ehb electronics MCflex Operating Instructions Manual

Engine controller
Translation of the original operating instructions
Most recent revision: 08/05/2018
Version: 3.0
Serial number Enter the serial number of your device here:
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ehb product number
Publisher ehb electronics gmbh
Hans-Böckler-Straße 20 30851 Langenhagen GERMANY
Tel: +49( 0)511 12 32 07 - 0 Fax: +49( 0)511 12 32 07 - 77
The document is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. Copying, reproduc­tion, translation or conversion into an electronic medium or into a machine-read­able form, as a whole document or in partial sections, is not permitted without the approval of ehb electronics gmbh.
Subject to change without notice.
Suggestions and tips
... about this document or the device can be sent to the above address.
Last modification 08/05/2018
Version 3.0
Translation of the original operating instructions • Engine controller MCflex • 08/05/2018 • 3.0 • GB
Table of Contents
1 DEVICE INFORMATION _________________________________________________________ 6
1.1 S
1.2 T
1.3 S
1.4 I
1.5 I
1.6 F
1.7 T
1.8 S
1.9 EU D
2 INFORMATION FOR THE READER _______________________________________________ 12
2.1 V
2.2 T
2.3 I
2.4 A
2.5 H
PECIFICATIONS ................................................................................................................... 6
YPE PLATE ......................................................................................................................... 6
COPE OF DELIVERY ............................................................................................................ 6
NTENDED USE...................................................................................................................... 7
MPROPER USE ..................................................................................................................... 7
UNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION.................................................................................................... 7
ECHNICAL DATA ................................................................................................................. 8
PARE PARTS ...................................................................................................................... 9
ECLARATION OF CONFORMITY .................................................................................... 10
ALIDITY ............................................................................................................................ 12
ARGET GROUP.................................................................................................................. 12
LLUSTRATIONS .................................................................................................................. 12
BBREVIATIONS USED ........................................................................................................ 13
IGHLIGHTING IN THE TEXT ................................................................................................. 14
2.5.1 P
2.5.2 N
2.5.3 S
2.5.4 W
2.5.5 H
ICTOGRAMS AND SYMBOLS ............................................................................. 14
AVIGATION PATH ............................................................................................ 15
AFETY INFORMATION ...................................................................................... 15
ARNINGS....................................................................................................... 15
ANDLING INSTRUCTION ................................................................................... 15
3 SAFETY _____________________________________________________________________ 16
3.1 S
3.2 D
3.3 L
3.4 Q
3.5 P
3.6 R
AFETY INFORMATION ........................................................................................................ 16
3.1.1 I
3.1.2 I
3.1.3 I
3.1.4 I
3.1.5 I
3.1.6 I
3.1.7 I
UTIES OF THE OPERATOR ................................................................................................. 18
OCAL REGULATIONS ......................................................................................................... 18
UALIFICATION OF PERSONNEL .......................................................................................... 19
ICTOGRAMS AND SYMBOLS ON THE DEVICE ....................................................................... 19
ESIDUAL RISK .................................................................................................................. 20
NFORMATION ABOUT OPERATIONAL SAFETY ...................................................... 16
NFORMATION ABOUT INITIAL COMMISSIONING .................................................... 16
NFORMATION ABOUT OPERATION...................................................................... 16
NFORMATION ABOUT DECOMMISSIONING AND STORAGE..................................... 16
NFORMATION ABOUT MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS ............................................. 17
NFORMATION ABOUT ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION .......................................... 17
MPERMISSIBLE OPERATING CONDITIONS ........................................................... 17
4 PARTS OF THE DEVICE________________________________________________________ 22
4.1 F
4.2 D
4.3 R
4.4 B
RONT OF DEVICE .............................................................................................................. 22
ISPLAY VIEWS .................................................................................................................. 23
4.2.1 O
4.2.2 D
4.2.3 T
EAR OF DEVICE ................................................................................................................ 24
OTTOM OF DEVICE............................................................................................................ 25
PERATING PARAMETERS................................................................................. 23
AILY OPERATING DURATION ............................................................................ 24
OTAL OPERATING DURATION ........................................................................... 24
Translation of the original operating instructions • Engine controller MCflex • 08/05/2018 • 3.0 • GB
5 UNPACKING, CONNECTING AND INSTALLING_____________________________________ 26
5.1 U
5.2 C
5.3 M
6 PARAMETRIZATION ___________________________________________________________34
6.1 D
6.2 N
6.3 P
7 MENUS IN PARAMETRIZATION MODE____________________________________________35
7.1 O
7.2 M
7.3 S
7.4 S
7.5 S
7.6 S
7.7 S
NPACKING........................................................................................................................ 26
ONNECTING ...................................................................................................................... 27
5.2.1 C
5.2.2 C
5.2.3 C
OUNTING ......................................................................................................................... 30
5.3.1 T
5.3.2 M
ESIGN OF THE DISPLAY IN PARAMETRIZATION MODE........................................................... 34
AVIGATING IN PARAMETRIZATION MODE ............................................................................. 34
ARAMETRIZING THE DEVICE ............................................................................................... 34
VERVIEW.......................................................................................................................... 35
AIN MENU ........................................................................................................................ 36
UBMENU – SETTINGS........................................................................................................ 36
7.3.1 [1] S
7.3.2 S
7.3.3 S
7.3.4 H
7.3.5 G
7.3.6 G
7.3.7 A
7.3.8 F
7.3.9 F
7.3.10 L
7.3.11 I
UBMENU – SERVICE.......................................................................................................... 61
7.4.1 [2] S
7.4.2 [1] S
7.4.3 [2] F
7.4.4 [3] F.L.
UBMENU – SAFETY........................................................................................................... 63
7.5.1 [3] S
7.5.2 S
7.5.3 S
UBMENU – DAILY OPERATING HOURS COUNTER ................................................................ 65
7.6.1 [4] D
7.6.2 S
UBMENU – OPERATING HOURS COUNTER .......................................................................... 65
7.7.1 [5] OHC
7.7.2 S
ONNECTION DIAGRAM AND PIN ASSIGNMENT .................................................... 27
IRCUIT DIAGRAM............................................................................................. 28
ONNECTING THE DEVICE ................................................................................. 29
ECHNICAL DRAWING........................................................................................ 30
OUNTING THE DEVICE..................................................................................... 30
ETTINGS.................................................................................................... 36
UBMENU LANGUAGE........................................................................................ 37
ENSOR SUBMENU ........................................................................................... 38
IGH-POWER OUTPUT SUBMENU ....................................................................... 40
LOW TIMES SUBMENU..................................................................................... 46
ENERATOR.ER SUBMENU................................................................................ 49
UTOSTART SUBMENU ...................................................................................... 49
AULT EVENT SUBMENU .................................................................................... 51
AULT TIMES MENU........................................................................................... 54
IMIT VALUES SUBMENU .................................................................................... 57
NPUTS/OUTPUTS SUBMENU .............................................................................. 59
ERVICE ..................................................................................................... 61
ERVICE SETTINGS ...................................................................................... 62
AULT LIST.................................................................................................. 62
DELETE ................................................................................................ 63
AFETY....................................................................................................... 63
UBMENU – PIN NUMBERS ............................................................................... 63
UBMENU – SELF-TEST .................................................................................... 64
AY COUNTER............................................................................................. 65
UBMENU – DAY COUNTER ............................................................................... 65
COUNTER ........................................................................................... 65
UBMENU – OHC – MENU ............................................................................... 66
Translation of the original operating instructions • Engine controller MCflex • 08/05/2018 • 3.0 • GB
8 CANBUS FUNCTIONS _________________________________________________________ 67
8.1 F
8.2 M
8.3 M
UNCTIONS AND DISPLAY DEVICES ...................................................................................... 67
ESSAGE ON DEN CANBUS ............................................................................................... 67
8.2.1 PGN 61444 E
8.2.2 PGN 65253 E
8.2.3 PGN 65262 E
8.2.4 PGN 65263 E
8.2.5 PGN 65271 (R) V
8.2.6 PGN 65269 A
8.2.7 PGN 65276 D
8.2.8 PGN 65278 A
8.2.9 A
CTIVE DIAGNOSTIC TROUBLE CODES (DM1) ................................................... 69
8.2.10 PGN 42496 (R) A
ESSAGE FROM CANBUS .................................................................................................. 71
8.3.1 PGN 57344 C
LECTRONIC ENGINE CONTROLLER 1 - EEC1 ............................... 67
NGINE HOURS, REVOLUTIONS - HOURS..................................... 67
NGINE TEMPERATURE 1 - ET1.................................................... 68
NGINE FLUID LEVEL/PRESSURE 1 - EFL/P1 ................................ 68
EHICLE ELECTRICAL POWER 1 - VEP1.................................. 68
MBIENT CONDITIONS – AMB....................................................... 68
ASH DISPLAY - DD..................................................................... 68
UX WATER PUMP PRESSURE- AWP ........................................... 69
UXILIARY INPUT/OUTPUT STATUS 3 - AUXIO3 ...................... 69
AB MESSAGE 1 - CM1 ............................................................... 71
9 OPERATION _________________________________________________________________ 72
9.1 S
9.2 I
9.3 O
9.4 S
9.5 C
9.6 S
9.7 O
ETTING PULSES PER ROTATION ......................................................................................... 72
9.1.1 S
9.1.2 S
NITIAL COMMISSIONING ...................................................................................................... 73
9.2.1 I
9.2.2 C
PERATING THE DEVICE ..................................................................................................... 74
ETTING THE DEVICE MODE ................................................................................................ 74
OMMISSIONING ................................................................................................................. 75
9.5.1 R
9.5.2 S
WITCHING OFF THE DEVICE ............................................................................................... 75
PERATIONAL FAULTS........................................................................................................ 76
PEED MEASUREMENT USING AN INITIATOR (PICK UP) ........................................ 72
NFORMATION ABOUT INITIAL COMMISSIONING .................................................... 73
ARRYING OUT INITIAL COMMISSIONING............................................................. 74
EQUIREMENTS FOR COMMISSIONING ............................................................... 75
WITCHING ON THE DEVICE .............................................................................. 75
10 MAINTENANCE, REPAIR AND DISPOSAL _________________________________________ 77
10.1 I
NFORMATION ABOUT MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS .............................................................. 77
10.2 FAQ.................................................................................................................................. 77
10.3 R
10.4 C
10.5 C
10.6 D
EPAIR .............................................................................................................................. 77
LEANING .......................................................................................................................... 78
OMMUNICATION WITH PC (OPTIONAL) ............................................................................... 78
ISPOSAL .......................................................................................................................... 78
10.6.1 D
10.6.2 D
ISPOSAL OF DEVICES...................................................................................... 78
ISPOSAL OF BATTERIES AND RECHARGEABLE BATTERIES ................................. 79
Translation of the original operating instructions • Engine controller MCflex • 08/05/2018 • 3.0 • GB
Device information

1 Device information

1.1 Specifications

Enter the serial number of your device in the field with the dashed line.
Specifications of the device
Device name Engine controller
Device type MCflex
Serial number _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ehb product number ehb5200x

1.2 Type plate

The type plate is located on top of the housing of the device.
Representation of the type plate
No. Designation Function
1 Serial number Represents a unique and unambiguous number for
identification of the device.
2 Date of manufacturer Represents the date of manufacturer in the "month -
year” format.
3 ehb product number Represents the ehb product number of the device
4 Operating voltage Represents the operating voltage with which the device
may be operated.

1.3 Scope of delivery

The following parts are included in the scope of delivery of the device:
one device "MCflex”
two ignition keys
one label "Do not clean with high-pressure cleaner”
two mounting brackets
Translation of the original operating instructions • Engine controller MCflex • 08/05/2018 • 3.0 • GB
Intended use
Device information

1.4 Intended use

This device is exclusively used to start and monitor mechanically controlled combustion engines in machines.
The device is for the following use only:
starting and monitoring the mechanically controlled combustion engines of mobile and
stationary construction machines
starting and monitoring the mechanically controlled combustion engines of inland ships
Intended use also includes compliance with all specifications in these Translation of the orig­inal operating instructions.

1.5 Improper use

Any use not mentioned in section "Intended use" (Page 7) is considered improper and may result in personal injury and property damage.
The device is expressly not intended for the following:
starting and monitoring the mechanically controlled combustion engines of road vehicles
starting and monitoring the mechanically controlled combustion engines of aircraft
starting and monitoring the mechanically controlled combustion engines of helicopters
starting and monitoring the mechanically controlled combustion engines of deep-sea
Unauthorised structural changes
Unauthorised repairs
The manufacturer is not liable for damage caused by improper use of the device. The risk for this is borne solely by the user or operator. The guarantee expires in the event of improper use.

1.6 Functional description

The device offers a multitude of functions for the control and monitoring of conventionally controlled combustion engines. You can individually configure the settings for very diverse applications and different engine variants. The device is capable of pre-glowing, by-glowing and after-glowing the engine to up to 70 A, using time or temperature variables. Oil pressure and engine temperature can be monitored with switches or sensors. One additional input is provided for monitoring the generator. The operating magnet is actuated by the outputs for excitation and pick-up winding. There is also an alarm output available. The engine can be switched off via an "external stop” input (hood switch , cover switch / housing switch, for example).
Translation of the original operating instructions • Engine controller MCflex • 08/05/2018 • 3.0 • GB
Technical data
Device information
In the event of a fault, the display returns a corresponding message after an adjustable delay time and an LED illuminates. If a corresponding function is programmed, the engine is switched off. The input lock allows the clear identification of the cause of error and requires an active acknowledgement of the fault message.
By pressing the arrow keys of the device, the operating hours, oil pressure, temperature and number of revolutions of the engine are displayed in sequence on the two-line display. Other parameters can be displayed using customised software.

1.7 Technical data

Electrical data
Voltage range 6 V to 32 V (typically 12 V to 24 V)
Current consumption typically 50 mA (for UB 8 V to 24 V)
Operating temperature -20°C to+70°C
Storage temperature -30°C to+80°C
Inputs Inputs:
PIN 01 | Oil pressure as NO/NC, programmable,
switching or analogue sensor
PIN 02 | Generator monitoring, terminal D+
PIN 03 | Temperature as NO/NC, programmable,
switching or analogue sensor
PIN 04 | Diverse, NO/NC
PIN 07 | Autostart, NO/NC
PIN 09External stop, NO/NC
PIN 13 | Speed monitoring, terminal W, sensor or
magnetic pick-up
Outputs Outputs:
all outputs are short circuit-proof
PIN 02 | Generator excitation, terminal D+, 0.5 A
PIN 06 | Freely parametrisable, 7.5 A (maximum 1s)
/ 6.0 A
PIN 08 | Freely parametrisable, 40 A (maximum 1s)
/ 20 A
PIN 10 | Freely parametrisable, 70 A (maximum 1s)
/ 35 A
PIN 11 | Freely parametrisable, 40 A (maximum 1s)
/ 20 A
PIN 12 | Freely parametrisable, 70 A (maximum 1s)
/ 35 A
PIN 15 | Freely parametrisable, 3.5 A (maximum 1s)
/ 3.0 A
PIN 18 | Freely parametrisable, 40 A (maximum 1s)
/ 20 A
CAN bus interface PIN 17 / 19, CAN2.0B, 250kBit, SAE J1939, EEC1, ET1,
EFL/P1, VEP1, AMB, DM1 fault alarms/auto start, speed adjustment, optionally adaptable
Operating hours counter Integrated
Daily operating hours counter Integrated
Translation of the original operating instructions • Engine controller MCflex • 08/05/2018 • 3.0 • GB
Spare parts
Device information
Display type Dot matrix LCD, transflective, dark-blue representation,
grey background
Resolution 16 x 2 characters, 5 x 8 dots per character
Brightness >1,000 cd/m²
Contrast ratio (CR) 8.24
Background lighting LED, white
Mechanical data
Housing dimensions (L x W) 72 mm x 72 mm
Installation dimensions (W x H x D)66 mm x 66 mm x 130 mm
Installation cut-out (W x H) 66 mm x 66 mm
Housing material PA 6 30 GB, black, UV-stabilised
Weight 340 g
Installation Mounting bracket or screw-fastening, 3 x M6
Protection class IP67
Connection Deutsch connector type HDP24-24-19PE
Test standards
Humidity DIN EN 60068-2-3
Vibration DIN EN 60068-2-6
Shock DIN EN 60068-2-27
CE marking According to Directive 2014/30/EU
Connection cable, 19-pole, 3 m ehb2268
Deutsch plug set ehb1469
CANdongle with PC software ehbTools
MCflex starter kit CAN dongle, ehbTools, connecting cable, power supply unit

1.8 Spare parts

No spare parts are available for this device. If the device is faulty, contact the manufacturer.
Translation of the original operating instructions • Engine controller MCflex • 08/05/2018 • 3.0 • GB
EU Declaration of Conformity
',1(1 (OHFWURPDJQHWLFFRPSDWLELOLW\(0&3DUW*HQHULF
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Device information

1.9 EU Declaration of Conformity

EU Declaration of Conformity according to EMC Directive (1/2)
Translation of the original operating instructions • Engine controller MCflex • 08/05/2018 • 3.0 • GB
EU Declaration of Conformity
Device information
EU Declaration of Conformity according to EMC Directive (2/2)
As soon as the device is improperly used, this declaration and the guarantee claim will expire.
Translation of the original operating instructions • Engine controller MCflex • 08/05/2018 • 3.0 • GB
Information for the reader

2 Information for the reader

2.1 Validity

Safety information: Carefully read the Translation of the original operating instructions
Carefully read through these Translation of the original operating instructions before use. Keep these Translation of the original operating instructions for future consultation.
These Translation of the original operating instructions contain information and rules of conduct for the safe use of the device.
Please hand over the Translation of the original operating instructions when passing on the device.
To operate the device effectively, the Translation of the original operating instructions provide you with information on the following topics, among others:
Connecting and mounting the device
Putting the device into operation
Making settings on the device
Maintaining the device
Disposing of the device

2.2 Target group

These Translation of the original operating instructions are intended for the operator, user and service personnel of the machine with integrated device "MCflex”.
The service personnel must have certain qualifications in order to work on or with the device. You can find the qualification of personnel in chapter "Safety" > "Qualification of personnel" (Page 19).

2.3 Illustrations

The illustrations in these operating instructions show the device in simplified form in some cases.
Translation of the original operating instructions • Engine controller MCflex • 08/05/2018 • 3.0 • GB

2.4 Abbreviations used

The following abbreviations are used in these operating instructions:
Abbreviations used
°C Degrees Celsius
A Ampere
AW Pick-up winding
bar Unit of pressure [force/area]
OHC Operating hours counter
Cd Cadmium
ECU Electronic Control Unit
FMI Failure Mode Identifier
GND Ground
h hours
Hg Mercury
Abbreviations used
Information for the reader
HW Excitation winding
ID Identification
PPR Pulses per rotation
kg kilogram
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LED Light Emitting Diode
mA Milliampere
NC Normally Closed
NO Normally Opened
NTC Negative Temperature Coefficient
Pb Lead
PC Personal Computer
PTC Positive Temperature Coefficient
s second
SPN Suspect Parameter Number
rpm revolutions per minute
V Volt
ZSS Ignition starter switch
Translation of the original operating instructions • Engine controller MCflex • 08/05/2018 • 3.0 • GB
Highlighting in the text
Information for the reader

2.5 Highlighting in the text

In these Translation of the original operating instructions, important information is highlighted with pictograms, symbols or special notations. The following examples show the most impor­tant highlights.

2.5.1 Pictograms and symbols

Pictograms and symbols
Pictogram / symbol
Further useful information.
Conditions that must be met to perform an action.
Tool or material required to perform an action.
The disposal of electrical and electronic equipment with household waste is not permitted.
The disposal of rechargeable batteries and other batteries with household waste is not
Translation of the original operating instructions • Engine controller MCflex • 08/05/2018 • 3.0 • GB
Highlighting in the text
Information for the reader

2.5.2 Navigation path

The following representation helps you to navigate through the menus. Here you can see the path of the menus that must be selected one after the other in order to reach the desired submenu. In the digital version of the operating instructions, you can jump to the menu item by clicking on the relevant path.
Main menu (page 0)
> Submenu (page 0) > Current submenu (page 0)

2.5.3 Safety information

Safety information: Special note for an informative section.
Explanation of the note.
This item indicates measures to take the note into account.

2.5.4 Warnings

Warning of serious injuries.
Failure to follow the warning may result in serious damage to health or even death.
The arrow indicates a precautionary measure that you must take to avert the hazard.
Warning of material damage.
Failure to observe the warning notice can result in considerable damage to the device or its surroundings.
The arrow indicates a precautionary measure that you must take to avert the hazard.

2.5.5 Handling instruction

Complete the following work steps: = Start of a handling instruction.
1. First step in a sequence of actions.
Required settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Setting values
2. Second step in a sequence of actions.
Result of this step.
» Done Handling is completed, the goal is achieved.
Translation of the original operating instructions • Engine controller MCflex • 08/05/2018 • 3.0 • GB
Safety information

3 Safety

3.1 Safety information

This safety information is addressed to the operator, user and service personnel of the device.

3.1.1 Information about operational safety

The device is safe to operate. It was built according to the current state of science and tech­nology.
However, the device may constitute a hazard:
if the device is used not as intended.
if the device is improperly used.
If the device is operated under impermissible conditions.
Safety information: Protect against unauthorised opening!
The device has a protective seal to prevent it being opened without authorisation. Note that any unauthorised opening of the device will lead to it being irreparably damaged.
The following information applies to everyone who works on or with the device:
Never insert any objects into the device openings not intended for this purpose. There is
a risk of interfering with the electronics.
Protect the locking cylinder of the ignition starter switch from penetrating dirt and water.
Only open a battery master switch in an emergency or when the engine is at standstill
and the device is switched off.
When operating the device, comply with the general accident prevention regulations.
Operate the device under the conditions specified by the manufacturer (see page 8:
Device information > Technical data).
Never open the housing of the device. The device does not contain components that can
be serviced, replaced or repaired by the customer or third-party service personnel.

3.1.2 Information about initial commissioning

The following principles apply for initial commissioning:
Make sure that the device is only connected and installed by personnel qualified for this.
Make sure that no one can be injured when switching on the device.

3.1.3 Information about operation

Safety-conscious and precautionary behaviour of personnel avoids dangerous situations during operation.
Observe the following points when handling the device:
The device may only be connected and installed by personnel qualified for this. Observe
the information from the manufacturer of the plugs and cable harnesses.
The environment must be free of interfering electrical installations (high frequency) and
electromagnetic compatibility (EMC Directive) must be observed.
Never make any structural changes to the device.
Only operate the device with accessories approved by the manufacturer.

3.1.4 Information about decommissioning and storage

The following principles apply for decommissioning and storage:
Clean all dirt from the device.
Store the device according to the specifications of the manufacturer (see page 8: Device
information > Technical data).
Translation of the original operating instructions • Engine controller MCflex • 08/05/2018 • 3.0 • GB
Safety information

3.1.5 Information about maintenance and repairs

The following principles apply for maintenance and repairs:
The device requires no maintenance and no special actions.
Only clean the device with a mild cleaning agent.
Never clean the device with a high-pressure cleaner.
The device is to be shipped either in its original packaging or in suitable sturdy alternative
packaging. Improper packaging is regarded as negligence and results in any claims for repair under guarantee being forfeited.

3.1.6 Information about environmental protection

Safety-conscious and precautionary behaviour of personnel avoids adverse effects on the environment.
All packaging materials and devices are equipped with markings and test seals for proper and professional disposal.
The following principles apply for environmentally-friendly actions:
Always comply with the regulations for the prevention, disposal and recycling of waste.
Always dispose of packaging materials and electrical devices and their components
through collection points or disposal companies authorised for this.
Used electrical devices and electronic devices must not be disposed of with household
The devices comply with legal requirements, in particular the Electrical and Electronic Equip­ment Act and the REACH Regulation.

3.1.7 Impermissible operating conditions

Operational safety cannot be guaranteed under impermissible operating conditions. Always avoid impermissible operating conditions.
Do not operate the device under the following conditions:
Operation could injure persons.
Objects could be damaged or destroyed unintentionally during operation.
Malfunctions have been detected.
Damage has been detected.
Impermissible changes to operating parameters have been made.
For example, the device has been modified.
Translation of the original operating instructions • Engine controller MCflex • 08/05/2018 • 3.0 • GB
Duties of the operator

3.2 Duties of the operator

This chapter contains information on the duties of the operator of the machine in which the device is installed.
It is the operator’s duty of care to plan safety measures and to check their implementation. The following principles apply to minimise the risk of injury:
Make sure that damaged devices are no longer used.
Make sure that the device is installed and connected by authorised specialist personnel.
The following principles apply for faultless operation:
Only use the device for its intended purpose.
Only operate the device when it is in a perfect and functional condition.
Make sure that the device is never opened by personnel. Damage caused by opening the
Make sure that the device is properly transported and stored by personnel.
Make sure that the device is never cleaned with a high-pressure cleaner. Give the service
device will void the warranty.
personnel comprehensive instructions that cleaning with a high-pressure cleaner will cause damage and that the warranty will be excluded.
Carry out regular checks. This allows you to ensure that these measures are actually followed.

3.3 Local regulations

In addition to these instructions, correct operation of the device is regulated by laws and regu­lations.
The following regulations also apply for the operation of the device:
Regulations for operating machines in which the device is installed (laws and regulations
not expressly mentioned here as well).
Accident prevention regulations.
Internal company regulations.
Information on the device.
Translation of the original operating instructions • Engine controller MCflex • 08/05/2018 • 3.0 • GB
Qualification of personnel

3.4 Qualification of personnel

All work on the device requires special training of the personnel. Everyone working on the device must meet the following requirements:
Persons between the ages of 14 and 18 may only work on and with the device under the
supervision of a person trained to use the device.
Personally suitable for the respective activity.
Sufficiently qualified for the respective activity.
Trained to handle the device.
Familiar with these operating instructions, especially with safety information and with the
sections that are relevant for the activity.
Familiar with basic occupational safety and accident prevention regulations.
These operating instructions distinguish between the following user groups:
User groups
Personnel Qualification
Operating personnel
Service personnel
Training by the operator of the machine in which the device is installed. The following topics must be covered in this training:
Intended operation of the device
Correct behaviour in the event of malfunctions, errors, damage
Cleaning the device
Competences and responsibilities for the activity
The required knowledge for the operating personnel is given in these operating instructions. The operator must train the user to use the machine in which the device is installed. Operating personnel must have read and understood the operating instructions.
Training as a mechatronics engineer or at least equivalent training. The tasks of the service personnel include the following activities:
Connecting the device
Mounting the device
Parametrizing the device
Service personnel must have sound knowledge of the design and func­tion of the device and must have read and understood the operating instructions.

3.5 Pictograms and symbols on the device

Pictograms and symbols are attached to the device. The following table explains the mean­ings of the pictograms and symbols.
Pictograms and symbols on the device
Pictogram / symbol
Prohibited: Cleaning with a high-pressure cleaner is prohibited.
Translation of the original operating instructions • Engine controller MCflex • 08/05/2018 • 3.0 • GB
Residual risk

3.6 Residual risk

The device is built according to the currently valid rules of technology and is safe to operate. The device has been tested and has left the factory in a perfectly safe condition.
Residual hazards cannot be completely ruled out. Safety-conscious and precautionary behav­iour of personnel avoids dangerous situations. Read and observe the safety information and warnings to prevent risks.
Residual risks at the device and measures
Danger Cause Measure
Material damage due to missing protective func­tion of the starter!
Material damage due to incorrect wiring of the outputs!
Risk of injury due to misuse of pin 9 (external stop) for the emergency stop func­tion of the engine!
Material damage due to incorrect type of instal­lation!
The starter of the engine can be damaged due to the missing signal. The signal is required for the inte­grated protective func­tion of the starter.
If the outputs are connected in parallel, there is a risk that tran­sistors may blow.
Misuse of pin 9 (external stop) for the engine emergency stop function may cause serious injury at parts of the engine. The input is not designed for this purpose. This can result in delays of up to one second.
Installation with mounting brackets is intended exclusively for locations without the influence of vibrations. If the device with mounting brackets is mounted at locations subject to vibration, there is a risk of serious damage to the device!
Make sure that a speed signal is connected to pin 13 (terminal "W”).
Make sure that the transmission ratio (PPR) and the maximum start speed are set correctly.
Never connect the outputs in parallel.
Never use pin 9 (external stop) for the emergency stop function of the engine!
Mount the device at locations subject to vibration with rubber-bonded metals (accessories).
Only carry out installation with mounting brackets if you can ensure that no vibra­tions can have an effect! (For example, in a switch cabinet)
Material damage due to load on ignition starting switch!
Translation of the original operating instructions • Engine controller MCflex • 08/05/2018 • 3.0 • GB
If weight is attached to the ignition key (e.g. heavy keychain,...), there is a risk of damaging the ignition lock.
Do not hang any other weight or other objects on the ignition key.
Residual risks at the device and measures (cont.)
Danger Cause Measure
Residual risk
Material damage due to the ingress of water!
If the device is cleaned with a high-pressure cleaner, there is a risk that water ingresses in the housing and damages the device.
Never clean the device with a high-pres­sure cleaner.
Information for the operator: Instruct your service personnel about the conse­quences of using high-pressure cleaners.
Apply the supplied label "Do not clean with high-pressure cleaner” visibly in the immediate vicinity of the device at the installation site.
Translation of the original operating instructions • Engine controller MCflex • 08/05/2018 • 3.0 • GB
Front of device
Parts of the device

4 Parts of the device

4.1 Front of device

Front of device
No. Designation Type Setting Function
1 Operation LED LED off shows that the device is switched off.
Green shows that the device is switched on.
Red shows that an error message is present on
the device.
2 Display LCD - The two-line display shows messages and
parameters during operation. Each line has 16 characters.
The following display views can be viewed during operation:
Operating parameters
Daily operating hours counter
Total operating hours counter
You can find the functions in the para­metrizing mode in chapter "Parametriza­tion" > "Design of the display in parametrization mode" (Page 34).
Translation of the original operating instructions • Engine controller MCflex • 08/05/2018 • 3.0 • GB
Legend (cont.)
No. Designation Type Setting Function
Display views
Parts of the device
3 Ignition lock Ignition
starter switch
4 Pushbutton press Used to confirm messages.
5 Pushbutton press Used to navigate through the
6 Pushbutton press Used to navigate through the
0 The device is switched off.
1 The device is supplied with power.
The "ignition” is switched on. A connected diesel engine pre-glows.
2 The connected engine starts.
You can find the functions in the para­metrizing mode in chapter "Parametriza­tion" > "Navigating in parametrization mode" (Page 34).
menus/display views. The next menu item is displayed. You can find the functions in the para-
metrizing mode in chapter "Parametriza­tion" > "Navigating in parametrization mode" (Page 34).
menus/display views. The previous menu item is displayed. You can find the functions in the para-
metrizing mode in chapter "Parametriza­tion" > "Navigating in parametrization mode" (Page 34).

4.2 Display views

4.2.1 Operating parameters

Operating parameters
No. Function
1 Displays the current state of the engine temperature.
2 Displays the current state of the oil pressure.
3 Displays the current engine speed. (only when engine is running)
4 Displays the current daily operating duration.
Translation of the original operating instructions • Engine controller MCflex • 08/05/2018 • 3.0 • GB
Rear of device
Parts of the device

4.2.2 Daily operating duration

Daily operating duration
No. Function
1 Displays the current set operating mode of the device.
2 Displays the current daily operating duration.

4.2.3 Total operating duration

Total operating duration
No. Function
1 Displays the total operating duration.
2 Displays the current engine speed. (only when engine is running)

4.3 Rear of device

Rear of device
No. Designation Function
1 Device connection –
Deutsch connector
Translation of the original operating instructions • Engine controller MCflex • 08/05/2018 • 3.0 • GB
Used as a connection point for a Deutsch connector socket housing.
You can find an example or the pin assignment in chapter "Unpacking, connecting and installing" > "Connection diagram and pin assignment" (Page 27).
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