Elecro Engineering Poolsmart Plus Installation & Operating Manual

Poolsmart Plus
Touchscreen Heating Controller
Installation & Operating Manual
Important Notes
Congratulations on purchasing the PoolSmart Plus touchscreen heating controller, manufactured in England to the highest standards.
To ensure your new product will give years of trouble free service please
carefully read the following instructions.
Incorrect installation will aect your warranty. Do not discard this
manual, please retain for future reference.
Product Overview
Screw mount the PoolSmart Plus to a suitable wall in a dry weather proof location out of direct sunlight, ensuring that it is sited no more than 3 metres from the swimming pool ltration pipe work and upstream i.e: before the heating appliance.
The rear face of the PoolSmart Plus has an upper key hole screw hook, located at the rear of the enclosure, and 2 lower screw holes which are accessed after removing the 4 screws retaining the lower access cover at the front.
T-Piece Installation
The T-Piece should be cut into the swimming pool ltration pipe work upstream (i.e. before) the heating appliance using a suitable ABS cement.
The T-Piece has 63-mm female sockets and is supplied with:
• 50-mm reducers (Model PSPC-50)
• 1½” reducers (Model PSPC-1.5)
NOTE: Correct orientation of the T-Piece is essential to enable the correct operation of the ow switch and temperature detection probe i.e. the arrow moulded into the T-Piece must point in the direction of ow.
Electrical Connection
The PoolSmart Plus must be installed in accordance with the Country / regional requirements and regulations. In any event the work must be carried out by a qualied electrician who will provide a certicate of conformity upon completion of the work.
Undo the lower cover screws and remove the electrical access cover. All electrical connections should be made into the relevant terminal block position, according to the labelled positions.
Connection Explanation:
Terminal 1 = Incoming Live 100 to 230V Terminal 2 = Incoming Neutral Terminals 3 and 4 = Priority of Heating ltration pump override signal out Terminals 5 and 6 = Heat Out – Volt free switched output to control heating appliance (2-Amp MAX if the load is greater than 2-Amp an auxiliary contactor must be used) Terminals 7, 8 and 9 = RS485 MODBUS Data Link Terminals 10 and 11 = Flow Switch Terminals 12 and 13 = NTC Temperature sensing probe
see wiring diagram on page 4
Wiring Diagram
Digital Touchscreen Controller Overview
The Touchscreen digital controller has been pre-programmed with all the necessary parameters to ensure reliable service & operation. Below is an overview indicating the controller button keys and graphical symbols.
The actual pool water temperature is shown in the upper area of the dis­play. The required temperature is shown in the lower area of the display. The required water temperature can be adjusted by touching the ‘UP / DOWN’ touch button keys until the required temperature is displayed, adjustments are in 0.1°C increments.
Priority of Heating is a function that ensures your pool water is constantly maintained at your required temperature. When Priority of Heating is activated the Symbol will be displayed on the screen.
The controller will then monitor the pool water temperature, and start both the pool circulation pump and heating process when necessary.
Operating Instructions
On initial power up of the controller the digital display will be illuminated.
The heating device will only be switched ‘On’ when the following criteria are met i.e:
• Water circulating pump is ‘On’ delivering in excess of 4,000 litres per hour (4m³/h)
• The required temperature is set to a higher value than the actual water temperature.
Time Switching Delay
To prevent overheating of the switch components within the heating device caused by frequent on/ o switching (cycling) the controller has been pre-programmed with a time delay function.
When time switching delay is activated the message display will show ‘HEATER DELAY’ for 2 minutes.
When the pool water has reached the required temperature the heating device will switch o and will not switch back on until the water temperature has fallen 0.6°C below the require temperature.
Operating Modes
There are ve operating modes:
The required Modes are selected by touching the ‘M’ button key, each touch causes the mode to change to the next mode. The display will indicate which mode is currently selected together with the clock time.
(Example illustrated ‘INSTALLATION’ mode)
Installation Standby
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