Checking you can hear the Smoke & Heat Alarms
With the Alarm soundingin its intended location, check you are
able to hear itin each bedroom with the door closed,above the
sound ofthe radio. The radioshould be set toa reasonably loud
conversation level. If you can’t hear it over your radio the
chances are that it wouldn’t wake a person.
If aSmoke Alarm is toofar away forit to wakea person, it isbest
to lnterconnect to another SmokeAlarm or HeatAlarm near the
bedroom. The alarms can be interconnected -when one alarm
senses smoke, all interconnected alarms respond (see below
for further details).
Don’t place Smoke Alarms in any of the following areas:
Bathrooms, kitchens, shower rooms, garages or other
rooms where the smoke alarm may be triggered by steam,
condensation, normal smoke or fumes. Keep at least 6
metres (20 feet) away from sources of smoke.
Don’t place Heat Alarms in any of the following areas:
Bathrooms, shower rooms or other room where the unit
may be triggered by steam or condensation.
Don’t place Smoke or Heat Alarms in any of the following areas:
· Places where the normal temperature can exceed 40°C or
be below 4°C e.g. attics, furnace rooms etc. directly above
ovens or kettles, as the heat/steam couldcause nuisance
Near adecorative object, door, light fitting,window moulding etc., that may prevent smoke or heat from entering the
· Surfaces that are normally warmer or colder than the rest
of the room (forexample attic hatches, uninsulated exterior
walls etc). Temperature differences might stop smoke or
heat from reaching the unit.
Next to or directly above heaters or air conditioning
vents, windows,wall vents etc. thatcan change thedirec
tion of airflow.
In veryhigh or awkward areas(eg. over stairwells) whereit
may be difficult to reach the alarm (for testing, hushing or
battery replacement).
Locate awayfrom verydusty or dirtyareas asdust build-up
in thechamber canimpair performance. Itcan also blockthe
insect screen mesh and prevent smoke from entering the
smoke detector chamber.
Locate theunit at least 1 metrefrom dimmer controlled lights
and wiring - some dimmers can cause interference.
Locate unitat least1.5m androute wiringat least 1m awayfrom
fluorescent light fittings aselectrical “noise” and/or flickering
may affect theunit. Do not wire into thesame circuit as fluores
cent lights or dimmers.
Do not locate in insect infested areas. Small insects get
ting intothe smoke detectorchamber can causeintermittent
alarms. Insects and contamination onthe Heat Alarm sen
sor can increase its response time.
The locationsmust complywith applicable buildingregulations.
Hot smokerises and spreads out, soa central ceiling positionis
the preferred location. The air is “dead” and does not move in
corners, therefore Smoke & Heat Alarms must be mounted
away from corners. Place the unitat least 0.5m ) from any light
fitting ordecorative objectwhich might obstructsmoke / heaten
tering the Alarm. Keep at least 0.5m away from walls. See fig
ure 4.(Smoke Alarms shouldbe locateddirectly on theceiling or
up to 0.57mbelow it. Heat Alarms should be locateddirectly on
the ceiling or up to 90mm below it).
Wall mounting is not recommended for these Alarms.
Sloping Ceiling
In areaswith sloping orpeaked ceilings installyour Smoke/Heat
Alarm 0.9m from the highest point measured horizontally (see
figure 5), because “dead air” at the apex may prevent smoke
from reaching the unit.
The Alarm is designed to be permanently mounted , using it’s
own built-interminal block toconnect itto the mains.The mount
ing plate can be screwed directly to the ceiling. Alternatively it
can bescrewed to a standard junctionbox. It requires acurrent
of 40mA. TheAlarm must not be exposedto dripping or splash
ing. Thereare importantmarkings on theunderside ofthe alarm.
IMPORTANT PRECAUTION: Do not install the actual
alarm itself in new or renovated buildings until all
work is
completed (including floorcoverings) and the buildinghas
been fullycleaned. The wiringcan be installed whenappro
priate. (Excessive dust and debris from building work can
contaminate the smokechamber or heat sensor andcause
problems, it willalso invalidate the guarantee).If it must be
installed, cover it completely, particularly around the
edges, witha dustcover (eg. withthe elasticated coversup
plied or a plastic bag), until all cleaning is finished.
The Alarmmust not
be connectedwhen the housewiring insula
tion is being checked with high voltages.
Mains operated Alarms should beinstalled and in
terconnected by a qualified electrician in accordancewith local
institutions. Failureto installthis Alarm correctlymay expose the
user to shock or fire hazards.
An ALL-POLE MAINS SWITCH witha contact separation of at
least 3mmin each poleshall be incorporated inthe electricial in
stallation of the building.
The Alarmmust be continuously powered24 hours
a dayso it isimportant that itis not on acircuit that canbe turned
off by a switch.
1. Select a location complying with the above advice.
2. Disconnect theAC mains supply from the circuitthat is going
to be used.
3. Remove the mounting plate from the Smoke/Heat Alarm by re
leasing thetamper-proof catch with asmall screwdriver asshown in
figure 1 and sliding the Alarm from the plate.
4. The housewiring must be connected tothe terminal block on
the mounting plate as follows:
L: Live - connect to the house wires coloured brown, red or
marked L.
N: Neutral - connect to the house wires coloured blue, black or
marked N.
IC: Interconnect - connectto the third core. (If you arenot inter
connecting units, do not connect anything to the IC terminal).
(See below for information on interconnecting).
Warning: Mixing Live & Neutral wires will damage intercon
nected alarms.
We recommend the use of 6243Y mains cable when intercon
necting units. Use the third core for interconnection.
Do not use an earth wire for the interconnect line.
Lift off the wiring cover as shown in Fig 6.
N.B. Thealarm does notneed to beearthed. However theterminal marked is providedfor the convenienceof theinstaller so
that any copper earth wire or cable coloured green or green &
yellow, can be safely terminated.
To interconnectthe Alarms connect allthe IC terminalstogether
as shown in Figure 8.
5. If the mains wires are recessed, bring the wires through the
rear hole in the mounting plate as shown in figure 7.
If the mains wires are being brought along the surface:
(a) positionthe mounting plateso the cabletrunking is as shown
in figure 7.
PAGE 6,7,8&9
Figure 6