EIP Phasematrix 54xb brochure

PhaseMatrix/EIP 54XB http://www.phasematrix.com/PM_Web/prodpages/54XB.html
Phase Matrix EIP 545B/548B
FullFunctionMicrowave Frequency Counters
with Selective Power Measurement
EIP/PhaseMatrix 545B and 548B CW Frequency Counters
10 Hz to 20 GHz / 10 Hz to 26 GHz The combination of accuracy, simpleoperation, and the widest range of standardfeatures and optionsavailable in a microwave counter makes the 545B/548B family the bestchoice for your R&D lab or production testbench. Wherever a microwave counter has multiple duties and a variety of applicationsto meet, onlya fullfunction counter with YIG-tuned preselection can provide the capabilities that you need.
Features at a glance:
Keyboard controlled frequency limit selection Power Measurement to 0.1 dB resolution Power Measurement accuracy to ±0.5 dB typical
-30 dBm sensitivity 200 Watt (+53 dBm) peak damage protection 10 dB automatic amplitude discrimination 200 ms acquisition time Up to 800 MHz/sec tracking speed 20 MHz P-P FM tolerance up to a 10 MHz rate
Frequency Extension to 110 GHz
Option06 provides the ability to extend thefrequency range of your548B, inbands, up to 110 GHz. Remote sensors allow you to reach out to connect to virtuallyany wave guide system without the complications of the additional plumbing necessary to bring the signal to your counter. A wide selectionof sensors provides measurementcapability inthe wave guide band that you are working in now, and the flexibilitytochange as your application changes withouthaving to purchase another counter.
Frequency Limits
Automatic amplitude discrimination enables the 545B/548B counters to automaticallyselect and measurethe input signal with the highest level, and ignoreall other harmonics and other spurious signalsthat are present. "Frequency Limits" extend this signal selection capabilitybyallowing you to select upper and lower limits, The counter will measure the frequency and power levelof onlythe highest level signal within these limits-even if there are higher levelsignalspresent at the counters input.This givesyou the ability to measure the frequencyand power of a low levelsignal (such as a harmonic)even when a signal of much higher level(the fundamental)ispresent.
Specifications at a glance: Frequency Range
Band 1: 10 Hz to 100 MHz Band 2: 10 MHz to 1 GHz Band 3: 1 GHz to 20 GHz (545B) or 26 GHz (548B). 548B expandable to 110 GHz.
Band 1: 25 mV RMS Band 2: -20 dBm Band 3: -30 dBm to 12.4 GHz,
-25 dBm to 20 GHz,
-20 dBm to 26.5(548B)
Acquisition Time
Normal Mode : 200 ms Center Frequency Mode: 20 ms
Power Measurement
Range : Same as Band 3 Accuracy : ±0.5 dB typical
01 Digital to AnalogConverter 02 Power Measurement Display Offsets 06 High Frequency Extension 05 High Stability Oven Time Base 09 Rear Panel Inputs 10 Chassis Slides 24" 14 2 Year WarrantyExtension(Total 3 years)
010 Transit Case 020 Rack Mount Kit 018 Front Panel Handle Kit 031 Extra Operations Manual 032 Service Manual 042 Service Kit
Frequency Extension Accessories for 54XB*
590 Frequency extensioncable kit 091 26.5-40 GHz remote sensor, waveguide 092 40-60 GHz remote sensor, waveguide 093 60-90 GHz remote sensor, waveguide 094 90-110 GHz remote sensor, waveguide 095 50-75 GHz remote sensor, waveguide 096 33-50 GHz remote sensor, waveguide 097 26.5-50 GHz remote sensor, coax
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PhaseMatrix/EIP 54XB http://www.phasematrix.com/PM_Web/prodpages/54XB.html
* requirescable kit 590 and extended
Power Measurement
The 545B/548B family of microwave counters offers the optional abilityto simultaneously measure both the frequency and power level through the same input.This often eliminates the need for a separate microwave power meter. With the 25 MHz bandwidthof the YIG tuned preselector, power measurement is made only of the displayed signal, not of its harmonics or other signals present. Thus you can simultaneously measure and displayboth frequencyand power of individual signalsin a multi-signalenvironment. Easy keystroke entry of power offsets can be usedto measure power deviation from a reference, or to compensate for lossesin external hookups such as cable and attenuator losses.
frequencyOption 006 Prices and/or specifications subject to change without notice.
Frequency domain analysis can be accuratelyand quickly performed by utilizing the counter's selective frequency and selective power measurementcapabilities
Downloadthe datasheetfor the Phase Matrix EIP 545B/548B
Phase Matrix, Inc.
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TEL: +1 (408) 428.1000 TOLL FREE: +1 (877) 474.2736 [4PHASEM] FAX: +1 (408) 428.1500 Sales E-mail: sales@phasematrix.com Service E-mail: service@phasematrix.com Quality E-mail: quality@phasematrix.com
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