Electro Industries/GaugeTech Shark 250 Installation And Operation Manual

October 9, 2018
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Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
Shark® 250 Meter Installation and Operation Manual Version 1.02
Published by:
Electro Industries/GaugeTech (EIG)
1800 Shames Drive
Westbury, NY 11590

Copyright Notice

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, record­ing, or information storage or retrieval systems or any future forms of duplication, for any purpose other than the purchaser's use, without the expressed written permission of Electro Industries/GaugeTech.
© 2018 Electro Industries/GaugeTech
All information contained herein is, and remains the property of Electro Industries/ GaugeTech and its suppliers, if any. The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein including, but not limited to, programming code, database structures, etc., are proprietary to Electro Industries/Gauge Tech and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained from Electro Industries/ Gauge Tech.
Shark® is a registered trademark of Electro Industries/GaugeTech. The distinctive shapes, styles, and overall appearances of all Shark® meters are trademarks of
Electro Industries/GaugeTech. Communicator EXT
and V-SwitchTM are trademarks
of Electro Industries/GaugeTech.
Modbus® is a registered trademark of Schneider Electric, licensed to the Modbus Organization, Inc.
Doc# E169701 i
Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions

Customer Service and Support

Customer support is available 8:00 am to 8 pm, Eastern Standard Time, Monday
hrough Friday. Please have the model, serial number and a detailed problem descrip-
t tion available. If the problem concerns a particular reading, please have all meter readings available. When returning any merchandise to EIG, a return materials authorization number is required. For customer or technical assistance, repair or calibration, phone 516-334-0870 or fax 516-338-4741.

Product Warranty

Electro Industries/GaugeTech (EIG) warrants all products to be free from defects in material and workmanship for a period of four years from the date of shipment. During the warranty period, we will, at our option, either repair or replace any product that proves to be defective.
To exercise this warranty, fax or call our customer-support department. You will receive prompt assistance and return instructions. Send the instrument, transporta­tion prepaid, to EIG at 1800 Shames Drive, Westbury, NY 11590. Repairs will be made and the instrument will be returned.
This warranty does not apply to defects resulting from unauthorized modification,
misuse, or use for any reason other than electrical power monitoring. The Shark meter is not a user-serviceable product.
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Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions

Use Of Product for Protection

Our products are not to be used for primary over-current protection. Any protection feature in our products is to be used for alarm or secondary protection only.

Statement of Calibration

Our instruments are inspected and tested in accordance with specifications published by Electro Industries/GaugeTech. The accuracy and a calibration of our instruments are traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology through equipment that is calibrated at planned intervals by comparison to certified standards. For optimal performance, EIG recommends that any meter, including those manufac­tured by EIG, be verified for accuracy on a yearly interval using NIST traceable accu­racy standards.


The information presented in this publication has been carefully checked for reliability; however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.
This symbol indicates that the operator must refer must to an important WARNING or CAUTION in the operating instructions. Please see 4.1: Considerations When Installing Meters on page 4­1, for important safety information regarding installation and
hookup of the Shark® 250 meter. Dans ce manuel, ce symbole indique que l’opérateur doit se référer à un important AVERTISSEMENT ou une MISE EN GARDE dans les instructions opérationnelles. Veuil­lez consulter 4.1: Considerations When Installing Meters on page 4- 1, pour des infor­mations importantes relatives à l’installation et branchement du compteur. The following safety symbols may be used on the meter itself: Les symboles de sécurité suivante peuvent être utilisés sur le compteur même:
This symbol alerts you to the presence of high voltage, which can cause dangerous electrical shock. Ce symbole vous indique la présence d’une haute tension qui peut provoquer une décharge électrique dangereuse.
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Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
This symbol indicates the field wiring terminal that must be connected to earth ground before operating the meter, which protects against
electrical shock in case of a fault condition. Ce symbole indique que la borne de pose des canalisations in-situ qui doit être branchée dans la mise à terre avant de faire fonctionner le compteur qui est protégé contre une décharge électrique ou un état défectueux.
This symbol indicates that the user must refer to this manual for
specific WARNING or CAUTION information to avoid personal injury or
damage to the product. Ce symbole indique que l'utilisateur doit se référer à ce manuel pour AVERTISSEMENT ou MISE EN GARDE l'information pour éviter toute blessure ou tout endommagement du produit.

About Electro Industries/GaugeTech (EIG)

Founded in 1975 by engineer and inventor Dr. Samuel Kagan, Electro Industries/ GaugeTech changed the face of power monitoring forever with its first breakthrough innovation: an affordable, easy-to-use AC power meter.
More than forty years since its founding, Electro Industries/GaugeTech, the leader in power monitoring and control, continues to revolutionize the industry with the highest quality, cutting edge power monitoring and control technology on the market today. An ISO 9001 t
roind.com/about-electro-industries/), EIG sets the industry standard for advanced
certified company (certificate on the EIG website at https://elec-
power quality and reporting, revenue metering and substation data acquisition and control. EIG products can be found on site at mainly all of today's leading manufactur­ers, industrial giants and utilities.
EIG products are primarily designed, manufactured, tested and calibrated at our facil­ity in Westbury, New York.
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Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions

Table of Contents

Copyright Notice i
Customer Service and Support ii
Product Warranty ii
Use Of Product for Protection iii
Statement of Calibration iii
Disclaimer iii
About Electro Industries/GaugeTech (EIG) iv
1.1: The Shark® 250 High Accuracy Revenue Meter 1 - 1
Table of Contents
1.1.1: Hookup Connections and Measurements 1 - 1
1.1.2: Ordering Codes 1 - 2
1.1.3: V-Switch
1.1.4: Measured Values 1 - 6
1.1.5: Utility Demand 1 - 7
1.2: Advanced Measurement Functionality 1 - 7
1.2.1: Advanced Revenue Billing Capability 1 - 7
1.2.2: Communications and I/O Capabilities 1 - 10
1.2.3: Meter Display 1 - 12
1.3: Shark® 250 Meter Accuracy 1 - 13
1.4: Shark® 250 Meter Specifications Overview 1 - 14
Key Technology 1 - 3
1.5: DNP V 3.0 Protocol Implementation 1 - 21
1.6: Time Synchronization Alternatives 1 - 21
2: Using the Shark® 250 Meter 2 - 1
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Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
2.1: Introduction 2 - 1
2.1.1: Understanding Meter Face Elements 2 - 1
2.1.2: Understanding Meter Face Buttons 2 - 2
2.2: Using the Front Panel 2 - 3
2.2.1: Understanding Startup and Default Displays 2 - 3
2.2.2: Using the Main Menu 2 - 4
2.2.3: Using Reset Mode 2 - 5
2.2.4: Entering a Password 2 - 7
2.2.5: Using Configuration Mode 2 - 8 Configuring the Scroll Feature 2 - 10 Configuring CT Setting 2 - 11 Configuring PT Setting 2 - 12 Configuring Connection Setting 2 - 13 Configuring the RS485 Communication Port Setting 2 - 13
2.2.6: Using Operating Mode 2 - 15
2.3: Understanding the % of Load Bar 2 - 16
3: Mechanical Installation 3 - 1
3.1: Introduction 3 - 1
3.2: ANSI Installation Steps 3 - 3
3.3: DIN Installation Steps 3 - 4
3.4: Transducer Installation 3 - 6
4: Electrical Installation 4 - 1
4.1: Considerations When Installing Meters 4 - 1
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Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
4.2: CT Leads Terminated to Meter 4 - 4
4.3: CT Leads Pass Through (No Meter Termination) 4 - 5
4.4: Quick Connect Crimp-on Terminations 4 - 6
4.5: Voltage and Power Supply Connections 4 - 7
4.6: Ground Connections 4 - 7
4.7: Voltage Fuses 4 - 7
4.8: Electrical Connection Diagrams 4 - 8
4.9: Extended Surge Protection for Substation Instrumentation 4 - 21
5: Communication Installation 5 - 1
5.1: Shark® 250 Meter Communication 5 - 1
5.1.1: USB Port (Com 1) 5 - 1
5.1.2: RS485 / KYZ Output (Com 2) 5 - 4 Using the Unicom 2500 5 - 8
6: Using the I/O Option Cards 6 - 1
6.1: Overview 6 - 1
6.2: Installing Option Cards 6 - 2
6.3: Configuring Option Cards 6 - 4
6.4: 1 mA Output Card (1mAOS) 6 - 4
6.4.1: Specifications
4.2: Default Configuration: 6 - 5
6 - 4
6.4.3: Wiring Diagram 6 - 6
6.5: 20 mA Output Card (20mAOS) 6 - 7
6.5.1: Specifications 6 - 7
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Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
6.5.2: Default Configuration 6 - 8
5.3: Wiring Diagram 6 - 9
6.6: Digital Output (Relay Contact) / Digital Input Card (RO1S) 6 - 10
6.6.1: Specifications 6 - 10
6.6.2: Wiring Diagram 6 - 12
6.7: Pulse Output (Solid State Relay Contacts) / Digital Input Card (P01S) 6 - 13
6.7.1: Specifications 6 - 13
6.7.2: Default Configuration
7.3: Wiring Diagram 6 - 15
6 - 14
6.8: Fiber Optic Communication Card (FOSTS; FOVPS) 6 - 16
6.8.1: Specifications 6 - 16
6.8.2: Wiring Diagram 6 - 17
6.9: 10/100BaseT Ethernet Communication Card (INP100S) 6 - 18
6.9.1: Specifications 6 - 18
6.9.2: Default Configuration 6 - 19
6.9.3: Wiring Diagram 6 - 19
6.10: IEC 61850 Protocol Ethernet Network Card (INP300S) 6 - 20
6.10.1: Specifications 6 - 20
6.10.2: Default Configuration 6 - 21
6.10.3: Wiring Diagram 6 - 21
6.11: RS232/RS485 Card (RS1S) 6 - 22
6.11.1: Specifications 6 - 22
6.11.2: Default Configuration 6 - 23
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Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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6.11.3: Wiring Diagram 6 - 24
7: Using the Ethernet Card (INP100S) 7 - 1
7.1: Overview 7 - 1
7.2: Hardware Connection 7 - 1
7.3: Performing Network Configuration 7 - 2
7.4: INP100S Ethernet Card Features 7 - 2
7.4.1: Ethernet Communication 7 - 3
7.4.2: Embedded Web Server 7 - 3 Upgrading the Ethernet Card’s Firmware 7 - 14 Resetting the Ethernet Card 7 - 16 Email Notification 7 - 17 Data Push 7 - 23
7.4.3: NTP Time Server Synchronization 7 - 27
7.4.4: Modbus and DNP3 over Ethernet 7 - 27
7.4.5: Keep-Alive Feature 7 - 27
8: Data Logging 8 - 1
8.1: Overview 8 - 1
8.2: Available Logs 8 - 1
9: Using the INP300S IEC 61850 Protocol Card 9 - 1
9.1: Overview 9 - 1
9.2: Overview of IEC 61850 9 - 1
9.2.1: Relationship of Clients and Servers in IEC 61850 9 - 3
9.2.2: Structure of IEC 61850 Network 9 - 5
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Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Elements of an IEC 61850 Network 9 - 7
9.2.3: Steps in Configuring an IEC 61850 Network 9 - 8
9.2.4: EIG’s Implementation of the IEC 61850 Protocol Server 9 - 10 Shark® 250 Server Configuration 9 - 12
9.2.5: Reference Materials 9 - 13
9.2.6: Free Tools for IEC 61850 Start-up 9 - 14
9.2.7: Commercial Tools for IEC 61850 Implementation 9 - 14
9.3: Using the Shark® 250 Meter’s IEC 61850 Protocol Ethernet Network Card 9 - 15
9.3.1: Overview 9 - 15
9.3.2: Installing the IEC 61850 Protocol Ethernet Network Card 9 - 17
9.3.3: Configuring the IEC 61850 Protocol Ethernet Network Card 9 - 17 Configuring the Device Profile IEC 61850 Protocol Ethernet Network Card Settings 9 - 17 Configuring the Meter on the IEC 61850 Network 9 - 21
9.4: Viewing the IEC 61850 Protocol Ethernet Network Card’s System Log 9 - 27
9.5: Upgrading the IEC 61850 Protocol Ethernet Network Card’s Firmware 9 - 28
9.6: Resetting the IEC 61850 Protocol Ethernet Network Card 9 - 29
9.7: Keep-Alive Feature 9 - 30
9.8: Testing 9 - 30
9.10: Error Codes 9 - 31
10: Time of Use Function 10 - 1
10.1: Introduction 10 - 1
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Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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10.2: The Shark® 250 Meter's TOU Profile 10 - 3
10.3: TOU Prior Season and Month 10 - 3
10.4: Updating, Retrieving and Replacing the TOU Profile 10 - 3
10.5: Daylight Savings and Demand 10 - 4
11: Meter Calculations 11 - 1
11.1: Measurements and Calculations 11 - 1
11.2: Demand Integrators 11 - 5
12: Performing Meter Testing 12 - 1
13: Transformer Loss Compensation 13 - 1
13.1: Introduction 13 - 1
13.2: Shark® 250 Meter's Transformer Loss Compensation 13 - 3
13.2.1: Loss Compensation in Three Element Installations 13 - 5 Three-Element Loss Compensation Worksheet 13 - 6
A: Shark® 250 Meter Navigation Maps A - 1
A.1: Introduction A - 1
A.2: Navigation Maps (Sheets 1 to 4) A - 1
B: Three-Phase Power Measurement B - 1
B.1: Three-Phase System Configurations B - 1
B.1.1: Wye Connection B - 1
B.1.2: Delta Connection B - 4
B.1.3: Blondel’s Theorem and Three Phase Measurement B - 6
B.2: Power, Energy and Demand B - 8
B.3: Reactive Energy and Power Factor B - 12
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Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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B.4: Harmonic Distortion B - 14
B.5: Power Quality B - 18
C: Shark® 250 Meter DNP Mapping C - 1
C.1: Overview C - 1
C.2: Configuration C - 1
C.3: Communication C - 1
C.4: Classes C - 3
C.5: Events C - 3
C.6: Time Synchronization C - 4
Table of Contents
C.7: Link Layer Functions C - 5
C.8: Application Layer Functions C - 5
C.9: Errors C - 5
C.10: Object Specifics C - 6
C.10.1: Object 0 - Device Attributes C - 6
C.10.2: Object 1 - Binary Inputs Status C - 8
C.10.3: Object 2 - Binary Input Change C - 9
C.10.4: Object 10 - Binary Output States C - 10
C.10.5: Object 12 - Relay Output Block C - 11
C.10.6: Object 20 - Binary Counters C - 13
C.10.7: Object 21 - Frozen Counters C - 14
C.10.8: Object 22 - Binary Counter Event C - 15
C.10.9: Object 30 - Analog Inputs C - 16
C.10.10: Object 32 - Analog Inputs Change C - 17
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Electro Industries/GaugeTech
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C.10.11: Object 34 - Analog Input Dead-Band C - 18
C.10.12: Object 50 - Time C - 19
C.10.13: Object 60 - Class Objects C - 20
C.10.14: Object 80 - Internal Indications C - 21
C.10.15: Object 110 - Strings C - 22
C.11: Default Values C - 22
C.12: Use Cases C - 29
C.12.1: Case 1 - Primary of 14.4 KV and Secondary of 120 V C - 29
C.12.2: Case 2 - Primary of 138 KV and Secondary of 120 V C - 36
C.12.3: Case 3 - Read Power in the Range of 6000 Kilowatt C - 40
C.12.4: Case 4 - Read Power in the Range of 60000 Kilowatt C - 44
C.12.5: Case 5 - Read Power in the Range of 120000 Kilowatt C - 45
C.12.6: Case 6 - Reading Energy of Approximately 12345.678 kWh C - 46
C.12.7: Case 7 - Frequency of 59.95 Hz C - 50
D: Transformer Loss Compensation Spreadsheet and Examples E - 1
D.1: Calculating Values E - 1
D.2: Excel Spreadsheet with Example Numbers E - 1
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The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
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1: Meter Overview

Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
1: Meter Overview

1.1: The Shark® 250 High Accuracy Revenue Meter

The Shark® 250 is a multifunction, data­logging revenue meter for both critical meter applications and basic commercial/ industrial metering applications. The Shark® 250 meter is a full four quadrant, bidirectional revenue meter that can also be used for inter-tie metering. Its 0.2% metrology accuracy meets all the accu­racy requirements of ANSI C12.20 Class
0.2% and IEC 62053-22 CL 0.2S. The meter has advanced revenue metering features that allow it to be used not only for measuring basic energy, but also for providing a full complement of necessary tools, such as instrument transformer compensation, CT/PT compensation, advanced test mode, perpetual TOU, and extensive logging for interval energy storage.
There is also a transducer only version of the meter, the Shark® 250T transducer, which has the same functionality as the meter, except that it doesn’t have the face­plate or the USB port.

1.1.1: Hookup Connections and Measurements

See 1.4: Shark® 250 Meter Specifications Overview, on page 1-14.
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Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions

1.1.2: Ordering Codes

1: Meter Overview
(90 to
265) V AC @ 50/60
(18-60) V
Option Card 1
4 Pulses/4
Status Inputs
2 Relay Out-
puts/2 Digital
4 Channel
Analog Output
0-1 mA
4 Channel
Analog Output
4-20 mA
Fiber Optic
Output ST
Term in ate d
Option Card
2 Type*
4 Pulses/4
Status Inputs
2 Relay Out-
puts/2 Digital
4 Channel
Analog Output
0-1 mA
4 Channel
Analog Output
4-20 mA
Fiber Optic
Output ST
Term in ate d
Model Frequency
Option Numbers:
E.g: Shark250 - 60 - 2 - V2 - D - INP100S - X
Shark® 250
Revenue Meter
Shark® 250T
Trans duc er O nly
50 Hz System
60 Hz System
2 A
10 A
V1 + 2 MB
V2 + 10 MB
Memory and 128
Waveform Recording
V3 + 128 MB
Memory and 512
Waveform Recording
Fiber Optic
Versatile Link
Term in ate d
IEC 61850
Fiber Optic
Versatile Link
Term in ate d
IEC 61850
Doc# E169701 1-2
Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions

1.1.3: V-SwitchTM Key Technology

The Shark® 250 meter is equipped with V-SwitchTM key technology, a virtual firmware-based switch that lets you enable meter features through software communication. V-Switch
without removal from service.
Multifunction Measurement * * * * Programmable Display * * * * Time of Use **** System Events * * * Input Status Change * * * * Limits **** Harmonics * * * *
key technology allows meter upgrades after installation
Features V1 V2 V3 V4
1: Meter Overview
2 MB Memory** (3 Historical logs) * 10 MB Memory** (6 Historical logs) * 128 MB Memory** (6 Historical logs) * Waveform 128 samples * Waveform 512 samples * CT/PT Compensation * * * * TLC Compensation * * * * IEC 61850 Protocol * * * DNP3 **** Modbus Protocol*** * * * *
** Note that some memory is reserved for internal operations. *** See the Shark® 250 Meter Modbus Protocol Application Guide for instructions on using Modbus with the meter.
Doc# E169701 1-3
1: Meter Overview
Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
Obtaining a V-SwitchTM Key:
Contact EIG’s inside sales staff at sales@electroind.com or by calling (516) 334-0870 (USA) and provide the following information:
1. Serial number(s) of the meter(s) you are upgrading. Use the number(s), with lead­ing zeros, shown in the Communicator EXT
Communicator EXT
2. Desired V-Switch
Main screen, click Tools>Device Status).
3. Credit card or Purchase Order number. EIG will issue you the V-Switch
Enabling the V-Switch
1. Open Communicator EXT
Device Status screen (from the
2. Power up your meter.
3. Connect to the Shark® 250 meter through Communicator EXT
4. Download all meter logs and then reset them - see chapters 16 and 20 in the
Communicator EXT
4.0 and MeterManager EXT Software User Manual for instruc-
tions on doing this; you can access the manual by clicking Help>Contents from the Menu Bar at the top of the software’s Main screen.
5. Click Tools>Change V-Switch from the Menu Bar. A screen opens, requesting the encrypted key.
6. Enter the V-Switch
key provided by EIG.
Doc# E169701 1-4
1: Meter Overview
Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
7. Click the Update button. The V-SwitchTM key is enabled and the meter resets.
8. Configure the log sizes - see Chapter 28 in the Communicator EXT
4.0 and Meter-
Manager EXT Software User Manual for instructions.
Doc# E169701 1-5
1: Meter Overview
Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions

1.1.4: Measured Values

The following table shows the primary measurements of the Shark® 250 meter.
Measured Values Instantaneous Avg Max Min
Voltage L-N X XXX Voltage L-L X XXX Current per Phase X XXX Current Neutral X X X X Watt (A,B,C,Total) X X X X VAR (A,B,C,Total) X X X X VA (A,B,C,Total) X X X X PF (A,B,C,Total) X X X X +Watt Hour (A,B,C,Total) X
-Watt Hour (A,B,C,Total) X Watt Hour Net X +VAR-Hour (A,B,C,Total) X
-VAR-Hour (A,B,C,Total) X VAR-Hour Net (A,B,C,Total) X VA-Hour (A,B,C,Total) X Frequency X X X Harmonics to the 40th Order X THD X X X Voltage Angles X Current Angles X Waveform Scope X TDD X X X K Factor X X X Q X XXX Q-Hours X Symmetrical Components X X X Voltage Unbalance X X X Current Unbalance X X X
Doc# E169701 1-6
Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions Update Rate

Instantaneous power W, VA, VAR and energy Wh, VAh, VARh readings: Every 6 cycles.
All other parameters: Every 60 cycles.

1.1.5: Utility Demand

The Shark® 250 meter provides user-configured Block (Fixed) window or Rolling window Demand modes. This feature lets you set up a customized Demand profile. Block window Demand mode records the average demand for time intervals you define (usually 5, 15 or 30 minutes). Rolling window Demand mode functions like multiple, overlapping Block windows. You define the subintervals at which an average of Demand is calculated. An example of Rolling window Demand mode would be a 15­minute Demand block using 5-minute subintervals, thus providing a new Demand
1: Meter Overview
reading every 5 minutes, based on the last 15 minutes. Utility Demand features can be used to calculate W, VAR, VA and PF readings.
• If the meter loses power, average for the Demand interval is computed based on energy readings for the time the meter was online.
• If there are multiple instances of power loss during an Demand interval, Cold Load functionality is available only once for Demand computation for that interval. See page 9 for an explanation of cold Load.

1.2: Advanced Measurement Functionality

The following sections describe the Shark® 250 meter’s measurement features in detail.

1.2.1: Advanced Revenue Billing Capability

The Shark® 250 device is a full four-quadrant power and energy meter with 0.2 Accuracy class. Energy measurements include: kWh Delivered & Received, kVARh Delivered & Received, kVAh, kVARh, kWh in each quadrant and Total kVAh. The meter measures instantaneous power and provides multiple, simultaneous demand mea­surements, including time-stamped maximum and minimum readings.
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1: Meter Overview
Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
Time of Use
The Shark® meter’s Time of Use functionality offers the following standard capabilities:
• 16 TOU schedules.
• Bidirectional consumption and Demand.
• 4 seasons/year and up to 12 months/year.
• Season may be customized for daily or weekly use.
• Perpetual calendar.
• 4 accumulation rates and a totalizer rate.
• Prior month and prior season readings for each schedule.
• Prior month and prior season for each accumulation rate, for each defined data set.
• Current month and current season readings for each schedule.
• Current month and current season for each accumulation rate, for each defined data set.
• Total-to-date readings for each month.
• Total-to-date readings for each season.
• Cumulative Demand with continuous Cumulative Demand option.
• Configurable auto self-read for season and months, or manual read.
NOTE: If you make changes to either the current/voltage ratio, energy scaling or similar format settings in the meter's profile; or the configuration of TOU datasets, rates, schedules or day types, the data in the meter may no longer be consistent with the previous accumulated data. Any time you change these values you should reset the TOU data by performing a Master TOU reset action (see the Communicator EXT
4.0 and MeterManager EXT Software User Manual for instructions.)
Doc# E169701 1-8
1: Meter Overview
Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
Multiple Demand Windows
The Shark® 250 meter simultaneously calculates four quadrant demand with the following features:
• Block Window Demand or Rolling Window Demand averaging, divided into of up to 4 subintervals.
• Cumulative Demand.
• Continuous Cumulative Demand.
• Total Demand Distortion.
• Cold Load Pickup.
• Programmable Interval length of 5 minutes, 15 minutes, 30 minutes and 60 minutes.
• End of Interval Pulse Output (with optional 4PO1 card).
• End of Interval Pulse Input (with optional 4PO1 or 4RO1 card).
Cold Load Pickup/Demand Forgiveness
The meter offers Cold Load Pickup/Demand Forgiveness, so that in case a power sys­tem outage or excessive power system voltage drop occurs, when normal service is resumed, the customer will not be billed for the initial surge or in-rush of power to feed its “cold loads.” During the initial time period immediately following the return of normal electric service, the demand is not computed in the Demand Registers if the two threshold conditions described below are met, so the customer is not billed for possible excessive demand due to “cold load pickup.”
• A power system outage which drops the metering potential inputs to the meter (to below a programmed threshold) and also drops the meter’s power.
• A power system outage which drops the metering potential inputs to the Meter (to below a programmed threshold), but the meter’s external power remains supplied by an alternate source (e.g., station battery, station service, etc.), that is, the meter continues to operate.
Doc# E169701 1-9
1: Meter Overview
Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
Note that energy is always continuously measured and is also recorded in the Power Profile Logs, if so configured. See Chapter 28 in the Communicator EXT
4.0 and
MeterManager EXT Software User Manual, for instructions.
Time Stamped Max/Min Readings
The unit gathers time stamped Max/Min Demands for all power values. Each of the following values is date/time stamped:
• W Demand, Delivered & Received, Max/Min.
• VAR Demand, Delivered & Received, Max/Min.
• VA Demand, Max/Min.
• Amps Demand, Max/Min.
• Voltage, Max/Min.
Transformer Loss Compensation
Transformer Loss Compensation adjusts for both copper and iron losses with a simple user setup.

1.2.2: Communications and I/O Capabilities

The Shark® 250 meter features advanced communication which utilizes multiple Com ports using open protocols. The meter’s multi-port design allows multiple communica­tion connections simultaneously. The Shark® 250 meter’s system provides a direct digital link, allowing selected data to be gathered without affecting the meter or your data. All of the advanced features of the 250 are made available through industry­standard Modbus or DNP3 protocols. No proprietary or closed protocols are used.
Standard Communication
• USB port, supporting Modbus ASCII, fixed at 57600 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, parity set to None.
• RS485 serial port, supporting Modbus RTU/ASCII, DNP3 Level 2, speeds from 1200 bps through 57600 bps, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, configurable parity.
Doc# E169701 1-10
1: Meter Overview
Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
Optional Communication
The Shark® 250 meter allows you to select up to two optional cards for the following uses:
• INP100S optional Ethernet Option card communicating Modbus TCP and DNP3 over Ethernet.
• INP300S optional Ethernet card with Modbus TCP and embedded IEC 61850 Proto­col server.
• FOSTS: Fiber Optic Output ST Terminated.
• FOVPS: Fiber Optic Output Versatile Link Terminated.
• RS1S: RS485/RS232 Serial Communication Option card.
Both the INP100S and the INP300S cards offer enhanced security through the Exclusive Client feature. This feature lets you Whitelist an IP and/or MAC address. When that address is used to connect to the meter, all other network communication with the meter, though the same Network card, is suspended. This ensures that any­thing being done, e.g., updating programmable settings, while the Whitelist address is being used to communicate with the meter, is secure. You set up this feature through Communicator EXT
software - see Chapter 28 in the Communicator EXTTM 4.0 and
MeterManager EXT Software User Manual for instructions.
The INP100S card also supports data push of up to 15 meter readings to cloud ser­vices using the JSON structure, such as Lucid BuildingOS® Data Push. For instruc­tions on setting up the meter to perform data push, see Data Push, on
page 7-22.
I/O (Input and Output) capability is available in conjunction with all meter­ing functions:
• Optional 4 high-speed status inputs for status detect or for use as load aggrega­tion/universal metering inputs.
• Optional pulse outputs which can be programmed to pulse for any accumulated reading. One of the pulse outputs can also be set for an End-of-Interval Sync Pulse.
Doc# E169701 1-11
1: Meter Overview
Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
Upgradeable Optional I/O
The user can select from the following optional I/O cards:
• Analog Outputs (0 +/- 1 mA or 4-20 mA).
• Pulse Outputs/Digital Inputs.
• Relay/Digital Inputs.
Control Options
Relay Control provides user-definable control outputs:
• Action and/or alarm on abnormal or other user-set conditions.
Doc# E169701 1-12
1: Meter Overview
Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions

1.2.3: Meter Display

The Shark 250 meter features a three line LED display for easy to use faceplate programming and viewing of meter readings. Refer to Chapter 2 for details on the meter’s display.

1.3: Shark® 250 Meter Accuracy

For 23 oC +/- 5 oC, 3 Phase balanced Wye or Delta load, at 50 Hz or 60 Hz (as per order), Class 20 and Class 2 unit, accuracy as follows:
Parameter Accuracy Accuracy Input Range
Voltage L-N [V] 0.1% of reading (57 to 480) V Voltage L-L [V]
Current Phase [A]
Current Neutral (calculated) [A]
Active Power Total [W]
Active Energy Total [Wh]
Reactive Power Total [VAR]
Reactive Energy Total [VARh]
Apparent Power Total [VA]
Apparent Energy Total [VAh]
Power Factor
0.2% of reading
0.1% of reading
2% of Full Scale
0.15% of reading
0.15% of reading
0.2% of reading
0.2% of reading
0.2% of reading
0.2% of reading
0.2% of reading
1, 3
1, 2
1, 2
1, 2
1, 2
1, 2
1, 2
1, 2
(100 to 720) V
(1 to 100)% of Current Class (CL)
(1 to 100)% of CL
I: (1.25 to 50)% of CL V: (57 to 480) V PF: +/-(0.5 to 1) lag/lead
I: (1.25 to 50)% of CL V: (57 to 480) V PF: +/-(0.5 to 1) lag/lead
I: (1.25 to 50)% of CL V: (57 to 480) V PF: +/-(0 to 0.8) lag/lead
I: (1.25 to 50)% of CL V: (57 to 480) V PF: +/-(0 to 0.8) lag/lead
I: (1.25 to 50)% of CL V: (57 to 480) V PF: +/-(0.5 to 1) lag/lead
I: (1.25 to 50)% of CL V: (57 to 480) V PF: +/-(0.5 to 1) lag/lead
I: (1.25 to 50)% of CL V: (57 to 480) V
PF: +/-(0.5 to 1) lag/lead Frequency [Hz] +/- 0.007 Hz (45 to 65) Hz Harmonic Distortion (1 to
99.99)% [%]
+/- 2%
1, 4
I: (2.5 to 50)% of CL
V: (57 to 480) V
Doc# E169701 1-13
1: Meter Overview
Electro Industries/GaugeTech
The Leader In Power Monitoring and Smart Grid Solutions
For 2.5 element programmed units, degrade accuracy by an additional 0.5% of reading.
• For 1 A (Class 2) Nominal, degrade accuracy to 0.5% of reading for watts and energy; all other values 2 times rated accuracy.
• For 1 A (Class 2) Nominal, the input current range for accuracy specification is
20% of the values listed in the table.
2 For unbalanced Voltage inputs where at least one crosses the 150 V auto-scale threshold (for example, 120 V/120 V/208 V system), degrade the accuracy to 0.4% of reading.
With regard to current readings, reference Voltage applied (V A, V B, or V C).
Otherwise, degrade accuracy to 0.2%. See hookup diagrams in 4.8: Electrical
Connection Diagrams, on page 4-8.
At least one Voltage input (minimum 20 V AC) must be connected for THD
measurement on current channels.

1.4: Shark® 250 Meter Specifications Overview

Sense Inputs Electrical Ratings
• The current inputs are transformer rated and only to be connected to external CTs.
• Programmable current to any CT ratio.
• Transformer rated.
• The meter will operate using 2, 2.5, or 3 element measurements.
• Class 10: (00.005 to 11) A, 5 A nominal.
• Class 2: (0.001 to 2) A, 1 A nominal.
• Burden: 0.005 VA per phase at 11 A.
• Pickup Current: 0.1% of nominal - Class 10: 5 mA; Class 2: 1 mA (0.2% of nominal is using current only mode, with no connection to the voltage inputs).
• Continuous maximum ratings (for screw terminated or pass-through connections): Class 10: 20 A AC; Class 2: 5 A AC.
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