Model 1.2.3:
! 1 feeding lane with 2 le ngth folds (longit udinal) and 1,
2, 3 cross folds (transversal).
2 feeding lanes with 2 length folds (longitudinal) and
1, 2 cross folds (transversal).
! 3 feeding lanes with 2 length f olds (longi tudinal) a nd 1
cross fold (transversal).
Lateral stacker ASL for left or right hand side folded
items. Pre-selected number of stacked items.
! Working width: 3000-3300-35 00 m m
! Category of items: Large and medium-size flat items.
! Folding accuracy, reliability, simplicity of use and
easiness of maintenance are the main benefi ts of the
Length folding section done by air jets between
reverse rotating rollers:
- 2 length folds on 1 lane (1 x 3000-3300-3500 mm)
- 2 length folds on 2 lanes (1 x 1400-1500-1600 mm)
- 2 length folds on 3 lanes (1 x 900-1000-1100 mm)
Cross folding section: 3 cross folds on 1 lane OR 3
cross folds on 2 lanes OR 1 cross folds on 3 lanes.
- The first cross fold is done by one blade (width 1000
mm) between reverse rotat ing rollers.
- The second and third cross folds are carried out by
air blasts between reversing conveyors.
Right or left hand side exit of folded items.
! The robust chassis is made with two 10 mm thick,
lateral steel panels. It minimizes vibrations.
Transmission done by asynchronous m otor managed
by frequency control driving timing belts and using
! Automatic detection and measuring of items by
photoelectric cells.
Designed with timing belts and clutches for a very
quiet operation.
! Piece counter on each cross fold lane.
! Buzzer and flashing light alarms in case of jam.
! Automatic selection of folding programs according to
items’ sizes.
Belts and antistatic system for smooth operation.
Automatic torn/dirty item rejection directly after the
length fold.
! Automatic speed variation by means of frequency
converter (3 pre-set speeds). Each progr am can get 3
different speeds.
Total by-pass of non-folded items.
! Possibility to by-pass items after the length fold for
rear exit delivery.
! Rear delivery table for non-folded items.
Conveyor belts as junction between the ironer and the
Easy access to all vital components.
! Easy daily maintenance thanks to light side panels in
composite, easy to remove.
! Photoelectric cell cleaning system that can be
programmed at selected intervals.
Easy to use control system managing up to 20 folding
! Right or left hand side exit (should be specified with
Gangway on top of feeding belt.
Mounted on wheels.
! Auto-centring on 3 lanes.
! Third length (longitudinal) fold.
! By-pass of first length fold (and by-pass of second
! Additional control panel installed in front of the ironing
! Computer connection.
By-pass divided in 2, 3, 4, 5 l anes for small flat items
(compulsory for connection to SP COLLECTOR,
length fold when third length fold option is av ailable).
Speed synchronisation with ironer by means of
Safety device between fe eder and ironer.
or feeding set.
Double stacker ADU2 for single/double bed sheet
All product specifications can be modified at any time by Electrolux without notice

Electrical connection 3000 - 3300 3500
400V 3N AC 50Hz kW (A) 5.5 (25) 5.5 (25)
230V 3N AC 50Hz kW (A) 5.5 (25) 5.5 (25)
Compressed air connection
Air mm 12 12
Air pressure kPa 800 800
Air consumption NL/min 330 330
Sound level
Airborne sound level dB(A) < 70 < 70
Shipping data
Weight kg 3400 3600
Static load Kg/cm² 1.5 1.5
Dimensions in mm
Overall width (with ASL) mm 5630 5830
Overall depth (with ASL) mm 4200 4200
Overall height mm 1800 1800
Folds legend:
Length + cross fold
Length fold only
Large flat
Mid-size flat
Small flat
All product specifications can be modified at any time by Electrolux without notice