Monitoring Juniper EX Switch
eG Enterprise v6
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Table of Contents
MONITORING JUNIPER EX SWITCH ..................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 The Operating System Layer ............................................................................................................................................ 2
1.1.1 CPU Utilization Test ................................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1.2 Uptime Test ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.3 Memory Test ............................................................................................................................................................. 6
1.1.4 Temperature Test ...................................................................................................................................................... 8
1.1.5 Temperature Traps Test ............................................................................................................................................ 9
1.1.6 Power Supplies Test ................................................................................................................................................ 11
1.1.7 Fans Test ................................................................................................ ................................................................. 14
1.2 The JEX Service Layer ................................................................................................................................................... 16
1.2.1 Switch Details Test ................................................................................................................................................. 16
CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................................................................. 19
M o n i t o r i n g J u n i p e r E X S w i t c h
Monitoring Juniper EX Switch
Juniper EX Series Ethernet switches deliver access, aggregation, and core layer switching services in branch, campus,
and data center networks to ensure fast, secure, reliable delivery of data and applications.
All EX Series Ethernet Switches address escalating demands for high availability, unified communications, mobility
and virtualization within enterprise networks. The EX Series switches increase competitiveness and contribute to
business success by delivering operational efficiency, business continuity, and network agility for end-to-end
enterprise environments.
If this switch, which assures service operators of continuous network connectivity and secure transaction of business,
starts malfunctioning suddenly, the connection to mission-critical services will be lost, thereby causing irreparable
damage to reputation and revenue. It is therefore imperative that the operations of the Juniper Ex Switch are
monitored 24 x 7.
eG Enterprise provides a specialized
SNMP MIB of the switch to measure the CPU usage, temperature and memory of each hardware component of the
switch and notifies administrators of potential resource crunches and failures of the power supply, fans etc.
Using the metrics reported , administrators can find quick and accurate answers for the following performance
Juniper EX Switch
Figure 1: The layer model of the Juniper EX Switch
monitoring model (see Figure 1), which periodically polls the
Is the CPU utilization of each hardware component optimal? If not, which hardware component is utilizing
the emaximum CPU?
Which hardware component is consuming the maximum memory resources? Is the buffer memory and heap
memory allocated to each hardware component utilized effectively?
Is the temperature maintained optimally for all the hardware components of the Juniper EX Switch?
Is any VPN tunnel hogging the bandwidth resources? If so, which one is it?
Are too many fragmented packets flowing through the firewall? If so, why? Is it because of an incorrect
What is the mode of the routing engine available in the Juniper EX Switch?
The Network layer of the
tests have been dealt with in the
Juniper EX Switch
Operating System layer.
model is similar to that of a
Monitoring Unix and Windows Servers
Windows Generic
server model. Since these
document, Section 1.1 focuses on the
M o n i t o r i n g J u n i p e r E X S w i t c h
Monitors the current CPU utilization of the Juniper EX Switch
parameters for
the test
1. TEST PERIOD - How often should the test be executed
2. HOST – The IP address of the Juniper EX Switch
3. SNMPPORT – The SNMP Port number of the Juniper EX Switch (161 typically)
4. SNMPVERSION – By default, the eG agent supports SNMP version 1. Accordingly, the
default selection in the SNMPVERSION list is v1. However, if a different SNMP framework is
in use in your environment, say SNMP v2 or v3, then select the corresponding option from
this list.
5. SNMPCOMMUNITY – The SNMP community name that the test uses to communicate with
the firewall. This parameter is specific to SNMP v1 and v2 only. Therefore, if the
SNMPVERSION chosen is v3, then this parameter will not appear.
1.1 The Operating System Layer
This layer tracks the current CPU usage, memory, temperature and the uptime of each hardware component of the
Juniper EX Switch. Besides this, this layer helps you in identifying the number of trap messages that were sent by the
switch for failures of the power supply units , fans and abnormal deduction in temperature of the hardware
Figure 2: The tests mapped to the Firewall Service layer
1.1.1 CPU Utilization Test
This test monitors the current CPU utilization of each hardware component available in the Juniper EX Switch and
reports whether/not the hardware component is consuming too much of CPU resources.
M o n i t o r i n g J u n i p e r E X S w i t c h
6. USERNAME – This parameter appears only when v3 is selected as the SNMPVERSION.
SNMP version 3 (SNMPv3) is an extensible SNMP Framework which supplements the
SNMPv2 Framework, by additionally supporting message security, access control, and
remote SNMP configuration capabilities. To extract performance statistics from the MIB
using the highly secure SNMP v3 protocol, the eG agent has to be configured with the
required access privileges – in other words, the eG agent should connect to the MIB using
the credentials of a user with access permissions to be MIB. Therefore, specify the name of
such a user against the USERNAME parameter.
7. AUTHPASS – Specify the password that corresponds to the above-mentioned USERNAME.
This parameter once again appears only if the snmpversion selected is v3.
8. CONFIRM PASSWORD – Confirm the AUTHPASS by retyping it here.
9. AUTHTYPE – This parameter too appears only if v3 is selected as the SNMPVERSION.
From the AUTHTYPE list box, choose the authentication algorithm using which SNMP v3
converts the specified username and password into a 32-bit format to ensure security of
SNMP transactions. You can choose between the following options:
MD5 – Message Digest Algorithm
SHA – Secure Hash Algorithm
10. ENCRYPTFLAG – This flag appears only when v3 is selected as the SNMPVERSION. By
default, the eG agent does not encrypt SNMP requests. Accordingly, the ENCRYPTFLAG is
set to NO by default. To ensure that SNMP requests sent by the eG agent are encrypted,
select the YES option.
11. ENCRYPTTYPE – If the ENCRYPTFLAG is set to YES, then you will have to mention the
encryption type by selecting an option from the ENCRYPTTYPE list. SNMP v3 supports the
following encryption types:
DES – Data Encryption Standard
AES – Advanced Encryption Standard
12. ENCRYPTPASSWORD – Specify the encryption password here.
13. CONFIRM PASSWORD – Confirm the encryption password by retyping it here.
14. TIMEOUT - Specify the duration (in seconds) within which the SNMP query executed by this
test should time out in the TIMEOUT text box. The default is 10 seconds.
15. DATA OVER TCP – By default, in an IT environment, all data transmission occurs over
UDP. Some environments however, may be specifically configured to offload a fraction of
the data traffic – for instance, certain types of data traffic or traffic pertaining to specific
components – to other protocols like TCP, so as to prevent UDP overloads. In such
environments, you can instruct the eG agent to conduct the SNMP data traffic related to the
Juniper EX Switch over TCP (and not UDP). For this, set the DATA OVER TCP flag to Yes.
By default, this flag is set to No.
One set of results for each hardware component of the Junpier EX Switch that is to be monitored
M o n i t o r i n g J u n i p e r E X S w i t c h
made by the
CPU utilization:
Indicates the percentage of
CPU utilized by this hardware
A very high value of this measure indicates a
CPU bottleneck.
Comparing the value of this measure across
the hardware components will help you in
identifying the component that is using the
CPU resources at its maximum.
Measures the uptime of each hardware component of the Juniper EX Switch and reports
administrators if any hardware component has been running without reboot for a longer period
of time
parameters for
the test
1. TEST PERIOD - How often should the test be executed
2. HOST – The IP address of the Juniper EX Switch
3. SNMPPORT – The SNMP Port number of the Juniper EX Switch (161 typically)
4. SNMPVERSION – By default, the eG agent supports SNMP version 1. Accordingly, the
default selection in the SNMPVERSION list is v1. However, if a different SNMP framework is
in use in your environment, say SNMP v2 or v3, then select the corresponding option from
this list. SNMPCOMMUNITY – The SNMP community name that the test uses to
communicate with the firewall. This parameter is specific to SNMP v1 and v2 only. Therefore,
if the SNMPVERSION chosen is v3, then this parameter will not appear.
6. USERNAME – This parameter appears only when v3 is selected as the SNMPVERSION.
SNMP version 3 (SNMPv3) is an extensible SNMP Framework which supplements the
SNMPv2 Framework, by additionally supporting message security, access control, and
remote SNMP configuration capabilities. To extract performance statistics from the MIB
using the highly secure SNMP v3 protocol, the eG agent has to be configured with the
required access privileges – in other words, the eG agent should connect to the MIB using
the credentials of a user with access permissions to be MIB. Therefore, specify the name of
such a user against the USERNAME parameter.
1.1.2 Uptime Test
This test measures the uptime of each hardware component of the Juniper EX Switch and reports administrators if
any hardware component has been running without reboot for a longer period of time.