For Owners of EG Oahu 500EX and EG Maui 500EX Electric Bicycle
Table of Contents
Descriptions: Page
Installation Instructions 2
How to install the bicycle out of the box 2
Operation Instructions 3
How to operate the Electric Bicycle 3
About the Brake Safety Feature on all our Electric Bikes 4
How to read the Battery Meters and about the Li-on Battery 5
Care Instructions 5
Battery 5
Storage, Maintenance and Transport 6
Battery 6
Charger 6
Charger 6
Accessories 6
Electric Motor and Battery Features 7
Charging the Battery 7
Repair and Service 7
Inspection of the Bearings and Maintenance 8
Serial Numbers to your EG Electric Bike 8
How to detach the rear wheel of the Electric bike 8
How to install the bicycle out of the box
1. Unpack the bicycle from the box and cut all the ties that held the bicycle together during
2. Install the handle bar by inserting the handlebar stem into the head tube. An Allen key is
supplied to install the handle bar stem.
3. Adjust the handlebar by loosening the nut holding the handlebar and then re-tightening it with
the included allen wrench.
4. ! WARNING: Do NOT over tighten nut against the fork; for you will risk damaging your
suspension fork.
5. The front and rear LED/reflector Lamp runs on regular AA or AAA batteries. The Front LED is
turned on/off by clicking on the button on top of the lamp. The rear LED lamp switch in under
the rear LED. Remove the plastic tabs in the battery to start using them.
6. Install the pedals to the bike. Each of the pedals has a letter indicating which side it needs to
be installed to. R=Right and L=Left. Install them using the provided wrench.
7. ! WARNING: Before riding the bicycle ensure the main Li-on battery is properly installed and
locked in before riding the bicycle. If the Battery is not firmly locked onto the holder. it may slide
out and cause damage to the battery.
8. Insert the battery into the battery holder by aligning the side tabs and then lock in your battery
with provided key. Ensure that the rails/tabs are properly aligned below the battery. Ensure that
the battery is locked in by lightly tugging on the battery upward to ensure it will not slide out.
How to operate the Electric Bicycle
The Electric bicycle can be operated in 3 different modes:
1. Manual Mode –
Make sure the Battery Meter/power meter on the center of the handlebar is “OFF” and then,
pedal the bicycle normally as you would any bicycle.
2a. Pedal Assist Mode (Level 1, 2 and 3) –
Turn on the electrical system to the electric bike by depressing the power button on the
battery. Ride the bicycle normally as you would any bicycle.
The motor will stop if the brake lever is depressed even if you are still pedaling the bicycle.
The motor will stop when you stop pedaling in this mode.
To put your bike in pedal assist mode 1, 2 or 3, turn on your bike's electrical system and
then use the up/down button on the left handlebar control to pick the desired pedal assist
In Pedal assist mode level 1, the system will provide you with the most “miles per charge”
with the battery in use among the pedal assist modes. This is the most power efficient way
to ride your ebike with the motor switched on.
In Pedal assist mode level 2, the system will provide you with moderate to high “miles per
charge” of battery power use among the pedal assist modes. This is the second most
power efficient way to ride your ebike with the motor switched on.
In Pedal assist mode level 3, the system will provide you with moderate “miles per charge”
of battery power use among the pedal assist modes. This is the third most power efficient
way to ride your ebike with the motor switched on.
2b.Pedal Assist Mode (Level 4 and 5) –
Turn on the electrical system to the electric bike by depressing the power button on the
battery. Ride the bicycle normally as you would any bicycle.
The motor will stop if the brake lever is depressed even if you are still pedaling the bicycle.
The motor will stop when you stop pedaling in this mode.
To put your bike in pedal assist mode 4 or 5, turn on your bike's electrical system and then
use the up/down button on the left handlebar control to pick the desired pedal assist level.
! CAUTION: This mode is designed to achieve a speed of >20 MPH. User discretion is
In Pedal assist mode level 4, the system will provide you with the low amount of “miles per
charge” with the battery in use among the pedal assist modes. This mode will provide you
with speeds on pedal assist over 20mph. User
In Pedal assist mode level 5, the system will provide you with the least amount of “miles per
charge” with the battery in use among the pedal assist modes. This mode will provide you
with the maximum speed on pedal assist over 20mph, as fast as the motor can turn.
2c. Pedal Assist Mode (Level 0)
Turn on the electrical system to the electric bike by depressing the power button on the
battery. Ride the bicycle normally as you would any bicycle.
The motor will stop if the brake lever is depressed even if you are still pedaling the bicycle.
The motor will stop when you stop pedaling in this mode.
To put your bike in pedal assist mode 0, turn on your bike's electrical system and then use
the up/down button on the left handlebar control to pick the pedal assist level 0.