Quality, Reliability & Performance
EIZO Professional
Display Monitors

EIZO continues to capture the excitement of the
monitor industry with our professional display monitors.
Concentrating on our strengths in digital and analogue
circuit design and display technology, we constantly
strive to produce products that enhance user
performance and productivity.
Our dedicated customers guide us to building strategies
to create and design monitors of uncompromising
quality that incorporate leading-edge technology and
deliver superior quality images.
EIZO’s newest products are a combination of these
strategies with a perceptive mix of performance,
features, multimedia and ergonomic design for today’s
demanding applications.
Comfort and safety are critical to the working
environment and EIZO has taken tremendous steps to
ensure that our products are of maximum value to the
user and the environment.
With EIZO’s firm commitment to safety, productivity,
recycling and conservation, we believe we produce
exceptional quality products that meet the needs of
people the world-over.
Contributing more cutting-edge technology to the
display monitor market, EIZO is proud to announce our
digital color LCD, the L23. The L23 will fulfil all of the
requirements for distortion-free images, space saving and
energy saving flat-panel display monitors.
EIZO stands apart in the industry because we are
recognized for our high quality professional display
monitors and we will remain committed to making the
finest monitors in the world.