As a general guide for Microphones, adjust Channel Gain when speaking into the Microphone at a
Normal Voice Level, to indicat e between – 3 VU and – 4 VU, and allow the Overload I ndicator to flash
briefly 2 to 3 times a minute
For Recorded Music, “Best Level” varies somewhat, depending on the type of music being broadcast
Modern “Pop” Music is generally recorded to have a very limited “Dynamic Range”
Adjust Channel Gain to peak between 0 VU an d + 1 VU, and allow the Ov erload Indica tor to flash br iefly
2 to 3 times a minute
Country, Jazz and Blues is recorded with a reasonably wide “Dynamic Range”
Adjust Channel Gain to indicate arou nd –3 dB on normal passages, and peak to 0 VU, and allow the
Overload Indicator to flash briefly 2 to 3 times a minute
Classical Music is recorded with a very wide “Dynamic Range”
It is very diffic ult to give definite directions in regard to A udio Levels for Class ical Music as correct level
can range from – 15 or - 20 VU on quiet passages to 0 VU or maybe even + 2 VU on loud passages
As an example, the Harp produces ver y sharp peaks that can flash the Overlo ad Indicator with the VU
Meter reading maybe – 15 VU
As a general rule, allow the Overload Indicator to flash briefly 1 or 2 times a minute on loud passages
Operating ON-OFF-CUE switches and Faders
Each Input Channel on the Fa lcon-1 0 Mixer is provide d with a Slide Fa der for Au dio Lev el control
and three Illuminated Push Button Switches
controlling Channel OFF, Channel to CUE, and
Channel ON to the Mixer Output via the Mixing Buses
If the optional FLCN-RC Module is fitted, remote Start and Stop of Professional CD Players, other
Professional Sourc e equipment and Control of a Telephone Hybrid Unit etc is pro vided by the Channe l
ON and OFF Buttons making operation of the Falcon-10 extremely easy
If the FLCN-RC Module is not fitted, Start and Stop control of the Source Equipment, must be done
manually by the operator
The functions of the Channel Control Buttons are as follows
OFF, the Channel is switched OFF with the LED in button illuminated, indicating Channel OFF
CUE, the Channel is switched to CUE with the LED in button illuminated, indicating Channel to CUE
For a Stereo High Level Input Channel, audio is fed to the CUE VU Meter, the CUE Speaker, and to
one side of the Operators or Announcers Headphone
For a Microphone Channel, audio is fed to the CUE VU Meter and to one side of the Operators or
Announcers Headphone, With a Microphone Channel to CUE, the CUE and Monitor Speakers are Muted
Level can be Pre-Set by moving the Fader to give correct level indication on the VU Meter, and also
allows the operator to listen to audio before switching this To-Air
ON, the Channel is switched on to the Mixer Output via the Mixing Buses
With a Microphone Channel switched ON, the CUE and Monitor Speak ers are Muted, and a Relay
Contact closed to operate the Studio On-Air Light
High Level Input 8 if not us ed as the T elephon e Channe l Inp ut operat es ident ical ly to al l ot her High Le vel