Electrochemical test cell with reference electrode
User Manual
Release 2.5
The information in this manual has been carefully checked and believed to be accurate;
however, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies.
EL-CELL GmbH maintains the right to make changes without further notice to products
described in this manual to improve reliability, function, or design. EL -CELL GmbH does not
assume any liability arising from the use or application of this product.
Tempowerkring 8
21079 Hamburg - Germany
phone: +49 40 79012-737
fax: +49 40 79012-736
e-mail: in fo@ el- cel l.c om
web: www.el-cell. com
Page 2 of 18
1 Product description ...................................................................................................................................... 4
2 ECC-Ref assembly .......................................................................................................................................... 6
3 Disassembly and Cleaning ........................................................................................................................ 14
4 Unpacking...................................................................................................................................................... 15
5 Technical data .............................................................................................................................................. 15
5 Spare parts and consumables .................................................................................................................. 16
6 Technical support ........................................................................................................................................ 18
7 Warranty ........................................................................................................................................................ 18
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1 Product description
The ECC-Ref Electrochemical Cell is a standard test cell for the characterization of lithium ion
battery systems as well as other aprotic chemistries. With the ECC cell design we have adapted
the advantages of the industry’s standard coin cell while avoiding its serious shortcomings for
everyday lab usage. The ECC cell design is the result of many years of experience and iterative
improvement in lithium ion battery and supercapacitor electrode testing. It is perfectly suited
for voltammetry and impedance as well as cycle life testing.
As a member of the modular ECC test cell series, the ECC -Ref test cell can easily be refitted for
2-electrode operation. This manual covers solely the ECC -Ref test cell.
Precise 18 mm diameter sandwich geometry with <0.1 mm electrode concentricity
Reliable ultra-low leakage sealing with PE seals
Easy and reliable electrolyte filling upon assembly
Fast assembly and dismantling, and easy cleaning of cell components
Electrodes are easily accessible for post -mortem analysis
Reusable cell components except for PE sealing
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Adjustable, reproducible and homogeneous mechanical pressure on electrodes
100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
Spring force applied on cell stack / N
Thickness of electrode stack / µm
FED9015 (Standard)
Spring load on stack
vs. stack thickness for
different springs.
Standard is FED9015.
Materials in media contact are stainless steel 316L and PEEK (other materials on request)
Modular cell construction with many interchangeable components.
Dedicated tools available to ease cell assembly and operation
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2 ECC-Ref assembly
In order to operate the test cell with a reference, the small feed -through hole of the REF
sleeve is to be loaded with a piece of the reference material, e.g. metallic lithium.
Alternatively, the feed-through hole is first loaded with a piece of fibre cloth serving as an
electrolyte “wick”, and only then with the reference electrode material. After cell assembly the
reference material is contacted from outside through the side opening by means of the spring
loaded contact pin. Also, the contact pin itself may serve as the reference electrode (e.g. when
using a silver pin). The verti cal position of the reference is determined by the thickness of the
Make sure that the electrodes and separator used have the appropriate thickness to avoid a
short circuit between the reference and one of the two sandwich electrodes.
Gold plated spring
applies reproducible
mechanical load on
cell stack (10 … 50 N)
Stainless steel 316L
plunger for corrosion
resistance in aprotic
Cell stack
Stainless steel bracket
makes the assembly fast
and easy
Cutting rings plus PE
sea l ensure ultra-low
PEEK sleeve ensures
electrode concentricity
and homogeneous
current distribution
Stainless steel 316L base
with 2mm banana jacks
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