7. Effluents are biologically pre-cleansed and can be directed by an exhaust hose into the greywater
precipitation storage. When one does not use the composting toilet regularly, one should pour a couple of buckets
full of water into the toilet every month so that the liquid compartment is always at least half-full so that the pump doesn’t
suck air. When full, the liquid level is approximately 7 cm below the check-up opening in the hoop. When the liquid
compartment is half-full the liquid level is approximately 15 cm below the opening. There is a special measuring stick
into which the liquid level is marked when the liquid compartment is full or half-full.
8. For periods of long absence (several months) it is advisable to detach the pumps electric cord from the outlet.
When the toilet is taken into use again, one must pour 50 - 100 litres of water into the composter, reconnect the electric
cord into the outlet and make sure that the liquid is circulating. In case the liquid has evaporated, one must put some
water into the water pump prior to the re-start. This can be done most easily by detaching the pressure hose from the
composter’s lid and by pouring water into it.
9. One should rinse the liquid compartment
One should rinse the liquid compartmentOne should rinse the liquid compartment
One should rinse the liquid compartment after the composting sector is full so that the sediment
collected into the bottom of the liquid compartment would not be transferred into the water pump. Detach the pump´s
electric cord from the outlet. Attach the hose in the lower corner of the liquid compartment into the
emptying valve underneath the hoop and open the valve. Sucking with a bilge pump used by
boaters can speed up the emptying. Open the checking hole in the side of the hoop and shower in
fresh water.
After rinsing, close the emptying valve, fill the liquid compartment with water so that it is at least half-full and close the
checking hole. Re-connect the pumps electricity and make sure that the liquids are circulating. In case the pump has
sucked air one must fill it with water prior to switching on the electricity. (How to do this; please go back to item 7
10. One must wash the fan
One must wash the fan One must wash the fan
One must wash the fan and the water-pump with clean water yearly. Prior to washing, both will
need to be detached (please go back to section”Renewal of Electric Appliances”).
11. One should keep the household w
household whousehold w
household waste in the kitchen
aste in the kitchenaste in the kitchen
aste in the kitchen in a container that has a lid in order to
avoid flies and other insects.
12. Ventilation via the toilet seat sucks dusty air from the living quarters. One can wash the toilet
One can wash the toilet One can wash the toilet
One can wash the toilet
seat with environmentally safe biologically decomposing, mild detergents.
13. If one detects flies
If one detects fliesIf one detects flies
If one detects flies, one can get rid of the eggs and larvae by pouring nearly boiling water on
the surface of the compost. One can also use egg-destroying products used in cattle rearing (e.g.
Dimilin) or get rid of the flying insects by using special poisons (e.g. Baygon). To get rid of the flying
insects, the treatment must be done three times in sequent weeks. It is not impossible for the flies
to get into the liquid compartment so one can easily get rid of them. Compose a flytrap into the
toilet by filling a drinking glass with water, add a spoonful of dishwashing liquid and 2-4 spoonful’s of
apple vinegar.
14. In case of a power failure
In case of a power failureIn case of a power failure
In case of a power failure, one can avoid the unpleasant odours by detaching the fans electric
cord from the outlet and by pulling the fan underneath the composter’s lid out of its place so that it
doesn’t hinder natural ventilation. When the electricity is back on, one must put the fan back on its
place and switch it back on.
15. Any unpleasant odours due to electric shortage or maintenance work can be avoided by
placing a big garbage bag over the toilet seat.
EKOLET ----toilet
toilet is manufactured from polyethylene plastic suitable for recycling
manufactured from polyethylene plastic suitable for recyclingmanufactured from polyethylene plastic suitable for recycling
manufactured from polyethylene plastic suitable for recycling, hot zinc
plated steel and stainless steel.
The Ekolet is allowed to be
The Ekolet is allowed to beThe Ekolet is allowed to be
The Ekolet is allowed to be used only
used onlyused only
used only to the purposes mentioned
in this document and to be filled only by the material mentioned in the document “What one can
put to the composter and what never put into the composter”. Other kind of use is forbidden.