This user manual has been written for the personnel operating the ultrasonic flowmeter Portalok 7S. It contains important
information about the measuring instrument, how to handle it correctly, and how to avoid damages.
Read the safety instructions carefully. Make sure you have read and understood this user manual before using the measuring instrument.
All reasonable effort has been made to ensure the correctness of the content of this user manual. However, If you find any
erroneous information, please inform us. We will be grateful for any suggestions and comments regarding the concept and
your experience working with the measuring instrument.
This will ensure that we can further develop our products for the benefit of our customers and in the interest of technological progress. If you have any suggestions about improving the documentation and particularly this user manual, please let
us know so that we can consider your comments for future reprints.
The contents of this user manual are subject to changes without prior notice. All rights reserved. No part of this user manual may be reproduced in any form without EESiFlo's written permission.
1.2Safety Instructions
The user manual contains instructions that are marked as follows:
Note!This text contains important information about the use of the measuring instrument.
Attention!This text contains important instructions which should be observed to avoid damage or destruction of
the measuring instrument. Proceed with special caution!
Observe these safety instructions!
The Portalok 7S measuring instrument is guaranteed for the term and to the conditions specified in the sales contract provided the equipment has been used for the purpose for which it has been designed and operated according to the instructions given in this User Manual. Misuse of the flowmeter will immediately revoke any warranty given or implied.
This includes:
• replacement of a component of Portalok 7S with a component that was not approved by EESiFlo
• unsuitable or insufficient maintenance
• repair of Portalok 7S by unauthorized personnel
EESiFlo assumes no responsibility for injury to the customer or third persons proximately caused by the material owing to
defects in the product which were not predictable or for any indirect damages.
Portalok 7S is a very reliable instrument. It is manufactured under strict quality control using modern production techniques. If installed as recommended in an appropriate location, used cautiously and taken care of conscientiously, no troubles should appear.
In case of a problem which cannot be solved with the help of this user manual (see chapter 17), contact our sales office
giving a precise description of the problem. Specify the type, serial number and firmware version of the measuring instrument.
PORTALOK_7SV4-5-1EN, 2014-09-017
Portalok 7S2 Handling
2.1First Inspection
The measuring instrument has already been tested thoroughly at EESiFlo. At delivery, ensure that no damage has occurred during transportation.
Check that the specifications of the measuring instrument delivered correspond to the specifications given on the purchase order.
The type and the serial number of the transmitter are shown on the nameplate. The transducer type is printed on the transducers.
2.2General Precautions
Portalok 7S is a precise measuring instrument and has to be handled with care. To obtain good measurement results and
not damage the measuring instrument, it is important that great attention is paid to the instructions given in this user manual, particularly to the following points:
• Protect the transmitter from shocks.
• Keep the transducers clean. Manipulate the transducer cables with caution. Avoid excessive cable bend.
• Make sure to work under correct ambient and operating temperatures. The ambient temperature has to be within the
operating temperature range of the transmitter and the transducers.
• Observe the degree of protection.
• Clean the transmitter with a soft cloth. Do not use detergents.
• Remove traces of the coupling compound from the transducers with a soft paper towel.
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3 General PrinciplesPortalok 7S
3General Principles
For the ultrasonic measurement of the flow rate, the flow velocity of the medium flowing in a pipe is determined. Further
physical quantities (e.g., volumetric flow rate, mass flow rate) are derived from the flow velocity and from additional physical quantities, if necessary.
3.1Measurement System
The measurement system consists of a transmitter, the ultrasonic transducers with the transducer cables and the pipe on
which the measurement is conducted.
The ultrasonic transducers are mounted on the outside of the pipe. Ultrasonic signals are sent through the medium and received by the transducers. The transmitter controls the measuring cycle, eliminates the disturbance signals and analyzes
the useful signals. The measured values can be displayed, used for calculations and transmitted.
Fig. 3.1: Example of a measurement setup
3.2Measurement Principle
The flow velocity of the medium is measured using the transit time difference correlation principle (see section 3.2.2).
Flow profile
Distribution of the flow velocities over the cross-sectional pipe area. For an optimal measurement, the flow profile has to
be fully developed and axisymmetrical. The shape of the flow profile depends on whether the flow is laminar or turbulent
and is influenced by the conditions in the supply line of the measuring point (see chapter 5).
Reynolds number Re
Coefficient describing the turbulence behavior of a medium in the pipe. The Reynolds number Re is calculated from the
flow velocity, the kinematic viscosity of the medium and the inner pipe diameter.
If the Reynolds number exceeds a critical value (usually approx. 2 300), a transition from a laminar flow to a turbulent flow
takes place.
Laminar flow
A flow without any turbulence. There is no disruption between the parallel flowing layers of the medium.
Turbulent flow
A flow in which turbulence (swirling of the medium) occurs. In technical applications, the flow in the pipe is mostly turbulent.
Transition range
The flow is partly laminar and partly turbulent.
Transit time difference ∆t
Difference of the transit times of the signals in and against the flow direction. The flow velocity of the medium in the pipe is
determined from the transit time difference (see Fig. 3.2 and Fig. 3.3).
Sound speed c
Speed of the propagating sound. The sound speed depends on the mechanical properties of the medium and the pipe material. In pipe materials and other solid materials, a distinction is made between the longitudinal and transversal sound
speed. For the sound speed of some media and materials see annex C.1.
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Portalok 7S3 General Principles
Flow velocity v
The average value of the flow velocities over the cross-sectional pipe area.
Acoustic calibration factor k
ka = cα/sin α
The acoustic calibration factor ka is a parameter of the transducer which results from the sound speed c within the transducer and the angle of incidence (see Fig. 3.2). According to Snell's law of refraction, the angle of propagation in the adjoining medium or pipe material is:
= cα/sin α = cβ/sin β = cγ/sin γ
Volumetric Flow Rate
= v . A
The volume of the medium that passes through the pipe per unit time. The volumetric flow rate is calculated from the product of the flow velocity v and the cross-sectional pipe area A.
Fluid mechanics correction factor k
With the fluid mechanics correction factor kRe, the measured value of the flow velocity in the area of the sound beam is
converted into the value of the flow velocity across the whole cross-sectional pipe area. In case of a fully developed flow
profile, the fluid mechanics correction factor only depends on the Reynolds number and the roughness of the inner pipe
wall. The fluid mechanics correction factor is recalculated by the transmitter for each new measurement.
Mass flow rate
The mass of the medium that passes through the pipe per unit time. The mass flow rate is calculated from the product of
the volumetric flow rate and the density ρ.
3.2.2Measurement of the Flow Velocity
The signals are emitted and received by two transducers alternatively in and against the flow direction. If the medium
moves, the signals propagating in the medium are displaced with the flow. This displacement causes a reduction in distance for the signal in the flow direction and an increase in distance for the signal against the flow direction in the wedge of
the receiving transducer (see Fig. 3.2 and Fig. 3.3). This causes a change in the transit times. The transit time of the signal
in the flow direction is shorter than the transit time against the flow direction. This transit time difference is proportional to
the average flow velocity.
The flow velocity of the medium is calculated as follows:
. ka . ∆t/(2 . tfl)
v = k
v-flow velocity of the medium
-fluid mechanics correction factor
-acoustic calibration factor
∆t-transit time difference
-transit time in the medium
10PORTALOK_7SV4-5-1EN, 2014-09-01
3 General PrinciplesPortalok 7S
transducer (emitter)
flow direction
of the medium
sound path without flow
sound path with flow
pipe wall
transducer (receiver)
reduction in distance
in the transducer
flow direction
of the medium
sound path without flow
sound path with flow
increase in distance
in the transducer
pipe wall
transducer (receiver)
transducer (emitter)
signal in the
flow direction
signal against
the flow direction
Fig. 3.2: Sound path of the signal in the flow direction
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Fig. 3.3: Sound path of the signal against the flow direction
Fig. 3.4: Transit time difference ∆t
Portalok 7S3 General Principles
transducer distance
transducer distance
transducer distance
2 sound paths
in 1 sound plane
3.3Measurement Arrangements
3.3.1Terms and Definitions
Diagonal arrangement
The transducers are mounted on the opposite sides of the pipe (see Fig. 3.5).
Reflection arrangement
The transducers are mounted on the same side of the pipe (see Fig. 3.6).
The plane containing the sound paths (see Fig. 3.7).
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Fig. 3.7: Sound paths in a sound plane
3 General PrinciplesPortalok 7S
Diagonal arrangementReflection arrangement
1 transducer pair
1 sound path
1 transducer pair
2 sound paths
PORTALOK_7SV4-5-1EN, 2014-09-0113
Portalok 7S4 Description of the Transmitter
RS232 interface
command panel
power supply
2x 16-digit LCD display,
RS232 interface
state indicator
state indicator
4Description of the Transmitter
The transmitter Portalok 7S has 1 measuring channel.
The cover has to be opened to access the command panel.
Attention!The degree of protection of the transmitter is only ensured if the cable glands are firmly tightened,
the housing is tightly screwed and the cover is closed and latched.
Fig. 4.1: Connections and command panel of the transmitter Portalok 7S
Fig. 4.2: Command panel of the transmitter Portalok 7S
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4 Description of the TransmitterPortalok 7S
4 Description of the Transmitter
The keyboard consists of 5 keys.
Tab. 4.1: General functions
PWRswitching the transmitter on/off, switching the backlight on/off
Press key PWR briefly to switch on the transmitter or to switch on/off the backlight when the
transmitter is on. Press key PWR for 3 seconds to switch off the transmitter.
ENTERconfirmation of selection or entered value
B + CINIT: Press these two keys while switching on the transmitter to perform an initialization (see
section 8.2).
B + C + ENTERRESET: Press these three keys simultaneously to correct a malfunction. The reset has the
same effect as restarting the transmitter. Stored data are not affected.
Binterruption of the measurement and selection of the main menu
Be careful not to stop a current measurement by inadvertently pressing key B!
Tab. 4.2: Navigation
scrolling to the right or up through a scroll list
scrolling to the left or down through a scroll list
Tab. 4.3: Input of digits
moving the cursor to the right
scrolling through the digits above the cursor
CMoving the cursor to the left. If the cursor is on the left margin:
• an already edited value will be reset to the value which was stored previously
• an unedited value will be deleted.
If the entered value is not valid, an error message will be displayed. Press ENTER and enter a
correct value.
Tab. 4.4: Input of text
moving the cursor to the right
scrolling through the characters above the cursor
Cresetting all characters to the last stored entry
PORTALOK_7SV4-5-1EN, 2014-09-0115
Portalok 7S5 Selection of the Measuring Point
5Selection of the Measuring Point
Attention!Portalok 7S is must not be used in explosive atmospheres. If the measuring point is within a poten-
tially explosive atmosphere, the danger zone and gases that may be present have to be determined.
The transducers and the transmitter have to be appropriate for these conditions.
The correct selection of the measuring point is crucial for achieving reliable measurement results and a high measurement
A measurement on a pipe is possible if
• the ultrasound propagates with a sufficiently high amplitude (see section 5.1)
• the flow profile is fully developed (see section 5.2)
The correct selection of the measuring point and thus, the correct transducer positioning guarantees that the sound signal
will be received under optimum conditions and evaluated correctly.
Due to the variety of applications and the different factors that influence the measurement, there is no standard solution for
the transducer positioning. The correct position of the transducers is influenced by the following factors:
• diameter, material, lining, wall thickness and shape of the pipe
• medium
• gas bubbles in the medium
Avoid measuring points in the vicinity of deformations and defects of the pipe and in the vicinity of welds.
Avoid locations with deposit formation in the pipe.
The ambient temperature at the measuring point has to be within the operating temperature range of the transducers.
Select the location of the transmitter within cable reach of the measuring point.
The ambient temperature at the location has to be within the operating temperature range of the transmitter.
5.1Acoustic Penetration
The pipe has to be acoustically penetrable at the measuring point. The acoustic penetration is reached when pipe and medium do not attenuate the sound signal so strongly that it is completely absorbed before reaching the second transducer.
The attenuation in the pipe and in the medium depends on:
• kinematic viscosity of the medium
• proportion of gas bubbles and solids in the medium
• deposits on the inner pipe wall
• pipe material
The following requirements have to be met at the measuring point:
• the pipe is always filled completely
• no material deposits in the pipe
• no bubbles accumulate
Note!Even bubble-free media can form gas bubbles when the medium expands, e.g., before pumps and
after large increases of the pipe diameter.
Observe the notes in the following table.
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5 Selection of the Measuring PointPortalok 7S
Tab. 5.1: Recommended transducer position
Horizontal pipe
Select a measuring point where the transducers can be mounted on the side of the pipe, allowing the sound waves to
propagate in the pipe horizontally. Thus, solid at the bottom or gas bubbles at the top of the pipe will not influence the
propagation of the signal.
Vertical pipe
Select the measuring point at a pipe location where the medium flows upward. The pipe has to be completely filled.
Free inlet or outlet pipe section:
Select the measuring point at a pipe location where the pipe cannot run empty.
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Portalok 7S5 Selection of the Measuring Point
5.2Undisturbed Flow Profile
Some flow elements (elbows, slide valves, valves, control valves, pumps, reducers, diffusers, etc.) distort the flow profile
in their vicinity. The axisymmetrical flow profile needed for correct measurement is no longer given. A careful selection of
the measuring point helps to reduce the impact of disturbance sources.
It is most important that the measuring point is chosen at a sufficient distance from any disturbance sources. Only then it
can be assumed that the flow profile in the pipe is fully developed. However, measuring results can be obtained even if the
recommended distance to disturbance sources cannot be observed for practical reasons.
Recommended straight inlet and outlet pipe lengths for different types of flow disturbance sources are shown in the examples in Tab. 5.2.
Tab. 5.2: Recommended distance from disturbance sources
D = nominal pipe diameter at the measuring point, l = recommended distance
disturbance source: 90° elbow
supply line: l ≥ 10 Dreturn line: l ≥ 5 D
disturbance source: 2x 90° elbows in same plane
supply line: l ≥ 25 Dreturn line: l ≥ 5 D
disturbance source: 2x 90° elbows in different planes
supply line: l ≥ 40 Dreturn line: l ≥ 5 D
18PORTALOK_7SV4-5-1EN, 2014-09-01
5 Selection of the Measuring PointPortalok 7S
Tab. 5.2: Recommended distance from disturbance sources
D = nominal pipe diameter at the measuring point, l = recommended distance
disturbance source: T piece
supply line: l ≥ 50 Dreturn line: l ≥ 10 D
disturbance source: diffuser
supply line: l ≥ 30 Dreturn line: l ≥ 5 D
disturbance source: valve
supply line: l ≥ 40 Dreturn line: l ≥ 10 D
disturbance source: reducer
supply line: l ≥ 10 Dreturn line: l ≥ 5 D
PORTALOK_7SV4-5-1EN, 2014-09-0119
Portalok 7S5 Selection of the Measuring Point
Tab. 5.2: Recommended distance from disturbance sources
D = nominal pipe diameter at the measuring point, l = recommended distance
disturbance source: pump
supply line: l ≥ 50 D
5.3Selection of the Measurement Arrangement Taking onto Account the Measuring
Range and the Measuring Conditions
Diagonal arrangementReflection arrangement
• wider flow velocity and sound speed range compared to
the reflection arrangement
• use in the presence of deposits on the inner pipe wall or
with strongly attenuating media (only 1 sound path)
• smaller flow velocity and sound speed range compared
to the diagonal arrangement
• transverse flow effects are compensated for because the
beam crosses the pipe in 2 directions
• higher accuracy of measurement because the accuracy
increases with the number of sound paths
20PORTALOK_7SV4-5-1EN, 2014-09-01
5 Selection of the Measuring PointPortalok 7S
elbow plane
flow direction
elbow plane
flow direction
flow direction
5.4Selection of the Sound Plane Near an Elbow
On vertical pipesOn horizontal pipes
• The sound beam plane (see section 3.3) has an angle
of 90° to the elbow plane. The elbow is upstream of the
measuring point.
With measurements in both directions
• The sound beam plane (see section 3.3) is selected according to the nearest elbow (horizontal or vertical, depending on the pipe orientation - see above).
• The sound beam plane (see section 3.3) has an angle
of 90° ±45° to the elbow plane. The elbow is upstream
of the measuring point.
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Portalok 7S6 Installation of the Transmitter Portalok 7S
6Installation of the Transmitter Portalok 7S
Select the measuring point according to the recommendations in chapter 5. The ambient temperature has to be within the
operating temperature range of the transducers.
Select the location of the flowmeter within cable reach of the measuring point. The ambient temperature has to be within
the operating temperature range of the transmitter.
6.2Connection of the Transducer
It is recommended to run the cables from the measuring point to the transmitter before connecting the transducers to
avoid load on the connectors.
Connect the transducer to the transmitter (see Fig. 4.1).
6.3Power Supply
The transmitter can be operated with the battery (see section 6.3.1) or with the power supply unit (see section 6.3.2).
6.3.1Power Supply with the Battery
The transmitter has a Li-Ion battery and can be operated independently of the power supply unit.
At delivery, the battery is charged approx. 30 %. The battery does not need to be fully charged before it is used for the first
This message will be displayed if the battery is almost empty:
The capacity is sufficient for the display and storing of the current parameter record. A
measurement is no longer possible.
Charging the battery
Connect the power supply unit to the transmitter (see Fig. 4.1). Switch on the transmitter. Charging starts automatically.
The max. charging time is approx. 8 h.
During the charging process, the ambient temperature should be in the range 0...45 °C (32...113 °F).
A measurement can be made during the charging process. Charging will be stopped automatically when the battery is fully
Storage of the battery
The battery remains in the transmitter. After storage, the transmitter can immediately be operated with the battery.
• charge state: > 30 %
• storing temperature: 12...25 °C (54...77 °F)
State of the battery
The transmitter Portalok 7S has 2 LEDs which indicate the state of the battery.
The state indicator "BATTERY"
• is off when the battery is charged to > 50 %
• is on when the battery is charged to 20...50 %
• blinks when the battery is charged to < 20 %.
The state indicator "CHARGING"
• is off when the transmitter is not connected to the power supply
• is on when the transmitter is connected to the power supply and the battery is fully charged
• blinks when the transmitter is connected to the power supply and the battery is being charged.
6.3.2Power Supply with the Power Supply Unit
Attention!• Use only the power supply unit supplied by EESiFlo.
• Connect the power supply unit to the transmitter (see Fig. 4.1).
22PORTALOK_7SV4-5-1EN, 2014-09-01
• The power supply unit is not protected against moisture. Use it only in dry rooms.
• The voltage indicated on the power supply unit must not be exceeded.
• Do not connect a defective power supply unit to the transmitter.
6 Installation of the Transmitter Portalok 7SPortalok 7S
6.4Connection of the Output
For the connection of the output see Fig. 4.1, Fig. 6.1, Tab. 6.1 and Tab. 6.2.
Tab. 6.1: Circuits of the outputs
output transmitter external circuit remark
internal circuit connection
active current loop
binary output
(Reed relay)
see Fig. 6.1
see Fig. 6.1
< 500 Ω
= 250 mA
= 48 V
The number, type and connections of the outputs are customized.
is the sum of all ohmic resistances in the circuit (e.g,. resistance of the conductors, resistance of the amperemeter/
Fig. 6.1: Pin assignment for the connection of the output
Tab. 6.2: Pin assignment for the connection of the output
A (+)binary output B1 (Reed relay)
B (-)binary output B1 (Reed relay)
C (+)current output I1
D (-)current output I1
6.5Connection of the Serial Interface
Connect the RS232 cable to the transmitter (see Fig. 4.1 and Fig. 4.2) and the serial interface of the PC. If the RS232 cable cannot be connected to the PC, use an RS232/USB adapter.
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Portalok 7S7 Installation of the Transducers
transducer distance
7Installation of the Transducers
7.1Preparation of the Pipe
• The pipe has to be stable. It has to be able to withstand the pressure exerted by the transducer mounting fixture.
Rust, paint or other deposits on the pipe absorb the sound signal. A good acoustic contact between the pipe and the transducers is obtained as follows:
• Clean the pipe at the selected measuring point:
- If present, the paint layer has to be smoothed by sanding. The paint does not need to be removed completely.
- Remove any rust or loose paint.
• Use coupling foil or apply a bead of acoustic coupling compound along the center line of the contact surface of the
• Observe that there must be no air pockets between the transducer contact surface and the pipe wall.
7.2Orientation of the Transducers and Transducer Distance
Mount the transducers onto the pipe in such way that the engravings on the transducers form an arrow (see Fig. 7.1). The
transducer cables show in opposite directions.
The transducer distance is the distance between the inner edges of the transducers (see section 3.3 and Fig. 7.1)
For the determination of the flow direction see section 9.8.
Fig. 7.1: Correct orientation of the transducers and transducer distance
Fix the transducers onto the pipe using the supplied mounting hardware.
24PORTALOK_7SV4-5-1EN, 2014-09-01
8 Start-up of the TransmitterPortalok 7S
>PAR<mea opt sf
Delete Meas.Val.
>PAR<mea opt sf
8Start-up of the Transmitter
8.1Switching on
Press key PWR to switch on the transmitter. The serial number of the transmitter is displayed for a short time.
Data cannot be entered while the serial number is displayed.
After the transmitter is switched on, the main menu is displayed in the default language.
The language of the display can be set (see section 8.5).
During an initialization (INIT) of the transmitter, the settings in the program branches Parameter and Output Options
and some of the settings in the program branch Special Funct. are reset to the default settings of EESiFlo.
For INIT-resistant settings, see annex A.
Proceed as follows to execute an initialization:
• While switching on the transmitter: keep keys B and C pressed.
• During the operation of the transmitter: press keys B, C and ENTER at the same time. A RESET is executed. Release
key ENTER only. Keep keys B and C pressed.
After the initialization has been executed, the message INITIALISATION DONE is displayed.
After the initialization, the remaining settings of the transmitter can be reset to the default settings and/or the stored measured values can be deleted.
Select yes to reset the remaining settings to the default settings or no to keep them at the
current settings.
Press ENTER.
If yes is selected, the message FACTORY DEFAULT DONE will be displayed.
Select yes to delete the stored measured values or no to keep them stored.
Press ENTER.
This display will only be indicated if measured values are stored in the data logger.
8.3.1Main Menu
The main menu contains the following program branches:
• par (Parameter)
• mea (Measuring)
• opt (Output Options)
• sf (Special Function)
The selected program branch is displayed in capital letters and in angle brackets. The complete designation of the selected program branch is displayed in the lower line.
Select a program branch by pressing key or . Press ENTER.
Note!By pressing key B, the measurement will be stopped and the main menu is selected.
Note!In this user manual, all program entries and keys are indicated with typewriter characters (Parame-
PORTALOK_7SV4-5-1EN, 2014-09-0125
ter). The menu items are separated from the main menu by a backslash "\".
Portalok 7S8 Start-up of the Transmitter
pipe parameters
transducer type
extension cable
point number
sound path
consistency check
Output Options
physical quantity
unit of
measured value
Special Funct.
system settings¹
print measured
delete measured
program code
install material
install medium
8.3.2Program Branches
• Program branch Parameter
input of the pipe and medium parameters
• Program branch Measuring
processing of the steps for the measurement
• Program branch Output Options
setting of the physical quantity, the unit of measurement and the parameters for the measured value transmission
• Program branch Special Funct.
contains all functions that are not directly related to the measurement
For an overview of the program branches see figure below. For a detailed overview of the menu structure see annex A.
¹ SYSTEM settings contains the following menu items:
• dialogs and menus
• measuring
• outputs
• serial transmission
• miscellaneous
• set clock
• libraries
26PORTALOK_7SV4-5-1EN, 2014-09-01
8 Start-up of the TransmitterPortalok 7S
SYSTEM settings↕
R1=FUNC<typ mode
SYSTEM settings↕
Please input a
HOTCODE: 000000
hotcode: 000000
A vertical arrow ↕ will be displayed if the menu item contains a scroll list. The current list item will be displayed in the lower
Use key and to select a list item in the lower line. Press ENTER.
Some menu items contain a horizontal scroll list in the lower line. The selected list item is displayed in capital letters and
in angle brackets.
Press key or to scroll through the lower line and select a list item. Press ENTER.
Some menu items contain a horizontal scroll list in the upper line. The selected list item is displayed in capital letters and
in angle brackets. The current value of the list item is displayed in the lower line.
Press key to scroll through the upper line and select a list item.
Press key to scroll through the lower line and select a value for the selected list item.
Press ENTER.
A HotCode is a key sequence that activates certain functions and settings:
functionHotCodesee sectiondeactivation
language selection9090xx8.5
manual input of the lower limit for
the inner pipe diameter
activation of the SuperUser mode07104915.1HotCode 071049
change of the transmission parameters of the RS232 interface
resetting the contrast of the display
to medium
Select Special Funct.\SYSTEM settings\Miscellaneous.
Select yes to enter a HotCode.
Enter the HotCode. Press ENTER.
PORTALOK_7SV4-5-1EN, 2014-09-0127
An error message will be displayed if an invalid HotCode has been entered. Press ENTER.
Portalok 7S8 Start-up of the Transmitter
8.5Language Selection
The transmitter can be operated in the languages listed below. The language can be selected with the following HotCodes:
Tab. 8.1: HotCodes for language selection
Depending on the technical data of the transmitter, some of the languages might not be implemented.
When the last digit has been entered, the main menu will be displayed in the selected language.
The selected language remains activated when the transmitter is switched off and on again. After an initialization, the default language set by EESIFLo is activated.
28PORTALOK_7SV4-5-1EN, 2014-09-01
9 Basic MeasurementPortalok 7S
>PAR<mea opt sf
Outer Diameter
Outer Diameter
Wall Thickness
Pipe Material↕
Carbon Steel
9Basic Measurement
The pipe and medium parameters are entered for the selected measuring point (see chapter 5). The parameter ranges are
limited by the technical characteristics of the transducers and of the transmitter.
Note!During the parameter input, the transducers should be connected to the transmitter.
Note!The parameters will only be stored when the program branch Parameter has been edited in its en-
9.1Input of the Pipe Parameters
Select the program branch Parameter. Press ENTER.
9.1.1Outer Pipe Diameter/Pipe Circumference
Enter the outer pipe diameter. Enter the actual pipe diameter, not the nominal pipe diameter. Press ENTER.
An error message will be displayed if the entered parameter is outside of the range. The
limit will be displayed.
Example: upper limit 1100 mm for the connected transducers and for a pipe wall thickness
of 50 mm.
It is possible to enter the pipe circumference instead of the outer pipe diameter (see section 14.2.1).
If the input of the pipe circumference has been activated and 0 (zero) is entered for the Outer Diameter, the menu item
Pipe Circumfer. will be displayed. If the pipe circumference is not to be entered, press key B to return to the main
menu and start the parameter input again.
9.1.2Pipe Wall Thickness
Enter the pipe wall thickness. Press ENTER.
Note!The inner pipe diameter (= outer pipe diameter - 2x pipe wall thickness) is calculated internally. If the
value is not within the inner pipe diameter range of the connected transducers, an error message will
be displayed.
It is possible to change the lower limit of the inner pipe diameter for a given transducer type (see section 11.7).
9.1.3Pipe Material
The pipe material has to be selected to be able to determine the sound speed. The sound speed for the materials in the
scroll list are stored in the transmitter.
Select the pipe material.
If the medium is not in the scroll list, select Other Material. Press ENTER.
It can be specified which materials will be displayed in the scroll list (see section 13.5).
When the pipe material has been selected, the corresponding sound speed is set automatically. If Other Material has
been selected, the sound speed has to be entered.
Note!Enter the sound speed of the material (i.e. longitudinal or transversal speed) which is nearer to 2500
For the sound speed of some materials see annex C.1.
PORTALOK_7SV4-5-1EN, 2014-09-0129
Enter the sound speed of the pipe material. Press ENTER.
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