EIJKELKAMP HD2 Operating Instructions Manual

Operating Instructions
P.O. Box 4, 6987 ZG Giesbeek Nijverheidsstraat 30, 6987 EM Giesbeek, The Netherlands
T +31 313 880 200 E info@eijkelkamp.com I www.eijkelkamp.com
Operating Instructions HD2 2015-12-10
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Thank you very much for deciding to purchase this IMKO product!
Should you have any questions in regard to this prod­uct please contact our local distribution partner or us directly.
IMKO Micromodultechnik GmbH
Im Stoeck 2 D-76275 Ettlingen Germany
Phone: +49-7243-5921-0 Fax: +49-7243-90856 E-mail: info@imko.de Internet: http://www.imko.de
The HD2 is a portable device which serves for the dis­play of measurement values delivered by Trime mois­ture measurement sensors and was designed for mo­bile field deployment.
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User Manual Portable Measuring Instrument HD2
Version December 2015
1 General Notices ................................................................................................ 5
1.1 Intended Use ............................................................................................................................................ 5
1.2 The Chargeable Accumulator .................................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Charging the HD2 Portable Measuring Instrument ................................................................................. 5
1.4 Temperatures and Ambient Conditions .................................................................................................. 5
2 Control Elements .............................................................................................. 6
3 Initial Commissioning ........................................................................................ 7
3.1 Safety Instructions .................................................................................................................................... 7
3.2 Checking the Delivery Scope ................................................................................................................... 7
3.3 Charging the Accumulator ....................................................................................................................... 7
3.4 Connecting a Sensor ................................................................................................................................ 7
4 Operation .......................................................................................................... 8
4.1 Switching ON the HD2 Portable Measuring Instrument .......................................................................... 9
4.2 Switching OFF the HD2 Portable Measuring Instrument ........................................................................ 9
4.3 Measurement ........................................................................................................................................... 9
4.3.1 Operating Mode „Normal“ ........................................................................................................... 10
4.3.2 Operating Mode „Average Value“ ................................................................................................ 10
4.3.3 Operating Mode „Water Calculation“ ........................................................................................... 11
4.4 Settings .................................................................................................................................................. 12
4.4.1 HD2-Mode ..................................................................................................................................... 13
4.4.2 Material Calibration ....................................................................................................................... 13
4.4.3 Detecting Sensor/Probe ................................................................................................................ 17
4.4.4 Language ....................................................................................................................................... 17
4.4.5 Auto-Power-Off ............................................................................................................................. 17
4.4.6 Display Illumination ........................................................................................................................ 18
4.4.7 Display Contrast ............................................................................................................................. 18
4.4.8 Probe Info ...................................................................................................................................... 18
4.4.9 HD2-Info ......................................................................................................................................... 19
5 Technical Data HD2 ........................................................................................ 20
6 Handling of the TRIME-PICO Probes ............................................................. 21
6.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 21
6.2 Measurement Volume of the PICO Probes............................................................................................ 21
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7 Recommended way to achieve the best possible accuracy with the HD2 kit22
7.1 Measurement directly in the sand and gravel pile ................................................................................. 22
7.2 Measurement of laboratory samples in the bucket ............................................................................... 23
8 Exchange of the Probe Rods .......................................................................... 26
9 Technical Data SONO-M1 probe ................................................................... 27
9.1 SONO-M1 probe ................................................................................................................................... 27
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1 General Notices
Please read the operating instructions carefully. Should you have any further questions, please contact our service department under the contact data depict-
ed above. In no event should you attempt to open and repair the device yourself. Should you like to file any guarantee claims, please contact the distribution partner where you purchased the device.
Within the scope of product improvements, the device is subject to technical and optical changes.
1.1 Intended Use
This portable measuring instrument was designed to serve as a reading device for various IMKO probes. Only respectively intended probes may be connected to the device. The connection of a probe not intended for connection may lead to the destruction of the device and/or the connected probe.
1.2 The Chargeable Accumulator
Never exchange the integrated accumulator yourself. The stated maximum operating periods refer to ideal conditions. The ambient temperature and the charging
cycle can significantly reduce the performance time. In addition, the charging capacity reduces itself for tech­nical reasons within the course of the utilisation of the device or due to storage at very high or low tempera­tures.
1.3 Charging the HD2 Portable Measuring Instrument
Only deploy the respectively provided charger or a comparable power supply unit to charge the HD2 portable measuring instrument. Any deviation of the charging voltage can lead to damage to the device.
Should the device heat up during the charging process, this is normal and not connected with any hazards. Should the HD2 only function for a short period or not at all in spite of several attempts to charge it, the inte-
grated accumulator is defective and must be exchanged. In this case, please contact our local distribution partner or us directly.
1.4 Temperatures and Ambient Conditions
The HD2 portable measuring instrument was designed for deployment under rough conditions. The operation of the device under conditions beyond those depicted may lead to damage to the same.
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Go to next Menu Item or
Deleting the Value Memory
(Mode – Average Value)
Probe/Charger Connection
Back to previous Menu
Item or Setting
Direct link to “CHOOSE
– Material Calibration”
(Mode: Normal / Aver­age)
Direct link to “Density
setting” (Mode: water
Conclude Settings Leave Menu Item
Shutting ON/OFF- press 1s Perform Measurement press
Selection of a Menu Item press
Storing a setting press shortly
2 Control Elements
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3 Initial Commissioning
3.1 Safety Instructions
Attention: Before initial commissioning, do not fail to read the General Notices, Item 1 at the front of these
operating instructions. Any not intended use may lead to damage to the device.
3.2 Checking the Delivery Scope
HD2 Portable Measuring Instrument Plug-in Power Supply Unit (12V/2A) Charging Adapter Protective Hood Manual
3.3 Charging the Accumulator
The integrated accumulator should be charged before putting the device into operation the first time. For this purpose, plug in the provided charging adapter into the 7-pole socket of the HD2. Subsequently, connect the plug-in power supply unit to the charging adapter. In the event that the device is already switched on, or if the accumulator is exhaustively discharged, the charging process will commence immediately. If not, switch on
the HD2 by pressing the button „Measurement“ for approximately 1 second. An active charging process is signalised in the display by an animated accumulator symbol.
The integrated charging electronics charges the accumulator until the same is completely charged. In case of exhaustive discharge, this will approximately take 2 hours. As soon as the charging process is concluded, all 4 „accumulator bars“ will be permanently presented in the display and the trickle charging will commence.
Attention: Only charge the accumulator at room temperature (approximately between 10°C and
30°C)! At too low temperatures, it may happen that the charging concluding shut-down does not operate safely and the accumulator is over-charged. Too high ambient tem­peratures may lead to damage to the HD2 due to the additional heat-up during the charging process.
3.4 Connecting a Sensor
The HD2 portable measuring instrument can be operated with the following IMKO-moisture probes:
Connect the moisture probe to the HD2 by plugging in the 7-pole plug into the respectively provided socket at the HD“ and fastening the coupling nut.
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4 Operation
Key/Button Designation:
Shutting ON/OFF- press 1s Perform Measurement press shortly Selection of a Menu Item press shortly Storing a setting press shortly
Conclude Settings Leave Menu Item
Back to previous Menu Item or Setting Direct link to “CHOOSE – Material Calibration” (Mode:
Normal / Average)
Direct link to “Density setting” (Mode: water calculation)
Go to next Menu Item or Setting Deleting the Value Memory (Mode – Average Value)
Display Symbols:
Residual Accumulator Capacity
Active Measurement
Settings are stored
Intensity of the Background Illumination Remaining time until shut-down (illumination / APO)
Press button „UP“
Press button „DOWN“
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Text Meaning:
Number of the active calibration in the probe
Moisture Measurement Value Notice: Depending on the set calibration, the measure-
ment value may refer to %vol, %grav, ε or tp
Electrical Conductivity based on the TDR signal Serialno.:
Serial Number of the probe, respectively of the HD2
Hardware Version
Firmware Version
4.1 Switching ON the HD2 Portable Measuring Instrument
Switch ON the HD2 by pressing the button „Measurement“ for approximately 1 second.
During the starting-up process, the HD2 will attempt to communicate with the connected probe. This will take approximately 4 seconds. If no probe is connected, or the probe is not able to communicate for any reason, an error message will be generated on the display.
If the probe was successfully detected, the accordingly set background of the operation mode will appear on the display and the HD” is ready for deployment.
Notice: Should no connection to the probe be possible in spite of several attempts, check if the probe
is connected properly. Should this not deliver a positive result, please contact our service de­partment.
4.2 Switching OFF the HD2 Portable Measuring Instrument
Switch OFF the HD2 by pressing the button „Measurement“ for approximately 1 second. Notice: It is not possible to shut off the HD2 while it is in the „Settings“. Please, first leave the menu
item „Settings“ by pressing the button „Settings“ until the measurement display appears.
4.3 Measurement
The HD2 portable measuring instrument disposes of three operating modes:
1. Normal Individual Value Display – presents the measurement variables Moisture, Temperature and the EC-Trime
2. Average Value presents the average value of the moisture of up to 6 individual measurements
3. Water calculation determine the content of water in l/m³
Notice: During a measurement, no further actions are possible. It is necessary to wait until the
measurement is concluded.
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4.3.1 Operating Mode „Normal“
After switching on the HD2 portable measuring instrument, the following display will appear in the operating
mode „Normal“ after the start screen:
In order to initiate a measurement, shortly press the button “Measurement” . The measurement will com-
mence and a turning -symbol will appear instead of the accumulator-symbol in the upper right hand cor­ner. During this period, no other actions can be performed. The measurement requires approximately 4 to 5 seconds. Once the measurement is concluded, the accumulator-symbol will reappear and the measured values will be generated on the display. The display of the values will be maintained until a new measurement is conducted.
4.3.2 Operating Mode „Average Value“
In this operating mode, only the moisture is measured and an average value of up to 6 individual values is evaluated. Depending on the set calibration, either the volumetric or the gravimetric moisture is presented.
After switching on the HD2 portable measuring instrument, the following display will appear in the operating mode „Average value“ after the start screen:
In order to initiate a measurement, shortly press the button “Measurement” . The measurement will com­mence and a turning -symbol will appear instead of the accumulator-symbol in the upper right hand cor-
ner. During this period, no other actions can be performed. The measurement requires approximately 4 to 5 seconds. Once the measurement is concluded, the accumulator-symbol will reappear. On the left hand side of the display, the individual values of the measurements will be presented. The currently measured value is presented at Position 1 and old values will be shifted one position onwards. The arithmetic average value is
Individual Values of the Measurements
Number of selected Calibration
Residual Accumu­lator Capacity
Average Value oft he Measu­rement
Number of selected Calibration
Serial No. If connected probe
Measurement Value: Temperature
Measurement Value: TDR­Conductivity
Name of selected Calibration Measurement Value: Moisture
Residual Accu­mulator Capacity
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