Modular Probe for CO2, Humidity,
Temperature and Ambient Pressure
The EE872 probe, with a measurement range up to 5 % CO2 (50 000 ppm),
is suitable for use in harsh and demanding environment in agriculture, life stock
barns, hatchers, incubators, green houses or outdoors.
Outstanding Accuracy
A multi-point CO2 and temperature (T) adjustment procedure leads to excellent
measurement accuracy over the entire T working range of -40…60 °C
(-40…140 °F), which is ideal for agriculture or outdoor use.
Long Term Stability
EE872 incorporates the E+E dual wavelength NDIR CO
cally compensates for ageing eects and is highly insensitive to pollution. The RH
sensing element with E+E proprietary coating is suitable even for aggressive and
corrosive environment.
Pressure and Temperature Compensation
The active compensation with on-board sensors leads to best CO
accuracy independently of temperature, altitude or weather conditions.
4 in 1
Beside CO
, the EE872 measures also relative humidity (RH), temperature and ambient pressure (p). Additionally, the
devices calculated also the dew point temperature (Td).
Reliable in Harsh and Condensing Environment
The heated version of EE872 is suitable for high humidity and condensing environment. The IP65 enclosure and the
replaceable lter oer excellent protection in polluted environment. With a special lter cap, the EE872 is also appropriate
for applications with periodical H
Analogue Output or RS485 Interface
The CO
measured data is available simultaneously on the analogue voltage and current outputs. Depending on the
EE872 version, the RS485 interface with Modbus RTU protocol oers also the RH, T, p, or Td data.
User Congurable and Adjustable
The free EE-PCS Product Conguration Software together with an optional adapter cable facilitates the conguration and
adjustment of the EE872.
sensor, which automati-
Interchangeable Sensing Module
» E+E dual wavelength NDIR, auto-calibration
» T and p compensation with on-board sensors
» Heated versions for preventing condensation
» RH sensing element protected by E+E coating
» T range -40…60 °C (-40…140 °F)
» User congurable and adjustable
Supply and Output Unit
» CO2 voltage and current output
» Modbus RTU (CO2, T, RH, p, Td)
» IP65 protection class
» Stainless steel or plastic enclosure
» M12 stainless steel connector
» User congurable
Filter Cap
» Catalytic for H
» Replaceable
Test Report
» According DIN EN 10204 - 2.2
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Technical Data
Measurement principle Dual wavelength non dispersive infrared (NDIR)
Measurement range 0...2 000 ppm: < ± (50 ppm + 2 % mv)
Accuracy at 25 °C
1013 mbar
0...3 %:
Response time t
T dependency, typ. ± (1 + mv [ppm] / 1 000) ppm/°C, for CO
(-20...45 °C)
Residual pressure dependency
(-20...45 °C)
Measurement interval 15 s (user adjustable from 15 s to 1 h)
term stability, typ. at 0 ppm CO
Relative humidity
Working range 0...100 % RH, with enabled heating
0…95 % RH (non condensing), with disabled heating
± 5 % RH (0...95% RH)
Working range 700…1100 mbar
Accuracy at 25 °C (77 °F), typ. ± 2 mbar
Temperature dependency ± 0.016mbar/K, 0...60 °C
(77 °F) and 0...5 000 ppm: < ± (50 ppm + 3 % mv)
(14,69 psi) 0...10 000 ppm: < ± (100 ppm + 5 % mv)
0...5 %:
90 s
(-4...113 °F) -0.3 % mv / °C, for CO
(-4...113 °F)
at 25 °C (77 °F) ± 3 % RH (20...80% RH)
0.014 % mv / mbar (ref. to 1013 mbar)
20 ppm / year
< ± (1.5 % from full scale + 2 % mv)
> 10 000 ppm
(10.15...15.95 psi)
(0...140 °F)
mv = CO2 measured value
<10 000 ppm
Working range -40…60 °C
(-40...140 °F)
Accuracy 3) 5...60 °C (41...140 °F), typ. ± 0.5 °C (± 0.9 °F)
Analogue (CO2 only) 0 - 5 V / 0 - 10 V -1 mA < Load current < 1 mA
0 - 20 mA / 4 - 20 mA (3-wire) Load resistance ≤ 500 Ohm
Digital interface (CO
, RH, T, p, Td) RS485, max. 32 unit load devices on one bus (EE872 = 1/10 unit load)
Protocol Modbus RTU
Supply voltage 15 - 35 V DC for current output
12 - 30 V DC for voltage output and RS485 interface
Average current consumption at 12 V DC 45 mA for 20 mA output current
and 15 s measurement inverval 25 mA for voltage output and RS485 interface
Peak current max. 200 mA
Enclosure material plastic (PET), UL94HB approved or
stainless steel 1.4404
Filter cap material PTFE, UL94V-0 approved
Protection class IP65
Electrical connection M12 x 1, stainless steel 1.4404
Electromagnetic compatibility EN61326-1
(Industrial enviroment) EN61326-2-3
Storage conditions -40...60 °C
700...1100 mbar (10.15...15.95 psi)
(-40...140 °F)
0...95 % RH non condensing
1) With data averaging algorithm for smooth output signal. Faster response time available upon request.
2) The pressure dependency of a device without pressure compansation: 0.14 % mv / mbar.
3) At 24 V DC supply, air flow min. 0.3 m/s, probe horizontal or with sensing head downwards, excl. hysteresis.
v1.3 / Modification rights reserved