Efficient Networks SpeedStream 4000, SpeedStream 4000 Series Installation Manual

Part No. 007-4002-002, Rev B
All rights reserved. Printed in the U.S.A.
Product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Ef­ficient Networks, Inc. sh all not be liable for technical or e ditor ia l e rr ors or omissions in this document; nor for inci­dental or consequential damages resultin g from the furnis hing, perfor ma nce , or use of this material.
Efficient Networks, Inc. – Single-use Software License and Warranty
This documentation and the accompanying computer programs (collectively, the Software) are licensed, not sold, to
the End User by EFFICIENT NETWORKS, INC. (“ENI”) for use only under the following terms. ENI reserves any right not expressly granted to the End User. The End User owns the media on which the Software is recorded but ENI retains ownership of all copies of the Sof tware itself. The End User assumes sole res ponsibil ity for the i nstallation, use, and results obtained from use of the Software. If the product that you acquired is an upgrade, then the terms and conditions ofthis agreement apply equally to the upgraded product.
1. License
2. Restrictions ware contains trade secrets and to protect them, the End User may NOT decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, or otherwise reduce the Software to a human perceivable form. The End User may not modify, adapt, trans late,
rent, lease, loan, resell for profit, distribute, or otherwise assign or transfer the software, or create derivative works based upon the software or any part thereof.
3. Protection and Security without limitation the obje ct c ode of the Software, to a ny party other than its a uthor iz ed e mployees, except for pur­poses specifically related to the End User’s authorized use of the Software on ENI Products, without the prior written consent of ENI. The End User agrees to use its best efforts and to take all reasonable steps to safeguard the Software to ensure that no unauthorized person shall have access thereto and that no unauthorized copy, publication, disclosure or distribution in whole or in part, in any form, shall be made. The End User ac knowledges that the Software contains valuable confidential information and trade secrets and that unauthorized use and/or copying are harmful to ENI.
4. Termination. from ENI if the End User fails to comply with any of its provisions. Upon termination, the End User must destroy the Software and all copies thereof, and the End User may termina te this License at any time by doing so .
5. Export Law Assurances. transferred or exported, directly or indirectly, into any country prohibited by the U.S. Export Administration Act and the regulations thereunder or will be used for any purpose prohi bite d by that Act.
6. Limited Warranty. substantially in accordance with the published functional specifications current at the time o f shipment. If a defect appears, during the warra nty period, ENI will use its be s t efforts to correct the de f e ct within a reasonable time after notification. The End User agrees that the foregoing constitutes the End User’s sole and exclusive remedy for breach by ENI under any warranties made under this Agreement. This warranty does not cover any Software that has been altered or changed in any way by anyone other than ENI. ENI is not responsible for changes made after ordering the Software to computer hardware, operating systems or test equipment, or for problems in the interaction of the Soft­ware with software not furnished by ENI.
The Warranty and remedy provided above are exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied, includ­ing but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability a nd fitness for a particular purpose. The End User assumes all risk as to the s uita bility, quality, and performa nc e of the s oftware. In no event will ENI, or its directors, officers, employees or a ffiliates , be li able to the E nd User for any consequ ential, inc idental , indirect, s pecial or ex­emplary damages (including damages for loss of business prof its, business interrupt ion, loss of data or business in­formation, and the like) arising out of the use of or inability to use the software or accompanying written materials, even if ENI or an authorized ENI representative has been advised of the possibility of such damages. ENI’s liability to the End User (if any) for actual dire ct damages f or any cause whatsoever, and regardless of the f orm of t he act ion, will be limited to, and shall not exceed, the amount paid for the License of the Software that c aused the da ma ges.
No oral or written information or advice given by ENI or its dealers, distributors, employees or agents shall in any way extend, modify or add to the foregoing warranty.
. This License allows the End User, together with its authorized employees, to do only the following:
(a) Install and archive the Software on one (and o nly one) Remote Access Unit, IBM PC, Sun Work station, or
compatible equivalent personal computer or w orkstation for electronic transf er to, and use and execution on and with one (and only one) module or product of ENI equipment for use only by the End User.
(b) Make one (and only one) copy in machine-readable form solely for backup or archival purposes for the com-
puter on which the Software is installed. The Software is protected by copyright law. As an express condition of this license, the End User must reproduce on the copy the ENI copyright notice and any other proprietary legends on the original copy supplied by ENI. This restriction on copying the Software expires upon the expi­ration of all underlying copyrights.
. The End User may NOT sublicense, assign, or distribute copies of the Software to others. The Soft-
. The End User agrees not to deliver or otherwise make available the Software, including
This License is effective until terminated. This License will terminate immediatel y without notice
The End User agrees that neither the Software nor any direct product thereof will be
ENI warrants that, for ninety (90) days from the date of shipment, the Software shall operate
Efficient Networks, Inc. 1
7. No Other Rights Granted. Other than the limited license expressly granted herein, no license, whether express or implied, by estoppel or otherwise, is granted to any copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret, or other proprietar y rights of ENI.
8. Licensee Responsibi lty An d Indem nification . sponsible for the use it makes of the Software. Accordingly, the End User agrees to indemnify and hold ENI harmless from any demands, claims or suits by a third party for loss, damages or expens es (includ ing attorney’s fees) arising out of or related to use of the Software by the End User.
9.Enhancements. hancements or improvements to the Software and/or new releases of the Software (collectively, Enhancements), and may license the End User to use such Enhancements to the Software upon payment of such prices therefore as may then be established by ENI and in effect. All such Enhancements to the Software provided to the End User shall also be governed by the terms of this License.
10.General. shall inure to the benefit of ENI and its successor, assignees and legal representatives. If any provision of this license is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable to any extent under applicable law, that provision will be enforced to the maximum ex te nt permis s ible , and the remaining provisions of this License will re­main in full force and effect. Any notices or other communications to be sent to ENI must be mailed by certified mail to the following address:
Efficient Networks, Inc. 4201 Spring Valley Road, Suite 1200 Dallas, Texas 75244
This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof, and all prior proposals, agreements, representations, statements and undertakings are hereby expressly canceled and super­seded. This Agreement may not be changed or amended except by a written instrument executed by a duly authorized officer of ENI.
11.Acknowledgment. agree to be bound by its terms and condi tions. Should you have any questions concerning this License, con tact ENI at the address shown above.
From time to time ENI may, in its sole discretion, advise the End User of updates, upgrades, en-
This License will be covered by and construed in accor dance with the laws of the Stat e of Texas, and
By opening this package, you acknowledge that you have read this License, understand it, and
The End User understands and acknowledges that it is solely re-
Efficient Networks, Inc. Hardware Warranty
Efficient Networks, Inc. (ENI) warrants SpeedStream 3000 series Network Interface Controller (NIC), SpeedStream 4000 series Universal Serial Bus (USB), and SpeedStream 5000 series Remote Access Unit (RAU) for a period of 5 years against defects in material or workmanship from the date of purchase. SpeedStream 5010 Remote Access Unit (RAU) is warranted for 13 months against defects in material or workmanship from the date of purchase. These warranties extend only to the original consumer of this product. If the NIC, USB or RAU does not function as warranted during the warranty period, Efficient Networks, Inc. will either repair the defective product or replace it with a new or remanufactured functionally equivalent product of equal value.
2 Efficient Networks, Inc.
About the 4000 Series Modems
The SpeedStream 4000 series external Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL) modem provides a high-speed internet connectivity for a single PC running Windows 98. The modem sends and receives data over standard phone lines using D iscrete Multi-tone (DMT) digital subscriber line (DSL) transmission. The modem is connected to your PC through a Universal Serial Bus (USB) port.
The modem requires a telephone line that supports ADSL. This service is configured by your telephone company.
Data from the PC is transmitted and received using methods similar to that used for analog modems. Data transmission over the DSL link is performed by a combination of software on the PC and software and hardware in the modem. Because a standard USB port is employed, installation of an adapter card inside the PC is not necessary.
Installation Requirements
The following are the system requirements for inst allation:
Windows 98 operating system already installed.
32 Mbyte s RAM
Pentium-class processor (100 Mhz or better) required.
1 Universal Serial Bus (USB) port
NOTE: You may need the Windows (95, 98 or NT) operating system CD during installation. If you do not have this CD, contact your PC vendor for details on where the Windows files are stored on your machine.
Installing a Software Upgrade
If you have installed a previous version of the modem driver software, and you want to upgrade to a ne wer version, you must rem ove the curren tly installed drivers before installing th e new version. Please refer to the
Efficient Networks, Inc. About the 4000 Series Modems 3
instructions for removing the modem software on page 16. Then follow the instructions in the ne xt section to install the new revision of the driver software.
ADSL Asymmetric Digital Su bscriber Line ATM Asynchronous Transfer Mode CIP Classical IP over ATM CO Central Offic e DMT Discrete Multi-tone DSL Digital Subscriber Line Firmware Software, in binary form, stored within a flash PROM POST Power-On Self Test PPP Point-to-Point Protocol USB Universal Serial Bus VPN Virtual Private Networking
4 About the 4000 Series Modems Efficient Networks, Inc.
Installation Instructions
NOTE: The labels for the back panel of the modem are located on the underside of the unit.
Connect the power cable to the power connector on the back of the
modem; then connect it to a power outlet.
Power Outlet
Your power adapter may be different than the one shown
USB Port DSL Port
Power Connector
2 Locate the ferrite choke and open it by pulling up on the lip on the
non-hinged side. Attach the choke to the USB cable (marked with this symbol: ) as shown in the figure belo w.
Open Here by Pulling out on Lip
Ferrite Choke
Attach choke by looping USB cable and clipping it on the doubled strand.
Attach as close as possible to modem-end of USB cable.
Efficient Networks, Inc. Installation Instructions 5
+ 12 hidden pages