EIP Phasematrix 58xb, 59xb DATASHEETS

Phase Matrix, Inc.
Instruments You Can Count On
Pulse/CW Frequency Counters with Peak Power (595A/598A)
588C 595A 598A
• Pulse and CW Frequency Measurement to 170 GHz
• Peak Power Measurement to 26.5 GHz
• 200 Watt (+53 dBm) Burnout Protection
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EIP/Phase Matrix Pulse/CW Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Counters
Automatic Acquisition and Profiling (Both Frequency and Power) with the Broadest Frequency Measurement Coverage: 100Hz to 170GHz
585C / 588C full function pulse/CW counters with an
optional internal delaying pulse generator for the ultimate in ease-of-use
595A / 598A add practical peak and CW power
measurements to the capability of the 585C/588C Phase Matrix brings to you the broadest spectrum of
pulse and CW microwave and millimeter-wave fre­quency counters available today. These models offer automatic and self contained frequency and power profiling that is ideally suited to such applications as chirped radar analysis, VCO measurement, and frequency agile system analysis over a frequency range up to 170 GHz (depending upon the model selected).
Phase Matrix’s frequency selective heterodyne technique with unique YIG filter frontend offers benefits not available in any other counter.
Pulsed or CW Measurements to 170 GHz
The 588C and 598A extended frequency capability enables CW measurements from 100 Hz to 170 GHz, and pulsed measurements from 250 MHz to 170 GHz. Parameters such as frequency, power (595A/598A only), pulse width, pulse period, or PRF can all be measured fully automatically. The 585C/588C and the 595A/598A will detect and measure CW, frequency modulated, amplitude modulated, or pulsed RF signals with pulse widths as narrow as 50nS.
Automatic Peak Power
The 595A/598A greatly simplify the measurement of peak power in your application. By measuring the frequency of the incoming signal, the instrument auto­matically corrects the power reading for the Calibration Factor of the internal sensor. You no longer have to manually enter the Calibration Factors or the measure­ment frequency. Careful design and internal calibration tables result in excellent accuracy and repeatability.
Self-Contained Profiling of Frequency and Power
The optional built in delaying pulse generator enables completely self-contained frequency and power profiling measurements. Synchronous outputs on the rear panel show actual measurement window for viewing on an oscilloscope. In addition, automatic measurements of pulse width, pulse period and pulse repetition frequency simplify your measurement task.
True profiled measurements are possible with a sample window as narrow as 15nS. Careful design consideration was given to accurately and automatically measuring rapidly varying pulse bursts as might be typical in the generation of frequency hopping or wide band chirp signals. The Phase Matrix/EIP Model 595A/598A and 585C/ 588C actually reacquire the microwave signal for each measurement window, allowing, essentially, unlimited frequency changes from window to window. Competitive techniques require external gating if the frequency changes more than 10 MHz within the detected burst.
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Frequency and power can be automatically profiled with the optional internal delaying pulse generator
Unmatched Frequency Selectivity
Only Phase Matrix/EIP counters utilize the proven YIG Preselected Heterodyne Down Conversion technique. This spectrum analyzer type preselector prevents harmonics and other spurious signals from interfering with the measurement of the desired signal. Additionally, it totally eliminates “kickback” noise. Furthermore, this frequency selectivity allows the user to select any desired signal for measurement of both power and frequency in a multi-signal environment.
Graceful Overload Protection to 200 Watts
The YIG filter provides effective power limiting to protect against burnout due to accidental application of high-level signals, yet does not reduce sensitivity. This greatly re­duces down time, especially in the hands of unskilled operators. At remote sites, this high-level burnout protec­tion often proves invaluable by reducing the need for additional trips if a high power signal is accidentally connected to the counter’s input.
Full Environmental Compliance
The Phase Matrix/EIP 595A/598A and 585C/588C are in full EMI/RFI environmental compliance with MIL-STD-461 and MIL-T-28800, Type III, Class 5. As well as CE certified to EN50011 and EN50082-1.
Full Programmability
These counters have been optimized for integration into ATE systems and have all the systems characteristics you need for your test applications. All front panel controls, data output format and special functions are controllable over GPIB. Also, rear panel inputs simplify the integration of your system.
High Stability Time Bases
All Phase Matrix Counters features the unique YIG Preselected Heterodyne Down-Convertor.
Optional ovenized time bases provide higher accuracy and lower cost of ownership. The time base component of error is dramatically reduced with these high-stability time bases. The only periodic maintenance required on the 595A/598A and 585C/588C is time base calibration. With aging rates as low as 2 x 10-7/year, the calibration cycle can be extended to two years while maintaining kHz accuracy on a 20 GHz frequency measurement.
Proven Reliability
The predecessors to the Phase Matrix models 595A/598A and 585C/588C , (EIP 585 and 588, introduced in 1985), have become standards of reliability, achieving a field proven MTBF in excess of 40,000 hours. Phase Matrix is so confi­dent in the quality and reliability of these products that we back them with an optional three year warranty.
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