Place 4 or 5 pieces of good quality solid chemical
relighter on the base of the stove.
3) Arrange approx’ 500 grams+ of thin thoroughly dry
kindling sticks (gure 1.3 shows 500 grams of softwood
kindling on top of the stove) in an open tower shape
similar to gure 1.4, taking care not to assemble the fuel
too close to the door glass.
4) Ensure both air controls are fully open (pull towards
5) Light the relighters with a long match or long lighter.
6) Close the door but do not lock it - leave it cracked-open
(ajar) an inch or so.
7) The kindling should within a few minutes take light and
begin to heat the ue/chimney.
8) When the kindling is fully alight, glowing red and with
lots of ame, wait for the kindling tower to burn down and
collapse, creating a bed of embers.
9) If it appears there is a good glowing bed of embers,
There are three ways in which the heat generated in your
Adept stove will come into the room.
1) Radiant heat comes through the large window, and
heats objects in the room
2) Some radiant heat also comes from the body of the
stove, though due to the stove’s dual-layer construction,
this heat is less intense and more uniform compared to
single layer type stove.
3) The Adept also benets from convected heat - air
between the two layers of the inner and outer stove body
warms up, then expands out of the venting holes on either
side of the stove, circulating into the room. Cooler air from
lower down in the room is then drawn into the underneath
of the stove creating a cyclical warm air movement.
Once the appliance has been correctly installed, it is ready
for the rst re. We would encourage even experienced
stove users to follow this guide as every stove model
operates differently.
These instructions may at rst seem complicated, but when
followed correctly you will quickly be condent at operating
your Ekol at its optimal level safely and efciently.
The stove needs to go through an initial period of ‘running-
in’ in order to enable the steelwork to normalise to higher
temperatures, and for the paint surfaces to cure correctly.
The stove is nished in specialist high temperature coating
which is air-dry but not yet cured. The stove should be
brought up to temperature gradually over the course
several res to complete this process. If the stove gets too
hot or not hot enough during this process then the curing
process can fail causing issues with the paint surface.
1) For the rst three res (all on the same night), use
KINDLING ONLY, with each burning for 15-20 minutes
and each re using approx 500 grams of kindling. Start
the second and third kindling res whilst the re is still
warm from previous res. Once the three kindling res
has burnt through, and whilst the stove is still warm, but
slightly cooled, light a normal re with three dry logs
weighing around 1.2 kgs in total. This re should burn for
between 45 and 60 minutes. Now allow to FULLY COOL
The paint should now be cured.
2) Once the curing process has been completed
satisfactorily, normal res can be lit -
How does heat come out?
Lighting the Fire (wood burning)
Figure 1.4
Figure 1.3