Electia CTC 1132 User Manual

Home Prosafe 1132 GSM
CTC 1132
GB User manual
SE Användarmanual FI Manuaali
Art 36.2868
Table of Contents
Application Overview…………………………………………1
I. Identifying the parts……………………………..…………………………..……………………………………1 II. Insert GSM SIM Card………………………………..…………………………………………………………..2 III. The power supply……………………………………..………………………………………………………...2 IV. How to install the Control Panel……………………………………………………………………………….2 V. 2-level passwords……………………………………..…………………………………………………..3 VI. Getting Started……………………………………………..……………..………………………………….…3
Configuring Your System……………………………………………4
I. Entering programming mode………………………..………………………………………………………….4 II. Telephone Settings…………………………..…………………….……………………………………………5 III. General Settings………………………………..……………………..………………………………………8 IV. Special Settings……………………………………………………………………………………………13 V. ADD/Delete Device.…………………………..……………………………………………………………….16 VI. SMS Editor………….. ……………………..……………………………………………………………..…23 VII. SMS Keyword..……………. ……………………..………………………………………………………...24 VIII. Country Code………….. ……………………..…………………………………………………………..…24 IX. GSM Signal..……………. ……………………..………………………………………………………...25 X. Walk Test…………………………………………………………………………………………………25 XI. Reset GSM……………………………………………………………………………………………………..25
I. Entering User Menu…………………………..…………………………………………………………….…..26 II. Away (Alarm On) Mode….………………………..………………………………………………………….26 III. Forced Arming ……..……. ……………………..…………………………………………………………..27 IV. Disarm (Alarm off) Mode……………………………..………………………………………………………28 V. Home Arm Mode…..……….……………………………..……………………………..……………………38 VI. Partial (By-pass) Arm mode…………………………………..……………………………………………..29 VII. Alarm Activation…………………………………..…………………………………………………………..30 VIII. Stop the Alarm and Alarm Display……. ……………………..……………………………………………31 IX. Event Log….……………………………..………………………………………………………………..32 X.Power Switch “Home Matic”………………………………………………………………………………….32 XI. False Alarm Management…………………………..………………………………………………………33 XII. Remote Commanding………………………..……………………………..………………………..…33 XIII. Dialling & Call Acknowledgment………………………..…………………………..……………………38
I. Reset Procedure…………….………………..……………..……………………………………………….….40
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Application Overview
I. Identifying the parts
Backlit LCD Display
Green Power LED
— ON: AC Power is On.
— OFF: AC Power failure.
Yellow Fault LED
— On: when any fault situation Fault is
— Off: when all fault conditions are
restored. (The Unit is in Normal Mode)
Numeric Keys
S Key
Programming mode: press this key
to move the cursor and scroll the display upwards.
T Key
Programming mode: press this key to
move the cursor and scroll the display downwards.
— Programming mode: use this key to
delete a digit, cancel the selection, abort the current screen, return to the previous screen, etc.
OK Key
To confirm the keyed-in data or
confirm the selection.
# Key
— Enter Programming menu
¿ Key
— Enter Installer menu.
DC jack
DC 9V 500mA power adapter
2 Mounting Holes & Tamper.
SIM card holder cover
Battery Switch.
ghi jkl mno
tuv wxyz
CTC-1132 868AM 2007.07.18
II. Insert GSM SIM Card
CTC-1132 Control Panel features built-in GSM communication facility to make message reporting to the phone numbers pre­programmed within the system.
z To Insert your SIM card:
The GSM component is situated inside the Power Supply compartment as pointed out by the arrow below:
z Unlock the SIM card base by sliding the
cover toward “OPEN-backward” direction.
z Spring open the SIM card slot and insert
your new SIM card.
z Replace the SIM slot onto the base lightly. z Remember to lock the SIM card base by
sliding the cover toward “LOCK-forward” direction.
Be aware to only insert or remove SIM card when the Control Panel is completely depleted of any power residual.
III. The Power Supply
An AC power adapter is required to connect to a wall outlet. Be sure only to use an adapter with the appropriate AC voltage rating to prevent component damage. A DC 9V output and 500mA adapter is generally used to power the Control Panel.
z Rechargeable Battery
In addition to the adapter, there is a rechargeable battery inside the Control Panel, which serves as a back up in case of a power failure.
z The battery used is a Ni-MH 600mAH
7.2V rechargeable battery.
z During normal operation, the AC power
adapter is used to supply power to the Control Panel and at the same time recharge the battery.
z When the battery is fully charged, it can
provide back-up power for a period of about 8 hours. It takes approximately 48 hours to fully charge the battery.
" If the AC power is missing and the
battery is near exhaustion, a low battery message will be displayed and the internal siren and Backlit feature will be disabled to conserve power.
IV. How to install the Control
The easiest way to get to know the system and get it up and running quickly is to get all the devices and accessories programmed on a tabletop before locating and mounting them.
The Control Panel can be mounted on the wall or wherever desired. Ensure the Control Panel is fitted at approximately chest height where the display can be easily seen and the keypad convenient to operate.
z Using the 2 holes of the Wall Mounting
Cross Bracket as a template, mark off the holes’ positions.
z Drill 2 holes and fix the screws & plugs
z Hook the CTC-1132 unit onto the Wall
Mounting Cross Bracket (holding the unit with the front facing you).
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V. 2 – level passwords
In order to provide highest security in operating the system, CTC-1132 offers 2 levels of authorization. That is
9 Personal PIN Code 9 Master Code
A. PIN Code
z There are a total of 4 User PIN Codes
per each system. The PIN Code is the 1st level of password. It has the authorization for daily operation, such as
9 Arm the system 9 Disarm the system 9 Enter the Home mode 9 Partially arm the system (By-pass
9 Display Fault events 9 View the Event log 9 Power Switch (Home Matic)
z “1234” is set as default User #1 PIN
Code by the factory.
z User PIN code #2~#4 are deactivated
by factory default
B. Master Code
z The Master Code has the
authorization to enter Programming mode. In Programming mode, the following options can be programmed.
9 Add the device in 9 Edit the devices 9 Remove a device 9 Program the External Siren 9 Edit Power Switch “HomeMatic” 9 Set Pin Code 9 Set Temporary Code 9 Set Duress Code 9 Set Master Code 9 Set Telephone Numbers 9 Set Messages 9 Set SMS related Features
9 Select Walk Test mode 9 GSM signal 9 SMS Keyword
z 1111” is set as default Master Code
by the factory.
) No any two codes can be the same, if
so, the message, “Code in use, Select another” will be displayed to prompt the user to choose differently .
VI. Getting Started
Step 1. Find a suitable location for the Control
Panel to be installed.
Step 2. Apply the AC Power. You will hear a
long beep. “Alarm On” will be displayed on the first line and “00:01 01 Jan” displayed on the second line of the screen indicating the system is in Away mode (this is the default mode)
Step 3. Press “ 1 key on the keypad, the
display will show.
E n t e r C o d e ¿. . .
Step 4. Key in the remaining “234” (default
User1PIN code, 1234) within 30 sec.
Step 5. Press “OK”. You will hear 2 short
beeps and the display will show.
A l a r m O f f
0 0 : 0 1 0 1 J a n
The system is now in Disarmed mode.
) In Step 4, press “ (cancel) key will
clear one previously entered code.
) OK” key confirming the entered PIN
code should be pressed within 30 sec. Otherwise, the display will go back to “Alarm On” and the system remains armed.
) During entering PIN code, if more than
20 keys (including “OK” & “
“ key)
were pressed without a valid PIN code
CTC-1132 868AM 2007.07.18
strings, it will inhibit further key presses for 1 minute.
) In Step3, if you press a key other than
numeric keys, the display will remain the same requesting you to key in “1234” (default PIN code) and then press “OK”.
) The Control Panel has “Screen Save”
function. The “Alarm off” message will be displayed for 160 sec. only. Afterwards only current date & time is displayed on the second row line.
Step 6. Please wait for 2 to 3 minutes for the
system to read it status. Then, if the yellow LED turns on, it indicates that there is a fault. Press “1234” to enter the user menu within 30 sec.
Step 7. Press OK” and the display will show.
F a u l t D s p A w a y A r m H o m e A r m B y p a s s L o g P o w e r S w i t c h
Step 8. Choose “Fault Dsp” and press OK
The following possible Fault will display:
Configuring your system
I. Entering Programming mode
If the system is in Disarmed (Alarm off) mode, to enter the Programming mode, follow the steps below.
Step 1. Press # key.
The screen will prompt you to enter
the User1 PIN code.
P - M o d e E n t e r
P - C o d e . . . .
Step 2. Key in “1234” (default “User1” PIN
code) within 30 sec. Then, press “OK” The screen will prompt you to enter
the Master PIN code.
P - M o d e E n t e r
M - C o d e . . . .
) During keying in the PIN code, press
“ will clear one previously entered
code. If the code field is empty, press “
“, the screen will exit and return to
Alarm Off” screen.
Step 3. Key in “1111” (default “Master” Code)
within 30 sec.
Step 4. Press OK”
The following message is displayed for 2 sec.
P r o g r a m M e n u M a k e a S e l e c t i o n
Step 5. Then the Programming Main menu will
be displayed.
a l k T e s t
Tel.S e t t i n g v
) The cursor is indicated by a flashing dot
on the left upper corner. It can be move up & down by pressing “S & T” key respectively.
Step 6. Press “S” T” keys to move the cursor
downward or upward. The screen is also scrolled down or up respectively. The following items can be selected.
9 Walk Test 9 Tel. Setting 9 Gen. Settings. 9 Spc. Settings 9 Devices +/- 9 SMS Editor 9 SMS Keyword 9 Country Code 9 GSM Signal 9 Reset GSM
Step 7. After making a selection by moving the
cursor to the desired item, press “OK” to confirm the selection. The display will show you the individual programming screen accordingly.
) If a down-arrow symbol “V” appears on
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the last column of the screen, it indicates the selection list can be downwards scrolled. If the lowest position is reached, the down-arrow symbol disappears.
) If an up-arrow symbol “Λ appears on
the last column of the screen, it indicates the selection list can be upwards scrolled. If the upper position is reached, the up-arrow symbol disappears.
) Pressing “ “, the screen will also
return to “Alarm Off” screen.
) After User1, 2, 3 & 4 PIN codes and
Master code are programmed with new numbers, remember to enter the newly programmed codes when accessing Programming mode afterwards.
) In Programming mode, if no key is
pressed within 5 minutes, the Control Panel will automatically exit Programming mode to Alarm Off mode.
II. Telephone Settings
In “Telephone Settings” menu, the following parameters can be programmed at your discretion.
T e l . N u m b e r s
R e c o r d M s g T e s t R e p o r t
1. Telephone Numbers
z In “Tel.Setting” menu, select “Tel Numbers”,
the screen allows you to set/change/delete the emergency telephone numbers.
z A maximum of six numbers can be stored
in priority order (in the order of A. B. … to F).
) A, B,… to F represent the priority
number of the six tel. numbers respectively.
) If the tel. number for a particular priority
number has not been stored, three dots are displayed indicating the memory spot is empty.
) Only 11 digits can be displayed on the
tel. Numbers list. Non fitting numbers are indicated with after the incomplete number.
z Store Tel. Numbers
Step 1. Move the curser to the “Tel. Number
submenu and press “OK”. The display will show the following
screen when no tel. number has been entered:
* A)... B)... C)... D)... E)... F)...
Step 2. Choose from “A” to “F” sets to store
your phone number. Then press “OK”.
) The phone number “A” must be
entered, or the Panel will not dial out at the Alarm situation.
The following screen will be shown for you to enter the phone number.
E n t e r n e w N o . + O K
....... . . . . . . ...
Step 3. Key in your phone number. Step 4. Press “OK
The screen will then prompt you to choose:
* V o i c e R e p o r t S M S r e p o r t
Voice Reporting: For an alarm event,
the reporitng is done via playing voice messages. Available ones are: Burglar, Medical Emergency, Fire and Panic to the phone numbers programmed at this step.
SMS Reporting: For an alarm event,
the reporting is done via sending pre­edited SMS messages to the mobile phone numbers programmed at this step.
Step 5. Select a preferred reporting style and
press “OK”, The screen will return to
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the “Tel. Number” screen to show you the stored phone number with a letter V indicting it’s a Voice report style and a letter S for SMS report style.
* A ) 2 2 1 8 0 5 5 1 V B ) 2 6 9 4 0 6 3 3 S
) The maximum length of a number is 20
digits including “¿” & “#”. If this length is reached, the Control Panel will sound 5 beeps and no key can be keyed in except “ “ key and “OK” key.
) During entering the number, the “ “ key
is used as backspace. However, if the number field is empty, pressing the “ “ key, the screen will return to “Tel. Numbers” screen.
) During entering the number, when the
15th position is reached, non-fitting numbers will scroll sideward to the left.
z Change Tel. Numbers
Step 1. On the “Tel. Number” screen. Press
Step 2. The following screen will be displayed
for you to confirm if you really want to change.
C h a n g e N u mb e r 2 2 1 8 0 5 5 1 ? ( O k )
Step 3. Press “OK” to confirm. The following
screen will be displayed for you to enter the new number.
E n t e r n e w N o . + O k
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
) Press “ “ to abort and the screen
returns to “Tel. Number” screen.
Step 4. Key in the new number and choose a
preferred reporting method.
Step 5. PressOK
The new number will then override the previous one. The screen returns to “Tel. Number” screen.
z Delete Tel. Numbers
To delete a telephone number, follow the Step 1 to Step 3 of “Changing Tel. Number” described above, and when “Enter new No.” prompt screen is displayed.
E n t e r n e w N o . + O k
....... . . . . . . ...
Step 4. Press “OK”, then the previous stored
number will be deleted.
2. Message Menu
z This menu is for you to record and play the
emergency messages.
R e c o r d M s g T e s t r e p o r t
z With a total capacity of 20 sec, you are
allowed to record the emergency messages in 5 parts.
Address message – 8 sec.  Burglar message – 3 sec.  Fire message - 3 sec.  Panic message - 3 sec.  Emergency message - 3 sec.
) The “Address message” must be
recorded, or the Panel will not dial out at the Alarm situation.
z In an emergency, the Control Panel will
dial the emergency phone numbers according to the priority order, then first play the Address message and then play the specific part message (Burglar, Fire, Panic and Emergency) according to the nature of the alarm raised.
z Recording the messages
When the “Record Msg.” is selected, the following “Recording Selection” menu is displayed for you to select which part of the message is to be recorded.
R e c . A d d r e s s R e c . S p e c i f I c Stop
CTC-1132 868AM 2007.07.18
z Recording Address message
Step 1. Move the cursor to select “Rec.
Address” and then press “OK”, the screen will ask you to confirm.
C h a n g e
A d d r e s s M s g + O k
Step 2. Press “ “ to abort. Or press “OK
to confirm. A prompt Message will be displayed for 2 sec.
S t a r t R e c o r d i n g A f t e r t h e B e e p
Step 3. After 2 sec, the Control Panel will
sound a long beep, the following prompt message will be displayed, and recording can be started.
* N o w R e c o r d i n g * E n d w i t h O k
Step 4. Press “OK” to end the message; the
screen will go to “Specific Part Selection” menu to allow you to select a specific part to be recorded.
) To end recoridng at any time, press “
“ and the message will be saved as it is. The screen returns to “Recording Selection” menu.
) The maximum length of Address
message is 8 sec. When the 8 sec duration is over, recording will be stopped automatically. The message being recorded will be saved.
) When recording, make sure you are
facing the microphone and are within 30 cm infront of it.
z Recording Specific Alarm messages
If “Rec. Specific” is chosen, the
specific alarm message selection menu is displayed for you to select the desired one.
B u r g l a r M s g F i r e M s g
P A M sg E m e r g e n . M s g S t o p
Selection a specific message and
follow the same procedure as those for recording Address message to record each specific message respectively.
) The message length for each specific
message is 3 sec only.
z Changing a message
If for any reason, you want to change any part of the recorded message, just follow the same procedure to record a new message for that part. The new message will override the previous one.
z Test Report
Control unit allows you to test whether telephone function is working properly or not with the pre-set telephone numbers.
Step 1: Using “V” or ”Λ” cursors to select the
test-call number to test dial. Press “OK” to confirm.
Step 2: Following screen will appear:
D i a l i n g . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Step 3: Panel will show what messages are
being played. The word prompt will shows the following:
“Now Playing:
Address Msg Emergen. Msg PA . Msg Fire Msg. Burglar Msg
The “Address Message” will be played first. Followed by “Emergency
Message” and “Burglar Message”. PA . Message The last “” will be
played to the recipient and to confirm their reception & end the call by pressing DTMF “#9”
) Messages will be played in the following
order: Address, Emergency Panic ,Fire & Burglar message.
) Until the recipient acknowledges and
confirms acknowledgement on his or her phone, the control unit will play the
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message for 85 sec. before returning to selection menu.
) Pressing “ ” will return you to the menu
with the list of numbers.
) If the Burglar message, Emergency
Message, Panic message or Fire message has not been recorded, when you do the Test Report, it will be ignored.
z Changing a message
If for any reason, you want to change any part of the recorded message, just follow the same procedure to record a new message for that part. The new message will override the previous one.
III. General Settings
In “General Settings” menu, the following parameters can be programmed at your discretion.
P i n C o d e
T e m p . C o d e D u r e s s C o d e M a s t e r C o d e A . E n t r y T i me A . E x i t T i m e H . E n t r y T i me H . E x i t T i m e D o o r C h i me T i me D a t e P a n e l S i r e n L a n g u a g e
1. Pin Code
z There are 4 User Pin Code in total, and
each consists of 4 digits. User PIN code #1 is activated with “1234” as factory default. Before you set your own User PIN Code #1, “1234” has to be keyed in every time “Entering Code” is required.
z User PIN code #2~#4 are deactivated by
factory default.
z All 4 User Pin Codes are used to
regularly arm/disarm the system and are allowed to access the Programming mode accompanied with the Master Code.
z To set your own PIN code
Step 1. Move the cursor to the item “Pin Code
then press “OK” the following screen is displayed.
2)... .
3)... .
4)... .
Step 2. Move the cursor to the desired # of
User Pin Code” then press OK” the
following screen is displayed.
E n t e r N e w C o d e
. . . .
Step 3. You can key in your preferred 4-digit
number then press OK.
Step 4. The following screen will be displayed.
Repeat N e w C ode
. . . .
You are requested to enter the same code again (as the one entered in Step
Step 5. Key in the same code again, then
press “OK”. If the code is correct, the following screen will ask you to enter the user’s name for reference:
E n t e r N e w N a m e
....... . . . +Ok
Step 6. You are now invited to give a name for
this User who will be using this newly programmed code to help better understand system events. You can enter up to 10 letters as you want for the name followed by press “OK” or just press “OK” for no name. Please see section “User Naming” for details. Then, the screen returns to the “PIN Code” menu showing post­programmed status of each User PIN code:
1 ) M R . S M I T H
2 ) M R S . S M I T H
4)... .
) 2) MRS. SMITH” representing the
CTC-1132 868AM 2007.07.18
1 1 2 2ABCabc 3 3DEFdef 4 4GHIghi 5 5JKLjkl 6 6MNOmno 7 7PQRSpqrs 8 8TUVtuv 9 9WXYZwxyz 0 0<space>/-&’.”+
¿ ¿
# #
Delete character and backspace
User #2 PIN code is set up and user name specified.
) 3) ¿¿¿¿” representing this User #3
code is programmed without user name specified.
) 4) “●●●●” representing the User #4
code is not yet set up for activation.
Step 8. Proceed to set additional User PIN
Codes as instructed from Step 2 ~ Step 7. When done, press “ ” and the screen returns to “General settingsmenu, setting the PIN code is completed.
) In Step 5, if the code is not correct, a
“Code is not correct” prompt message will be displayed 2 sec., and you are requested to repeat Step 3 to enter again.
User Naming
Each individual User can be given a name for easy recogniztion when understanding system events. User Names can be named in the first­time setting or by resetting. The procedure is similar for both situations.
z When the “Enter New Namescreen is
displayed, the keypad can be used to enter text. Simply locate the corresponding numeric keys to the desired alphabets/symbols and press repeatedly until the wanted alphabets/symbols appear. Release the key and the flashing cursor automatically jumps to the next position for you to continue with the next letter by the same method.
z The keys have the following functions:
z When the name is complete, press “OK”
to confirm and return to the previous or
main menu.
) The name can be erased or clearing
the display by entering backward spaces “
” and pressing “OK”.
z To Delete User PIN code
Except User #1 which is activated by factory default and can’t be deleted in any way, User#2, 3 and 4 PIN code can be deleted by following the steps below:
Step 1. Move the cursor to the item “Pin Code
then press “OK”, the following screen will show the status of each User PIN code:
1 ) M R . S M I T H
2 ) M R S . S M I T H
4)... . . .
Step 2. Move the cursor to the desired # (2~4)
of programmed user PIN code to be deleted, then press “OK” the following screen is displayed.
Delet e P i n - C o d e ( + O k ) ?
Step 3. Press “OK” and the screen returns to
previous one with the deleted User PIN code marked with “●●●●”.
z To Edit User PIN code
All 4 User PIN code can be edited freely by the following steps:
Step 1. Move the cursor to the item “Pin Code
then press “OK” the following screen will show the status of each User PIN code:
1 ) M R . S M I T H
2 ) M R S . S M I T H
4)... . . .
Step 2. Move the cursor to the desired # (2~4)
of programmed user PIN code to be deactivated/deleted, then press “OK” the following screen is displayed.
Delet e P i n - C o d e ( + O k )
CTC-1132 868AM 2007.07.18
Step 3. Press “ “ key, the next screen will
ask you to enter your new PIN code and repeat it for double confirmation.
Step 4. Follow the same steps as described in
Set your own pin code” to edit.
2. Temporary Code
z The Temporary Code is used to
arm/disarm the system for a temporary user and is valid only once per Arming and once per Disarming. Afterwards, the Temporary Code is automatically erased and needs to be reset for a new Temporary user .
z The Temp. Code consists of 4 digits and is
not activated as default by the factory.
z To Set Temporary Code
Step 1. Use the arrow keys to select “Temp.
Code” and press “OK
E n t e r N e w C o d e
. . ..
Step 2. You can key in your preferred 4-digit
number and then press “OK
R e p e a t N e w C o d e
. . ..
Step 3. You are prompted to re-enter the same
code again and press “OK”
If the code is correct, the screen
changes to the following:
L a t c h . R p t . O f f
L a t c h . R p t . O n
You are requested to choose to have all arm/disarm actions of the user to be reported to the Central Monitoring Station or not.
Step 4. Press “S” “T” keys to select your
option and press “OK”. The screen returns to “General Setting” menu, setting the Temporary code is completed.
) There is no User Naming feature for
Temp. Code.
z To Delete Temp. Code
After the Temp. Code is programmed, it can be deleted by following the steps below:
Step 1. Move the cursor to the item “Temp .
Code” then press OK”.
Delet e P i n - C o d e ( + O k )
Step 2. Press “OK” and the screen returns to
Gen. Settings Menu
z To Edit Temp. Code
After the Temp. Code is programmed, it can be edited by following the steps below:
Step 1. Move the cursor to the item “Temp .
Code” then press OK”.
Delet e P i n - C o d e ( + O k )
Step 2. Press “ “ key, the next screen will
ask you to enter your new Temp. code and repeat it for double confirmation.
Step 3. Press “OK”. The screen returns to
General Setting” menu, editing the Temporary code is now completed.
3. Duress Code
z Duress Code can arm/disarm the system.
When this code is used for accessing the system, the Control Panel will report a secret alarm message without sounding the siren to the Call recipient to indicate of a “Duress Situation in Progress”.
z The Duress Code consists of 4 digits and
is not activated as default by the factory.
z To Set Duress Code
Step 1. Use the arrow keys to select “Duress
Code” and press “OK
E n t e r N e w C o d e
. . . .
Step 2. You can key in your preferred 4-digit
number and then press “OK
Repeat N e w C ode
. . . .
Step 3. You are prompted to re-enter the same
code again and press OK
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When entering the following individual setting screens, the value displayed on the screen is the current setting of each item.
If it is not necessary to change the current setting, just press “ “ to escape.
If the code is correct, the screen returns to “General Setting” menu, setting the Duress code is completed.
z To Delete Duress Code
After the DuressCode is programmed, it can be deactivated/deleted by following the steps below:
Step 1. To delete programmed Duress code,
select the “Duress Code” from the “Gen. Setting Menu”, then, the screen will show:
D e l e t e P i n - C o d e ( + O k ) ?
Step 2. Press “OK” to confirm.
z To Edit Duress Code
After the DuressCode is programmed, it can be edited by following the steps below:
Step 1. To edit programmed Duress code,
select the “Duress Code” from the Gen. Setting Menu”, then, the screen will show:
D e l e t e P i n - C o d e ( + O k ) ?
Step 2. Press “ “ key, the next screen will
ask you to enter your new Duress code and repeat it for double confirmation.
Step 3. Press “OK” and editing the Duress
code is completed.
4. Master Code
z Master Code is used for accessing the
Programming mode and it is set to “1111” as factory default. Before you set your own Master PIN code, “1111” has to be keyed in every time it is required.
z To set your Master Code, follow the same
steps as in setting the “Duress Code” described above.
z To Edit Master Code
After the Master Code is programmed, it can be edited by following the same steps as in editing the Duress Code described above.
) The Master code can not be
deactivated (same as the User #1 PIN Code).
) The Master Code is used only when
you enter the Programming mode.
other cases, only PIN Code should be entered.
5. A. Entry Time
This is for you to select the Entry Delay time when Away Arming. Options available are 0 sec., 10 sec., 20 sec., up to 70 sec. in 10-sec increments.
A.Ent r y T i me 2 0 s e c . ( ΛVOK)
z Use “S”,“T keys to switch between
z Press “OK” to confirm. z 20 sec. is set as factory default.
) Full Arm Entry time applies only to the
zone that a Door Contact or PIR Detector is installed and is set to “Entry”.
) If incorrect PIN code is entered and/or
the entry delay time has expired, then the system will trigger the Burglar alarm.
6. A. Exit Time
This is for you to select the Exit Delay time when Full Arming. Options available are 0 sec., 10 sec., 20 sec. up to 70 sec. in 10-sec increments.
A . E x i t T i m e 3 0 s e c . ( ΛVOK)
CTC-1132 868AM 2007.07.18
z Use “S”,”T” keys to switch between
z Press “OK” to confirm. z 30 sec. is set as factory default.
) Full Arm Exit time applies only to the
zone that a Door Contact or PIR Detector is installed and is set to “Entry”.
) If incorrect PIN code is entered and/or
the Exit delay time has expired, then the system will trigger the Burglar alarm
7. H. Entry Time
This is for you to select the Entry Delay time when Home Arming. Options available are 0 sec., 10 sec., 20 sec., up to 70 sec. in 10-sec increments.
H . E n t r y T i m e 2 0 s e c . ( ΛV O K )
z Use “S”,“T keys to switch between
z Press “OK” to confirm. z 20 sec. is set as factory default.
) Home Arm Entry Delay time applies
only to the zone that a Door Contact or PIR Detector is installed and is set to “Entry”.
) If incorrect PIN code is entered and/or
the entry delay time has expired, then the system will trigger the Burglar alarm
8. H. Exit Time
This is for you to select the Exit Delay time when Home Arming. Options available are 0 sec., 10 sec., 20 sec. up to 70 sec. in 10-sec increments.
H . E x i t T i m e 3 0 s e c . ( ΛV O K )
z Use “S”,”T” keys to switch between
z Press “OK” to confirm. z 30 sec. is set as factory default.
) Home Arm Exit Delay time applies only
to the zone that a Door Contact or PIR Detector is installed and is set to “Entry”.
) If incorrect PIN code is entered and/or
the Exit delay time is expired, then the system will trigger the Burglar alarm.
9. Door Chime
This is for you to decide whether the Control Panel will sound a Door Chime if the Door Contact or PIR Detector is activated at the Entry Point while the system is in Disarmed mode.
Door C h i me On Door C h i me Of f
z Press “S”,”T keys to select the option
followed by “¿” appearing next to the selected option.
z Press “OK” to confirm z Door Chime Off” is set as factory default.
) When Door Chime is disabled, there
will be no door chime when Entry point DC or PIR is triggered at Disarmed mode.
) When Door Chime is enabled, the
system will make a “Ding-Dong” sound to inform user that a DC or PIR at Entry Point is triggered at Disarmed mode.
10. Time
This is for you to program the current time to be displayed. (hour & minute)
T i me S e t t i n g 00: 00 (
z Hour flashes first, use “S”,”T” keys to
choose a correct number for the current hour. Hours are indicated by “00 ~ 23”.
z Press “OK” to confirm. Next, the screen
CTC-1132 868AM 2007.07.18
will be displayed for you to set the correct minute.
z Minutes are then flashing. z Use “S”,”T” keys to choose a correct
z Press “OK” to confirm.
11. Date
This is for you to set the current date.
D a t e S e t t i n g 1 5 J a n (
z Months flash first, use “S”,”T” keys to
choose the current Month.
z Press “OK” to confirm. Next, the screen
will be displayed for you to set the current day.
z Days are then flashing. z Use “S”,”T” keys to choose the correct
z Press “OK” to confirm.
12. Panel Siren
This is for you to decide to enable or disable the Control Panel built-in Siren when there is an alarm event.
S i r e n O n S i r e n O f f
z Press “S” & “T” keys to select the option. z Press “OK” to confirm z Siren On” is set as factory default
13. Language
This function is for setting the display language. You can select English or Swedish. The screen will show:
E n g l i s h S w e d i s h
z Use “S”,”T” keys to choose the language. z Press “OK” to confirm. z Default: English
IV. Special Settings.
This menu is for the user to store the specialized features for CTC-1132 system.
Step 1. Select Spc. Settings option.. Step 2. Press “OK”, then the Special Settings
Menu will be displayed.
larm L e n g t h
. E x i t S o u n d
.Ent r y S o u n d H . E x i t S o u n d H. Ent r y S o u n d Sire n D e l a
i c a t i o n Fi nal D o o r Inter f e r e n c e RC En t E M o b i l i t y C H K . Tampe r A l a r m Super v i s i o n Se t S I M - C o de St o
) Interference function is used in 868
Mhz frequency band Control Panel only.
) Use “S” &Tto move the cursor to
select the item, press “OK” to confirm the selection.
) ¿” displayed in front of an option
indicates the current setting.
) In “Spc. Settings”, if no key is pressed
within 10 minutes, the Control Panel will automatically exit this menu and return to “Alarm Off” display.
1. Alarm length
This is for you to select the period of time that the built-in siren will sound when an alarm is activated. You can choose from 1 min. to 15 min. in 1-min increments.
A l a r m L e n g t h 3 mi n . ( ΛVOK)
z Use “ S & “ T “ keys to switch between
z Press “OK” to confirm. z 3 minutes is set as factory default.
CTC-1132 868AM 2007.07.18
2. A. Exit Sound
This is for you to decide whether the Control Panel will sound short beeps during the Exit Delay period when in Away Arming.
E x i t S n d O n E x i t S n d O f f
z Press “ S “ & “ T “ keys to select the
option. Options available are “On” for Exit Sound and “Off” for no entry sound
z Press “OK” to confirm z Exit Snd On” (Exit sound On) is set as
factory default.
3. A. Entry Sound
This is for you to decide whether the Control Panel will sound short beeps during the Entry Delay Period when Away Arming.
E n t r y S n d O n E n t r y S n d O f f
z Press “ S “ & “ T “ keys to select the
z Press “OK” to confirm. z Entry Snd On” (Entry Sound On) is set as
factory default.
4. H. Exit Sound
This is for you to decide whether the Control Panel will sound short beeps during the Exit Delay period when Home Arming.
E x i t S n d O n E x i t S n d O f f
z Press “ S “ & “ T “ keys to select the
z Press “OK” to confirm z Exit Snd On” (Exit sound On) is set as
factory default.
5. H. Entry Sound
This is for you to decide whether the Control Panel will sound short beeps during the Entry Delay Period when Home Arming.
E n t r y S n d O n E n t r y S n d O f f
z Press “ S “ & “ T “ keys to select the
z Press “OK” to confirm. z Entry Snd On” (Entry Sound On) is set as
factory default.
6. Siren Delay
This is for you to decide how long should the Control Panel suppress all audible alarms after an Burglar alarm is reported. Options are “OFF” and 1-min delay to 10-min delay in increments of 1 minute
Off 1 Min . 2 Min . 3 Min . 4 Min .
10 Mi n .
z Press “ S “ & “ T “ keys to select the
z Press “OK” to confirm. z Off” is set as factory default.
7. Verification
Turn on and off the Sequential Verification Reporting.
S e q . V e r i f . O f f S e q . V e r i f . O n
z Press “S” & “T” keys to select the option. z Press “OK” to confirm. z Seq.Verif.Off” (Sequential Verification Off)
is set as factory default.
) For detailed description of this feature,
please refer to Sec. X, “False Alarm Management” of “Configuring your system
8. Final Door
Turn on and off the Final Door Set Option.
CTC-1132 868AM 2007.07.18
F i n a l D o o r O f f F i n a l D o o r O n
z Press “S” & “T” keys to select the option. z Press “OK” to confirm. z FinalDoor On” (Final Door Set Option On)
is set as factory default.
When “Final Door Arming” is programmed, the Control Panel will arm after the entry door is closed. For more description of this feature, please refer to Sec. II “Away (Alarm On) Mode” of “Operation
9. Interference
Turn on and off the detection feature of interference.
D e t e c t i o n O f f D e t e c t i o n O n
z Press “S” & “T” keys to select the option. z Press “OK” to confirm. z Detection Off” is set as factory default.
) When the “Detection On” is selected,
whenever the signal jamming period lasted longer than 30 seconds, this fault event will be logged, and displayed on the LCD to warn the user.
) When the “Dectection Off” is selected,
CTC-1132 will not check interference status.
10. Remote Controller Entry Enable
Turn on and off the Remote Controller disarm function.
R C E n t E O f f R C E n t E O n
z Press “S” & “T” keys to select the option. z Press “OK” to confirm. z Remote Controller Entry Enable off” is
set as factory default.
) When the “Remote Controller Entry
Enable” is set to “Off” it will not be
possible to disarm the Control Panel when the system is fully armed unless an entry point device is activated first. This feature is used to ensure that the system cannot be disarmed with a stolen Remote Control without unlocking a door first.
) When the “Remote Controller Entry
Enable” is set to “On”, the Remote
Controller can Arm and Disarm the Control Panel as normal without activating an entry point first.
11. Mobility
This is to disable or enable the Mobility Timer with selected countdown period. Options available are Disable, 4 hours, 8 hours and
12 hours.
If the Mobility Timer is enabled, it will count down the pre-programmed time length. When the timer times out without being reset, a report will be made to the Programmed phone numbers.
Disab l e 4 Hrs 8 Hrs 12 Hr s
z UseT&Skeys to select the options. z Press “OK” to confirm. z “Disable” is set as factory default.
) When the “Mobility” is set with a
specified timer, the Control Panel will report to the Programmed phone numbers when the timer runs out unless one of the following actions occurred in advance to reset the timer:
In “Home” mode: whenever any
Home Omit” DC, IR is triggered, or whenever any of the keys of the Control Panel is pressed
In “Disarm” mode: whenever any of
the DC or IR (except 24 Hr, Fire, Medical Emergency and Water) is triggered, or whenever any of the keys of the Control Panel is pressed
) When the system is set to “Away Arm”,
the timer automatically stops. When the
CTC-1132 868AM 2007.07.18
system enters “Home Arm” or “Disarm” mode, the timer automatically starts again.
12. Tamper Alarm
This extra option is to choose for Tamper Alarm of unauthorized sabotage to the devices only when the system is “Away Armed” in addition to the normal operational directive of Tamper Alarm.
A w a y A r m O n l y N o r ma l V
z UseT&Skeys to select the options. z Press “OK” to confirm. z “Away Arm Only” is set as factory default.
13. Supervision
This extra option is used to enable system supervision function. When this option is chosen “ON”, CTC-1132 will be able to receive the check-in signals from its system devices to indicate their proper functioning.
D i s a b l e 4 H o u rs 6 H o u rs 8 H o u rs 1 2 H o u r s
z UseT&Skeys to select the options. z Press “OK” to confirm. z “Disable” is set as factory default.
14. Set SIM-Code
Before proceeding with this step, the SIM Card must be inserted and the Control Panel must have already been powered on for longer than 3 minutes. After above mentioned condition is met, this step is for you to set the PIN code of the GSM SIM card.
Move the cursor to the “Set G.P-Code”, and then press “OK”. The display will prompt you to enter the PIN code of your SIM card:
E n t e r N e w ( + 0 K )
P - C o d e . . . .
z Enter your new GSM PIN Code and
confirm by pressing “OK”.
z The screen will then display a message
prompt saying, “Wait for a minute. Please”
z Afterward, another message prompt will
confirm, “Pin-Code has been changed” and the display automatically return to the “Special Setting Menu”.
) Press “ “ to escape and the screen
returns to “Special Setting Menu
z Change GSM Pin Code
GSM Pin Code can be changed at user’s discretion.
z When Old Pin Code is requested, enter
Old Pin Code followed by OK.
z Proceed to “Set G.P-Code” as instructed
in this section.
15. Stop
Press “OK” to return to the previous menu.
V. Add / Delete Device
If “Devices +/-“ is selected in Programming Main menu, the “Device +/-“ menu is displayed. From here you can edit all the devices previously learnt-in, add or delete devices including the external sirens.
A d d D e v i c e E d i t D e v i c e s R e mo v e D e v i c e P r o g r a m S i r e n
Power S w i t c h
1. Adding Devices
Step 1. To learn in a sensor, move the cursor
to the position “Add Device”, then press “OK”, a prompting message is displayed.
P u s h B u t t o n O n
Devi ce t o A dd!
Step 2. Press the test button on the sensor or
any button on the Remote Controller.
Step 3. If a signal is detected, the screen will
show you the type of the device on the second line.
D e t e c t e d ( O k ? ) D o o r C o n t a c t
CTC-1132 868AM 2007.07.18
) The categories of devices are listed as
9 Door Contact ---- DC 9 Panic Button-PB 9 PIR Sensor ----- IR 9 Remote Controller --- RC 9 Remote Keypad ---KP 9 Smoke Detector --- SD 9 Water Sensor --- WS 9 Outdoor Siren --- BX 9 Universal Receiver – UR 9 Wireless Siren ---SR
Step 4. Press “OK” to confirm the device type.
A prompting message will be displayed for 2 sec. to prompt you to select the zone number for the device.
S e L e c t D e v i c e Z o n e
Step 5. Then all the available unused zones
(zones which have no device added in) out of a total 20 zones will be displayed on the screen.
Z o n e 0 1 Z o n e 0 2 Z o n e 0 3
- Z o n e 1 9 Z o n e 2 0 S T O P
Step 6. Use “S” & “T” keys to move the
cursor to the desired zone number then press “OK”.
) When a sensor is added to the system
for the second time (without removing first). An error message will be displayed.
A l r e a d y E x i s t i n s y s t e m
The message will be displayed for 2 sec. then the screen return to Step 1. screen to wait for the signal from another device.
) Pressing key will abort the
procedure and will not learn-in the device.
) Depending the type of the device,
different screens will then be displayed accordingly for further configuration purpose.
Door Contact
StepA7. After a zone number for the Door
Contact is assigned, you can futher specify how it will work in different modes. You are requested to make a selection among “Burglar”, “ Home Omit”, “Home Access”, “Delay”, “Entry”, “Away Only”, “24 Hour”, “Fire”, “Medical Emg” and “Water” device.:
Burgl a r H o me O mi t H o me A c c e s s DelaY EntrY 24 Ho u r Fire M e d i c a l E mg Wat er
) “B” for Burglar Door Contact
z When the system is in Arm mode, if a
Burglar” Door Contact is triggered, a “Burglar Alarm” will be activated immediately and be reported.
z When the system is in Armed mode,
and the Control Panel is counting down the Entry Delay, if a “Burglar” Door Contact is triggered, the Control Panel will not respond.
z During the Exit Delay period, if a
Burglar” Door Contact is triggered, the Control Panel will not respond .
) “O” for Home Omit Door Contact
z When the system is in Home mode, if
a “Home Omit” Door Contact is triggered, the Control Panel will not
CTC-1132 868AM 2007.07.18
z When the system is in Full Arm mode,
if a “Home Omit” Door Contact is triggered, the Control Panel will respond in the same way as if a “Burglar” Door Contact is triggered.
) “A” for Home Access Door Contact
z When the Door Contact has been set
to “Home Access” and triggered when the system is in Arm mode, the Control Panel will start a Burglar Alarm and be reported.
z When the system is in Home mode, if
a “Home Access” Door Contact is triggered, the Control Panel will start an Entry Delay period to give enough time to disarm the system
z However, during the Entry Delay or
Exit Delay period, if a “Home Access” Door Contact is triggered, the Control Panel will not respond.
) “D” for Delay Door Contact
z When the system is in Arm mode, if a
“Delay” Door Contact is triggered first, a “Burglar Alarm” will be generated immediately.
z However, during the Entry Delay or
Exit Delay period, if a “Delay” Door Contact is triggered, the Control Panel does not respond.
) “E” for Entry Door Contact
z If the Door Contact has been set to
Entry” and triggered when the system is in Arm mode, the Control Panel will start an entry period to give enough time to disarm the system.
z After the delay period has expired and
no correct PIN code entered, the Control Panel will respond with a “Burglar Alarm” and be reported.
z If the Door Contact has been set to
Entry” and triggered when the system is in Disarmed mode, the Control Panel will make a “ding-dong” Door Chime sound (if programmed).
) “H” for 24 Hour Door Contact
z The“24 Hour” Door Contact is active
all the time and does not have to be armed or disarmed.
) “F” for Fire Door Contact
z The “Fire” Door Contact is active all
the time and does not have to be armed or disarmed.
) “M” for Medical Emgenercy Door
z A Medical Emg” Door Contact is
active all the time and does not have to be armed or disarmed.
) “W” for Water Door Contact
z Water” Door Contact acts as an
Universal Transmitter and have a Water leakage sensor connected to it.
z TheWaterDoor Contact is active all
the time and does not have to be armed or disarmed.
StepA8.Use the “T”,”S” to make your
selection and confirm by pressing “OK”. You are now invited to give a name or location description to the device to help understand system events. You can enter up to 10 letters as you want for the name followed by “OK” or just press “OK” for no name. Please see section “Device Naming” for details.
Ent e r N a me + Ok
....... . . . . .
StepA9. Press “OK” when zone name entering
is completed. The display will show the new zone name with the attribute next to the device and prompt you to confirm your programming:
I nst al l e d : ( OK?) D C B a c k d o o r B
StepA10. Press “OK”, adding a Door Contact
is now completed, screen returns to the “Device +/-“ menu.
) Press “ “, all the learning/setting
processes having done will be ignored, the screen returns to “Device +/- “ menu.
CTC-1132 868AM 2007.07.18
PIR Detector
StepB7.After a zone number for the PIR is
assigned the following choice screen is displayed.
B u r g l a r H o me O mi t H o me A c c e s s D e l a y E n t r y
) For a PIR Detector, you may choose
between “Burglar”, “Home Omit”, “Home Access”, “Delay” and “Entry” .
) For detailed functional description of
PIR Detector in these 4 different device modes, please refer to the Note section following Step A7 for adding Door Contact.
) “B” for Burglar PIR Detector ) “O” for Home Omit PIR Detector. ) “A” for Home Access PIR Detector. ) “D” for Delay PIR Detector. ) “E” for Entry PIR Detector.
StepB8. Use the “T”,”S” to make your
selection and confirm by pressing “OK”. You are now invited to give a name or location description to the device to help understand system events. You can enter up to 10 letters as you please for the name followed by “OK” or just press “OK” for no name. Please see section
“Device Naming” for details.
E n t e r N a m e + O k
. . . . . . . . . .
StepB9. Press “OK” when finished and the
display will show The display will show the newl zone name and the attribute next to the device:
I n s t a l l e d : ( O K ? ) I R H a l l w a y E
StepB10. Press “OK”, adding a PIR is now
completed, screen returns to the “Device +/-“ menu.
) Press “ “, all the learning/setting
processes having done will be ignored, the screen returns to “Device +/- “ menu.
Remote Controller
StepC7. After a zone number for the RC is
assigned the following choice screen is displayed.
P e r s o n a l A t t M e d i c a l E m g
) For a Remote Controller, you may
choose between “Personal Attack”, and “Medical Emergency” device mode.
) “P” for Personal Attack Remote
Control Panel will give a “Personal Attack” alarm when the panic button
is pressed for 3 seconds long or twice within 3 seconds.
) “M” for Medical Emergency Remote
Control Panel will give a “Medical Emergency” alarm when the panic
button is pressed for 3 seconds long or twice within 3 seconds.
StepC8. Use the “T”,”S” to make your
selection and confirm by pressing “OK”. The next display will prompt you to give a name or location description to the device to help understand system events. You can enter up to 10 letters as you please for the name.
StepC9. Or simply press “OK” for no name.
Please see section “Device
Naming” for details.
Ent e r N a me + Ok
....... . . .
StepC10. Press “OK” when finished and the
display will show the new zone name next to the device:
I nst al l e d : ( OK?) RC MR.S M I T H
CTC-1132 868AM 2007.07.18
1 1 2 2ABCabc 3 3DEFdef 4 4GHIghi 5 5JKLjkl 6 6MNOmno 7 7PQRSpqrs 8 8TUVtuv 9 9WXYZwxyz 0 0<space>/-&’.”+
¿ ¿
# #
Delete character and backspace
StepC11. Press “OK”, adding a RC is now
completed, screen returns to the “Device +/-“ menu.
) After a Remote Controller is added in,
you can use the Remote Controller to arm/disarm the system. In addition, pressing the “Panic” button for 3 seconds or twice within 3 seconds, the Control Panel will generate a Panic alarm.
) The “Panic“ alarm generated from the
Remote Controller will have to be silenced at the Control Panel only. See section “Stop the Alarm”.
) Press “ “, all the learning/setting
processes having done will be ignored, the screen returns to “Device +/- “ menu.
Other Devices
For Smoke Detector, Remote Keypad, Water Sensor and Night Switch, no further option needs to be specified, hence after it is detected, a zone is assigned, and the zone name entered, the following screen is displayed.
I n s t a l l e d : ( O K ? ) S D L i v i n g r o o m
Press “OK” to confirm, adding a smoke detector, or a Remote Keypad or a Water Sensor or a Night Switch is now completed.
Device Naming
Detectors can be given names and location descriptions to help understand system events. The devices can be named when first installing them or by editing them afterwards, the procedure is similar for both situations.
z When the “Enter zone Name” screen is
displayed, the keypad can be used to enter text. Simply locate the corresponding numeric keys to the desired alphabets/symbols and press repeatedly until the wanted alphabets/symbols appear. Release the key and the flashing cursor automatically jumps to the next position for you to continue with the next letter by the same method.
z The keys have the following functions:
z When the name is complete, press “OK”
to confirm and return to the previous or main menu.
) The name can be erased or clearing
the display by entering backward spaces and pressing “OK”.
Device Display Nomenclature
The devices are displayed throughout the menus and especially where there are zone lists. The meanings of the display components are shown in an example below:
The PIR detector is in zone 03, programmed for burglar mode.
2. Edit Devices
To edit all the devices that have already been installed, choose “Edit Devices” in the “Device +/-“ menu, all the devices being included in the system will be displayed. You may Press “ “ to exit.
D C B a c k d o o r IR Ha l l w a y RC MR . S M I T H S D K i t c h e n Stop
Step1A. Use “S”,“T” keys to scroll the display
and choose the desired device for editing. For DC, IR and RC, when selected by pressing “OK”, the first screen will ask if you want to change the device attribute:
PIR Zone 03 B
Zone attribute
Zone number
Device type
CTC-1132 868AM 2007.07.18
B u r g l a r H o me O mi t H o me A c c e s s E n t r Y 2 4 H o u r F i r e M e d i c a l E m g Wa t e r
If no changes is wished here, press “
“ to skip to Step 3A.
Step2A. Use “S”,“T” keys to scroll the display
and choose the desired device attribute by pressing “OK”. The screen will show:
Z o n e T y p e ? ( O k ? ) D C B a c k d o o r E
Step3A. Press “OK” to confirm. The next
screen will ask if you want to change the name
P r o g r a m N a m e ? B a c k d o o r
Step4A. Press “
“, if re-naming is not
required to exit to the previous device list or press “OK” if you wish to edit the zone name:
E n t e r N a m e + O k
. . . . . . . . . . .
Step5A. Edit the zone name and press “OK
when completed to return to the previous device list.
Step6A. Proceed to edit other devices or Press
” to return to “Add/Delete Device” menu.
To Edit Other Devices (SD/ KP/ WS/NS)
Step1B. Use “S”,“T” keys to scroll the display
and choose the desired device for editing. When selected by pressing “OK”, the first screen will ask if you want to change the zone name. To confirm, press “OK” or press “ “ to exit.
P r o g r a m N a m e ? B a c k d o o r
Step2B. Press “OK” if you wish to edit the
zone name:
Ent e r N a me + Ok
....... . . .
or press “ “ to exit to the previous device list.
Step3B. Edit the zone name and press “OK
when completed and return to the previous device list.
Step4B. Proceed to edit other devices or Press
” to return to “Add/Delete Device” menu.
3. Remove Devices
Adding a device a second time is prohibited unless it is removed from the system first. To delete a device, choose “Remove Device” in the “Device +/-“ menu
Step 1. Use “S”,“T keys to scroll the display.
All the used zones with the device names are listed in order of the zone numbers.
D C B a c k d o o r IR Ha l l w a y RC MR . S M I T H S D K i t c h e n
Step 2. Press “OK” when the required device
is chosen. The following prompt message will be displayed for you to reconfirm.
R e m o v e : ( O k ? ) RC MR.S M I T H
Step 3. Press “OK”. Deleting a device is now
completed. The screen returns to previous device list.
) If the selected sensor/zone is not what
you want to delete, press to exit, the device list is again displayed for you to make another selection.
) If “Remove Device” menu is chosen
while no device has been installed, the display will show “No device found in system” for 2 sec. and return to the “Device +/- “ menu.
Step4. Proceed to remove other devices or
Press “ ” to return to “Add/Delete Device” menu.
CTC-1132 868AM 2007.07.18
4. Program Siren
If an outdoor Bell Box, Indoor Bell Box or Universal Receiver etc. is to be included in the system, it should be programmed first by the Control Panel, so that the Control Panel can communicate with these auxiliary devices.
To program these auxiliary devices, select
“Program Siren” in the “Device +/-“ menu.
L e a r n S i r e n S i r e n T a m p . O n S i r e n T a m p . O f C o n f i r m O n C o n f i r m O f f E n t r y S n d O n E n t r y S n d O f f R e c e i v e r 1 R e c e i v e r 2
z Learn Siren
z If there is any detector or Remote
Controller has been added already,
Step 1. Put all the desired Auxiliary devices
into learn mode (Refer to their individual Operational Manual).
Step 2. Move the cursor to the position
“Learn Siren”. Step 3. Press “OK”. Step 4. The Control Panel will then sound a
long beep and transmit Learning code
to all devices simultaneously. The Out
Door Bell Box (BX-8) should respond
by activating its siren & strobe light
momentarily while the UR-7 status
LED lights up for 3 seconds. Step 5. Place these auxiliary devices out of
Learn mode. Adding them into the
system is completed.
) If any of these devices does not
respond, make sure that the device is
in learn mode and repeat the steps
) After they are added in, every time
pressing a PIN code & followed by
“OK” key will result in the Control
Panel transmitting signal to all of them
) If there is no other detector or Remote
Controller being added first, the
following message will be displayed in
Step 3.
P l e a s e a d d o n e d e v i c e
The message will be displayed for 2 sec. then the screen returns to “Device +/-“ menu. You are requested to add a detector or Remote Controller first then you can try programming these auxiliary devices again.
For the following options, whichever option is selected, when the Control Panel transmits the signal, all added sirens will simultaneously received the signal and all will acted accordingly
z Siren Tamp.On, Siren Tamp.Off
The Outdoor Siren BX-8tamper switch can be enabled and disabled remotely. This is used especially when replacing siren battery.
z Disable the Siren tamper switch by
selecting “Siren Tamp.Off” and press “OK”. All added sirens will temporarity lose their Tamper Protection simultanously
z Enable the Siren tamper switch by
selecting “Siren Tamp.On” and press OK”. All added sirens will be enabled with the Tamper protection simultanously.
) The Siren tamper disable will
automatically revert to “On” after about an hour if not switched back.
z Confirm On, Confirm Off
Both the Outdoor Siren BX-8 can be enabled for arming and disarming confirmation where beeps are emitted from the Siren to validate that the system has been armed and disarmed.
z Disable the Siren Confirmation by
selecting “Confirmation Off” and press “OK”.
z Enable the Siren Confirmation by
selecting “Confirmation On” and
CTC-1132 868AM 2007.07.18
press “OK”.
z Entry Snd On, Entry Snd Off
The Outdoor Siren BX-8 can be enabled or disabled from sounding the Entry Delay warning beeps.
z Disable the Siren Entry Sound by
selecting “Entry Snd Off” and press
z Enable the Siren Entry Sound by
selecting “Entry Snd On” and press
z Receiver 1, Receiver 2
2 additional Universal Receivers can be added to the system.
Step 1. Put Universal Receivers into learn
mode (Refer to their individual
Operational Manual).
Step 2. Move the cursor to the position
“Receiver 1” Step 3. Press “OK”. Step 4. The Control Panel will then sound a
long beep and transmit Learning code
to UR#1 simultaneously. The UR
status LED lights up for 3 seconds.
) If Receiver 2 is also to be added to the
system, proceed to the following steps:
Step 5. Move the cursor to the position
“Receiver 2”. Step 6. Press “OK”. Step 7. The Control Panel will then sound a
long beep and transmit Learning code
to UR#2 simultaneously. The UR
status LED lights up for 3 seconds. Step 8. Remember to put these Universal
Receivers out of Learn mode. Adding
them into the system is completed.
5. Edit Power Switch “Home Matic”
The controlpanel and powerswitch
communicate with each other by
following steps: Step 1. Put the Power Switch “Home Matic” in
learning mode.
Step2. Put the Control Panel into
programming menu.
Step 3. Select Device +/- and then “Power
Switch” then the following screen will
be displayed.
Step 4. Select the disired channel number and
press OK.
Step 5. The control panel will sound one beep
and send a signal to the Power
Step 6. Repeat Step 4 to learn other channels.
) When the first (Channel 1) Power
Switch “HomeMatic” has been set, and alarm is triggered, the LED of the first Power Switch will flash (2-sec On & 2-sec Off) automatically until the Control Panel is disarmed.
) If the AC Fault exists in the Control
Panel and the alarm is trigger, the LED of first (Channel 1) Power Switch will flash slowly (2-sec On & 6-sec Off)
) Only the first (Channel 1) Power
Switch can flash during the panel alarm.
VI. SMS Editor
For sending a SMS alarm reporting to your mobile phone, edit your SMS message by selecting “SMS Editor“ in Programming Main menu.
E d i t S c r e e n
1. Editing SMS message
Step 1. During this display, compose your own
SMS message of up to 14x4=56 characters maximum. Press “OK” to confirm.
The keypad can be used to enter text, similar
Channe l 1 Channe l 2 Channe l 3 Channe l 4 Channe l 5 Channe l 6 Channe l 7 Channe l 8
CTC-1132 868AM 2007.07.18
to the “testing” method being utilized for the mobile phones
The keys have the following functions:
‘When the message is completed, press “OK” to see the next display:
S a v e
Q u i t
Press “Save” to save the newly edited SMS or exit this section back to Programming Menu by press “Quit”.
Step 2. Press “OK” when the cursor is moved
to the choice of your decision. When “Save” is chosen, the saved
SMS message will be sent when any
alarm is triggered and displayed again
on the LCD when the “SMS Editor” is
selected again.
VII. SMS Keyword
For sending remote commands to control the operation of the Receiver 1 & 2 and Outputs using SMS message, a personalized password is required for CTC-1132 to recognize your authority. To set a personalized keyword different from “Pin Code” (factory default), select “SMS Keyword“ in Programming Main menu.
C h a n g e K e y w o r d ?
P i n c o d e + O K
1. Keyword Editor
Step 1. Press “OK” to confirm. Step 2. The next display will prompt you to
enter your preferred “keyword” from
minimum of 1 character to a maximum
of 10-character and press “OK” when
done. .
K e y w o r d e d i t o r
....... . . . +OK
Step 3. The system returns to Main
Programing Menu automatically.
) If there is no character entered, there
is no “Keyword” set up in the system.
) Without “Keyword” programmed in the
system, Remote Commanding of CTC-1132’s Receivers and Outputs via SMS will also be disabled..
VIII. Country Code
If the user send a SMS message ended by “00”, CTC-1132 will study the telephone number from the received message ,then, send a confirmation message back.
However, each service provider may add different pre-fix code in front of the telephone number, which mostly is the country code. Therefore, when CTC-1132 is sending the confirmation message, the pre-fixed country code may need to be delected in some cases.
So, if the confirmation message can be send successfully, you can escape this section.
But, if the message sending is unsuccessful, you will need to delect the pre-fixed country code first.
Step 1. To enter the country code, press “OK”
for select Country Code menu then press “OK” and the following screen will appear. Key in user’s country code then press “OK”.
Count r y C o de
....... . . . . . . ...
For example:
Norway’s country code is 47, so you
then type 47 under the country code. It becomes as the following.
Count r y C o de
47..... . . . . . . ...
Step 2. Press “OK”. The next screen displays.
R e p l a c e m e n t
....... . . . . . . ...
Under most of the conditions, you will
1 1 2 2ABC(abc) 3 3DEF(def) 4 4GHI(ghi) 5 5JKL(jkl) 6 6MNO(mno) 7 7PQRS(pqrs) 8 8TUV(tuv) 9 9WXYZ(wxyz) 0 0<space>/-&’.”+:
# #
S Backward space T Forward space
Delete character and backspace
CTC-1132 868AM 2007.07.18
not need to do the setting up for Replacement. Just press “OK” and the screen will automatically return to the main Program selection list.
You can try to see if the confirmation message has been successfully send to you or not. If yes, escape this section.
Step 3. If the message sending process is still
unsuccessful, please try to add an “0” or “00” or any digits depeding on how you normally dial your mobile phone number in the replacement.
For Example:
R e p l a c e m e n t
0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Step 4. Press “OK” and the screen will
automatically return to the main Program selection list.
Please try again to see if the confirmation message has been send successfully or not. If not, please go back to Step 1 and change your country code.
For example, for Norway, you can try to type 047 instead of 47 in this case.
IX. GSM Signal
CTC-1132 utilizes GSM as its telephone interface for communication purpose. The GSM signal can be monitored by selecting “GSM Signal” in the Programming Main Menu.
G S M S i g n a l
P l e a s e Wa i t
The current GSM signal strength in RSSI scale ( “0” ~ “9” with 9 being the highest strength value) will be displayed on LCD and may change due to change of environment.
G S M S i g n a l
G S M R S S I = 7
X. Walk Test
z WhenWalk Test” is selected, the Green
& Yellow LED’s will flash 3 times with 3 beeps, and the following two test patterns are displayed for 2 sec. each.
z Then the following message is displayed:
* Wa l k T e s t *
z Pressing the test button on the sensor or
any button on the Remote Controller or triggering the sensor, if the Control Panel received the signal, it will sound 2 short beeps and the display will show you which sensor with its zone number is reacting and the RSSI strength.
I R Z o n e 0 2 D Hallway R=09
z The message will be displayed for 30 sec.
or being replaced by another test signal.
z Pressing key, the screen will return
to “Walk Test” banner.
) The function of showing its RSSI
strength (e.g. “R=09”) is only avaliabe in 868 MHZ Control Panels.
z Exit “Walk Test”
z To e xi t “Walk Test” mode,
press ” “ key.
z If no test signals are received for 5
minutes, the Control Panel will exit “Walk Test” mode and return to “Alarm Off. Press OK” key to add another 5 minutes.
XI. Reset GSM
GSM module will be reset once you have press “OK”. Please wait for 1 minute for the reset process to be activated.
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I. Entering User Menu
When the system is in Disarmed mode (Alarm off), entering a valid user code can access the user menu, the system can then be Away armed or Bypass armed via this menu.
When the first numberic key is pressed, the display will show:
E n t e r C o d e ¿. . .
when the complete PIN code is keyed in followed by “OK”, within 10 sec., the first two
lines of the user menu is shown:
A w a y A r m
H o me A r m
A flashing dot will appear next to “Away Arm”, the complete menu list consists of:
A w a y A r m
H o me A r m
B y p a s s
L o g
Wa v e m a n
These items can be scrolled through by using the “T”, “S” keys.
) If there is any fault event occurred, no
matter if the fault condition has been
rectified or not, when you enter the
PIN Code followed by “OK”, the
following screen will be displayed.
F a u l t D s p
A w a y A r m
H o me A r m
B y p a s s
L o g
P o w e r S w i t c h
And the cursor stays at “Fault Dsp” position. To arm the system, please see the section “Forced Arming” below.
) If there is any SMS message saved, the
screen will display SMS for SMS
message reading
) If you press “ while the “Alarm off
is displayed, a “Enter Code” promp screen will be displayed. After you enter your pin Code, the above screen will also be displayed.
) After 30 seconds of key-inactivity, the
system will automatically exit User Menu and return to “Alarm off” mode.
II. Away (Alarm ON) Mode
1. Arming the system
If the system is in Disarmed mode (Alarm off), to arm the system.
Step 1. Enter your PIN code and press “OK”.
The display will show:
Away A r m Home A r m Bypas s Log Wavema n
and the cursor stays at “Away Arm
Step 2. Press OK” and the screen will display.
T i me T o E x i t 3 0 s e c
The defined EXIT Delay is displayed on the second line, and is counting down. During the EXIT Delay period, the exit sound plays, unless it has been chosen to switch off.
Step 3. When the Exit Delay time is up, or the
Entry” Door Contact (Final Door Set Function programmed to be “On”) is closed, the Control Panel will sound a long beep. The “Alarm On” will display on the screen and the system is in Arm mode.
Alarm O N 07: 25 1 6 D ec
) When “Final Door Set Option” is set to
Off”, the Control Panel enters “Alarm On” mode only when the Exit Delay time is up.
) The Control Panel has “Screen Save
function. The “Alarm on” message will be displayed for 160 sec. only. Afterwards only current date & time is displayed on the second line.
CTC-1132 868AM 2007.07.18
) The system can also be armed by using
the Remote controller (Optional).
2. Stopping the Exit Delay
The Exit Delay can be stopped by disarming the system.
Step 1. Press Step 2. The screen will ask you to enter the
PIN code. In addition, the counting
down Exit Delay is displayed on the
left side of the 2
Step 3. Enter your PIN code and then press
OK”. “Alarm Off” will be displayed
on the screen and the system returns
to Disarmed mode.
) The Exit Delay can also be stopped by
pressing the “Disarm” button on the
Remote Controller (Optional).
) If the Exit Delay period times out before
the code can be entered, the system
will be armed.
3. Extend the Exit Delay
During the Exit Delay period, the delay time can be extended by pressing the “ARM” button on the Remote Controller (Optional). Each time the “ARM” button is pressed, the delay time starts counting from the beginning. ( To do this, press and hold th ARM button for 1 second and you will hear a long beep to confirm the extention of Exit time).
) While you arm the system, if a Door
Contact or PIR sensor has been
triggered (eg. Door is open), arming is
also prohibited. To arm the system,
please see the section “Forced
Arming” below.
III. Forced Arming
z While you try to arm the system by
entering the PIN Code, if there is any fault situation has occurred before, the display will show.
F a u l t D s p A w a y A r m
z If you move the cursor to “Away Arm
position and then press “OK”, the Control Panel will sound a ding-done warning sound to indicate arming is prohibited, and the message “Fault DSP” is displayed in the middle of the top display row and alternates at 2-second intervals with individual fault events.
) In the same situation, if you arm the
system by pressing the “Arm” button on the Remote Controller, the Control Panel will response in the manner as described above and the arming is also prohibited.
z You will need to press “ to return back
to Alarm Off Screen.
z At this moment, you can first rectify all of
the problems and then clear the “Fault
display” (Please see section XI “In a Fault Situation”), and then afterwards you
can arm the system.
z However, if you want to put the system
into Arm mode with the fault situation persisting, it is still possible by following the steps below to execute “Forced
Step 1. Enter your PIN Code and press “OK”,
a prompt message will be displayed.
For ce A r m
( O k ? )
Step 2. Press “OK” to double confirm. Step 3. The Exit Delay counting down screen
is displayed as in above section.
Step 4. When the Exit Delay time is up, the
Control Panel will sound a long beep. The “Alarm On” will display on the screen and the system is in Arm mode.
) Any time pressing “ “ followed by “PIN
Code” and “OK”, the screen returns to Alarm Off
) The “Fault DSP” screen has a time-out
for 5 minutes. It will automatically exit and return to “Alarm Off” screen after 5 minutes.
) If a sensor is by-passed (Please see
section “Partial Arm mode”, the fault
CTC-1132 868AM 2007.07.18
condition of that sensor will not be
) If a sensor tampered or out-of-order
occurs, you can temporarily by-pass it
or permanently remove it.
Arming with Door Opened
While you arm the system, if any door was detected to be open, the Control Panel will also sound a ding-dong warning sound to indicate arming is prohibited. The message “Fault DSP” is displayed in the middle of the top display row and alternates at 2-second intervals with the sensor name that is being triggered.
z At this moment, you can close the opened
door, after which the fault display will be cleared automatically and the screen returns to “Alarm off”. You then can arm the system again.
z However, if you want to put the system
into Arm mode with the opened door, it is still possible by following the Steps described above to execute ”Forced Arming”.
IV. Disarm (Alarm off) mode
Disarming the system
To disarm the system If the system is in either the Away Arm mode or
Home Arm mode (Alarm ON), enter your pin Code and press “OK”. If the PIN code is correct, the Control Panel will sound 2 short beeps and return to Disarmed mode. The screen will show.
A l a r m O f f
0 6 : 4 3 0 1 J a n
) When the system is Home Armed,
pressing the “DISARM” button on the
Remote Controller will disarm the
) When the system is Away Armed,
pressing the “DISARM” button on the
Remote Controller can disarm the
sytem when either an “Entry” device
has been triggered, or when the
Remote Controller Entry Enable” has been set to “ON”.
V. Home Arm Mode
The Home mode allows the home to be Armed so that no one can get inside without first Disarming the system, yet the person already inside the house can move freely without self triggering the alarm.
) You can enter the HOME mode only
when the system is in DISARMED mode.
1. Entering Home Mode:
Step 1. When the system is in Disarmed mode,
key in your Pin Code then press “OK”.
Step 2. Press “ T “ to move the cursor down to
select “Home Arm”.
Step 3. Press OK” and the screen will display.
T i me T o E x i t 3 0 s e c
The defined EXIT Delay is displayed on the second line, and is counting down. During the EXIT Delay period, the exit sound plays, unless it has been chosen to switch off.
Step 4. When the Exit Delay time is up, the
Control Panel will sound a long beep. The “Home” will display on the screen and the system is in Home Arm mode.
) The system can also be armed by using
the Remote controller (Optional).
Step 5. Press OK” and the screen will display.
Home 08: 00 1 6 D ec
2. Stopping the Exit Delay
The Exit Delay can be stopped following the steps described in “Stopping the Exit Delay” in section II, “Away Mode
3. Extend the Exit Delay
The Exit Delay can be extended following the steps described in “Extend the Exit Delay” in
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