CTC-1132 868AM 2007.07.18
) The system can also be armed by using
the Remote controller (Optional).
2. Stopping the Exit Delay
The Exit Delay can be stopped by disarming
the system.
Step 1. Press “ “
Step 2. The screen will ask you to enter the
PIN code. In addition, the counting
down Exit Delay is displayed on the
left side of the 2
Step 3. Enter your PIN code and then press
“OK”. “Alarm Off” will be displayed
on the screen and the system returns
to Disarmed mode.
) The Exit Delay can also be stopped by
pressing the “Disarm” button on the
Remote Controller (Optional).
) If the Exit Delay period times out before
the code can be entered, the system
will be armed.
3. Extend the Exit Delay
During the Exit Delay period, the delay time
can be extended by pressing the “ARM” button
on the Remote Controller (Optional). Each
time the “ARM” button is pressed, the delay
time starts counting from the beginning. ( To do
this, press and hold th ARM button for 1
second and you will hear a long beep to
confirm the extention of Exit time).
) While you arm the system, if a Door
Contact or PIR sensor has been
triggered (eg. Door is open), arming is
also prohibited. To arm the system,
please see the section “Forced
Arming” below.
III. Forced Arming
z While you try to arm the system by
entering the PIN Code, if there is any fault
situation has occurred before, the display
will show.
F a u l t D s p
A w a y A r m
z If you move the cursor to “Away Arm”
position and then press “OK”, the Control
Panel will sound a ding-done warning
sound to indicate arming is prohibited, and
the message “Fault DSP” is displayed in
the middle of the top display row and
alternates at 2-second intervals with
individual fault events.
) In the same situation, if you arm the
system by pressing the “Arm” button
on the Remote Controller, the Control
Panel will response in the manner as
described above and the arming is
also prohibited.
z You will need to press “ “ to return back
to Alarm Off Screen.
z At this moment, you can first rectify all of
the problems and then clear the “Fault
display” (Please see section XI “In a
Fault Situation”), and then afterwards you
can arm the system.
z However, if you want to put the system
into Arm mode with the fault situation
persisting, it is still possible by following
the steps below to execute “Forced
Step 1. Enter your PIN Code and press “OK”,
a prompt message will be displayed.
For ce A r m
( O k ? )
Step 2. Press “OK” to double confirm.
Step 3. The Exit Delay counting down screen
is displayed as in above section.
Step 4. When the Exit Delay time is up, the
Control Panel will sound a long beep.
The “Alarm On” will display on the
screen and the system is in Arm mode.
) Any time pressing “ “ followed by “PIN
Code” and “OK”, the screen returns to
“Alarm Off”
) The “Fault DSP” screen has a time-out
for 5 minutes. It will automatically exit
and return to “Alarm Off” screen after
5 minutes.
) If a sensor is by-passed (Please see
section “Partial Arm mode”, the fault