M Series Limited Lifetime Warranty
Innovative Design
Visually Appealing
Competitively Tested
M Series starts with an ear toward the details. Creating a bettersounding speaker through careful material selection. Unlike any
other speaker line on the market today, the ELAN line offers
unmatched, model-to-model consistency.
Visually distinctive, M Series is characterized by very flat wall
profiles, ultra-white finish, fine mesh grills, slim perimeter trims
and a taller, sleeker look on the in-wall product. The look is
noticeably more classy.
Lab testing of the top competitors in the in-wall/in-ceiling speaker
field was conducted to design winners in each category that ELAN
offers. A lifetime warranty reflects the confidence ELAN has in its
quality and is your assurance of years of listening enjoyment.
M Series 6.5" Speakers
Award Winning
So profound, the industry is recognizing ELAN’s new line––
M Series won two Distributed Audio Awards at the Electronic
House EXPO.
All M Series models are designed for indoor and outdoor use. Common pre-construction brackets and hole cut sizes
allow all levels to be upgraded without the need to change the hole size. ELAN speakers are a perfect match for ELAN’s
technology-leading sound systems. Hear the difference . . . listen with ELAN.
Designed to satisfy
the most seasoned
audiophile, the
MP650W offers
exceptional lowfrequency extension,
punchy midbass, and
superbly refined
midrange and highs.
The MP650C is
the discriminating
listener's choice for
in-ceiling audio.
Solid low frequency
reproduction, detailed
midrange and
transparent highs
combine to provide
Level 4
The MM650W is
highly recommended
for critical listeners
and home theater
enthusiasts alike.
Tight, solid bass,
revealing mids, and
flawless imaging
reproduce music and
movies with truly
convincing realism.
Designed to perform
optimally in any
distributed audio
or rear surround
application, the
MM650C features
surprising bass
extension, smooth and
accurate midrange,
outstanding highfrequency detail.
Highly recommended
for music lovers on a
budget who seek
superior imaging,
transparent midrange
and dynamic bass
response. A brilliant
crossover design
really brings the
ME650W to life.
Exceptionally flat
frequency response
enables the ME650C
to seamlessly
integrate into any
listening environment,
while its attractive
price point makes it
an exceptional value.
Level 2
The MC650W is
ideal for any general
purpose background
music application.
The MC650C is an
excellent choice for
bathrooms, hallways,
children's bedrooms
as well as offices
and other light
applications. The
cost-effective design
performs significantly
better than
Level 1
4 Levels of Performance
Level 3