Modular CO2 Transmitter for Demanding Applications
The modular E+E CO2 transmitter EE870 is designed for
easy integration into OEM equipment for demanding
applications. EE870 consists of a CO2 sensing probe, a
conversion board and a connection cable.
The interchangeable CO2 probe incorporates the dual
wavelength NDIR CO2 sensor, which compensates for
ageing effects, is highly insensitive to pollution and offers
outstanding long term stability. A multiple point CO2 and
temperature adjustment leads to excellent measurement
accuracy over the entire temperature working range,
ideal for use in agriculture and outdoors.
The IP65 enclosure of probe and the replaceable filter
offer excellent protection in harsh, polluted environment.
With a special filter cap, the probe can be employed in
applications with periodical H2O2 sterilization. The compact size, the M12 connector and the optional mounting flange allow for fast probe installation, replacement or removal during the cleaning of the site, for instance
a stable or an incubator. With the optional radiation shield, the probe can be also installed outdoors.
The measured data range of up to 5 % CO2 (50,000 ppm) is available on the analog outputs of the conversion
board. Several voltage and current ranges can be selected with jumpers. Additionally, the data is available on
the Modbus RTU interface, which can be configured by the user with DIP switches on the board. An optional
kit facilitates easy configuration and adjustment of the probe.
Typical Applications
Greenhouses and livestock barns
Fruit and vegetable storage
Hatchers and incubators
Outdoor CO2 monitoring
Pharma, Biotech (H2O2 sterilization)
Outstanding long-term stability
Temperature compensation
Analogue and Modbus RTU outputs
Key Features
Interchangeable probe
Technical Data
Digital CO2 Probe EE871
Measuring principle Dual wavelength (non-dispersive infrared technology) NDIR
Measurement range / 0...2000 ppm: < ± (50 ppm + 2 % from the measured value)
Accuracy at 25 °C and 0...5000 ppm: < ± (50 ppm + 3 % from the measured value)
1013 mbar
0...3 %:
0...5 %:
Response time t
60 s without measured data averaging
Temperature dependency 0...2000 ppm:
(-20...45 °C)
0...10,000 ppm:
0...3 %:
0...5 %:
Housing / Protection class Plastic PC / Housing IP65
Cable length max. 10 m
Electromagnetic compatibility EN61326-1
(Industrial enviroment) EN61326-2-3
Conversion Board
Supply voltage 10-35 V DC / 10-28.8 V AC
Supply current 120 mA at 24 V DC / 300 mA at 10 V DC
Protection class IP00
1) For averaging output
(77 °F...14,69 psi) 0...10,000 ppm: < ± (100 ppm + 5 % from the measured value)
< ± (1,5 % from full scale + 2 % from the measured value)
105 s with measured data averaging (smooth output)
(-4...113 °F) 0...5000 ppm: typ. ± (1 + CO
typ. -0,3 % from the measured value/°C
(32 ft)
concentration [ppm] / 1000) ppm/°C
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Electrical connection screw terminal size: 2.5 mm
Analog outputs 0-1 V; 0-5 V; 0-10 V -1 mA < IL < 1 mA
selectable by jumpers 0-20 mA; 4-20 mA R
< 500 Ohm
Resolution 12 bit
Response time t
60 s or 105 s selectable by jumpers
Modbus RTU setup with dip-switches (see operation manual)
Temperature dependence Voltage: typ. ±0.2 mV/°C (0 – 1V)
typ. ±0.5 mV/°C (0 – 5V)
typ: ±0.6 mV/°C (0 – 10V)
Current: typ. ±1 μA / °C
EE870 Operating conditions -40...60 °C
(-40...140 °F) 0...100 % RH (not condensating) 85...110 kPa (12.33...15.95 psi)
EE870 Storage condition -40...60 °C (-40...140 °F) 0...100 % RH (not condensating) 70...110 kPa (10.15...15.95 psi)
Modbus Dip-switch
Jumper "Bus
termination resistor"
Modbus terminals
Terminals for cable
+5V white
SCL black
SDA blue
GND brown
Shield grey
Jumper "Fast/Slow"
Supply terminal
On = OK
Fast ash = Error
Dimensions (mm/inch)
2 Probe EE871
Weight: 30g (1.06oz)
Gewicht: 30g
96 (3.78“)
Analogue outputs *
Jumper "Output Range"
18.5 (0.73“)
* Very important:
for failure-free operation and performance
according to the specs the supply GND and the
measurement GND must be wired separately.
Conversion BoardDigital CO
66 (2.6“)
78 (3.08“)
3.2 (1.13“)
39 (1.54“)
13.8 (0.55“)
25.8 (1.02“)
Scope of Supply
- EE871 probe according to ordering guide
- Test report according to DIN EN10204 - 2.2 for EE871
- Conversion board HA011014
- Connecting cable HA0108xx
- Operation manual
- Test report according to DIN EN10204 - 2.2 for conversion board
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