EE671 - Miniature Air Flow Transmitter
The EE671 air velocity transmitter operates on the hot-film anemometer principle and features an innovative, very robust E+E
sensing element manufactured in thin-film technology combined with innovative transfer-molding.
The mounting flange allows for correct positioning and easy adjustment of the immersion depth.
EE671 is dedicated for accurate and reliable measurement in building automation and ventilation applications. For special
applications do not hesitate to contact the manufacturer or their local distributor.
• Accurate measurement results are conditioned by the correct positioning of the probe in the air stream. Best accuracy is achieved
in laminar flow
• Observe the minimum inlet and outlet path length, see page 4.
• Avoid mechanical stress on the probe and mainly onto the sensing head.
• Observe the humidity working range 5 … 95 % RH, non-condensing.
• Avoid installation in corrosive environment, as this may lead to sensor destruction.
EE671 is ESD-sensitive device. It is neither short-circuit-proof, nor not surge-proof. The digital communication lines may not be
connected to the supply lines.
1 2
Plug version Cable version Analogue output Modbus RTU output
1 grey SDA (digital setup interface E2) V+ = Supply voltage
2 brown GND RS485-B (=D-)
3 green AV = Analogue output RS485-A (=D+)
4 yellow SCL (digital setup interface E2) GND
5 white V+ = Supply voltage n.c.
view on
sensor plug
Accessory HA0108xx - connecting cable
DIMENSIONS mm (inch)
Cable version:
15 (0.6“)
Plug version:
15 (0.6“)
130 (5.12“)
115 (4.53“)
Führungssteg / alignment strip
121 (4.76“)
106 (4.17“)
Analogue output Modbus RTU output
1 brown SDA (digital setup interface E2) V+ = Supply voltage
2 white GND RS485-B (=D-)
3 blue AV = Analogue output RS485-A (=D+)
4 black SCL (digital setup interface E2) GND
5 gray V+ = Supply voltage n.c.
Front view sensor head:
13.4 (0.53“)
44 (1.7“)
6 (0.2“)
Führungssteg / alignment strip
80 (3.14“)
60 (2.4“)
Detail A
10 (0.4“)
24.5 (0.9”)
15.8 (0.62”)
2.5 (0.1”)
Recess for alignment strip
Detail A:
Führungssteg /
alignment strip
1.5 (0,06“)

Flow measurement
Measurement range
0... 10 m/s (0...2000 ft/min)
0... 15 m/s (0...3000 ft/min)
0... 20 m/s (0...4000 ft/min)
Output signal
analogue1) 0 - 1 V (max. 1 mA)
0 - 5 V (max. 1 mA)
0 - 10 V
RS485 Modbus RTU
Accuracy3) 0.5...5 m/s (100...1000 ft/min): ±(0.2 m/s / 40 ft/min + 3 % of measured value)
at 20 °C (68 °F) / 45 % rh and 1013 hPa (14.7 psi) 1... 10 m/s (200...2000 ft/min): ±(0.3 m/s / 60 ft/min + 4 % of measured value)
1... 15 m/s (200...3000 ft/min): ±(0.35 m/s / 70 ft/min + 5 % of measured value)
1... 20 m/s (200...4000 ft/min): ±(0.4 m/s / 80 ft/min + 6 % of measured value)
Response time
0... 5 m/s (0...1000 ft/min)
typ. 4 s
(max. 1 mA)
Supply voltage (Class III) 10...29 V DC SELV
Current demand max. 50 mA at 20 m/s
(4000 ft/min)
Temperature range operation: -20...60 °C (-4...140 °F)
storage: -30...60 °C (-22...140 °F)
Operating range humidity 5...95 % RH (non-condensing)
Cable version 0.5 m (1.6 ft) / 2 m (6.6 ft) cable, PVC, temperature-flexible,
5x0.25 mm² (AWG 23) with ferrules
Plug version M12 connector system, 5-pin
Electromagnetic compatibility
EN61326-1 ICES-003 ClassB
EN61326-2-3 FCC Part 15
Material / protection class polycarbonate / IP50 (probe head); IP54 (housing)
1) See ordering information
2) Only at supply voltage V+ ≥ 15 V
3) The accuracy statement includes the uncertainty of the factory calibration with an enhancement factor k=2 (2-fold standard deviation). The tolerance was calculated in
accordance with EA-4/02 following the GUM (Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement).
4) The EE671 is not short-circuit-proof and not surge-proof (ESD-sensitive device).
• EE671 transmitter according to ordering guide
• Protection cap
• Mounting flange
• User manual
The EE671 air flow transmitter can be operated in a Modbus RTU network with max. 32 devices. For Modbus protocol settings see
Application Note Modbus AN0103 (www.epluse.com/EE671).
The factory setting for the Slave-ID is 238 as an integer 16Bit value. This ID can be customised in the register 0x00 (value margin
1 - 247 permitted).
Read registers (function code 0x03 / 0x04)
30001 0x00 Serial number ASCII
30009 0x08 Software version Binary
30010 0x09 Transmitter name ASCII
30026 0x19 Temperature °C 32-bit float
30028 0x1B Temperature °F 32-bit float
30030 0x1D Temperature K 32-bit float
30032 0x1F Air velocity m/s 32-bit float
30034 0x21 Air velocity ft/min 32-bit float
30046 0x2D Temperature °C x 100 16-bit integer
30047 0x2E Temperature °F x 100 16-bit integer
30048 0x2F Temperature K x 100 16-bit integer
30049 0x30 Air velocity m/s x 100 16-bit integer
30050 0x31 Air velocity ft/min x 10 16-bit integer
Write registers (function code 0x06)
60001 0x00 Network address
60002 0x01 Communication parameter
address [HEX]
Measured value Unit Type