Question : LAVATHERM 340 can take how much weight maximum?
Answer : LAVATHERM 340 can work with loads upto a 5 kilograms.
Question: What Vertically and Horizontally does the dryer take up space?
Answer: Whenever a worktop is fixed onto the dimensions the height expands to 85.0cm , width goes upto 60.0cm, depth expands to 60.0cm.
Question: After putting in 5 kg of dried cotton laundry into the washer, what is the basic limit for electricity usage?
Answer: The basic limit will be 3.2 kilowatts which will be used for 5 kilograms during and after sewing for 800min.
Question: If One wishes to operate the device them under what temperatures can they do so?
Answer: The lower limit of temperatures will be 5 degrees celsius and the upper limit shall be 35 degrees celsius.
Q: How does the height adjustability work?
A: The height can be increased by +1 cm or decreased by -0.4 cm.