EIP Phasematrix 58xc brochure

PhaseMatrix/EIP 58XC http://www.phasematrix.com/PM_Web/prodpages/58XC.html
Phase Matrix / EIP 585C/588C
FullFunctionPulse/CW Counters withan optional Internal DelayingPulse Generator
585C and 588C Pulse/CW Frequency Counters 100 Hz to 20 GHz/100 Hz to 26 GHz
The 585C/588C Pulse/CW counters are Phase Matrix'shighest performance counters. They are capable of measuring the frequencyof repetitivepulses as narrow as 50 ns. A 3.5" full rack sized instrument, the 58XC series offer Phase Matrix's YIG filtered front end and optional frequency extension to 170 GHz (on the 588C). Standard features include frequencyselectivity (highand low frequencylimits), GPIB, simultaneous display of frequencyand pulse widthor pulse repetition interval. Optional features include an internal delaying pulse generator for
automatic frequency profiling.
Frequency Range
Band 0: 100 Hz to 250 MHz (CW only) Band 1: 250 MHz to 1 GHz Band 2: 0.95 GHz to 20 GHz (585C) or 26 GHz (588C)
Band 0: -20 dBm Band 1: -20 dBm Band 2: -20 dBm to 2 GHz,
-25 dBm 2 to 12.4 GHz,
-20 dBm to 20 GHz,
-15 dBm to 26.5 (588C)
Pulse Parameters
50 nS minimum pulse width 10 nS minimum profile window 1 Hz to 4 MHz PRF Pulse Width Measurement 50 nS to 1 sec FM Tolerance 20 MHz p-p
14 Two Year Warranty Extension (Total 3 years) 15 MIL-STD45662 (ANSI Z540-1:94) 5803 Rear Panel Inputs 5804 Extended Freq. Capability(588B only) 5809 <5x10-10/dayhighstabilityovenized time base 5810 Internal Delaying Pulse Generator
010 Transit Case 021 Rack Mount Kit with Handles 022 Rack Mount Kit without Handles 031 Extra Operations Manual 032 Maintenance and Service Manual (includesoperationalinfo) 043 Service Kit 050 Soft Pac carry case 101 Chassis slide with handles (includes OPT 021) 102 Chassis slide without handles (includesOPT 022)
Frequency ExtensionAccessories for 588B*
890 Frequencyextension cable kit 091 26.5-40 GHz remote sensor, waveguide 092 40-60 GHz remote sensor, waveguide 093 60-90 GHz remote sensor, waveguide 094 90-110 GHz remote sensor, waveguide 095 50-75 GHz remote sensor, waveguide 096 33-50 GHz remote sensor, waveguide 097 26.5-50 GHz remote sensor, coax 098 110-170 GHz remote sensor, waveguide * requires cable kit 890 and extended frequencyOption 5804
Standard Time Base
10 MHz TCXO Stability: Aging Rate <1x10-7/mo. Short Tern <1x10-9 RMS 1s ave. Temp <1x10-6 0 to 50C Warm up time: 30 min
Prices and/or specificationssubject to change without notice.
Optional High Stability Time Base
10 MHz OCXO Stability: Aging Rate <5x10-10/day (after 24hrs warm up.) Short Tern <2x10-10 RMS 1s ave. Temp <3x10-9 (0 to 50C) 10% line voltage change <2x10-10
Download the datasheet for the Phase Matrix EIP 585C/588C Download the Pulse Calculator Pulse.Exe
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PhaseMatrix/EIP 58XC http://www.phasematrix.com/PM_Web/prodpages/58XC.html
Phase Matrix, Inc.
109 Bonaventura Dr. San Jose, California 95134 - 2106 USA
TEL: +1 (408) 428.1000 TOLL FREE: +1 (877) 474.2736 [4PHASEM] FAX: +1 (408) 428.1500 Sales E-mail: sales@phasematrix.com Service E-mail: service@phasematrix.com Quality E-mail: quality@phasematrix.com
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