer to the sensor over a very short period of time. See Figures A.4 6 and 7 for representative examples and different cam trigger wheel designs, and their rising edge location.
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Figure A.4 8: Proper cam trigger installation. This cam trigger occurs approx. 90o BTDC Compression on the #1 cylinder (as measured at the crank). Note the 87 degree (as measured on the cam wheel)
“window” in which
the rising edge must occur.
Figure A.4 6: Tooth/Notch Triggers
Figure A.4 7:
Ford “Half-
Most types of sensors are compatible with the TEC’s sync pulse requirement. This would include
most Hall effect, flying magnet, and reluctor sensors. As long as the sensor outputs a rising voltage to the Tec3-r between 180o and 6o before TDC compression for the number one cylinder, it should work perfectly. Terminal G10 on the ECU is used for cam sync inputs (as shown in Figure A.4 4). If using a Hall effect or other sensor type that is powered by +5Volts, be sure that the output signal from the sensor is going into terminal G10. If using a magnetic sensor with a custom steel trigger wheel, we recommend using our magnetic sensors. The red wire from the sensor should go to terminal G10. Keep in mind that when adapting an OEM cam trigger setup to a Tec3-r, the wheel may need to be rotated to place the rising edge in the appropriate degree window for the Tec3-r.
A.4.g. TDC Tooth Setup Software Adjustment Parameters
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So, you took a lot of time to install your trigger wheel, and now you realize that you didn’t get the trailing edge of the 11th tooth to align with the center of the magnetic sensor with the engine at TDC #1. What to do? The Wintec software features a TDC setup parameter that allows users to manipulate the TDC point for the trigger wheel. There are two adjustable parameters:
Change DFU “A” Trigger Wheel TDC Change DFU “B” Trigger Wheel TDC
For all but the odd-fire applications, the adjustment is only present for the DFU “A” TDC. The
default setting for DFU “A” TDC is 11, signifying TDC alignments with the 11
with the 13th tooth at TDC, change this number to 13. Several late-model Bosch-equipped applications use our 60 (-2) tooth trigger wheel, but come from the factory with a different TDC tooth alignment. Typically, these setups are referenced to the 14th tooth for TDC, but you MUST confirm this on your application, since Bosch used a few different offsets through the years.
Odd-Fire applications have the ability to move the TDC reference for the second DFU (using the parameter “DFU “B” Trigger Wheel TDC”). This allows the user to define the odd-fire ignition split that is present on the engine. Refer to Section C.5 to determine the proper settings for this value.
Some applications may require more “mechanical timing” to compensate for large, high-overlap cams. Assuming the crank sensor is aligned with the 11th tooth at TDC, this can be done by entering a value
for the “Change DFU “A” Trigger Wheel TDC” that is LESS than 11. Each tooth less than 11 represents 6
degrees of advance that is added to the Ignition Advance Table.
Some applications may require less “mechanical timing” (some rotary users may wish to do this).
Assuming the crank sensor is aligned with the 11th tooth at TDC, this can be done by entering a value for the
“Change DFU “A” Trigger Wheel TDC” that is MORE than 11. Each tooth more that 11 represents 6
degrees of retard that is subtracted from the Ignition Advance Table.
If an odd-fire engine has the trigger wheel installed incorrectly, and the DFU “A” TDC parameter is
changed to compensate for the error, the “DFU “B” Trigger Wheel TDC” parameter needs to be manipulated
in the same amount. As an example, if the TDC for DFU “A” is at 11 and is moved to 10, the TDC for DFU “B” would need to be moved from 16 to 15.
The following pages outline the various situations that can be addressed through the TDC software parameters.
tooth. If you are aligned
Situation A
Problem: Incorrect trigger wheel alignment results in undesired mechanical timing. Solution: With the engine at TDC #1, find the trigger wheel tooth that is aligned with the crank sensor.
Enter the number of this tooth into the TDC Tooth Alignment Parameter. The timing will be shifted to make the Ignition Advance Table accurate. Method: The software will automatically RETARD the timing when a number GREATER THAN 11 is entered into the TDC Tooth Alignment Parameter. The timing will be automatically ADVANCED when a number LESS THAN 11 is entered.
Situation B
Problem: The engine needs more mechanical advance, and the crank sensor is aligned with the 11th tooth. Solution: Enter in the number “10” to the TDC Tooth Alignment Parameter. The timing values will be
automatically ADVANCED by 6 degrees. The Ignition Advance Table values will now be incorrect (the displayed values will be 6 degrees lower than the actual advance).
Situation C
Problem: The engine needs less mechanical advance, and the crank sensor is aligned with the 11th tooth.
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Solution: Enter in the number “12” to the TDC Tooth Alignment Parameter. The timing values will be
Figure A.4. 9 - TDC tooth
for four possible scenarios.
automatically RETARDED by 6 degrees. The Ignition Advance Table values will now be incorrect (the displayed values will be 6 degrees higher than the actual advance).
Situation D
Problem: The engine needs more mechanical advance, and the crank sensor is aligned with the 10th tooth instead of the 11th. Solution: Enter in the number “9” to the TDC Tooth Alignment Parameter. The timing values will be automatically ADVANCED by 6 degrees. The Ignition Advance Table values will now be incorrect (the displayed values will be 6 degrees lower than the actual advance). Note: In the past, aligning the sensor with the 10th tooth would retard the mechanical timing by 6 degrees.
Situation E
Problem: The engine needs more mechanical advance, and the crank sensor is aligned with the 12th tooth instead of the 11th. Solution: Enter in the number “11” to the TDC Tooth Alignment Parameter. The timing values will be automatically ADVANCED by 6 degrees. The Ignition Advance Table values will now be incorrect (the displayed values will be 6 degrees lower than the actual advance).
Note: In the past, aligning the sensor with the 12th tooth would advance the mechanical timing by 6 degrees.
NOTE: 12 Cylinder applications require that the center of the sensor be aligned with the trailing edge of the 8th tooth.
In a normal scenario, not considering software manipulation, aligning the magnetic sensor with anything other than the 11th tooth (8th tooth in 12 cylinder applications) will cause an ignition timing retard or advance, depending on the direction of the misalignment. Each tooth represents six degrees, so if the sensor is aligned with the trailing edge of the 12th tooth, the timing will be advanced by six degrees. Conversely, if the sensor is aligned with the trailing edge of the 10th tooth, the timing will be retarded by six degrees. If some ignition advance is required for easier starting (high compression/radical cam timing engines, for example), aligning the sensor with the 12th or 13th tooth will yield 6° or 12° (respectively) of advance during cranking. Also check that the sensor is centered over the edge of the wheel.
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A.5. Wiring the Tec3-r
WARNING: Always disconnect the battery when doing ANY electrical work on a
vehicle. Use common sense when around electrical systems, particularly the Tec3r DFU coils. The voltage output of the coils can be well over 40,000 Volts at a given
The task of installing a Tec3-r wiring harness may seem a bit intimidating at first. However, by
dividing the wiring installation into a few small jobs, it can be accomplished by most installers in a reasonable amount of time.
A.5.a. Tec3-r Main Power Connections
The single BLACK wire (with its own connector) that protrudes from the Tec3-r ECU is the main ground. The ground wire is 10awg. The reason for the larger/thicker size of the wire is that the ECU is mainly in charge of switching the GROUNDS, not the +12 Volt power. As an example, the fuel injector and coil outputs are all pull-to-grounds. The +12 Volt power is supplied on a harness that is external to the Tec3-r. Position “A” on the 2-position connector is no longer used on the Tec3-r. The black 10awg wire in position “B” should be connected to full time battery negative. The Tec3-r is shipped with the corresponding connector with five feet of wire. See Figure A.5.1 for a wiring diagram.
Switched +12 Volt Input
The switched +12 Volt input is located on pin G5 of the wiring harness. This wire is used to turn the unit on and off as well as supply power to the ECU. As such it only flows a very small amount of current (less than 1 amp). This wire can be placed on the ignition switch circuit. See Figure A.5.1 for a wiring diagram. If you are using the Tec3-r Power Harness, refer to the next section on installing the Switched +12 Volt Input into the Power Harness.
A.5.b. Power Harness Installation
Electromotive’s Power Harness (PN 070-40000) for the Tec3-r is capable of supplying the +12Volt high-amperage power required to run the DFU’s, injectors, EGO sensor heater and fuel pump. Included in the harness is a fuse block with four fuses (ignition, DFU’s, Injectors and Fuel Pump are fused) and two relays to switch the power. Our custom harnesses are all built with the power harness pre-installed, so wiring them is even more straightforward. Figure A.5.1 gives an example of a typical Power Harness installation.
There are three breakouts in the Power Harness:
Tec3-r Connections Power Inputs Power Outputs (w/ switched voltage input)
Tec3-r Connections
The Tec3-r Connections are color-matched to the Tec3-r harness.
Light Green 20awg Wire: Connects to Pin G20 (Fuel Pump Relay Ground) Yellow 20awg Wire: Connects to Pin G5 (Switched +12V input)
Power Inputs
The Power Inputs are color coded in standard fashion:
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Red 10awg Wire: Connect to Battery Positive Black 16awg Wire: Connect to Vehicle Ground
Power Outputs (w/ switched voltage input)
The power outputs provide power for the DFU’s, injectors, EGO sensor heater, and Fuel Pump. The
switched voltage input is used to turn on the Tec3-r ECU, and should be wired to a +12Volt source that is activated with the ignition key. Purple/White Stripe 16awg : Injector Power (runs to all injectors) Red/White Stripe: DFU Power (pin “D” on DFU’s) Green 16awg: Fuel Pump Positive and EGO Sensor Heater Positive Yellow 18awg: Switched +12 Volt Input (for Tec3-r turn-on request)
The Wiring Diagrams in the DFU and Injector wiring sections of this manual show the terminals on which the power should be brought in. Any reference to fusing the power source in these sections is unnecessary when using the Power Harness, since the connections are already fused.
Figure A.5.1: Tec3-r Power Harness (PN: 070-40000).
A.5.c. Wiring the Fuel Injectors
The Injector connectors use pull-to-seat terminals. DO NOT crimp the terminals onto the wires until you have fed the wires through the connector!
When wiring the injectors, Section D must be referenced to determine the correct wiring for your application. To summarize the main wiring points from Section D:
Injector drivers 1-4 use a Yellow base color. The stripe color indicates the channel (Black-Red-
Green-Blue = Channel 1-2-3-4).
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Injector drivers 5-8 use a Light Blue base color. The stripe color indicates the channel (Black-Red-
Green-Blue = Channel 1-2-3-4).
All injectors need a +12Volt connection on one terminal and a Tec3-r Injector Output on the other
Low Impedance injectors should be wired in pairs (in parallel), and should not be used on a one-per-
driver basis.
High Impedance injectors can be used with either 1 or 2 per channel. When using two per channel,
wire them in parallel.
When using the Power Harness, refer to Figure A.5.1 to obtain the fused +12Volt source for the fuel injectors. It is the Purple w/ White stripe wire coming out of the Power Harness.
A.5.d. Wiring the DFU’s
The DFU connectors use pull-to-seat terminals. DO NOT crimp the terminals onto the wires until you have fed the wires through the connector!
When wiring the DFU’s, Section C must be referenced to determine the correct wiring for your application. To summarize the main wiring points from Section C:
Terminal “D” on the DFU connector is the +12Volt connection. The Tec3-r harness has two cables for the DFUs. The first cable has three 16awg wires with a
shield. The second cable has two 16awg wires with a shield.
The 3-wire DFU cable has the outputs for A, B, and C channels. The 2-wire DFU cable has the outputs for C and D channels. Channel C is in the second cable for
ease of wiring 8-cylinder and 2-rotor engines.
The Tec3-r 6/12 harness has two 3-wire cables. The first cable has coil channels A1, B1, and C1.
The second cable has coil channels A2, B2, and C2.
A.5.e. Wiring the Engine Sensors
The Tec3-r harness has provisions to connect all of the engine devices outlined in Sections G and F of this manual. Refer to this section to wire your sensors appropriately.
The following sensors use pull-to-seat connectors (feed the wire through the connector before crimping
the terminal!) : Coolant Temperature Manifold Air Temperature Some Throttle Position Sensors Idle Air Control Motor
The following sensors use push-to-seat connectors (crimp the terminal to the wire before inserting into
the connector!) : Crank Sensor Cam Sensor (if used) MAP sensor (1-Bar sensors use green connector. 2 & 3-Bar use orange connector) Some Throttle Position Sensors EGO Sensor Knock Sensor
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A brief word on Crimp Terminals…
When crimping terminals to the sensor wires, care must be taken to ensure that a proper crimp is made. Improper crimps can lead to terminal failure and wire fatigue. To crimp properly, we recommend using a high-quality ratcheting crimp tool (such a tool is available from Electromotive). In the absence of a good crimp tool, the terminals can be soldered. Care should be taken to make absolutely certain that the solder penetrates the terminal and gets to the wire. There are two main crimp styles used with the Tec3-r sensors: Metri-Pack and Weather-Pack. Metri-Pack terminals have two crimp areas. One area crimps to the bare (stripped) wire and provides the electrical connection, and the other area crimps to the un-stripped wire housing to provide a strain relief. Metri-Pack connectors are pull-to-seat. Weather-Pack terminals also have two crimp areas, but instead of one area acting as a strain relief, it is used to hold the connector seal in place. Therefore, when crimping a Weather-Pack terminal, always insert the cable seal before crimping. Weather-pack connectors are push-to-seat.
B. Tuning Guide
This section focuses on the tuning of a Tec3-r equipped engine. The tuning procedures outlined here are based on an engine that has been wired correctly, has proper injector sizes, and has gone through the Tuning Wizard with the engine parameters to establish a base program. Failure to meet any of these criteria will make the tuning procedure difficult. Refer to section D.4 for terminology used in this section.
B.1. Adjusting the Timing Advance
Perhaps the most important step in tuning an engine is establishing the required ignition advance. An engine with too much timing will detonate, regardless of how much fuel is thrown at it. An engine with too little timing will perform poorly, and overheat the exhaust in short order. We are looking for the happy medium here. Keep in mind that the timing settings are solely dependent on the crank trigger installation angle. If the crank sensor is aligned with the 13th tooth of the trigger wheel when the engine is at TDC #1, the engine timing will be mechanically advanced by two teeth (12 degrees). When this occurs, the timing values in the Ignition Advance Table will be 12 degrees LESS THAN the actual engine timing. If the crank sensor is aligned with the 10th tooth at TDC#1, the timing will be mechanically retarded by one tooth (6 degrees). When this happens, the timing values in the Ignition Advance Table will be 6 degrees MORE than the actual engine timing. Always confirm your timing values in the software with a timing light! Remember that dial-type timing lights will not read correctly with the Tec3-r due to the waste-spark. See Section A.4.d for more information on this topic. To avoid potential engine damage, it is best to check engine timing with a timing light when first starting the tuning process. As a guideline, most piston engines, regardless of compression ratio, will require anywhere from 8-20 degrees of advance when the engine is idling. Rotary engines require little or no timing at idle (some even idle with negative advance!), so an ignition advance of zero may work best at low engine speeds. Less timing makes the combustion process occur later, and thus makes the exhaust temperatures higher. It also usually makes an engine idle somewhat rough. If your exhaust manifold is glowing red at idle, you know one thing: there is not enough timing. NOx emissions will typically be low with too little timing. More timing makes the combustion process occur sooner, and will decrease exhaust temperature. It also makes an engine idle smoother. NOx emissions will rise with too much timing. With increasing RPM, the timing needs to be advanced for optimum power. This is a result of the available time for combustion decreasing with increasing RPM. The peak cylinder pressure needs to occur
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between 10 and 15 degrees after TDC compression for optimum power production, so the timing must be tuned to allow this to happen. As a rule of thumb, engines with slow-burning (large) combustion chambers, and/or low dynamic compression (low volumetric efficiency) typically need more timing advance, since the flame front moves slowly. Engines with fast-burning (usually small) combustion chambers and/or high dynamic compression ratios need less timing for optimum power, since the flame front moves faster. Peak timing usually should occur by 3000 rpm on most engines. Load-dependent timing should always be used, especially on turbo/supercharged engines. With increasing load (i.e. full-throttle or full­boost), less timing is needed. With decreasing load (i.e. cruising), increased timing is needed. Rotary engines (particularly the turbocharged rotaries) do not give the tuner a margin of error when it comes to ignition timing. They will detonate ONE TIME only, and will then be broken. The apex seals cannot stand up to the huge shockwave generated by detonation. Tune these engines extremely conservatively!! Start with the least amount of timing possible and the most amount of fuel possible. A huge power-to-weight advantage is present on the rotary turbo engines, but it will only come to a tuner who is cautious and patient.
B.2. Establishing Proper Starting Enrichments
When setting up the Starting Enrichments, it is generally best to first use the default settings from Wintec. If these settings cannot start your engine, there would only be two possible causes: either the enrichments are not adding enough fuel, or they are flooding the engine with too much fuel. Flooded engines are easy to spot, since there will be a strong fuel odor in the air around the engine. Alternatively, the spark plugs can be removed to check for flooding. Flooded spark plugs will be wet with fuel when they are removed. If an engine is not flooded but still will not start, it is most likely not getting enough fuel. For engines that will not start when cold, look to SE-0 (the Temperature-Based One Second Starting Enrichment). If the engine is flooding out during cold starting, decrease this number. If this number is already zeroed out, and the engine is flooding, look to SE-1 (the Constant One Second Starting Enrichment). If SE-1 is too high, the engine will flood out during cold AND hot cranking, since its value is added regardless of temperature. If both of these values are set very low, and the engine still floods during starting, look to PW-0 (the Fixed One Second Starting Pulse Width). Most engines will not need PW-0, so it is generally best to set this to zero. ASE-0 and ASE-1 can also contribute to a flooding problem. If these values are set too high, there may be too much fuel present at cranking. An injector that is stuck open can sometimes cause a scenario that can be confused with engine flooding on start-up. An injector that is stuck open will spray fuel into its respective cylinder as long as there is fuel pressure. This will fill a cylinder with fuel in short order and effectively lock the engine. The starter
motor won’t be able to turn the engine over, since an engine cannot compress liquid fuel very easily. Placing
a screwdriver on the side of the injector and listening for a clicking sound is a good way to pinpoint a stuck injector. If the injector is not clicking, it is not opening and closing. For engines that are not getting enough fuel on start-up, the procedure for tuning the Starting Enrichments is basically the opposite of that outlined above. On cold engines that are not getting enough fuel, check the SE-0 parameter. If this value is not high enough, a cold engine will not get enough fuel to start. Coinciding with this, an engine will also need SE-1 to be properly established for proper starting. SE­1 has an effect on both hot and cold engines, since it is not temperature-dependent. Some engines may need PW-1 to provide an additional amount of fuel pulse width, particularly on cold starts (temperatures below CLT-0). However, this value is typically not needed for multi-port injection applications. An injector that is stuck in the closed position can cause a scenario that can sometimes be confused with a lack of fuel on start-up. The cylinder that is fed by the stuck injector will not be supplied with fuel, and if the engine starts and runs, it will not be running on that cylinder. Fuel pressure issues can also cause a lean condition on start-up. Make sure the fuel pressure is adequate during cranking. Once an engine has been started, ASE-0 and ASE-1 are very useful to making an engine perform flawlessly in the first few seconds after starting. ASE-1 is a decaying fuel enrichment that is added for a
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period of twenty seconds after start-up. It is used to combat the “lean shift” of hot injectors. Injectors that have been overly heated as a result of heat soak can cause this lean shift. Depending on injector design, up to 75% enrichment may be needed in ASE-1 to combat this scenario. ASE-0 targets the cold starting issue of wetting the cylinder walls adequately for a period of twenty seconds. Since it is temperature-dependent, ASE-0 has no effect above 80C coolant temperature. Both ASE-0 and ASE-1 ramp down to zero after twenty seconds.
B.3. Getting the Engine to Idle
Hopefully by now your engine is up and running. Most likely, the idle mixture needs some attention, as does the throttle stop screw. It is recommended to keep the IAC motor OFF during this preliminary part of the tuning process (incorrect values in the IAC settings will cause an engine to surge at idle, making
tuning difficult, at best). Simply unplugging the IAC motor will do (you don’t have to turn the IAC feature
off in the software). Make sure the IAC motor is fully extended so that no bypass air is entering the engine. If you are unable to keep the engine running without your foot on the gas pedal, turn the throttle stop screw a few turns to open the throttle. This should keep the engine running. If the engine is running rough, it is a result of too much fuel. Black smoke will most likely be leaving the tail pipe. If this is the case, decrease the POT number until the idle quality smoothes out. Check to make sure the engine is not running on the minimum turn-on time for the injectors. If it is, the injector size may be too large, or the fuel pressure may be too high. If the engine is misfiring, it is a result of too little fuel. Increase the POT number until the engine stops misfiring.
Timing also plays a big role in idle quality. Most piston engines idle well with at least 10 degrees of advance at idle. Rotary engines require less timing at idle (try zero degrees). If an engine is not responding well to POT adjustments, and adjusting the timing does not help either, make sure the coils are wired correctly. Also check that the spark plug wires are all connected to the appropriate cylinders. Check the wiring section if you are unsure on this one.
If the MAP sensor reading is fluctuating at idle, or its value is above 75 kpa, it is recommended that
the TPS/MAP Blend feature be turned on. The Tuning Wizard does this automatically when a “radical
camshaft” or “Individual throttle-per-cylinder” is chosen for the setup. It will be necessary to adjust the
Blend parameters as needed to achieve a smooth MAP signal. Adjusting the TPS Offset Voltage in the Blend parameters has the effect of adding or subtracting fuel. A higher offset voltage will move the MAP sensor reading UP in kpa, thereby making the engine run richer. Conversely, a lower TPS Offset Voltage will drive the MAP sensor reading DOWN, making the engine run leaner. Nearly all throttle-per-cylinder applications will require the use of TPS/MAP Blend. Similarly, most radically- cammed, low compression engines (like engines built for nitrous usage) will require Blend.
At this point, the VE Table should still be reading all zeroes in the Offset Mode (it should read all 100’s in the Absolute Mode). Do not start adjusting the VE Table until the engine will start and idle on its own, and can be driven under low-load, low-rpm conditions.
B.4. Establishing Proper Acceleration Enrichments
It is recommended that the TPS (and possibly MAP) Acceleration Enrichments be defined before significant changes are done to the VE Table. However, the VE Table may need some attention when the TPS Acceleration enrichments will not make enough of a difference to the throttle response. Since the MAP sensor reading is used for the primary load calculation on an engine, most applications will not require any MAP Acceleration Enrichments. It is therefore recommended that this feature be turned OFF. TPS changes, on the other hand, force an additional amount of fuel to be added to the cylinders. It is recommended that most applications turn the TPS Acceleration Enrichments ON. Typically, the duration of the required fuel addition is around one second. For this reason, there is a set of enrichment parameters devoted solely to One Second Acceleration Enrichments. Additionally, lower
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coolant temperatures will often require more enrichment. Consequently, a temperature-based one-second enrichment is included. What if an engine required an acceleration enrichment that was either longer or shorter than one second? This is where the Variable Time Acceleration Enrichments come into play. If an engine only needs
0.50 seconds of acceleration enrichment, simply set ACE-4 to be 0.50 seconds. The One Second Enrichments could then be turned off completely. The Variable Time Enrichments also have the ability to decay from the full enrichment value to zero enrichment as a function of the time defined in ACE-4. To find the proper enrichment settings for an engine, it is best to start with proper UAP and POT numbers. Then, the VE Table should be tuned at as many points as possible under steady-state conditions. Once these conditions have been met, turn the TPS-Based Acceleration Enrichments ON. It is recommended that ACE-4 and ACE-5 be used for most engines once they are fully warmed-up. Start out with values of 50% for ACE-5 and 1 second for ACE-4. If the engine hesitates right after the throttle position changes, increase ACE-5. If it hesitates a short amount of time after the throttle position is changed, increase ACE-4. If the engine does not hesitate at all, decrease ACE-5 in 5% increments until the engine stumbles under acceleration, then increase ACE-5 by 5-10%. ACE-8 and 9 generally are not necessary for an engine that has a properly tuned VE Table. However, if the engine is going lean during Acceleration Mode and all other acceleration enrichment, it may be a good idea to add a small amount to ACE-8 (start with 0.5ms). ACE-9 should normally not need to exceed 2 seconds on a tuned engine.
B.5. Adjusting the VE Table
OK, OK, now you are ready to jump into that big table with all the numbers to fine-tune your engine. Be forewarned, however, that most engines (even throttle-per-cylinder setups) can run quite well with the VE Table zeroed out (as long as the engine is not overly radical). If you start making drastic adjustments to the VE Table, there is likely something amiss in your POT and/or UAP settings. Radically cammed, high-rpm engines may require some substantial VE Table adjustments, though.
When making changes to the VE Table, it is a good idea to watch the injector pulsewidths on the bottom of the screen. If these values fall below about 1.4ms, your injectors are too big. Begin the VE Table adjustment procedure by viewing the VE cells in which the engine is running (by using the cell highlight feature). This will show you where the engine is operating at a given instant, and will enable you to correct the appropriate cells. Try to operate the engine in a specific portion of the VE Table when tuning. This will allow you to fine-tune individual sections of the table to get an overall view of the corrections that need to be made. For naturally aspirated (NA) engines, the UAP calculation that is made by the Tuning Wizard can be thought of as the necessary pulse width when the engine is at 100% volumetric efficiency. In reality, most NA engines will not operate at 100% volumetric efficiency unless they have a fairly radical camshaft and high compression.
Turbocharged and supercharged engines will operate at well over 100% volumetric efficiency. The calculated UAP number from the Tuning Wizard is scaled to make the specified boost peak the 100% load number. Therefore, boosted engines should enter the peak boost (plus 10 kpa) that they intend to run as the highest point on the MAP scale in the VE Table. As an example, if an engine is to run up to 150 kpa (absolute pressure), the peak MAP value in the VE Table should be 160 kpa.
The volumetric efficiency peak will coincide with the torque peak. When an engine is not at the torque peak, the volumetric efficiency is decreased. Typically, but not always, this goes hand-in-hand with a decreased fuel requirement when below the torque peak. Fuel requirements generally increase or stay roughly constant above the torque peak. Consequently, the VE Table should be adjusted to reflect the fuel requirements of an engine at all RPM’s (and volumetric efficiencies).
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If you are not able to get an engine to idle with the VE Table settings, it may be time to use TPS/MAP Blend. Blend is useful when the low-rpm pulsewidths are too high, and the VE Table adjustments are at their maximum negative allowance.
B.6. Using TPS/MAP Blend
It is necessary to first read the theory of operation for TPS/MAP Blend in Section D.4.e of this manual. The relevant terminology for the Blend function is defined in that section. When an engine needs blend, it is usually best to enter the same Blend Percentage Values around the idle RPM. That is, if an engine’s idle speed is 800rpm, set all Blend Percentages to the same value from 1000 rpm and below. This will keep the Blend routine from moving around with small idle RPM changes. As a starting point, set the Blend Percentage Value at 60% for all RPMs around and below the idle speed. At around 200 rpm above the idle speed, the Blend Percentage can be brought down smoothly to zero at around 2000-5000 rpm. The more radical the engine, the higher the RPM point for zero Blend Percentage. Optionally, the Blend Percentage can be set to a fixed level at all RPMs. This would effectively make the system use the TPS reading as part of the load calculation all the time. Taking this to the extreme, if the Blend Percentage was set to 100%, the load calculation would be entirely TPS-based. This is generally not a good tuning method, since throttle position is not a very ideal load indicator. The Blend function should be thought of as two things: a MAP sensor filter and a pulse width modifier. When the MAP sensor reading is unsteady, but the engine is running at roughly the right pulse width, the TPS/MAP Blend can be used to smooth out the MAP sensor reading, and therefore smooth out the pulse width fluctuation. To accomplish this, enter a small amount of Blend Percentage (25-50%) near the idle point. Raise the TPS Offset Voltage to increase the pulse width to the desired level. Lower the TPS Offset Voltage if the engine is running too rich. The pulse width should stabilize once the proper settings are established.
B.7. Tuning for Cold Engines and Cold Weather
When an engine is cold, or when the intake air is cold, it will require additional fuel. To add this fuel,
the TEC uses coolant temperature enrichments that are activated as functions of cranking, normal running, and accelerating. These enrichments are best tuned after an engine has been tuned when warm. Tuning the cold enrichments before an engine has been tuned when warmed-up can be misleading. To begin with, the most important coolant temperature (CLT)-based enrichment would be the Warm­Up Enrichment. This enrichment adds a fixed percentage to the pulse width calculations as a function of engine temperature. If an engine is tuned at 90C coolant temperature, the Warm-Up Enrichment should be zeroed at 90C. At temperatures below 90C, the enrichment should ramp upward. Starting a cold engine can also require an additional amount of fuel over and above that which is necessary on a warm engine. SE-0 and ASE-0 from the Starting Enrichment section can be increased to provide these enrichments as a function of engine temperature. The Warm-Up Enrichment can be tuned by starting an engine when cold, and waiting for the 20 second enrichments to turn off (simply wait for 20 seconds after the engine has started). Add the required Warm-Up Enrichment at the current coolant temperature to achieve a smooth idle. Smooth out the curve from the current operating point to zero at 90C. For example, if the engine is at 30C and needs 40% enrichment, ramp the enrichment from 40% at 30C to 0% at 90C. For temperatures below 30C, back-track the slope of the enrichment curve upward (i.e. continue the line that was established between 30C and 90C). See the figure in Section D.4.g for a typical Warm-Up Enrichment curve. Cold weather operation lowers air intake temperature. Colder intake temperatures mean that the incoming air is denser than usual, and will require MORE FUEL to burn at the same air-fuel ratio. As mentioned in Section D.4.h, the density of air increases drastically with decreased temperature. The plot in Section D.4.h shows the Manifold Air Temperature Fuel Enrichment that would be required for various inlet
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temperatures. It is recommended that the MAT Fuel Enrichment be zeroed out at the normal operating intake temperature. This will eliminate one variable when tuning an engine. Also, it is highly recommended to ADD fuel with the MAT Fuel Enrichment when inlet temperatures rise to extreme levels. This occurs on most turbocharged engines when the turbo compressor is operating outside its efficiency range, or when an intercooler is not present. Acceleration Enrichment values can also require additional fuel during the warm-up period. Parameter ACE-2 adds fuel to the Fixed, One Second Acceleration Enrichment. ACE-2 will decay to zero enrichment once the coolant temperature has reached 80C.
B.8. Tuning the Idle Air Control Motor
Once an engine is running, and the parameters from Sections B.1-B.8 have been tuned, the IAC motor can be turned on. The IAC motor has a few settings to establish the proper idle speed without oscillation. Also the IAC motor has the ability to provide increased air to the engine during cranking, without opening the throttle. The IAC motor will only work if the TPS voltage is below that which is
defined in the “TPS Parameters” section. So if the TPS voltage is 1.5 volts at idle, the “TPS Voltage at Closed Throttle” will need to be set to 1.55 volts in order for the IAC function to turn on.
To begin tuning the IAC motor parameters, turn the engine OFF. Define your desired idle speed as a function of coolant temperature. This is the target speed that the IAC motor will attempt to reach. Start the engine, and watch the idle speed and coolant temperature. If the engine is idling higher than the desired idle speed setting, the throttle plate is opened too far or there is a vacuum leak on the engine. Try spraying carburetor cleaner around the intake manifold sealing surfaces to check for vacuum leaks, if the throttle plate is fully closed. If the engine is idling lower than the desired idle speed setting, then the IAC motor is not able to supply the engine with enough air on its own. When this occurs, open the throttle plate slightly. Once the throttle plate is adjusted correctly, the IAC motor should be holding the engine’s idle RPM. However, the IAC motor may be causing an RPM oscillation. If this is the case, look to the rest of the IAC parameters. Along with the IAC motor settings, the “Idle Advance” feature can increase the ignition advance when an engine falls below the desired idle speed, and decrease the ignition advance when the engine rises above the desired idle speed. This can help achieve the desired idle RPM, even on applications not using the IAC motor.
B.8.a Configuring the New Electromotive Idle Speed Control
For information on wiring the 2-wire IAC, refer to the drawings at the end of this section.
Go to the idle speed window and enter the following values:
Error Sensitivity (+): 70 (when RPM is below target) Error Sensitivity (-): 70 (when RPM is above target) Rate-of-Change Sensitivity (+): 1 (when RPM is increasing) Rate-of-Change Sensitivity (-): 220 (when RPM is decreasing)
Click on the Min/Max Dutycycle button and enter values according to which idle motor you are
Ford: Min = 1, Max = 255, Allow shutdown should be checked
Honda: Min = 50, Max = 188, Allow shutdown should be checked
Bosch (should be most German cars): Min = 100, Max = 255, Allow shutdown should be checked
Mazda: Min = 60, Max = 155, Allow shutdown should not be checked
Electromotive Stepper: Min = 50, Max = 185, Allow shutdown does not effect this motor
Pick your idle targets just like the old system; this data will likely still be there.
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