Pressing this key selects and displays the cost of Overseas Airmail Standard Letter postal service. It is also
used to change destination for overseas mail.
AUSTRALIA Pressing this key selects and displays the cost of Domestic Standard Letter postal service.
PARCEL POST Pressing this key selects and displays the Parcel service charges.
Pressing this key selects and displays the Express Post Parcel service charges.
ENTER/+ Press this key when you have completed keying in requested information. It can also be used to manually
add further amounts to the displayed postage.
CE (CLEAR ENTRY) Pressing this key will de-select any add -on services selected (i.e. Cert, INSD, ADD etc.). It also clear the
requests for input or act as a backspace key when entering information according to the mode the scale is in.
ON/OFF/TARE Pressing this key switches the scale on. Pressing it again will switch it off if the weight shown on the display
is "0gram" or will tare the weight (i.e. set it to zero) if a positive weight under 1500grams is displayed.
REGISTERED POST Press this key when you wish to add on the charges for fully documented hand to hand delivery with special
dispatch and transmission arrangements. It also used to add spaces when entering information and to
browse down the City (Domestic) or Country (Overseas) database according to the scale mode.
Pressing this key when you wish to add on the charges for postal and article collection from the addressee. It
also enables you to enter the name of the destination country (Overseas) if you are unsure of the code
Pressing this key selects and displays the cost of ECI (Express Courier International) postal service, formerly
known as EMS.
EXPRESS POST/A Pressing this key selects and displays the cost of Express Post Envelope or Satchel services.
AIRMAIL/B Pressing this key selects and displays the cost of posting by Airmail to the required destination in overseas
mail. It also serves as letter "B".
1/i/C This key serves as the figure "1", the letter "C". It also serves as an "information" key, to display any
supplementary services selected and/or dest ination country.
2/ /D
This key serves as figure "2", the letter "D" and also switches the keyboard tone on/off.
3/E /GST This key serves as the figure "3" and the letter "E". It is also used to display rates inclusive of GST.
ECONOMY AIR/F Pressing this key selects and displays the cost of posting by Economy Air (previously known as Surface Air
Lifted) to the required destination. It also serves as letter "F".
4/G This key serves as figure "4" and the letter "G".
5/H This key serves as figure "5" and the letter "H".
6/I This key serves as figure "6" and the letter "I".
ENTER ZONE/T Pressing this key enters the Zone selection mode. Press the Left or Right arrow keys followed by the Enter
key to select the desired destination. It is activated only duri ng the Postcode/Zone Entry. This key also
serves as letter "T".
LARGE LETTERS/J Pressing this key selects and displays the cost of Large Letter (non-standard letter) postal service both for
Domestic. It also serves as letter "J".
SEA MAIL/P Pressing this key selects and displays the cost of Surface (by sea) postal service. It also serves as letter "P".
7/M This key serves as figure "7" and the letter "M".
This key serves as figure "8" and the letter "N". Pressing this key will also prompt you to manually enter the
desired weight for the current postal service (depending on model).
9/O This key serves as figure "9" and the letter "O".
Pressing this key selects and displays the Barcoded and Metered Letter rates. To get Small Letter Barcoded
and Metered rates, press the Australia key and then press the Barcoded and Metered key. To get Large
Letter Barcoded and Metered rates, press the Large Letter key and then press the Barcoded and Metered
key. It also serves as letter "V".
LOCAL RATE/Q Pressing this key selects and displays the cost of Local Parcel rate. It also serves as letter "Q".
WITHIN 50 KM/R Pressing this key selects and displays the cost of Parcels lodged at the post office within 50 km of the
delivery office. It also serves as letter "R".
0/CUBIC/S This key serves as the figure "0" and the letter "S". It also used to enter the dimensions for cubic charging
computation for domestic parcels.
POSTCARD/K Pressing this key selects and displays the cost of Postcard postal service. It also serves as letter "K".
Pressing this key selects and displays the cost of Aerogramme postal service. It also serves as letter "L".
This key serves as letter "U". It also activates the Clean Mail service from Standard and Large Letter
services up to 125g.
Franked and Metered/W Pressing this key will display the “Frank and Metered” rates . It also serves as letter "W".
PERSON TO PERSON/X Press this key when you wish to add on charg e for proof of posting and delivery to the article. It also serves
as letter "X" when in input mode.
INSD (INSURED)/Y Press this key when you wish to add on Insurance cover (value must be over $100.00 to $5000) to the
article. It also serves as letter " Y" when in input mode.
Press this key when you wish to add on receive advice to the article. It also serves as letter "Z".