ELAN EM83049 Datasheet

• Low cost - eliminate need external components.
• Phantom key detects.
• RC oscillator ( 1.8432MHz ).
• Support scan code set 1 ,2 and 3.
• Support PC AT,XT and PS/2 keyboard .
• Low power CMOS device technology.
• Internal pull-up resistor.
• Tri-state outputs for easy board application.
• 40 Pin DIP package.
• Built-in 4K ROM.
• Support WINDOWS
• 101/102/104 keys or other special application keyboard encoder.
• WINDOWS is registered trademarks of Microsoft corperation.
• IBM PC/AT,XT or compatible machine keyboard.
• IBM PS/2 model 30,50,60,80 or compatible machine keyboard.
• Japanese keyboard.
• Korean keyboard.
P90 P91
P50 P51 P52 P53 P54 P55 P56 P57 P80 P81
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21
OSCO OSCR VDD CAPS NUM SCROLL P67 P66 P65 P64 P63 P62 P61 P60 P87 P86 P85 P84 P83 P82
* This specification are subject to be changed without notice.
Symbol I/O Function
P50 O Column 0 Low output scan line, 3-state P51 O Column 1 Low output scan line, 3-state
P52 O Column 2 Low output scan line, 3-state P53 O Column 3 Low output scan line, 3-state P54 O Column 4 Low output scan line, 3-state P55 O Column 5 Low output scan line, 3-state P56 O Column 6 Low output scan line, 3-state P57 O Column 7 Low output scan line, 3-state P80 O Column 8 Low output scan line, 3-state P81 O Column 9 Low output scan line, 3-state P82 O Column 10 Low output scan line, 3-state P83 O Column 11 Low output scan line, 3-state P84 O Column 12 Low output scan line, 3-state P85 O Column 13 Low output scan line, 3-state P86 O Column 14 Low output scan line, 3-state P87 O Column 15 Low output scan line, 3-state P90 O Column 16 Low output scan line, 3-state P91 O Column 17 Low output scan line, 3-state VSS I Ground SCROLL O Scroll Lock Indicator NUM O NUM Lock Indicator CAPS O Caps Lock Indicator P60 I Row 0 Input scan line, internal pull high ( 10K ) P61 I Row 1 Input scan line, internal pull high ( 10K ) P62 I Row 2 Input scan line, internal pull high ( 10K ) P63 I Row 3 Input scan line, internal pull high ( 10K ) P64 I Row 4 Input scan line, internal pull high ( 10K ) P65 I Row 5 Input scan line, internal pull high ( 10K ) P66 I Row 6 Input scan line, internal pull high ( 10K ) P67 I Row 7 Input scan line, internal pull high ( 10K ) CLK I/O CLOCK line for IBM communication , internal pull high ( 2.2K ) DATA I/O DATA line for IBM communication , internal pull high ( 2.2K ) V
OSCO O CLOCK output OSCR I Connect 51K OHM resistor for 1.8432 MHz oscillation XT I "1" or Floating=AT, "0"=XT, internal pull high.
I +5V Power Supply
* This specification are subject to be changed without notice.
Keyboard buffer
The keyboard will buffer 16 bytes in a first-in-first-out order when the system is able to receive scan codes from the keyboard. The response codes and repeated codes will not be buffered. If keystrokes generate a multiple-byte sequence, the entire sequence must fit into the buffer or the keystroke is discarded and a buffer­overrun condition occurs.
Power-on Reset and self test
The duration of the keyboard Power-on-Reset(POR) should be within 150 milliseconds and 2 seconds after the power is applied to the keyboard. After executing POR , the keyboard executes a self test. The LEDs are turned on at the beginning and off at the end of the self test. The self test takes a minimum 300 milliseconds and a maximum 500 milliseconds. If the self test is successful, a completion code AA hex is sent to the system and the keyboard starts scanning. If the self test fails, and error code is sent, the keyboard is disabled and waits for a command from the system. The completion codes are sent between 450 milliseconds and 2.5 seconds after POR, and between 300 and 500 milliseconds after a RESET command is acknowledged.
Keyboard data output
When the keyboard is ready to send data to the system, it first checks clock and data lines. If either one is in the low state, data is stored in the keyboard buffer. If both are in the high state, keyboard starts clocking data out. Data will be valid before the trailing edge and after the leading edge of the clock pulse. During the transmission the keyboard checks the clock line at least every 60 microseconds . If the system lowers the clock lines before the leading edge of the 10th clock, the keyboard should stop sending, then buffer the data and return clock and data lines to high state.
Keyboard data input
When the system is ready to send data to the keyboard, it first checks clock line to see if keyboard is sending data. If keyboard is not sending data or it is sending data but has not reached the 10th clock, the system can inhibit the interface by forcing the clock line low for more than 60 microseconds and prepares to send data. The keyboard checks clock line status at least every 5 milliseconds. If a system Request to Send(RTS) is detected, the keyboard clocks 11 bits in. After the 10th bit, the keyboard checks for a high state in data line then pulls it low and clocks one more bit to signal the system that data has been received. If data is low after the 10th bit, it indicates a frame error. The keyboard should continue to count until data line goes high, then pulls it low and issues a RESEND to the system.
Command from the system
The system can send commands to the keyboard at any time. The keyboard needs to respond within 20 milliseconds, unless the system prevents keyboard output, when doing self test or executing a RESET. The following are the keyboard input commands and the actions that keyboard needs to take.
Set /Reset Status indicators ( Hex ED )
- Responds ACK.
- Receives option byte.
* This specification are subject to be changed without notice.
- Responds ACK.
- Updates status indicators.
- Returns to previous scanning state.
Echo ( Hex EEH )
- Responds with EE hex.
- Returns to previous scanning state.
Invalid commands ( Hex EF and F1 )
- Returns a RESEND command.
- Returns to previous scanning state.
Select Alternate Scan Codes ( Hex F0 )
- Responds ACK.
- Clears output buffer.
- Sets the default typematic rate/delay.
- Clears last typematic key.
- Receives option byte.
- Responds ACK.
- Option byte = 01 : selects scan code set 1 02 : selects scan code set 2 03 : selects scan code set 3
- Returns to previous scanning rate.
Read ID (F2)
- Responds with ACK.
- Discontinues scanning.
- Sends two ID bytes. The second byte will be sent within 500 uS after first byte.
- Resumes scanning.
Set Typematic Rate/Delay ( Hex F3 )
- Responds ACK.
- Receives rate/delay value byte
- Responds ACK.
- Set rate/delay (* Note 1)
- Returns to previous scanning state.
* Note 1
1. Repeat period = ( 8+A ) x ( 2B) x 0.00417 seconds
A : binary value of bits 2, 1, and 0. B : binary value of bits 4 and 3.
2. Delay = ( C +1 ) x 250 milliseconds
C : binary value of bits 6 and 5. Bit 7 is always 0.
* This specification are subject to be changed without notice.
bit 4~ bit 0 typematic rate ± 20% bit 4~ bit 0 typematic rate ± 20%
00000 30.0 10000 7.5 00001 26.7 10001 6.7
00010 24.0 10010 6.0 00011 21.8 10011 5.5 00100 20.0 10100 5.0 00101 18.5 10101 4.6 00110 17.1 10110 4.3 00111 16.0 10111 4.0 01000 15.0 11000 3.7 01001 13.3 11001 3.3 01010 12.0 11010 3.0 01011 10.9 11011 2.7 01100 10.0 11100 2.5 01101 9.2 11101 2.3 01110 8.6 11110 2.1 01111 8.0 11111 2.0
3. Default rate = 10.9 chars/sec + 20%
Default delay = 500 mS ± 20%
Enable ( Hex F4 )
- Responds with ACK.
- Clears output buffer.
- Clears last typematic key.
- Start scanning.
Default Disable (Hex F5)
- Responds with ACK.
- Resets all conditions to power-on state.
- Clears output buffer.
- Sets the default key type ( scan code set 3 only ).
- Set the default typematic rate/delay.
- Clears last typematic key.
- Stops scanning,
Set Default (Hex F6 )
- Responds with ACK.
- Resets all conditions to power-on state.
- Clears output buffer.
- Sets the default key type ( scan code set 3 only ).
- Set the default typematic rate/delay.
- Clears last typematic key.
- Continues scanning,
Set All Keys ( Hex F7,F8,F9,FA )
* This specification are subject to be changed without notice.
- Responds ACK.
- Clears output buffer.
- Sets all key type (affect only scan code set 3 operation). F7 : Typematic F8 : Make/Break F9 : Make FA : Typematic/Make/Break
- Returns to previous scanning rate.
Set Key Type ( Hex FB,FC,FD )
- Responds ACK.
- Clears output buffer.
- Receives key ID byte
- Responds ACK.
- Sets key ID type (affect only scan code set 3 operation). FB : Typematic FC : Make/Break FD : Make
- Returns to previous scanning rate.
Resend ( Hex FE )
- Sends the previous output again. If the previous byte is RESEND, the last byte before RESEND shall be sent.
Reset ( Hex FF )
- Responds ACK.
- Checks clock and data lines - Reset in the high state for at least 500 microseconds or receives another command.
- Default to scan code set 2.
Command to the system
The following are the keyboard output commands.
Acknowledge ( Hex FA )
The keyboard sends an acknowledge in response to any valid command from the system except for RESEND and ECHO.
BAT Completion Code ( Hex AA )
This command is issued after successful completion of keyboard self test.
Echo ( Hex EE )
The keyboard sends this code in response to an ECHO command.
* This specification are subject to be changed without notice.
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