elco RPD 30, RPD 40, RPD 50, RPD 70, RPD 80 Operation Manual

Operation Manual
For the authorized specialist
Dual-fuel Duoblock Burner RPD 30 - 100 GL-R / GS-R
03/2005 102.877.8447
General Information .............................................................3
Technical Data Sheet ..........................................................4
Burner Construction ..........................................................10
Mounting the Burner to the Boiler ......................................11
Combustion Air Fan Drive Modes .....................................12
Dimensioned Drawing for RPD Burner 20 - 100 ...............13
Burner scheme Gas train ..................................................15
Hydraulic Scheme .............................................................17
Hydraulic Scheme .............................................................18
Mounting Position Leak Test Ignition Gas Connection
Ignition Burner Type ZT0 ...................................................20
Ignition Gas Solenoid Valve ..............................................24
Oil Connection Fuel Oil Supply .........................................25
Oil Connection ...................................................................26
Medium pressure screw pumps ........................................27
Burner Pump Assembly Electrical Connection ..................29
Return Nozzle Rod DG 75 .................................................30
Return Nozzle Rod MAT ...................................................31
Throughput Rate Charakteristics Light Fuel Oil ................32
Throughput Rate Charakteristics Heavy Fuel Oil ..............40
Dimensions of the Mixing Unit ...........................................49
Draw-out and Swing Mechanism .......................................50
Air Flow Adjustment
Oil Flow and Gas Rate Adjustment ...................................51
Mechanical Compound Controller .....................................52
Pressure Setting ................................................................53
Removal and Replacing the Shaft Seal
of the Return Flow Nozzle Assembly DG 75 .....................54
Oil Pressure Switch Air Pressure Switch ...........................55
Setting Pressure Switches and Control System ................56
Automatic Furnace Controller LFL 1... / LGK 16... ............57
Flame Monitor Sensor Current Measurement ...................58
Actuator Type ARIS, 4, 4a, 5 .............................................59
Solenoid Safety Valves .....................................................60
2/2 Way Valve Type MK 15 ...............................................62
2/2 Way Valve Type MK 20 ...............................................64
Pipe spring - Glycerine - Manometer
Bimetal - Pointer - Temperature controller ........................66
Flushing and Oil Feed Start Thermostat ATH 22 .............67
Gas Connection .................................................................68
Gas Motor Valve VK ..........................................................69
Gas Pressure Regulator ....................................................71
Gas Pressure Regulator ....................................................72
Gas Filter Safety Vent Valve .............................................74
Diagram Pressure Loss .....................................................75
Discharge Speed, Gas Nozzles ........................................76
Preoperational Checks Functional Flow Gas Start-up ......78
Start-up Light Oil ...............................................................79
Start-up Heavy Oil .............................................................80
Viscosity as a Function of Oil Temperature .......................81
Oil Start-up Burner Shutdown
Measures in Case of Trouble ............................... ...... .......82
Exhaust Gas Test ..............................................................83
SO2-content i n Exhaust Gas
from Light Oil and Heavy Oil Combustion .........................84
O2, CO2, Lambda Conversion Table ................................85
O2, CO2, Lambda Conversion Table ................................86
O2, CO2, Lambda Conversion Table ................................87
O2, CO2, Lambda Conversion Table ................................88
Trouble Shooting Instruction s .............. ...... ........................89
General Information
Important information
The burners of type RPD 30...100GL/ GS-E.../R... have been desig ned for the combustion of natural gas or fuel oil. The burners should be installed and taken into opera tion by qualifi ed pers on­nel only who will be responsible for the proper performance of this work in accordance with the applicable regulati­ons and guidelines.
Only duly authorized specialists should be entrusted with the installation of the gas system.
Any repair work on monitors, limiters and automatic furnace controllers and on the other safety facilities are allow ed to be done only by the manufacturers themselves or specialists authorized by them. Original parts should only be exchanged by a duly qualified specia­list.
Standards and regula tions
The following standards should be observed in the interest of a safe, easy­on-the-environment and energy-saving operation of the burner:
According to EN 676 and EN 267, the user must be instruc ted in the operati on of the burner and according to DIN 4755 and DIN 4756, the user must be intro­ducted in to gas firing system.
For the installation of a gas furnace system, care should be taken to observe DIN 4756, TRGI (Technical Regulation on Gas Installations), the Worksheets of DVGW (German Asso­ciation of the Gas and Water Sector) and the local furnace construction regu ­lations applicable in the country.
Screwed unions of metal used in gas lines should be fitted with approved sealing elements.
Prior to taking the burner into operation make sure to vent the gas line, but this should in no case be done through the furnace chamber.
For the installation of an oil furnace system, care should be taken to observe DIN 4755, TRbF (Technical Regulation on Combustib le Liquids) and the local furnace construction regulati­ons applicable in the country.
The furnace system should be started initially by the installer, manufacturer or other specialized personnel. Prior to taking the furnace system into opera­tion, make a test of all automatic con­trol, safety and control facilities for proper functional order and check them for correct setting if of adjustable type. Furthermore, check the control circuits, fans, etc. for proper fuse rating, and whether suitabl e precaution s have bee n taken to prevent accidental contact.
Inspection and Maintenance
The furnace system should be inspec­ted and serviced at least once a y ear by an authorized special ist of the inst al le r to ensure its proper functional order, operational safety and energy-saving operation. Check the system for absence of leaks and functional order. For the combustion anal ysis proceed as described in the section entitled „Exhaust Gas Test“. It is recommende d to conclude a maintenance agreement to this effect.
Manufacturer will not accept any war­ranty if the operating instructions have not been duly observed in the start-up and maintenance of the burner and damages have been caused by impro­per installation, incorrect adjustment, unauthorized interference or operating errors.
Burner installation and accessories
Boiler lining
The boiler lining should be made of heat-resistant materials (temperature resistance >1400°C). T ake care that the burner flame tube is covered by the boiler lining over its full length. The open space between the burner flame tube and the boiler lining should be packed with mineral wool.
Checks prior to burner installation
1 Check the mixing ignition unit
according to the boiler output.
2 Oil nozzles and mixing ignition
unit. 3 Pilot burner setting. 4 See dimensioned drawing for set-
ting dimensions of mixing ignition
unit. 5 Check the air cylinder for proper
function (po ssible damage in
transport). 6 Check the air damper setting
according to flame p attern and fur-
nace chamber geometry.
EN 676/ DIN 4788
Gas burners with bl ower
EN 267/ DIN 4787
Oil atomizer burners
VDE 0116 Electrical Equipment of
Technical Data Sheet Duoblock Dual Fuel Burner
RPD 30 / 40 / 50 GL-R / GS -R
1116 0
110 0
RPD 30 RPD 40 RPD 50
Technical Data
Fuel flow rate (light oil) Gas flo w rat e Operating mode Fuel ty p e Automatic burner controller Flame sensor Ignition burner Ignition transformer
Pump output at 35 bar MAT oil control block Oil connection Nozzle rod Nozzle Actuator Gas conn ection
We ight Pre ssure loss i n mixing uni t
Gas contr ol organ
Burner output
Output range
954 - 6042 kW
RPD 30
81 - 513 kg/h
95 - 604 m³/h
fully modulating
Light oil / heavy oil / natura l gas / special fuels
LFL 1., LGK 16 or other approved models
QRA 2, QRA 53 o r other approved models
MAT / Hegwein ZNVL (ZT0)
D-52 L5 KV
Z112 K5
1200 l/h
SRB 19000/30
R 3/4" / 22 mm
MAT / DG 75 MAT - MK 27
WA N 4
R 3"
430 kg
30 mbar or according to diagram
accordi ng to gas pressure
(MAT ignition burner) (Hegwein ignition burne r)
1100 - 8230 kW
RPD 40
98 - 694 kg/h
110 - 823 m³/h
1850 l/h
SRB 19000/40
R 3/4" / 22 mm
MAT / DG 75 MAT - MK 27
WA N 4
R 3"
450 kg
1400 - 11160 kW
RPD 50
118 - 941 kg/h
140 - 1116 m³/h
2400 l/h
SRB 19000/50
R 3/4" / 22 mm
MAT / DG 75 MAT - MK 27
WA N 4
R 5"
600 kg
Technical Data Sheet Duoblock Dual Fuel Burner
RPD 30, 40 & 50 GL-R / GS - R
RPD 30, 40 & 50 GL-R / GS - R
Description Dimensions
Operating mode
Fully automatic for ced drau ght dual fuel burner, safety equipment according to EN 267 and EN 676, especially desi­gned for high turn down ratios.
Electric design
Burner pre-wired and ready to con­nect. All burner components wired to the burner terminal rail. Burner control box supplie d loose for installation in separate contr ol panel. Separate fitted oil pump assembly.
Combustion air
Separate combustion air blower with stable and p ulsation-free characterist ics also on appli ances with a high flue gas resistance. The combustion air volume is divided into a primary and a secon-
dary stream. The flame shape may be adapted by adjustable twist dampers.
Control systems
oil side: adjustable by means of return flow system with compound controller and spill back nozzle. gas side : fuel throughput controlled by compound controller with adjustable cam disc and gas inlet butterfly valve. air side : by means of compound con­troller with adjustable cam discs for pri­mary air (air dampers) and secondary air (air cylinder).
Monitoring system
Flame monitoring by means of flame sensor and tested burner control box. Combustion air monitoring achieved through differential air pressure switch, resp. speed control switch in cas e of burner with speed control regulation.
Direct electric high voltage ignition, 5000 V, by means of an inbuilt ignition burner.
22,5 °
P1 P2
RPD 20 - 60
L6 50%
L4 100%
B3 B4 B5W
RPD 70 - 100
Gewinde Länge K
Stift M
Bohrungen Kesselplatte
22,5 °
30 745 78 19 260 375 70 705 416 830 790 385 371 2 90
17,5 317 620 373 993 650 30 700 124 40 745 78 19 260 375 70 705 416 830 790 423 409 3 40 367 17,5 442 620 373 993 650 30 700 95 50 950 78 19 315 375 70 760 535 1030 990 470 456 380 410 17,5 370 675 475 1150 740 30 770 110
RPD L5 L6 M P1 P2 P3 P4 R T T1 T2 T3 U V W X Y Z LB C FI F2 F3
30 1350 62 12 580 670 320 410 1265 160 192 491 346
3" 248
4x92 5x126
40 1425 50 12 580 670 320 410 1265 160 192 491 346
3" 248
4x92 5x126
50 1620 55 12 740 830 416 506 1743 181 250 530 376
5" 319
3x152 5x156
set screw M length K
Details of boiler front plate
Technical Data Sheet Duoblock Dual Fuel Burner
RPD 60 / 70 / 80 GL-R / GS -R
145 11
RPD 60 RPD 70 RPD 80
Technical Data
Fuel flow rate (light oil) Gas flo w rat e Operating mode Fuel ty p e Automatic burner controller Flame sensor Ignition burner Ignition transformer
Pump output at 35 bar MAT oil control block Oil connection Nozzle rod Nozzle Actuator Gas conn ection
We ight Pre ssure loss i n mixing uni t
Gas contr ol organ
Burner output
Output range
2232 - 14511 kW
RPD 60
188 - 1223 kg/h 223 - 1451 m³/h
fully modulating
Light oil / heavy oil / natura l gas / special fuels
LFL 1., LGK 16 or other approved models
QRA 2, QRA 53 o r other approved models
MAT / Hegwein ZNVL (ZT0)
D-52 L5 KV
Z112 K5
3100 l/h
SRB 19000/60
R 3/4" / 22 mm
MAT - MK 50
WA N 4
R 5"
640 kg
30 mbar or according to diagram
accordi ng to gas pressure
(MAT ignition burner) (Hegwein ignition burne r)
3590 - 20470 kW
RPD 70
303 - 1726 kg/h 359 - 2047 m³/h
4000 l/h SRB 19000/70 R 3/4" / 22 mm
MAT - MK 50
WA N 4 A
R 5"
900 kg
5500 - 30350 kW
RPD 80
465 - 2559 kg/h 550 - 3035 m³/h
6400 l/h
SRB 19000/80
R 1" / 28 mm
MAT - MK 50
WA N 4 A
R 8"
1200 kg
Technical Data Sheet Duoblock Dual Fuel Burner
RPD 60, 70 & 80 GL-R / GS - R
L6 50%
L4 100%
RPD 20 - 60
P1 P2
B1 444
B3 B4 B5W
Stift M
Gewinde Länge K
Bohrungen Kesselplatte
22,5 °
22,5 °
RPD 70 - 100
60 994 78 19 315 375 70 760 622 1080 1040 520 506 420
18 312 700 497 1197 825 30 735 125
70 1160 78 19 315 375 75 765 731 1240 1200 640 626 520
18 469 780 580 1360 900 30 740 170
80 1350 75 19 315 375 75 765 860 1450 1400 740 710 597 646 18 600 820 675 1495 1000 30 700 185
RPD L5 L6 M P1 P2 P3 P4 R T T1 T2 T3 U V W X Y Z LB C FI F2 F3
60 1695 62,5 12 750 840 470 560 1760 181 270 555 401
5" 379
4x129 5x160
10 - - - - -
70 1995 85 12 936 1026 600 690 2010 181 365 610 450
5" 410
5x128 7x140
10 - - - - -
80 2285 92 12 1102 1192 700 790 2320 187 310 707 495
8" 489
6x125 9x128
10 - - - - -
RPD 60, 70 & 80 GL-R / GS-R
Description Dimensions
Operating mode
Fully automatic for ced drau ght dual fuel burner, safety equipment according to EN 267 and EN 676, especially desi­gned for high turn down ratios.
Electric design
Burner pre-wired and ready to con­nect. All burner components wired to the burner terminal rail. Burner control box supplie d loose for installation in separate contr ol panel. Separate fitted oil pump assembly.
Combustion air
Separate combustion air blower with stable and p ulsation-free characterist ics also on appli ances with a high flue gas resistance. The combustion air volume
is divided into a primary and a secon­dary stream. The flame shape may be adapted by adjustable twist dampers.
Control systems
oil side: adjustable by means of return flow system with compound controller and spill back nozzle. gas side : fuel throughput controlled by compound controller with adjustable cam disc and gas inlet butterfly valve. air side : by means of compound con­troller with adjustable cam discs for pri­mary air (air dampers) and secondary air (air cylinder).
Monitoring system
Flame monitoring by means of flame sensor and tested burner control box. Combustion air monitoring achieved through differential air pressure switch, resp. speed control switch in cas e of burner with speed control regulation.
Direct electric high voltage ignition, 5000 V, by means of an inbuilt ignition burner.
set screw M length K
Details of boiler front plate
Technical Data Sheet Duoblock Dual Fuel Burner
RPD 90 / 100 GL-R / GS-R
7000 7000
RPD 90 RPD 100
Technical Data
Fuel flow rate (light oil) Gas flow rate Operating mode Fuel type Automatic burner cont roller Flame sensor Ignition burner Ignition transformer
Pump output at 35 bar MAT oil control block Oil connection Nozzle rod Nozzle Actuator Gas connection
Weight Pressure loss in mixing unit
Gas control organ
Burner output
Output range
7000 - 42000 kW
RPD 90
590 - 3540 kg/h 700 - 4200 m³/h
fully modulating
Light oil / heavy oil / natural gas / special fuels
LFL 1. , LGK 16 or other approved models QRA 2, QRA 53 or other approved models
MAT / Hegwein ZNVL (ZT0)
D-52 L5 KV
Z112 K5
8900 l/h
SRB 19000/90
R 1" / 28 mm
MAT - MK 50
R 8"
1400 kg
30 mbar or according to diagram
according to gas pressure
(MAT ignition burner) (Hegwein ignition burner)
7000 - 45000 kW
RPD 100
590 - 3800 kg/h 700 - 4500 m³/h
9500 l/h
SRB 19000/90
R 1"/ 28 mm
MAT - MK 50
R 8"
1450 kg
Technical Data Sheet Duoblock Dual Fuel Burner
RPD 90 & 100 GL-R / GS-R
RPD 90 & 100 GL-R / GS-R
Description Dimensions
Operating mode
Fully automatic for ced drau ght dual fuel burner, safety equipment according to EN 267 and EN 676, especially desi­gned for high turn down ratios.
Electric design
Burner pre-wired and ready to con­nect. All burner components wired to the burner terminal rail. Burner control box supplie d loose for installation in separate contr ol panel. Separate fitted oil pump assembly.
Combustion air
Separate combustion air blower with stable and p ulsation-free characterist ics also on appli ances with a high flue gas resistance. The combustion air volume
is divided into a primary and a secon­dary stream. The flame shape may be adapted by adjustable twist dampers.
Control systems
oil side: adjustable by means of return flow system with compound controller and spill back nozzle. gas side : fuel throughput controlled by compound controller with adjustable cam disc and gas inlet butterfly valve. air side : by means of compound con­troller with adjustable cam discs for pri­mary air (air dampers) and secondary air (air cylinder).
Monitoring system
Flame monitoring by means of flame sensor and tested burner control box. Combustion air monitoring achieved through differential air pressure switch, resp. speed control switch in cas e of burner with speed control regulation.
Direct electric high voltage ignition, 5000 V, by means of an inbuilt ignition burner.
L6 50%
L4 100%
RPD 20 - 60
P1 P2
B1 444
B3 B4 B5W
Stift M
Gewinde Länge K
Bohrungen Kesselplatte
22,5 °
22,5 °
RPD 70 - 100
90 1700 75 3 420 375 75 870 890 1800 1750 883 870 675 - 18 810 905 850 1755 1100 30 745 190
100 1700 75 3 420 375 75 870 890 1800 1750 935 922 830 - 18 810 905 850 1755 1100 30 745 190
RPD L5 L6 M P1 P2 P3 P4 R T T1 T2 T3 U V W X Y Z LB C FI F2 F3
90 2585 - 12 1300 1390 742 832 2720 224 310 832 620
8" 494
10 - - - - -
100 2585 - 12 1300 1390 742 832 2720 224 310 832 620
8" 494
10 - - - - -
set screw M length K
Details of boiler front plate
Burner Construction
1 Secondary air pressure switch 2 Ignition gas valve group 4 Inspection glasses 5 Terminal box 6 Gas flow rate control damper 7 Secondary air connection 11 Primary air damper 12 Sleeve 13 Combustion air for ignition burner 14 Flame monitor 15 Gas feed pipes 16 Air guide valve 17 Gas nozzles 18 Nozzle
19 Turbulator 20 Flame tube 21 Burner tube 23 Secondary air control valve 24 Extracting assembly 26 Burner housing 27 Ignition burner 28 Nozzle rod 29 Oil pressure switch 30 Oil flow rate controller 32 Electric actuator
Combustion air connection
The combustion air connecti on (Item 7) may be mounted at intervals of 45° for the RPD 30-60 version and 30° for the RPD 70-90 ver s ion. The burner equip­ment plate with control block and all val­ves and instruments will be retained in the vertical position in any case.
13 2 1 14 19 18 20 21 23 26 24 28 27
4 17 16 15
5 6 29,30 7 32
Mounting the Burner to the Boiler
The burner plate of the boiler must be fabricated to the specified dimensions. Mount the burner to the boiler with its insulation backing. Apply a layer to gra­phite or similar lubri cant to the bo lts and tighten by equal amounts. Mixing igni­tion units extended in length are availa­ble for boilers requiring a specifi c installation depth of the burner flame tube.
Refer to the drawing for the mounting dimensions of the burner and air duct and exhaust gas connection, if any.
Boiler lining
The boiler lining must consist of heat­resistant materials (temperature resi­stance >1400°C).
Take care that the burner flame tube is covered by the boiler lining over its full lenght.
The space between the burner flame tube and lining is packed with mineral wool.
Burner mounting inspection
1. Check the mixing ignition unit according to the boiler output.
2. Adjust the pilot burner.
3. Refer to the dimensioned drawing for adjusting the mixing ignitio n unit.
Boiler lining
Burner flange sealing
Mineral wool
Boiler plate
Mounting bracket
Textile compensator
Air duct
Combustion air fan
Baseframe to anti-vibration mounting
Combustion Air Fan Drive Modes
1. Direct dr ive
In this concept the motor is coupled directly to the fan impeller. The fan impeller is mounted directly on the motor shaft end. The speeds used are those of the drive motors only. The bea­ring of the motor shaft must be specifi­cally designed for the fan impeller used.
Recommendation: up to 10 MW out­put
2. Drive via flexible coupling
The fan impeller is mounted on its own shaft by means of a bea rin g sp ec ific al ly designed for the purpose. The powe r is transmitted from the drive motor via a torsionally flexible coupling. The speeds used are those of the drive motor.
3. V-belt drive
The fan impeller is mounted on its own shaft by means of a bea rin g sp ec ific al ly designed for the purpose. The powe r is transmitted from the drive motor via V­belts which can provide practically any desired speed.
Air duct and fan
Baseframe: Pre-mount exactly.
Do not prestress for
mounting. Direction of rotation: Check for proper
direction of rotation.
Fans with V-belt drive should be chek­ked for V-belt tension after about 12 hours of operation and the V-belts retensioned if necessary. If the V-belts are not properly tensioned this will cause slip with resultant lower speed and a considerably reduced service life. Mount the air ducts in a way to ensure an accurate and reliable fixing of the fan. Connect the air duct by mean s of a compensator to avoid transmission of stress. The air ducts are made from 3-4 mm metal sheet.
Dimensioned Drawing for RPD Burner 20 - 100
Oil, Gas and Dual-fuel Burners (without external exhaust gas return)
Boilerplate holes
Set screw M
Lenght K
Attention for burners type U
Mixing unit see on separate
Dimensions of RPD Burner 20 - 100 Oil, Gas and Dual-fuel burners (without external exhaust gas return)
*) Note: If longer flame tubes are used, the extended lenght must be
added to the dimensiones G, R, L5 **) D4 = burner tube outside diameter ***) Flange acc. to DIN 2631 for RPD 20 to 70, and acc. to DIN 2633 for RPD 80, 90 and 100
RPDA1B1B2B3B4B5B6B8D1D2D3D4D5D6D7 G H1H2H3H4 K L1 L4L5
100% 50%
10 0% *)
530 53 29 90 314 91 560 325 530 500 270 260 210 - 12 250 385 265 650 425 30 465 - 68 780
745 78 19 260 375 70 705 416 830 790 385 371 290 323 17,5 317 620 373 993 650 30 550 700 124 1350
745 78 19 260 375 70 705 416 830 790 423 409 340 367 17,5 442 620 373 993 650 30 550 700 95 1425
950 78 19 315 375 70 760 535 1030 990 470 456 380 410 17,5 370 675 475 1150 740 30 600 770 110 1620
994 78 19 315 375 70 760 622 1080 1040 520 506 420 455 18 312 700 497 1197 825 30 650 735 125 1695
1160 78 19 315 375 75 765 731 1240 1200 640 626 520 565 18 469 780 580 1360 900 30 740 - 170 1995
1350 75 19 315 375 75 765 860 1450 1400 740 710 597 646 18 600 820 675 1495 1000 30 700 - 185 2285
1700 75 3 420 375 75 870 890 1800 1750 883 870 675 - 18 810 905 850 1755 1100 30 745 - 190 2585
1700 75 3 420 375 75 870 890 1800 1750 945 922 830 - 18 810 905 850 1755 1100 30 745 - 190 2585
RPD L6 M P1 P2 P3 P4 R S1 S2 T T1 T2 T3 U DN W X Y Z
50% *) ***)
- 10 430 510 236 316 - - - 112 150 240 -
50 190
2x1 43 4x1 20
62 12 580 670 320 410 1265 140 497 160 192 491 346
22x1 ,5
80 248
4x92 5x1 26
50 12 580 670 320 410 1265 140 497 160 192 491 346
22x1 ,5
80 248
4x92 5x1 26
55 12 740 830 416 506 1743 115 595 181 250 530 376
22x1 ,5
125 319
3x1 52 5x1 56
62 12 750 840 470 560 1760 195 622 181 270 555 401
22x1 ,5
125 379
4x1 29 5x1 60
85 12 936 102 6 600 690 2010 270 705 181 365 610 450
28x1 ,5
125 410
5x1 28 7x1 40
92 12 1102 1192 700 790 2320 310 800 187 310 707 495
28x1 ,5
200 489
6x1 25 9x1 28
- 12 1300 1390 742 8 32 2720 240 845 224 310 832 620
28x1 ,5
200 494
6x1 32 10x 135
- 12 1300 1390 742 8 32 2720 240 845 224 310 832 620
28x1 ,5
200 494
6x1 32 10x 135
Burner scheme Gas train
RPD 30, 40 and 50 GL - R / GS - R
TRD 604 - 72 hr :
The 310, 311,312, 313, 313a pressure swit­ches are approved in dual mode or under the code of "special construction requirements", the solenoid valve RL (182) in the return line is required.
TRD 604 - 24 hr :
The 310, 311, 312, 313, 313a pressure swit­ches are designed in single mode. The sole­noid valve RL (182) is built in if the return flow pressure / ring line pressure exeeds 1 bar.
EN :
The 310, 311, 312, 313 pressure switches are designed in single mode. The 313a max. pressure switch is not availa­ble. The solenoid valve RL (182) is required.
Electrical heating cartridges for the oil bloc, the nozzle rod and the hoses are used with heavy oil burner versions only.
Always 1x178 und 1x182 electrical connected in-line
100 Burner 120 Secondary air cylinder 125 Primary air damper 141 Ball valve 142 Gas filter 143 Pressure gauge with manual valve 144 Pressure governor 145 Safety shutt-off valve 147 Test burner w. push button valve 148 Safety blow off valve 150 Gas butterfly valve 151 Ignition burner lance 152 Air regulating valve 153 Main gas solenoid valve 154 Safety shutt-off solenoid valve 155 Ignition gas solenoid valve 156 Ignition gas solenoid valve 157 Gas regulating valve 167 Ball valve 177 Pressure gauge with manual valve 178 Oil solenoid valve, feed line(115 V) 179 Hydraulic shut-off valve 180 Nozzle assembly with shut-off valve 181 Solenoid valve, oil circulation 182 Solenoid valve, return line (115 V) 183 Oil hoses 184 Pressure regulator return line 185 Coupling 186 Electrical cartridge heater, oil bloc 187 Pressure regulator feed line 188 Trace heating, oil hoses 189 Trace heating, nozzle rod 310 Air pressure switch 311 Oil pressure switch, return line 312 Oil pressure switch, feed line 313 Gas pressure switch, low 313a Gas pressure switch, high 314 Gas leakage control 349 Mechanical compound controller
Burner scheme TRD 604 - 72 h
oil feed line
ignition electrodes
oil return line
primary air
secondary air
ignition gas
Gas train TRD 604 - 72 h
Burner scheme Gas train
RPD 60 - 100 GL - R / GS - R
TRD 604 - 72 hr :
The 310, 311,312, 313, 313a pressure swit­ches are approved in dual mode or under the code of "special construction requirements", the second solenoid valve RL (182) in the return line is required.
TRD 604 - 24 hr :
The 310, 311, 312, 313, 313a pressure swit­ches are designed in single mode. The second solenoid valve RL (182) is built in if the return flow pressure / ring line pressure exeeds 1 bar.
EN :
The 310, 311, 312, 313 pressure switches are designed in single mode. The 313a max. pressure switch is not available. Both sole­noid valves RL (182) are required.
Electrical heating cartridges for the oil bloc, the nozzle rod and the hoses are used with heavy oil burner versions only.
Always 1x178 und 1x182 electrical connected in-line
100 Burner 120 Secondary air cylinder 125 Primary air damper 141 Ball valve 142 Gas filter 143 Pressure gauge with manual valve 144 Pressure governor 145 Safety shutt-off valve 147 Test burner w. push button valve 148 Safety blow off valve 150 Gas butterfly valve 151 Ignition burner lance 152 Air regulating valve 153 Main gas solenoid valve 154 Safety shutt-off solenoid valve 155 Ignition gas solenoid valve 156 Ignition gas solenoid valve 157 Gas regulating valve 167 Ball valve 177 Pressure gauge with manual valve 178 Oil solenoid valve, feed line (115 V) 179 Hydraulic shut-off valve 181 Solenoid valve, oil circulation 182 Solenoid valve, return line (115 V9 183 Oil hoses 184 Pressure regulator return line 185 Coupling 186 Electrical cartridge heater, oil bloc 187 Pressure regulator feed line 188 Trace heating, oil hoses 189 Trace heating, nozzle rod 310 Air pressure switch 311 Oil pressure switch, return line 312 Oil pressure switch, feed line 313 Gas pressure switch, low 313a Gas pressure switch, high 314 Gas leakage control 349 Mechanical compound controller
Burner scheme TRD 604 - 72 h
oil feed line
ignition electrodes
oil return line
primary air
secondary air
ignition gas
Gas train TRD 604 - 72 h
Hydraulic Scheme RPD 30 -50
Oil Control Block and Nozzle Rod DG 75
Oil circuit at burner stand by (Zirkulation)
Oil circuit at burner pre-purge
Oil circuit at burner operation
1. Oil pressure pump
2. Safety valve
3. Oil filter
4. Pressure gauge (feed line)
5. Oil regulating valve
6. Manual valve (for bleeding)
7. Circulating valve
9. Hydraulic cylinder for ball valves
10. Oil regulating valve, return line
11. Pressure gauge (return line)
12. Ball valve
13. Inner nozzle oil line assembly
14. Solenoid valves
15. Return nozzle
16. Pressure hoses
Hydraulic Scheme RPD 30 -100
Oil Control Block and Nozzle Rod MAT
14 14
14 14
14 14
Oil circuit at burner stand by (Zirkulation)
Oil circuit at burner operation
1. Oil pressure pump
2. Safety valve
3. Oil filter
4. Pressure gauge (feed line)
5. Oil regulating valve
6. Manual valve (for bleeding)
7. Circulating valve
9. Hydraulic cylinder for ball valves
10. Oil regulating valve, return line
11. Pressure gauge (return line)
12. Ball valve
13. Inner nozzle oil line assembly
14. Solenoid valves
15. Return nozzle
16. Pressure hoses
17. Non-return valves
1. oil solenoid valve circulation
2. oil regulating valve return flow
3. oil regulating valve bloc inlet pressure
4. regulating needle
5. spring
6. washer
7. shaft
8. surclip
9. O- ring seal N. 19
10. bush gland
11. gasket
12. washer
13. surclip
14. spring
15. washer
16. surclip
17. regulating needle
18. spring
19. washer
20. shaft
21. gasket
22. bush gland
29. shaft
30. piston
31. gasket
32. lock washer
33. nut M8
34. spring
35. spring cover
36. cover plate
37. aluminum washer
38. valve flange
39. double blocking valve
40. outer shaft ring
41. washer
42. fixing ring
43. valve cover
44. O ring gasket
45. cover
46. block body
47. nut M8
Oil Control Block
Mounting Position Leak Test Ignition Gas Connection Ignition Burner Type ZT0
Mounting position
Gas pressure regulator s and valves can be mounted in vertical lines in any posi­tion within the 360° range. In horizontal lines they must not be mounted over­head and only 180° in the upper se cto r. The ball valve and filter can be mou nted in any desired position. Take care that the housing does not m ake c ont act w ith the wall and is clear by minimum 20 mm. Do not use the spring bolt of the regulator and the solenoid elements of the valves as levers.
Leak test
Check the screwed joints and flanged connections for absence of leaks. The leak test of the joints should be made under pressure using only foaming agents approved by DVGW and not causing corrosion.
Electrical wiring of gas valves
Check that the data given on the name­plate of the gas valves agree with the mains voltage. Open the terminal box of the valve. Feed the connection cable through the screwed union (condui t thr ead Pg 13 .5) and connect the terminals marked accordingly. L = phase N = zero conductor = protective conductor (green-yellow)
Disconnectable joint
An easy-to-disconnect joint with flat sealing (e.g. compensator) should be provided to allow the boiler door to be swivelled out if required for mainte­nance work on the boiler (furnace chamber). Th is compensator should also be designed to accommodate the axial or lateral expansion and absorb vibrations.
Ignition gas connection
An ignition burner is used to ignite the main gas flame. The ignition gas line is branched out of the gas control group between the two gas valves and instal­led to the ignit ion bu rner on the s hortes t possible way. In the case of oil and dual-fuel burners the burner is ignited with propane supplied through a sepa­rate R „ propane connection. The igni­tion gas flow rate may be adjusted on the volumetric flow control valve of the ignition gas valve or directl y on the ign i­tion gas burner. The required gas pres­sure for the ignition gas burner is 50­150 mbar . It is ad vis ab le to ins t all a gas pressure regulator upstream of the igni­tion gas burner . Th e air pres sure for the ignition gas burner should be between 10 and 30 mbar. The boi ler back pres­sure shall not be taken into account. The air pressure should be adjusted in accordance with the gas pressure to ensure an undelayed ignition and a good flame pat tern.
1 Transformer unit with bui lt-i n
ignition transformer 2 Electrical angular plug connector 3 Gas connection, may be
connected on either side right and
left with gas test socket 4 Air connection, mounted to
transformer unit 5 Air test socket 6 Igniter tube, mounted to air flange
7Spacer ring 8 Ignition electrode connection rods 9 Gas tube 10 Ignition electrode connection rods 11 Gas nozzle for natural gas or
12 Mixing chamber
* The outside diameter will be 50 mm for
tube lengths above 4000 mm and for all high-grade steel tubes.
Mounting f lange View A
Gas RP1/2 normally left
Air Rp1
Ignition Burner Type ZT0
Ignition Burner Type ZT0
Technical Data
Construction according to sectional drawing
The igniter consists mainly of the trans­former unit (Item 1) housing the ignition transformer , the ignit er tube with a ir and mounting flange (Item 6 ), a gas tub e (9) with nozzle (11) and the electrode car­rier ring (10). The igniter tube with the Rp1 air connection is bolted to the transformer unit. After the 4 bolts (Item
4) have been unscrewed it may be removed or turned by 90° if required by the position of the air connection. When turning the tubes care must be taken not to change the position of the inner supporting rings and rods because this might lead to operational trouble. The gas supply may be connected eit­her to the left-hand or right-hand ope­ning. The opening not used is closed with a screw plug which al so car ries the screw-in gas test socket (3). The elec­trode support ring (Item 10) is mounted to the end of the gas tube.
The ionization electrode and ignition electrode are extended with conn ec tin g rods (Item 8). These rods are installed through the bottom of the transformer housing in 2 ceramic insulators and car­ried by intermediate supporting rings (Item 7) spaced at 300 mm.
Flame moni tor
An ionization electrode is provided for flame monitoring. The flame signal is generated by d.c. current which due to the ionization effect and the rectifier effect of the flame is caused to flow from the igniter tube earth via the flame to the ionization electrode and via the con­necting rod to the amplifier in the auto­matic furnace controller. The ionization electrode and ignition electro des ar e adjusted in accordance with the dra ­wing.
When installing new electrodes these must be bent, cut to len gth and adjusted as required. The internal resistance of the ionization system amounts to some megohms. Such a high resistance ensures a good insulating capacity of the electrodes and connecting rods. In a dust-laden com­bustion air environment it is therefore important to clean t he ins ulators a t shor­ter intervals. Humidity should be kept out. See also electrical function. The ceramic insulator of the ionization electrode must not be allowed to heat up above 500 °C because this could lead to shutdown on tro ubl e. Therefore, a minimum air flow rate (10-20 % of the full-load rate) should be allowed to flow if this temperature is likely to be rea­ched by radiation or convection with the furnace chamber in hot condition and the burner flame turned off.
Technical data of ignition gas burner type ZT0
Fuel gases according to G 260 Flame power max. 120 kW Flame length max. 600 mm Gas connection Rp 1/2 right or left Air connection Rp 1, may be turned by 4x90° Air flow rate max. 50 m³/h Air index 0.3-0.5; remaining air rate must be available from furnace chamber Max. ambient temperature 500°C in tube; if temperature is higher, keep combustion air
connected partly as cooling air; 0°C to +60°C in transformer unit
Transformer unit
Connection voltage 230 V, 50 Hz Connector type plug connector Power input ignition transformer 100 VA, 20% duty cycle (with thermal winding shield)
ignition 5 kV (2-3 seconds via automatic furnace controller) Ambient temperature 0°C to +60°C Degree of protection IP 54
Electrical connection
Cl. 1 (Mp) Cl. 8 (Ph) ignition transfer, primary Use shielded cable Z 912 F 00 for flame feedback. Cl. 10 ionization signal NOTE: The shield must not make contact with earth.
Ignition Burner Type ZT0
Gas Pressure Adjustment Parts List
Gas pressure adjustment
In standard version the igniters are sui­table for a working range 50-150 mbar. If a higher gas pressure is required in the customer's order, the two threaded gas inlet connections will be fitted with restrictors by the manufacturer already. The igniter will in this way be adjusted to the pressure above 150 mbar. If the higher inlet pressu re is recogniz ed at a later stage only, a restriction to maximum 150 mbar can also be achie­ved by means of a ball valve, for example.
Characteristic line Gas type Nozzle holes Flame length
P Propane 1x2,5 + 6x1,0 approx. 600 mm M Natural gas 1x4,0 + 6x1,3 approx. 500 mm N City gas 1x5,0 + 8x2,3 approx. 500 mm
Parts list
Item. Qty. Description Part No. Material
1 1 Transformer unit Z 112 K 5 Housing of GAL 2 1 Right-angle plug with 2 unions A 5 Z 1 10-pole, max. 2.5 3 1 Gas test socket Z 138 Z 2 Ms 58 4 4 Hexagon socket head screw W 826 F 10 5 1 Air test socket Z 138 Z 1 Ms 58 6 1 Igniter tube with rolled-in mixing chamber and mounting
flange with Rp1 air inlet thread
Z 1050 Z...** GAL / steel
7 * Intermediate supporting ring with 2 ceramic insulators Z
545 F11
Z 960 K 4 St VII 23
8 2 Connecting rods Z 781 F...** Zinc-plated steel 9 1 Gas tube Z 521 F...** St 35
10 1 Electrode carrier ring Z 960 K 13 St VII 23
11 1 Gas nozzle Natural gas
Propane City gas
Z 330 F 4013 Z 330 F 2510 Z 985 F 1
High-grade steel 1. 4104 High-grade steel 1. 4104 High-grade steel 1. 4104
12 - Mixing chamber with mixing ring Included in
Item 6
High-grade steel, heat-resistant
* Quantity depends on pipe length: 3 intermediate rings per metre of tube length. ** Additional data according to type (tube length).
Ignition Burner Settings Electrode Carrier Ring
Front view
Side view
110 mm for natural gas
90 mm for propane
Top view
Natural gas
Electrodes Z 707 F 3
Ceramic Z 545 F 11
Ring W 715F 101 Bush Z 789F 10
Preset amount of bend and adjustment Cut ionization electrode to length according to gas type.
Ignition Gas Solenoid Valve
Type MVD 505 / 5 single-stage
Technical data:
Nominal bore: R1/2“ Max. operating pressure: 500 mbar Opening time: < 1 sec Closing time : < 1 sec Ambient temperature:-15°C to +60°C Mounting position: solenoid in upright
position vertical to horizontal
Voltage/frequency: (AC) 230 V
(+10% -15%) Duty factor: 100% CD Degree of protection: IP 54, IP 65 Power rating: 15 VA
Main flow rate adjuster type series MVD
Unscrew the prot ective cap a nd remove the lock nut to allow the main flow rate to be adjusted. The main flow rate adju­ster is supplied ex works in fully opened position. Turning clockwise will reduce the gas flow rate. Turning counterclockwise will increase the gas flow rate. After having adjusted the flame control on the gas burner make sure to tighten the lock nut again. Screw on the protec­tive cap again.
When installing the valve in the pipeline take care to observe the arrow on the valve housing and the required moun­ting position. For screwing the pipeline into the valve housing do not use the magnet as a lever but apply a suitable tool against the valve housing. After installati on ma ke a test for absence of leaks and proper operation.
Solenoid replacement type series MV, MVD
Disconnect the electrical termina ls ; remove the screw cap; lift off the sole­noid. For install ation proc eed in reve rse order.
Electrical connection
Feed in the cable through cable union (conduit thread Pg 11). Make the elec­trical connection by me ans of the screw terminals in the termi nal bo x of the sole ­noid housing. Take care to observe the connection diagram.
1 Cable union 2 Electric terminal box 3 Solenoid 4Housing 5Screen 6 Valve seat 7 Connector for
earthing contact K01/1
8 Valve disk 9 Mud guard 10 Closing compression spring 11 Anchor 12 Main flow rate adjuster 13 Lock nut 14 Protective cap
Protective cap
Not acceptable
Oil Connection Fuel Oil Supply
Oil connection
For the installation of a furnace system care should be taken to observe the applicable rules and regulations. When installing an oil burner be sure to follow the recommendations outlined for oil­fired furnace systems (DIN 4787, DIN 51603 Parts 1&2, TRD 411). DIN 4736 Parts 1 &2 describes the safety requirements applicable to the oil sup­ply systems of oil burners. DIN 4755 Part "Oil furnaces in heating installati­ons (safety requirements)" outlines the safety recommendations for oil furn ac e systems of steam boilers. The installer has the duty to inform himself of the regulations applic able to gas and oil furnace systems.
Fuel oil supply
Complete oil feeding groups are available for the supply of the fur­nace systems with fuel oil. A fuel oil supply unit may consist of ball stop valve, suction filter , pressure gauge, pump with coupling and three­phase rnotor. All units are all finis­hed ready for connection and mounted with anti-vibration ele­ments on an oil collecting tray. The oil supply lines must be slelec­ted in accordance with the technical instruction sheets and installed in line with the applicable specificati­ons. The total pipeline length is understood to be the length of all horizontal and vertical lines and bends. The maximum permissible vacuum at the suction port of the pump may be -0.6 bar. A higher vacuum will lead to the escaps of gas resulting in an unsteady deli­very and damage to the pump. All connections must be tightened to avoid leaks. The sealing rings used should be of copper, alumi­nium or plastic. In no case should hemp or similar sealing material be used. The pipelines must be clea­ned before they are connected to the pump.
Ring line operation
lf several burners and storage t anks are installed in a system o r if t here is a large distance between the burner and the storage tank, a ring line system with gas-air separater will be needed for supplying the burners. NOTE: In case of pressurized oil feed, the suction press ure of the p ump shoul d not exceed 5 bar. All lines must be fixedly installe d, welded to oil-tight s tan­dards or connected with oil-tight unions or flanges. Flexible tubes are allowed only as con­necting pieces between the fixed line and the burner . The flexi ble tubes should be installed properly (in hanging position) and free of sharp bends.
For the installation of the flexible tubes take care these do not get twisted. They should not be subject to torsional stress neither at the stage of installation nor during sub­sequent movernents.
Oil pressure pump filling
Prior to initial oparation make sure to fill the oil pressure pump and oil feed line with oil to prevent the pump from dry running and getting seized.
Oil filter
lt is recommended to install a filter directly upstream of the pump to sepa­rate dirt particles contained in the oil or any other foreign matter produced during installat ion. When a fuel oil uni t is mounted this will be fitted with an oil fil­ter already.
Starting the oil pump
- Make sure all stop valves are open.
- Check the pump for direction of rotation.
- The safety overflow valve in the pump is preset at 40 bar and may be readjusted by duly authorized specialists only.
Pressure atomizer
The oil throughput rate of the nozzle and thus the burner output is controlled by an oil regulator valve installed in the return line and coupled to the actuator and compound controller.
The oil throughput rates and oil flow pressures downstre am of the nozzle ro d must be set according to the applicable nozzle characteristic. As the oil control valve is closed or ope­ned the oil through put rate of th e n ozzle will be increased or reduced, respec­tively. The oil pressure up stre am of th e nozz le rod must be set at 28 bar to 30 bar. Depending on the version this can be can be adjusted either on the fuel oil station or on the oil control block of the burner.
Oil Connection Fuel Oil Supply
Oil connection
For the installation of a furnace system care should be taken to observe the applicable rules and regulations. When installing an oil burner be sure to follow the recommendations outlined for oil­fired furnace systems (DIN 4787, DIN 51603 Parts 1&2, TRD 411). DIN 4736 Parts 1&2 describes the safety requirements applicable to the oil sup­ply systems of oil burners. DIN 4755 Part „Oil furnaces in heating installati­ons (safety requirements)“ outlines the safety recommendations for oil furn ac e systems of steam boilers. The installer has the duty to inform himself of the regulations applic able to gas and oil furnace systems.
Fuel oil supply
The operational reliability of a burner system depends greatly on the oil sup­ply conditions. Oil supply lines must be determined according to the technical instruction sheets and inst a lled b y strict adhe rence to the applicable regulations. All joints must be mounted with due care to ensure they are absolute ly tight. The sealing rings used must be made from copper, aluminium or plastic. In no case should hemp or a similar material be used. Make sure to remove any dirt from the pipelines before mounti ng them to the pump.
Normally, a ring pipe system will be used. In addition to the electri c tracing l ines, a ring pipe system for heavy oil installati­ons comprises the following major com­ponents:
oil delivery pump, oil filter , gas-air vent, and pressure control valves.
The electric tracing lines and the tank heaters will ensure that th e fuel oil to be delivered is kept in a pumpable state. An oil filter must be installed in the feed line upstream of each burner to avoid that dirt particles and other impurities possibly left behind after pipe installa­tion cannot damage the solenoid and pressure control valves. Steam trac ing or hot-wa ter trac ing systems can be used instead of the electric tracing lines.
T o av oid burner troub le due to entrain ed air, a gas-air vent must be provided at the uppermost position of the ring pipe system.
The ring pipe pressure must be control­led in dependence of the fuel oil tempe­rature. As can be seen from the chart below, the static pressure of the oil at 130°C must be minimum 3 bar, for example.
Oil pressure in dependence of operating temperature
The fuel oil withdrawn from the ring pipe or gas-air vent is pumped to an oil pre­heater and on to the b urner by means of a high-pressure pump. The return oil from the burner is fed into the ring pipe in any case and not directly into the tank.
Oil pressure pump filling
Prior to initial operation make sure to fill the oil pressure pump and oil feed line with oil to prevent the pump from dry running and getting seized.
Oil filter
It is recommended to install a filter directly upstream of the pump to sepa­rate dirt particles contained in the oil or any other foreign matter produced during installat ion. When a fuel oil uni t is mounted this will be fitted with an oil fil­ter already.
Starting the oil pump
- Make sure all stop valves are open.
- Check the pump for direction of rotation.
- The safety overflow valve in the pump is preset at 40 bar and may be readjusted by duly authorized specialists only.
Pressure atomizer
The oil throughput rate of the nozzle and thus the burner output is controlled by an oil regulator valve installed in the return line and coupled to the actuator.
The oil throughput rates and oil flow pressures downstre am of the nozzle ro d must be set according to the applicable nozzle characteristic. As the oil control valve is closed or ope­ned the oil through put rate of th e n ozzle will be increased or reduced, respec­tively. The oil pressure up stre am of th e nozz le rod must be set at 28 bar to 30 bar. Depending on the version this can be can be adjusted either on the fuel oil station or on the oil control block of the burner.
100 110 120 130 140 150 160
Temperatur °C
Druck bar
Temperature °C
Pressure bar
Medium pressure screw pumps Installation
Commissioning Maintenance
Medium pressure screw pumps
Screw pumps are rotating positive dis­placement pumps with strong suction, which can be used with self-lubricating agents.
1. Application guidelines
1.1 Shaft seals for normal versions
1.2 Pressure relief valve
This valve protects the pump against overloading and should not be used as a pressure control valve. This is absolu­tely necessary if a shut-off device is fit­ted in the pressure pipe. Standard pressure setting unless otherwise requi­red at the time of ordering. Low pres­sure pumps (type N) approx. 6 bar, medium pressure pumps (type M) approx. 40 bar or 10% above the speci­fied operating pressure, as with C­types. By turning the adjustment sc rew in a clockwise direction = pressure increase.
2. Installation
Clean any plant parts (ensure no dirt or loose particles in the pipes) and fi t pipes (flange) without any stress. Observe direction of flow as well as any possible heat expansion of the pipes.
Ensure stress-free fitti ng of th e pump or base frame.
2.3 Coupling
Motor and pump shafts must be ali­gned. Axial play between the Coupling halves approx. 1.5 mm. It should be possible to turn the whole unit of pump shaft-Coupling-Motor shaft by hand. Installation of the coupling halves: Sli­ding on (tapping not permitted) in hea­ted condition (min. 100°C); Press p lastic couplings home in cold condition.
Check direction of rotation of the motor and the pumps a nd pro tect the moto r by means of a motor protection switch.
3. Commissioning
The pump must not be allowed to run dry! Before initial commissioning of the pump fill the pump with operating medium and open suction and shut-off devices on the pressure side. The medium must be free from solids.
With hot medium (above 100°C) heat the pump before s t art ing (pump heating facility). ATTENTION! The medium in the pump and pipes must be able to expand freely during heating (develop­ment of unauthorized pressures with enclosed medium).
Viscous mediu m, whic h can only be pumped after heating, must be heated first in the pump and pipes (pump hea­ting as well as secondary heating for pipes). ATTENTION! Heat expansion of the medium (see above). When pumping heavy heating oil it is essential that cold starting of the pump is avoided (use pu mp heating prov ided), as this could also damage the shaft seal.
Vent the pressure pipe during initial starting of the pump.
Switching off the pump: Residual static pressure in the pressure pipe must no exceed that of the permissible supply pressure. If necessary, de-pressurize the pump through the non-return valve, as this pressure pressurizes the shaft seal which in turn could damage the seal. The same applies to parallel ope­ration of several pumps.
4. Maintenance
Special maintenance of the screw pumps is not required. In case of damage to the pump of the inst allation it is possible that medium will leak out. In order to avoid subsequent damage it is recommended that respective warning devices are fitted.
Type of seal Max. supply
Max. Temperature
Rotary shaft 0,5 bar 80°C Packing rings 3 bar 150°C Axial face seal 5 bar 150°C
Medium pressure screw pumps Technical specifications
Function Versions
Technical specifications
Screw pumps have three rotating spind­les, of which the main spindle supplies the hydraulic power and the auxiliary spindles, which run free, have only a rotating function. The two-speed main and auxiliary spindles crea te sup pl y chambers within the enclosed housing, which move constantly from the suction to the pressure side. Due to this prin­ciple the screw pump s ca n also o perate under high pressures, revolutions and provide strong suction, they are extre­mely quiet and almost pulse-free.
Safety valve
All types of medium pressure pumps can be supplied on request with or wit­hout a spring-loaded pressure control valve. The valve is installed to protect the pump and/or installation against excess pressure, but cannot be used solely as a control valve.
Supply spindles Nitrided steel Housing Grey cast iron (M55 to M210) Nodular graphite
iron Operating housing Al-Si alloy * Cover plate Al-Si alloy *
* Guarantees the best emergency
running characteristics and long service life
Flow rate Approx. 3 - 420 l/min Operating pressure Max. 40 bar Supply pressure See under versions Operating temp. See under versions Viscosity 1.0 E (6 cSt) to
100 E (758 cSt) and greater
Direction of rotation Right, viewed from
Heating Supplied on request
1. Main spindle
2. Auxiliary spindle
3. Enclosed housing
4. Pump housing
5. Safety valve (adjust a ble )
6. Main spindle bearing
7. Seal
8. Compensating bore
9. Compensating piston S Suction chamber D Pressure chamber
The axial forces acting on the feed screws are balanced (compensated) by the compensating piston (9) and compensating bores (8).
Medium pressure sc rew pump s, as shown on the follo wing p ages, a re suppli ed in various constructions. Depending on the application, the following types of seal are available:
Rotary shaft sealing ri ngs
Normal packing and rotary shaft seal
Temperature: Max. 150 °C (above 150°C on request) Supply pressure: Max. 5 bar (above 5 bar on request)
Temperature: Max. 80°C Supply pressure: Max. 0.5 bar
Temperature: Max. 80°C Supply pressure: Max. 0.5 bar
Axial face seal
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