Eidos HITMAN 2, HITMAN 2 Silent Assassin User Manual

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ty Manualty Manual
ty Manual
ty Manualty Manual
Required Elements:
Game Title logo.
Optional Elements:
Game-related art, disc case cover sleeve art, screenshots, part numbers, ratings logos, publisher and developer logos.
Setting Up .................................................... 2
Using the Xbox Video Game System ....... 2
Using the Xbox Controller .................. .... 3
Default Controls .......................................... 4
Introduction ................................................. 6
Chapters ....................................................... 8
Sicily ........................................................ 8
St. Petersburg ........................................... 9
Japan ...................................................... 10
Malaysia ................................................. 11
Nuristan ................................................. 12
India ...................................................... 13
Main Menu ................................................ 14
Mission Elements ........................................15
Laptop Computer .................................. 15
In-game Display ..................................... 16
Equip Menu .......................................... 18
Inventory Menu ..................................... 19
In-game Menu ....................................... 20
Character Types ..................................... 21
Completing a Mission ............................ 21
Weapons & Equipment ............................. 22
Options ...................................................... 24
Graphics Options ................................... 24
Sound Options ...................................... 25
Control Setup ........................................ 25
Hints & Tips .............................................. 26
Credits ........................................................ 28
Hit Log ....................................................... 31
Limited Warranty ....................................... 33
1. Insert the Xbox Controller into any controller port of the Xbox
2. Insert any peripherals (for example, Xbox Memory Units) into
controller expansion slots as appropriate.
3. Follow on-screen instructions and refer to this manual for more
information about using the Xbox Controller to play Hitman 2: Silent Assassin.
4. See pages 4-5 for game controls.
right thumbstick Move crosshair to aim left thumbstick Precise Aiming: click and hold to slow down aiming speed
f trigger Fire/Enter Snipe mode i button Reload c button Holster weapon b button Exit Snipe mode
c button Quick Inventory d button Open/Close Inventory
directional pad Select Inventory item
a button Equip item b button Drop selected item
right thumbstick Move camera (look around) j button Toggle 1st or 3rd person view directional pad */@ Zoom in/out
In third person view, zoom in and zoom out affect the distance between Hitman and the camera. When you’re using a rifle with a scope attached, Zoom In and Zoom Out affect the scope's magnification levels.
Yo u’re back. Are you prepared? The past is about to catch up with you.
You — the hired gun with a sense of loyalty; the assassin with a sense of justice.
And faith? What of faith? Trust in your god, but carry a loaded gun.
Bind yourself with mastery of
weapons and thoroughness of
groundwork. Know when to take
your time, and when to strike
Track down those who forced
you out of retirement. Seep
through the deep fractures
of the world. Flow through
the quarters of sin, crime,
greed and dishonor.
Be certain, 47, in such places
your enemies will hide. At
first. Until the only safe place is
behind you.
Watch your back, 47.
The enemy is closer than you
think ...
St. Petersburg
Once called Leningrad, this old city has seen more than its share of
bullets and betrayal. Expect guards, criminals and soldiers to be well
equipped, experienced and highly suspicious. Old Communists vie
with corrupt Capitalists for control of the wide-open boulevards,
where few can hide — least of all foreigners.
This is difficult terrain, even for a trained assassin. Proceed with
+ 12 hidden pages