Electric Fuel WAB-H12 Operating Instructions Manual

Confidential – Epsilor-Electric Fuel Proprietary Information
WAB-H12-Instruction-Manual.doc WAB-H12 Instruction Manual Rev D
Epsilor-Electric Fuel Ltd.
Bet Shemesh, 99054 Israel
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1. Purpose
2. Description of Device
3. Operating Instructions
4. Maintenance and Overhaul Information
5. Instructions for Mounting on Life Vests
6. Instructions for Mounting on Life Rafts
7. Storage Instructions
8. Limitations of the Device
The conditions and test required for TSO approval of this article are minimum performance standards. It is the responsibility of those desiring to install the article either on or within a specific type or class of aircraft to determine that the aircraft installation conditions are within the TSO standards, the article may be installed only if further evaluation by the applicant documents an acceptable installation and is approved by the local aviation authority.
Epsilor - Electric Fuel Ltd.
Rev: D
Date: December
Page 2 of 4 Name: WAB-H12 Instruction Manual
Confidential – Epsilor - Electric Fuel Proprietary Information
1. Purpose
This Manual is intended to provide descriptive information of the Survivor Locator Light WAB-H12, information for its maintenance and overhaul, instruction concerning the proper mounting of the light on the life vests or life rafts to ensure continued compliance with prescribed minimum performance standards and pertinent operating instructions and limitations for the device.
2. Description of Device
The Survivor Locator Light WAB-H12 is a single-use product that consists of a water­activated battery and a light assembly, connected by an electrical wire.
The battery consists of a cuprous chloride cathode flanked by magnesium alloy anodes in an injection-molded plastic case. The case contains two holes, one on the bottom and one on the side near the top. The holes allow water to enter the cavities betw een the cat hode and flank ing anodes and act as an electrolyte.
The holes are covered with a water-soluble film, which allows automatic activation in less than 60 seconds when the battery is immersed in fresh water or seawater.
The light assembly consists of a 1.5-Volt miniature incandescent lamp mounted in a plastic bulb holder and covered by a clear plastic lens.
3. Operating Instructions
The Survivor Locator Light WAB-H12 is activated automatically within 60 seconds of immersion of the battery in fresh water or seawater, and the light will light automatically
4. Maintenance and Overhaul Information
1. Periodic overhaul is not required. Overhaul at end of life is not possible. Defective
units (see Para. 8.3) must be returned to the manufacturer or otherwise disposed of.
2. No maintenance is required, except as noted in paragraph. 8.3.
5. Instructions for Mounting on Life Vests
1. The recommended method for mounting the WAB-H12 on life vests is: a) Attach light assembly to vest at the fabric attachment point ring provided on vest, by
first inserting lens through fabric attachment point ring and then pushing upper ring on plastic bulb holder through fabric attachment ring.
b) Attach battery firmly to vest harness by wrapping around several times with adhesive
strip or other attachment means recommended by vest manufacturer.
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