Eilersen 5024 User Manual

Kokkedal Industripark 4 DK-2980 Kokkedal Denmark info@eilersen.com Tel +45 49 180 100 Fax +45 49 180 200
Applies to:
Document no.: 0630mu5024-2v0.doc
Date: 2017-04-05
Rev.: 2v0
Basic system with automatic dosing
5024 STDLIM.140630.2v0: Users guide
Version: 2017-04-05, rev.: 2v0 Page: 2
1) Contents
1) Contents .................................................................................................................. 2
2) Operation ................................................................................................................. 5
2.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Power-up sequence ............................................................................................... 5
2.2.1 Zeroing during power up .................................................................................. 5
2.3 Operator panel ...................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Keyboard lock ....................................................................................................... 6
2.5 Menus .................................................................................................................. 6
2.6 Screens overview .................................................................................................. 7
2.7 Data entry ............................................................................................................ 7
2.7.1 Locking and unlocking parameters ..................................................................... 7
2.7.2 Entry using selection list ................................................................................... 8
2.7.3 Entry of numbers ............................................................................................. 9
3) Screens .................................................................................................................. 12
3.1 Normal display .................................................................................................... 12
3.2 Dosing ............................................................................................................... 13
3.2.1 Setting Coarse and Fine limits ......................................................................... 14
3.2.2 Start/Stop of dosing ....................................................................................... 14
3.3 Totals ................................................................................................................ 15
3.3.1 Totals menu .................................................................................................. 15
3.4 System Information ............................................................................................. 16
3.5 System settings .................................................................................................. 16
3.6 Loadcell status .................................................................................................... 17
3.7 Service mode...................................................................................................... 18
3.7.1 Setting date and time .................................................................................... 18
3.8 System .............................................................................................................. 19
3.9 Weighing ............................................................................................................ 20
3.9.1 Weighing range modes ................................................................................... 21
3.9.2 Configuring weighing ranges ........................................................................... 21
3.10 Loadcell parameters ........................................................................................... 21
3.10.1 Loadcell type ............................................................................................... 22
3.10.2 Number of loadcells ...................................................................................... 22
3.10.3 Number of supports ..................................................................................... 22
3.11 Coarsetare ........................................................................................................ 23
3.11.1 Performing coarsetare .................................................................................. 23
3.12 Zeroing ............................................................................................................ 24
3.13 Calibration ........................................................................................................ 24
3.13.1 Calibration factor ......................................................................................... 25
3.13.2 Calibration load ........................................................................................... 25
3.13.3 Perform calibration ....................................................................................... 25
3.13.4 Corner calibration ........................................................................................ 26
3.13.5 Corner calibration factor ............................................................................... 27
3.13.6 Reset corner calibration factors...................................................................... 27
3.13.7 Corner calibration procedure ......................................................................... 27
3.14 Linearization ..................................................................................................... 29
3.14.1 Load points ................................................................................................. 30
3.14.2 Up/Down corrections .................................................................................... 30
3.14.3 Hysteresis limit ............................................................................................ 30
3.14.4 Reset linearization ....................................................................................... 30
3.15 Weight display .................................................................................................. 31
3.15.1 Interval ...................................................................................................... 31
3.15.2 Filters ......................................................................................................... 32
3.15.3 Steady/stability detection ............................................................................. 32
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3.16 Analog output ................................................................................................... 32
3.16.1 Output type ................................................................................................ 33
3.16.2 Output value ............................................................................................... 33
3.16.3 Full-scale value ............................................................................................ 33
3.16.4 Error output value ........................................................................................ 33
3.16.5 Test output ................................................................................................. 33
3.17 Dosing parameters ............................................................................................ 34
3.17.1 Registration period ....................................................................................... 34
3.17.2 Afterflow status ........................................................................................... 34
3.17.3 Afterflow correction ...................................................................................... 35
3.18 Ethernet ........................................................................................................... 35
3.19 External module ................................................................................................ 35
4) Ethernet communication ........................................................................................... 36
4.1 Ethernet specification .......................................................................................... 36
4.1.1 Registration .................................................................................................. 36
4.1.2 PC Test software ........................................................................................... 36
4.2 Ethernet ............................................................................................................. 36
4.2.1 Ethernet settings ........................................................................................... 37
4.3 Ethernet Protocols ............................................................................................... 37
4.3.1 Ethernet protocol settings ............................................................................... 38
5) External modules ..................................................................................................... 39
5.1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 39
5.2 External module .................................................................................................. 39
5.3 External module data ........................................................................................... 41
5.4 External communication using PPO ........................................................................ 42
5.5 MOD .................................................................................................................. 43
5.5.1 MDS ............................................................................................................. 43
5.6 PCV Description .................................................................................................. 43
5.6.1 PCA ............................................................................................................. 43
5.6.2 PNU ............................................................................................................. 44
5.6.3 PVA ............................................................................................................. 44
5.7 PCD Description .................................................................................................. 44
5.7.1 CTW/STW ..................................................................................................... 44
5.7.2 MRV/MAV ..................................................................................................... 45
5.8 Communication overview ..................................................................................... 45
5.9 RS –Reference Value Selector, MRV – Main Reference value ..................................... 45
5.10 AS –Actual Value Selector, MAV – Main Actual value .............................................. 45
5.11 CTW –Control Word ........................................................................................... 46
5.12 STW –Status Word ............................................................................................ 46
5.13 Parameters ....................................................................................................... 47
6) Hardware description ............................................................................................... 49
6.1 Rear view ........................................................................................................... 49
6.2 Connection of power ............................................................................................ 49
6.3 Loadcell connection ............................................................................................. 49
6.4 Digital I/O connector ........................................................................................... 50
6.5 RS485 communication connector (external modules) ............................................... 51
6.6 Analog output connector ...................................................................................... 51
6.7 Ethernet connector .............................................................................................. 51
6.8 Jumper settings .................................................................................................. 52
6.9 Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) ................................................................................ 52
6.10 MCE2035 Profibus-DP module ............................................................................. 53
6.10.1 MCE2035 Profibus-DP specification ................................................................. 53
6.10.2 MCE2035 Checklist during installation............................................................. 53
6.10.3 MCE2035 Connection .................................................................................... 53
6.10.4 MCE2035 DIP-switch settings ........................................................................ 54
6.10.5 MCE2035 Jumpers ....................................................................................... 54
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6.10.6 MCE2035 Light Emitting Diodes ..................................................................... 55
6.10.7 MCE2035 PROFIBUS-DP connector ................................................................. 55
6.11 2070 PROFINET module ..................................................................................... 56
6.11.1 2070 Checklist during installation................................................................... 56
6.11.2 2070 Connection without MCE9601 ................................................................ 56
6.11.3 2070 Connection with MCE9601 ..................................................................... 57
6.11.4 2070 DIP-switch settings .............................................................................. 57
6.11.5 2070 Jumper settings ................................................................................... 58
6.11.6 2070 Light Emitting Diodes ........................................................................... 59
6.11.7 2070 PROFINET connector ............................................................................ 60
6.12 MCE9637 DeviceNet module ............................................................................... 61
6.12.1 MCE9637 DeviceNet specification ................................................................... 61
6.12.2 MCE9637 Checklist during installation............................................................. 61
6.12.3 MCE9637 Connection .................................................................................... 61
6.12.4 MCE9637 DIP-switch settings ........................................................................ 62
6.12.5 MCE9637 Jumpers ....................................................................................... 63
6.12.6 MCE9637 Light Emitting Diodes ..................................................................... 63
6.12.7 MCE9637 DeviceNet connector ...................................................................... 64
6.13 2x50 Ethernet-IP module.................................................................................... 65
6.13.1 2x50 Ethernet-IP specification ....................................................................... 65
6.13.2 2x50 Checklist during installation ................................................................... 65
6.13.3 2x50 Connection without MCE9601 ................................................................ 65
6.13.4 2x50 Connection with MCE9601 ..................................................................... 66
6.13.5 2x50 DIP-switch settings .............................................................................. 66
6.13.6 2x50 Light Emitting Diodes ........................................................................... 67
6.13.7 2x50 RS232 connector (J4) ........................................................................... 69
6.13.8 2x50 Ethernet connector (J8) ........................................................................ 69
7) Appendices ............................................................................................................. 70
7.1 Appendix A: Filters .............................................................................................. 70
7.1.1 Sampling filter............................................................................................... 70
7.1.2 Display and steady filters ................................................................................ 72
7.2 Appendix B – 2x50 Setup with Terminal Interface ................................................... 72
7.2.1 IP Address setting.......................................................................................... 73
7.3 Appendix C – 2x50 Ethernet-IP connection to Allen Bradley ...................................... 75
7.3.1 Ethernet-IP communication – Master input ....................................................... 75
7.3.2 Ethernet-IP communication – Master output ..................................................... 75
7.4 Appendix D – PROFINET Configuration tips ............................................................. 75
7.4.1 MAC addresses .............................................................................................. 75
7.4.2 GSDML file .................................................................................................... 76
7.4.3 Factory settings ............................................................................................. 76
7.4.4 Setting DeviceName, IP Address etc. ............................................................... 76
7.4.5 Data sizes ..................................................................................................... 76
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2) Operation
2.1 Introduction
This document is an overview of the 5024 Weighing Terminal from Eilersen Electric. With the software version stated on the front page the system has automatic dosing (coarse/fine), an Analog output and Ethernet connection as well as possible Profibus-DP, PROFINET, DeviceNet or Ethernet-IP connectivity using external communication modules.
The system is operated by a series of screens, menus and selections lists.
2.2 Power-up sequence
When power is applied to the system, the following steps will be performed:
The display will show the logo for 5 seconds. The display will show its program identification (software name, date and
The weighing terminal is ready and enters the NORMAL screen.
2.2.1 Zeroing during power up
If a zeroing is to be performed during power up (with extended zeroing range),
must be pressed while the program identification (software name,
date and revision) is shown. Pressing
before this is ignored. If the key­board lock is activated (see later), you will immediately be asked to unlock the keyboard for the zero to take place.
2.3 Operator panel
The operator panel holds a keyboard and a LCD display. The display will show the actual state of the controller and the user entries possible. Below the dis­play seven keys are located. The function of these keys depends on the actual screen selected. The function of the key will always be shown directly above the key. Normally the keys are used to switch between the different screens or to initiate other user actions. Depending on the actual screen the following keys can be used:
Selects a menu depending on the actual screen.
Increases a value or moves cursor up in a menu. Decreases a value or moves cursor down in a menu.
Selects entry or accept of a value, or selects an action from a
Return to previous screen. Exits menu without action. Clears en-
tered digit.
Autotare scale (set net weight to zero).
Zero scale (set gross weight to zero).
The functions stated above are the general function of the keys. Below the specific use of each key will be described depending on the actual screen.
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2.4 Keyboard lock
The weighing terminal is equipped with a keyboard lock feature. This feature can be enabled or disabled using the “Keyboard unlock length” parameter in the SYSTEM screen. This parameter also indicates how many keys are to be pressed to unlock the normal functions of the keyboard.
If the keyboard lock is disabled, then the keyboard functions will always be ac­tive.
If the keyboard lock is enabled, and the weighing terminal is in the NORMAL screen without any key activation for 10 minutes, then the keyboard will au­tomatically lock. When the keyboard is locked, the symbols normaly shown above the keys will blank out, and you can NOT use the normal function on the keys until tje keyboard is unlocked again. NOTE: A locked keyboard is un­locked by pressing a key, and then pressing a number of keys one at a time matching the indicated keys until the required sequence is completed without error.
2.5 Menus
Menus are selected by pressing F. When a menu is active the current item is changed by and , and the item action is selected by pressing . The menu can be exited without any action by pressing
or by selecting the “Exit menu” menu item. Above each key is an icon illustrating the actual func­tion for the key in the different screens.
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2.6 Screens overview
The system has the following screens, which are selected using the menu sys­tem:
During normal use it is only necessary to use the NORMAL and the DOSING screen. The other screens are used during installation and calibration.
2.7 Data entry
The following chapter describes how data are entered using the keyboard on the weighing terminal. There are two main ways to enter data from the key­board. Data can be entered by selecting the desired value from a selection list of predetermined values. Data can also be entered by entering the desired value using a data entry screen. The layout of this data entry screen may vary depending on the actual parameter to be entered.
2.7.1 Locking and unlocking parameters
When the power is turned on all parameters changing the event counter are locked. These parameters can be unlocked in the SYSTEM screen.
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2.7.2 Entry using selection list
Some parameters (such as resolution and decimal point position of the weigh­ing range) are entered using a selection list. When change of this type of pa­rameter is requested, a special pull-down menu will appear with a list of pre­determined (allowed) values as shown:
The keys can be used as follows:
Moves the cursor down in this selection list.
Moves the cursor up in this selection list. Moves the cursor down in this selection list.
Accepts the selected/marked value as the new desired value.
Aborts the entry without change of parameter. This can also be
done by selecting the “CANCEL” entry form the selection list.
Not used.
Not used.
Example - Changing resolution from 0.050 to 0.010:
The screen shown above appears once change of resolution is requested from the SETUP WEIGHING screen by moving the cursor using and so the
“Resolution” parameter is selected and then pressing . In order to change the “Resolution” parameter to 0.010 perform the following:
or Press repeatedly until ”0.010” is selected in the selection list.
Press to accept selection.
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2.7.3 Entry of numbers
Some parameters (such as minimum and maximum weight of the weighing range) are entered using a data entry screen. When change of this type of pa­rameter is requested, a data entry screen will appear. Please note the layout of the data entry screen may vary slightly depending on the actual parameter to be changed. The data entry screen could look as shown:
The actual parameter changed is indicated in the upper left part of the display. The current parameter value and the currently entered value is shown in the upper right part of the display. The currently entered value is also shown in the middle of the display in large font.
The keys can be used as follows:
Aborts the entry without change of parameter.
Increases the value of the digit currently being entered (digit to the right).
Decreases the value of the digit currently being entered (digit to the right).
Accepts the entered value as the new desired value.
Deletes most right digit and moves all remaining digits one posi-
tion to the right.
Moves digits one position to the left and inserts a zero on the
most right position. This new digit can subsequently be changed using and .
Clears all entered digits setting them to zero as if the data entry
screen has just been entered.
When entering a value the digits are entered left to right. This means that leftmost digit is entered first. The active digit is changed by and . When the correct value is entered press T to advance to the next digit. If an error is made, press
to return to the previous digit. When the complete value is
entered press to accept it. To abort without any changes press F.
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Example - Changing maximum weight from 10.000 to 10.090:
The screen shown above appears once change of maximum weight is request­ed from the SETUP WEIGHING screen by moving the cursor using and
so the “Maximum” weight parameter is selected and then pressing . In order to change the “Maximum” weight parameter to 10.090 perform the
Press once until ” . 1” is shown in the display.
Press three times until ” 1.000” is shown in the display.
Press once until ” 1.009” is shown in the display.
Press once until ” 10.090” is shown in the display.
Press to accept ” 10.090” as the new desired value.
Example - Changing minimum weight from -1.000 to -0.090:
A similar screen to the screen shown above appears once change of minimum weight is requested from the SETUP WEIGHING screen by moving the cursor using and so the “Minimum” weight parameter is selected and then pressing .
In order to change the “Minimum” weight parameter to -0.090 perform the following:
Press once until ”- . 9” is shown in the display.
Press once until ”- . 90” is shown in the display.
Press to accept ”- 0.090” as the new desired value.
Example - Changing date to 11.06.01:
A similar screen to the screen shown above appears once change of date (YY.MM.DD) is requested from the SETUP MENU by moving the cursor using
and so the “SET DATE” entry is selected and then pressing . The layout of the data entry screen is a bit different as date is entered with two decimal points.
In order to change the date (YY.MM.DD) to 11.06.01 perform the following:
Press once until ” . .10” is shown in the display.
Press once until ” . .11” is shown in the display.
Press two times until ” .11.01” is shown in the display.
Press four times until ” .11.06” is shown in the display.
Press two times until ”11.06.01” is shown in the display.
Press to accept ”11.06.01” as the new desired value.
Example - Changing time to 23:45:00:
A similar screen to the screen shown above appears once change of time (HH:MM:SS) is requested from the SETUP MENU by moving the cursor using
and so the “SET TIME” entry is selected and then pressing . The layout of the data entry screen is a bit different as time is entered with two colons.
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In order to change the time (HH:MM:SS) to 23:45:00 perform the following:
Press two times until ” : : 2” is shown in the display.
Press once until ” : :20” is shown in the display.
Press three times until ” : :23” is shown in the display.
Press once until ” : 2:30” is shown in the display.
Press four times until ” : 2:34” is shown in the display.
Press once until ” :23:40” is shown in the display.
Press five times until ” :23:45” is shown in the display.
Press to accept ”23:45:00” as the new desired value.
Example – Entry of IP address
A similar screen to the screen shown above appears once change of IP address is requested from the SETUP ETHERNET screen by moving the cursor using
and so the “IP” parameter is selected and then pressing . The layout of the data entry screen is a bit different as IP address is entered with three dec­imal points.
Please note: Subnet is entered in same way as IP address. Please note: Due to IP address and subnet requirements not all values are
allowed. In order to change the IP address parameter to perform the
Press once until ” . . . 1” is shown in the display.
Press once until ” . . . 10” is shown in the display.
Press once until ” . . . 19” is shown in the display.
Press once until ” . . .190” is shown in the display.
Press two times until ” . . .192” is shown in the display.
Press once until ” . . 1.920” is shown in the display.
Press once until ” . . 1.921” is shown in the display.
Press once until ” . . 19.210” is shown in the display.
Press four times until ” . . 19.216” is shown in the display.
Press once until ” . .192.160” is shown in the display.
Press two times until ” . .192.168” is shown in the display.
Press three times until ” .192.168.000” is shown in the display.
Press once until ” .192.168.001” is shown in the display.
Press once until ” 1.921.680.010” is shown in the display.
Press once until ” 1.921.680.011” is shown in the display.
Press once until ” 19.216.800.110” is shown in the display.
Press once until ” 19.216.800.119” is shown in the display.
Press once until ”” is shown in the display.
Press once until ”” is shown in the display.
Press to accept ”” as the new desired value.
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3) Screens
The following is a description of each available screen and the active keys in each screen.
3.1 Normal display
Below the NORMAL screen is shown along with the keys that are enabled.
In this screen the actual weight is shown with large types. To the right the unit is indicated and whether the gross or net weight is shown. If the load is above the weighing range the display will show OL. If the load is below the weighing range the display will show UL. If an error is present an error code will be shown (-XXXX-) instead of the weight reading. Above the actual setpoint (fine limit) is shown. Above
the last registered weight is shown in paren-
thesis. Also above
an “OK” icon is shown for a short period following every successful registration. In the upper right corner four symbols may be shown below each other indicating:
‘>0<’ if the weight is zero (within 0 ± ¼ division). ‘––’ if the weight reading is steady, or ‘~’ if the weight reading is not
‘ZT’ if automatic zeroing (zero tracking) is active (within 0 ± ½ division). ‘SP’ if automatic dosing is running. ‘R’ if registration is in progress.
Note: If the keyboard is locked the symbols above the keys will not be shown.
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If the keyboard is not locked, the keys are used as follows:
Selects the MAIN menu.
Selects the DOSING screen for entry of setpoints and start/stop
of dosing.
Display weight with enhanced resolution for 3 seconds (in the
SYSTEM screen it can be selected that enhanced resolution is toggle permanently on/off for test purposes). The “Dd/10” symbol above the key will blink when enhanced resolution is selected.
Toggles between gross and net reading.
Not used.
Zeroes the net reading and net reading is selected.
Zeroes the gross reading and gross reading is selected.
3.2 Dosing
Below the DOSING screen is shown along with the keys that are enabled.
In this screen setpoints for dosing are shown and can be changed. It is also possible to start/stop a dosing. A cursor (inverted text) indicates the currently selected parameter.
The keys are used as follows:
Not used.
Moves the cursor up between the different parameters on the
Moves the cursor down between the different parameters on the
Selects change/entry of the parameter marked/selected by the
Return to the NORMAL screen.
Not used.
Not used.
Please note that some other dosing parameters (such as registration period and afterflow correction) are configured in the DOSING PAR. screen.
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To perform an automatic dosing, follow this procedure:
1. The desired Coarse and Fine setpoints must be entered. Use the key
in the NORMAL screen to select the DOSING screen. Then use the DOSING screen to enter the desired setpoints.
2. To start a new dosing select the “Action: START DOSING” using the
or key in the DOSING screen and then press the key. Alternately start a new dosing by activating the digital START input.
3. This will zero the net weight (automatic tare) and activate the digital
COARSE and FINE dosing outputs.
4. During dosing the COARSE output is active as long as the net weight
does not exceed the COARSE limit. An active COARSE output indicates dosing should be done at high speed for the first part of the dosing, fol­lowed by slow speed for the final part of the dosing where the COARSE output is deactivated.
5. When the net weight (positive or negative) reaches the FINE setpoint
(possibly adjusted by the afterflow correction) the FINE output will be deactivated and dosing is stopped.
6. Hereafter the COARSE and FINE outputs will remain deactivated until a
new dosing is started.
7. The dosed amount is automatically registered after the entered registra-
tion period, if the registration period is different from 0 ms. In this case a registration can be made by activating the REGISTRATION input. The result of the last registration can be read in the NORMAL screen.
8. Following a registration the totals are updated and a possible new after-
flow correction may be calculated.
9. An ongoing dosing can be stopped prior to reaching the setpoint, by se-
lecting the “Action: STOP DOSING” using the or key in the DOS- ING screen and then pressing the key. An ongoing dosing is also
aborted if the weighing range is exceeded or if a loadcell error occurs.
10. The weighing terminal is ready for start of a new dosing.
3.2.1 Setting Coarse and Fine limits
The COARSE and FINE setpoints used for automatic dosing must be specified in the DOSING screen.
The COARSE limit is used to control the COARSE output indicating high speed dosing until the COARSE setpoint is reached. The FINE limit is used to control the FINE output indicating the desired amount to be dosed. The setpoints are changed by using and to select the desired setpoint (“Coarse” or “Fine”) with the cursor, and then pressing to request change of the setpoint.
3.2.2 Start/Stop of dosing
In addition to starting a dosing using the digital START input, a dosing can be started (or stopped if a dosing is all ready in progress) using the keyboard in the DOSING screen.
A dosing is started or stopped by using and to select the “Action” param­eter with the cursor, and then pressing to request the indicated action (“START DOSING” or “STOP DOSING”).
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3.3 Totals
Below the TOTALS screen is shown along with the keys that are enabled.
In this screen the totals are shown. Whenever a registration is performed the total weight is updated with the registered amount and the total count is in­cremented.
The keys are used as follows:
Selects the TOTALS MENU. Not used. Not used.
Not used.
Return to the NORMAL screen.
Not used.
Not used.
3.3.1 Totals menu
When the TOTALS MENU is invoked the screen will look like this:
To reset the totals select the “RESET TOTALS” menu item and press .
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3.4 System Information
Below the SYSTEM INFO screen is shown along with the keys that are ena­bled.
In this screen program identification (consisting of software name, date and revision) and the event counter is shown.
The keys are used as follows:
Selects the INFO menu. Not used. Not used.
Not used.
Return to the NORMAL screen.
Not used.
Not used.
3.5 System settings
Below the SYSTEM SETTINGS screen is shown along with the keys that are enabled.
In this screen the system type is shown along with the current date and time. The keys are used as follows:
Not used.
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Not used.
Not used.
Return to the NORMAL screen.
Not used.
Not used.
3.6 Loadcell status
Below the LOADCELL STATUS screen is shown along with the keys that are enabled.
In this screen the actual reading from each loadcell is shown. The keys are used as follows:
Selects the LOADCELL STATUS menu. Not used. Not used.
Not used.
Return to the SYSTEM INFO screen.
Not used.
Not used. Three different readings can be selected with the menu: DIRECT: The internal loadcell output value is displayed as it is received.
This number is in SI units, but the resolution is loadcell de­pendent and may be an unusual value like 100mg, 10 gr. etc. Furthermore no zeroing is used and the loadcell value will NOT be 0 when the loadcell is empty, so this value is not the abso­lute load on this loadcell
WEIGHT: The loadcell output value in the resolution etc., selected for the
display. No zeroing is used and the loadcell value will NOT be 0 when the loadcell is empty, so this value is not the absolute load on this loadcell.
ZEROED: The loadcell output value in the resolution etc., selected for the
display. The value is zeroed along with the normal display reading. So this value is the change since the last zeroing.
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3.7 Service mode
Below the SETUP screen is shown along with the keys that are enabled.
In this screen the software version, actual date, actual time and event counter is shown.
The keys are used as follows:
Selects the SETUP menu. Not used. Not used.
Not used.
Return to the NORMAL screen.
Not used.
Not used.
3.7.1 Setting date and time
It is possible to set the date and/or time of the internal clock by use of the SETUP menu. To set date and/or time from the SETUP screen perform the following:
Press once to select the SETUP menu. Press several times to select the “SET DATE” or “SET TIME” entry
from the SETUP menu. Press once to start entry of the selected parameter (date or
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Version: 2017-04-05, rev.: 2v0 Page: 19
3.8 System
Below the SETUP SYSTEM screen is shown along with the keys that are ena­bled.
In this screen the system parameters are shown and can be changed. A cursor (inverted text) indicates the currently selected parameter.
The following parameters are accessible: SYSTEME TYPE: For this software only “Basic” system type can be chosen. Parameters: When the power is turned on all parameters changing the
event counter are locked. Change this setting to “UN- LOCKED” to access the parameters. Before unlocking is
possible the password 1357 must be entered. The setting automatically returns to ”LOCKED” after 5 minutes with­out keyboard activity in NORMAL screen.
High Res. Mode: When this setting is enabled the “Dd/10” key in the
NORMAL toggles the enhanced resolution on and off permanently. When the setting is disabled the “Dd/10” key in the NORMAL toggles the enhanced resolution on for 3 seconds.
Keyb. unlock leng.: With this setting set to 0, the keyboard lock feature is dis-
abled. With this setting set to other values (1-50; default value is 7), the keyboard lock feature is enabled. The pa­rameter then indicates the length of the key sequence that must be pressed to unlock a locked keyboard.
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Version: 2017-04-05, rev.: 2v0 Page: 20
The keys are used as follows:
Not used. Moves the cursor up between the different parameters on the
Moves the cursor down between the different parameters on the
Selects change/entry of the parameter marked/selected by the
Return to the SETUP screen.
Not used.
Not used.
3.9 Weighing
Below the SETUP WEIGHING screen is shown along with the keys that are enabled.
In this screen weighing parameters are shown and can be changed. A cursor (inverted text) indicates the currently selected parameter.
The keys are used as follows:
Selects the WEIGHING menu. Moves the cursor up between the different parameters on the
Moves the cursor down between the different parameters on the
Selects change/entry of the parameter marked/selected by the
Return to the SETUP screen.
Not used.
Not used.
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Version: 2017-04-05, rev.: 2v0 Page: 21
3.9.1 Weighing range modes
The weighing terminal is equipped with three different weighing range modes that specify the weighing range used for:
NORMAL: weight readings during normal display reading.
CALIBRATION: weight readings during calibration and enhanced
resolution weight display.
PROTOCOL: weight readings transferred using serial communi-
The weighing range mode can be selected from the SETUP WEIGHING screen. The weighing range mode is changed by using and to select the
“Mode” parameter with the cursor, and then pressing to request change of the “Mode” parameter using a selection list as described earlier.
When configuring weighing ranges as described below, values shown as well as changes made only apply to the currently selected weighing range specified by the “Mode” parameter.
3.9.2 Configuring weighing ranges
An appropriate weighing range can be configured from the SETUP WEIGH­ING screen. A specific weighing range is changed by using and to select
a weighing range parameter with the cursor, and then pressing to request change of the given parameter. The following weighing range parameters need to be configured individually for each of the three specific weighing range modes (NORMAL, CALIBRATION and PROTOCOL):
1) “Unit” entered using a selection list as described earlier.
2) “DP” entered using a selection list as described earlier.
3) “Resolution” entered using a selection list as described earlier.
4) “Minimum weight” entered using data entry screen as described earlier.
5) “Maximum weight” entered using data entry screen as described earlier.
3.10 Loadcell parameters
Below the LOADCELL PARAMETERS screen is shown along with the keys that are enabled.
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Version: 2017-04-05, rev.: 2v0 Page: 22
In this screen loadcell parameters are shown and can be changed. A cursor (inverted text) indicates the currently selected parameter.
The keys are used as follows:
Selects the WEIGHING menu. Moves the cursor up between the different parameters on the
Moves the cursor down between the different parameters on the
Selects change/entry of the parameter marked/selected by the
Return to the SETUP WEIGHING screen.
Not used.
Not used.
3.10.1 Loadcell type
The weighing terminal can be connected to and communicate with different kinds of loadcells from Eilersen Electric. The weighing terminal can communi­cate with the following loadcells:
- Eilersen Electric loadcell type 2000
- Eilersen Electric loadcell type 4000
The type of loadcell connected to the weighing terminal must be specified in the LOADCELL PARAMETERS screen. The loadcell type indication is changed by using and to select the “Type” parameter with the cursor, and then pressing to request change of the loadcell “Type” parameter using a selec­tion list as described earlier.
3.10.2 Number of loadcells
The weighing terminal can be connected to a maximum of 8 loadcells. The ac­tual number of loadcells connected to the weighing terminal must be specified in the LOADCELL PARAMETERS screen. The number of loadcells indication is changed by using and to select the “No.” parameter with the cursor, and then pressing to request change of the “No.” of loadcells parameter.
3.10.3 Number of supports
The actual number of supporting points (1-8) in the weighing system must be specified in the LOADCELL PARAMETRS screen. The number of supporting points indication is changed by using and to select the “Supports” pa­rameter with the cursor, and then pressing to request change of the num­ber of “Supports” parameter.
Note that it is the total number of supporting points including corners support­ed by loadcells. As an example, the “Supports” parameter should be 3 in a system consisting of a three legged tank.
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Version: 2017-04-05, rev.: 2v0 Page: 23
3.11 Coarsetare
Below the COARSETARE screen is shown along with the keys that are ena­bled.
In this screen the coarsetare values and actual signals for each loadcell is shown.
The keys are used as follows:
Selects the COARSETARE menu. Selects the next coarsetare value Selects the previous coarsetare value
Not used.
Return to the WEIGHING screen.
Not used.
Not used.
3.11.1 Performing coarsetare
It is possible to coarsetare the system by use of the COARSETARE menu. To perform a coarsetare from the COARSETARE screen perform the following:
Press once to select the COARSETARE menu. Press once to select the “PERFORM COARSETARE” entry from the
Press once to perform the coarsetare.
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