Motor runs advancing the film forward.
Projection lamp is turned on for forward projection
Push the SET/STOP Red Switch, and the motor stops, the lamp is turned off, and
the film path is now fully open.
Green LED is illuminated, which is the starting position.
"REWIND Switch
Rewinds the film through the mm path.
Conventional rewinding from reel to reel can al
so be done
To sto
p rewinding, push either"
Rewind Switch, or "SET /STOP" Switch
Rewind will stop and for approximately 6 seconds Red LED of Rewind Switc
blinks indicating that during the blinking period no new operation command is
Note : The touch button control system employs logic "ON/OFF", that is, the first
push of the switch is a command "ON" and the second push of the same switch
is a command "OFF".
Also, at any mode of operation,pushing the "SET/STOP" Switch stops the projecto
and revert to the starting position with the film path fully open
The Slim Line series projectors are available for voltage from 1 OOV, 11 OV, 120V
220V and 240V. 110/220V an
d l 20/240V dual voltage models are also available.
According to the electrical safety regulations of various countries, UL (USA), C
(Canada), VOE (Germany),SEV (Switzerland), SAA (Australia), SEMKO (Sweden),
NEMKO (Norway), FEMKO (Finland), DEMKO (Denmark), specific models ar
manufactured to meet such regulations, including the option of 50/60Hz sound only.
50Hz soun
d & silent, 60Hz soun
d & silent operation.
Power Transformers vary according to the voltage range and also to the electrical
safety requirements of each country. The secondary windings of all transformer
provide 8V AC to the pilot lamp and exciter lamp circuits, 46V AC to th
e amplifier,
24V AC (high) and 22
V AC (low) to the halogen projection lamp
Motor ON/OFF
, Lamp ON/OFF and Rewinding ca
n be controlle
d by the functio
switch which consists of
a cam bracket an
d 4 micro switches. The function switc
cam also mutes the audio during rewind and the "STOP" or threadin
g position.
The projection lamp is a HALOGEN ELC type 24V 250W. Inside of the lamp hous
is a "high-low" switch to help extend the lamp life. In the "high" position averag
lamp li
fe is approximately 50 hours and a
t the "low" position about 150 hours
e The HALOGEN LAMP EJ L type 24V 200W may also be used with some reduction i
light output
Models SSL-OL use the 300W 120V EWG or EYK lamp.
The motor is an induction type with capacitor. Motors are available for all the voltag
ranges. Transformers and motors are simple and easy-to-replace m
AC power cords, line terminals, and all other electrical parts are designed to mee
the safety requirements of the individual countries listed
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