Electrolux E36EC65ESS2, E36EC65ESS1, E30EC65ESS3, E30EC65ESS2, E30EC65ESS1 Owner’s Manual

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9/8 200 625 (0505) Rev. B
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........................................................................................................................................................................................................................For tolbfree telephone support in the U.S. and Canada:
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@2005 Electrolux Home Products, Inc.
Post Office Box 212378, Augusta, Georgia 30917, USA
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Finding Infocmation ..........................................2-3
Makea RecordforFutureuse.................................2
Safety ..................................................................4-6
Setting SucfaeeContcob ................................7-13
Locationsof theRadiantSurfaceEbments ...............8
OperatingtheSingleSurfaceRadiantElements...... 10
OperatingtheDua!SurfaceRadiantEbments .........11
CookwareMaterialTypes ......................................13
Care&Cleanin9d StainlessSteel.........................16
Solutions to Common Pcobbme..................17-19
WaccantyInfocmation .........................................20
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o Remove aHtape and packaging wrap before using the appliance. Destroy the carton
and plastic bags after unpacking the appliance. Never allow children to play with packaging material,
o Proper Installation. Be sure your appliance is properJy installed and grounded by a
qualified technician in accordance with the NationaJ ElectrieaJ Code No. 70 -tatest edition in the United States, or CSA 022.1, Part 1 in Canada, and tocaJ code requirements. Install only per installation instructions provided in the literature package for this appliance,
Ask your dealer to recommend a qualified technician and an authorized repair service, Know how to disconnect the electrical power to the appliance at the circuit breaker or fuse box in case of an emergency,
User Servicing. Do not repair or reptace any part of the appliance unless specifically recommended in the manuaJs. All other servicing should be done only by a qualified technician to reduce the risk of personal injury and damage to the appliance,
Never modify or aJter the construction of an appJia rice such as removaJ of panets, wire covers or any other permanent part of the appliance.
Storage on Appliance. Flammable materiaJs shouJd not be stored near surface units. This includes paper, plastic and cloth items, such as cookbooks, plasticware and towels, as well as flammable liquids, Do not store explosives, such as aerosol cans, on or near the appliance, Flammable materials may explode and result in fire or property damage,
, Donotteavechildrenalone,Childrenshouldnotbeteftaloneorunattendedin the
areawhereanapplianceis in use.Theyshouldneverbeallowedtositorstandonany partoftileappliance,
behoteventhoughtheyaredarkincolor,Areasnearsurfaceunitsmaybecomehotenough tocauseburns,Duringandafteruse,donottouch,orletclothingorotherflammablematerials touchtheseareasuntiltheyhavehadsufficienttimetocool,Amongtheseareasarethe
o Wear Proper Apparet. Loose-fitting or hanging garments shoutd never be worn while
using the appliance. Do not let clothing or other flammable materials contact hot surfaces,
o Do Not Use Water or Flour on Grease Fires. Smother the fire with a pan tid, or use
baking soda, a dry chemica! or foam-type extinguisher.
o When heating fat or grease, watch it cloeety. Fat or grease may catch fire if allowed to
become too hot,
o Use Onty Dry Pot holders, Moist or damp pot holders on hot surfaces may reeuJt in
burns from steam. Do not let the pot holders touch hot surface units, Do not use a towel or other bulky cloth instead of a pot holder.
o Do Not Heat Unopened Food Containers. Buitdup of pressure may cause the container
to burst and result in injury.
]MPORTANT. Donotattempttooperatethecooktopdur]ngapowerfai_ute, If the power falls, always turn off the cooktop. Ifthe coektop is not turned off and the power resumes, the cooktop will not operate and an error message will be displayed,
IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING YOUR COOKTOP o Know which knob controls each surface unit.
o Clean the appJiance reguJaHy to keep aH parts free of grease that couJd catch fire.
Exhaust fan ventilation hoods and grease filters should be kept clean, Do not allowgrease to
accumulate on hood or filter, Greasy deposits in the fan could catch fire, When flaming food under the hood, turn fan on, Refer to hood manufacturer's instructions for cleaning,
o Use Proper Pan Size, This appliance is equipped with one or more surface units of different
sizes, Select utensils having fiat bottoms large enough to cover the surface unit, The use of undersized utensils will expose a portion of the surface heating unit to direct contact and may
result in ignition of clothing, Proper relationship of utensil to element will also improve
o UtensilHandles Should Be Turned inward and Not Extend Over Adjacent Surface
Units, To reduce the risk of burns, ignition of fiammabHe materiaHs, and spHHagedue to unintentionaH contact with the utensil,
Never Leave Surface Units Unattended. BoHovers cause smoking and greasy spHHovers that may ignite, or a pan that has boiled dry may merit,
Protective Liners. Do not use aHuminum foil to Hne any part of the appliance, OnHyuse aHuminumfoil as recommended for baking ifused as a cover pHacedon the food, Any other use of protective Hinersor aHuminumfoiHmay resuHtina risk of eHectricshock or fire or short circuit,
GJazed Cooking Utensils, OnHy certain types of gHass, gHass/ceramic, ceramic, earthenware, or other gHazedutensiHsare suitabHefor range top service without breaking due to the sudden change in temperature, Check the manufacturer's recommendations for cooktop use,
Do Not Use Decorative Surface Element Covers. if an element is accidentally turned on, the decorative cover will become hot and possibly melt, Bums will occur ifthe hot covers are touched, Damage may also be done to the appliance,
Ventilating hood. The ventilating hood above your cooking surface should be cleaned frequently, so the grease from cooking vapors does not accumulate on the hood or filter,
Do Not Clean or Operate a Broken Cooktop. Hfcooktop shouHdbreak, cHeaning soHutions and spiHHoversmay penetrate the broken cooktop and create a risk of eHectricshock, Contact a quaHifiedtechnician immediateHy,
CJean Cooktop with Caution. if a wet sponge or cloth is used to wipe spills on a hot cooking area, be careful to avoid a steam burn, Some cleaners can produce harmful fumes if applied
to a hot surface,
Do Not Place Hot Cookware on Cold Cooktop Glass. This couHdcause gHassto break,
Do not slide pan across the cooktop surface. They may scratch the cooktop surface,
, Do Not Let Pans Boll Dry. This may cause permanent damage in the form of breakage,
fusion, or marking that can affect the ceramic=gHass cooktop, (This type of damage is not covered by your warranty).
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