You have made a good choice buying our PIPE-MAX machine! Your new pipe grinding and
polishing machine can be used for many different surface problems due to a big number of grinding
and polishing belts. Its ergonomic form allows an especially easy handing. The new „Quick-Lock“cable s ystem “ provides a quick change of the cable.
Very decorative surfaces can be obtained due to the infinitely adjustable speed control at the
handle. A built-in tachogenerator provides stable, powerful speeds.
The technical and mechanical functions have especially been adjusted to each other.
A) Use - handling
Put the machine with little pressure on the pipe to be grinded and work with lateral m ovements.
Please take care that the PIPE-MAX is not inclined too much (belt could slip from the drive roller in
case of an extreme inclined position).
The soft front guide roller can also be used for punctual longitudinal surface grinding.
B) Technical data
Power input: approx. 1.600 watts
Speed range: 950 – 3,600 rpm
Belt speed: 4 – 15 m/s ec.
C) Speed steps
A = approx. 950 rpm
B = approx. 1,300 rpm
C = approx. 1,870 rpm
D = approx. 2,120 rpm
E = approx. 2,400 rpm
F = approx. 2,900 rpm
G = approx. 3,600 rpm
D) Technical features
■ Handgrip with 5 adjustable positions (also for left-handed use)
■ Additional screw able front handle for „overhead working“ etc.
■ Quicklock-cable for a quick and eas y change
■ Easy change of the carbon brushes through a lateral plastic service cover
■ Gas pressure dampers with dust protection cover
Ideal speed steps C- D