* This specification are subject to be changed without notice. 1998
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Pin Descriptions
Symbol I/O Function
TIP I This input is connected to the tip line of the twisted pair.
RING I This input is connected to the ring line of the twisted pair.
RING DET1 I This input is coupled to one end of the line through an attenuation
network. It is used to detect the occurrence of a valid ring signal.
RING DET2 I This input is coupled to the other end of the line through an
attenuation network.
SHORTDATA O Data output pin without preamble message.
/RING TIME O A RC network should be connected to this pin. The RC time
constant is chosen to hold this pin voltage below 2.2V between
the peaks of the ringing signal.
/PWR UP I This active low input sets the chip into power up. When high, the
chip is put into a power down mode in the absence of a ring
signal. In this mode, only the ring detect circuitry is active.
VSS Ground.
OSCOUT O This pin connects to the other side of the crystal oscillator.
OSCIN I This pin connects to 3.58MHz crystal oscillator or 455kHz
resonator. It can also be used as an external clock input.
CLK SELECT I A logic '1' on this pin to select 3.58MHz crystal oscillator, logic '0'
to select 455kHz resonator.
/RD O (ring detector)(active low)This output detects the presence of a
valid ring signal.
/CD O (carrier detect)(active low)This output indicates the presence of
in-band signals at the device input.
DATA OUT O The demodulated FSK data is output to this pin.
VDD Power Supply Voltage.
NC Non Connected.
Function Descriptions
The EM92547 is a CMOS device designed to support the Caller Number Deliver
feature, which is offered by the Regional Bell Operating Companies. The EM92547 CLID
comprises two paths: the signal path and the ring indicator path. The signal path consists of
an input differential buffer; a band pass filter, an FSK demodulator and a data valid with
carrier detect circuit. The ring detector path includes a clock generator, a ring detect circuit
and a power-up logic circuit.
In a typical application, the ring detector maintains the line continuously while all
other functions of the chip are inhibited. If a ring signal is sent, the ring detector wakes up
the oscillator and the main bias generator. This in turn activates the rest of the IC. Once
activated, a valid signal RI (ring indicator) is sent.