- 2 -
The car d reader is automati cally reco gnised an d the co nnection
procedur e is complete.
When using Windows®, an “installation complete” notification will
appear in the taskbar.
Connect the USB co nnector to the PC USB port.
This device w ill be recognized au tomatically.
USB connector
* Confi rm the pro per up/dow n
orientat ion of th e connect or
when you connect it.
Memory card fo rmat
Memory cards that have been formatted on Windows® can also be used on
Memory cards that have been formatted on Macintosh
cannot be used on
About Windows® drive letters
In Windows®, the memory cards slot s are as signed in the follo wing order. (the
information in brackets assume s that the PC’s last assigned drive letter is E)
Removable device (F:)
Memory card slot 5
Removable device (G:)
Memory card slot
Removable device (H:)
Memory card slot
Removable device (I:)
Memory card slot
3 or 4
The order of drive as signme nt in Win dows
7 may di ffer, dep ending on your P C.
In Windows® 7, th e drive icon will appear once a memory card is inserted
into a slot.
About Macintosh® drive icons
When using a Macintosh®, a different drive icon will appear depending on which
memory slot you inse rt a card into.
Slot 1 or 2 or 3 4 or 5
Drive icon
• If mult iple me mor y c ards ar e i nser ted in to card sl ots at th e s ame ti me, the
drives n ames w ill be na med “U ntitled ”, “Untit led1”, “Unti tled2”, e tc.
• The drive priority is “Untitle d”, “Untitled1” and “Untitled2”. For example,
if memor y cards are inserted in the order
1 , 2 , 3 , then 1 will be -
comes “Untitle d”,
2 will become “U ntitled1”, and 3 will become “Un-
titled2”. If you remove cards
1 and 2 , and then reinsert 2 , th en 2
will be designated “untitled”.
Reading from and writing to a memory card using a PC
Connect to the PC
Insert a memory card
Insert a memory card in the
appropriate slot with the correct
orientati on and alignme nt.
Refer to “How to inser t memor y cards
into th e corresp onding ca rd slots” (on
the front side) fo r details.
A drive ic on appears on the
desk top an d you can acces s the
memor y card .
The in serted memor y card can be a ccess ed.
I f a n Auto Pla y d ialog b ox appea rs, sel ect
the act ion tha t you wa nt Wind ows to p erfor m.
* If the c ard i s em pty, i t is open ed di rectly
as a rem ovable d isk.
Activate the PC
If the PC is st arted with this prod uct connected, the pr oduct may not be recogni zed.
If this problem o ccurs, remove and recon nect the product.
The power of PC is turned on.
Remove the memory card
Do not remove a memory card while the PC is writing to or reading from it.
Disconnect the card reader from the PC
Do not disconnect the card reader while the PC is writing to or reading from it.
Click the , , , or
icon in the Taskbar or t he
Notification Are a.
* If the icon is displayed i n the
Notificati on Area in Win dows
7 ,
click it and then click the USB
icon (
) that appear s.
* If r emov ing a me mor y ca rd
using Windows
7, proceed to
The “Safe to Remove Hardware” notific ation is displayed.
Windows• ® 7, Windows® XP
Proceed to Step
Windows Vista•
7, Windows® 2000
Click , and proceed to Step
Disconnect th e card reader from the USB port.
Click the messag e that appears.
* When using Windows Vista, two mes-
sages (“ USB mass storage device”) is
displaye d. F or each mess age, perfo rm
a nd 3 a nd the n p roce ed to
If using a USB d evice or PC card be sides this prod uct, both names w ill be displayed. In this case, click the m essage that appe ars for this produ ct (indicatin g a
USB mass stor age device or USB d isc).
If a memory card i s inserted into the mem ory card slot when usin g Windows
click “Ejec t Mass Storage Device”.
2 3
Remove all m emory cards from the c ard reader slots.
Always dis connect the card read er from the PC before turning o ff the PC.
Drag the drive icon to t he Trash (Eject).
The Trash icon( ) becomes an Ejec t ( ) icon.
Check th at the drive icon has d isappeared and r emove the memory c ard
from the slot.
1 2
Open “My Computer” (“Computer” in
Windows 7 and Windows V ista).
Right-click the removable disk that the
memor y car d was assig ned t o, and on t he
contex t menu that ap pears, click [ Eject].
Re mov e the m emo ry
card from the slot.
2 3
If the W indows® install ed on your c omputer do es not sup port USB 2 .0
When performi ng step 2 of “2. Connect to th e PC”, the f ollowing taskbar message or
system n otifica tion wi ll appea r when you con nect th e USB c onnecto r to the PC US B port.
When using Windows•
XP Service Pack 1 or earlier
"HI-SPE ED USB Device Plugged into non- HI-SPEED USB Hub"
When using Windows Vista•
or Windows® XP Service Pack 2 or above
"This Device Can Per form Faster"
This messag e is to info rm you that even though this product is a USB 2.0-compatible device, the port that it is connected to does not support USB 2.0. In this
case, this product will operate at US B 1.1 speed, not that of US B 2.0.
When using this pro duct with Windows® 2000
Windows® 200 0 Service Pack 4 or above is required to use this product. Pe rform
the follow ing steps to confirm your version. If using Service Pack 3 o r earlier, us e
Windows Up date to update i t to the late st version of Windows
2000. For information on performing the update, refer to your PC manual or consult the manufacturer
of your PC.
1. Right-click the My Compute r icon on your desktop, and then click “Pr operties”
from the menu.
The system properties win dow is displayed.
2. Confirm your version o f Windows
If the PC does not r ecognise the card reade r
If the PC doe s not recogni se the card rea der, disc onnect it from the P C and t ry co nnectin g
it again .
In Windows® 7, even if this p roduct is recognised, the drive will not be dis-
played until a memor y card has been inser ted.
2012 ELECOM Co., Ltd. All Rights Re served.
USB 2.0 Multi Type Card R eader
MR-A004 seri es
User’s manual
1st edition, Janu ary 10, 2012
This manual is copyrig ht of ELECOM Co., Ltd.•
Unauthorised copying and/or reproducing of all or part of this manual is prohibited.
The specifications and appearance of this product may be changed without prior notice for •
product improvement purposes.
ELECOM Co., Ltd. shall bear no responsibility for any and all affects resulting from the use •
of this product regardless of the above reasons.
Export or service transaction permission under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade •
Control Law is required in order to export this product or parts of this product that constitute
strategic materials or services.
The SD logo, SDHC logo, SDXC logo, microSD logo, and microSDHC l ogo are trademarks of •
MultiMediaCard is a trademark of Infineon Technologies AG.•
Memory Stick, Memory Stick PRO, Memory Stick Duo, Memory Stick PRO Duo, and
Memory Stick Micro are trademarks of Sony Corporation.
xD Picture Card is a trademark of Fujifilm Corporation.•
Windows and the Windows logo are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.•
Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the United States and other
Company names, product names, and other names in this manual are generally trademarks
or registered trademarks.
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