EE Brightbox User Manual

EE User Manual
Bright Box Wireless Router
EE Bright Box User Manual
Document Identification
First Issue
Content update
EE Bright Box User Manual
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................ 3!
Chapter 1: Introduction ............................................................................................. 7!
Introducing the Bright Box wireless router ........................................................................................... 7!
Document Information .............................................................................................................................. 7!
Router Technical Specification ............................................................................................................... 7!
Chapter 2: Router Identification and Panels ........................................................... 9 !
Router Identification ................................................................................................................................. 9!
Front Panel View and LED Status ........................................................................................................... 9!
Back Panel View ........................................................................................................................................ 11!
Bottom panel view ................................................................................................................................... 13!
Chapter 3: Installation ............................................................................................ 14!
Unpacking your Bright Box wireless router ......................................................................................... 14!
Setting up your ADSL broadband .......................................................................................................... 16!
Disconnecting your old equipment ................................................................................................... 16!
Connecting your new equipment ...................................................................................................... 16!
Connect and turn on your router ....................................................................................................... 16!
Check it over .......................................................................................................................................... 17!
Your home broadband is being set up ............................................................................................... 17!
You can now connect your devices .................................................................................................. 18!
Setting up your Fibre broadband .......................................................................................................... 18!
Disconnect Old Equipment ................................................................................................................. 18!
Engineer Visit ........................................................................................................................................ 18!
Connect and turn on your router ....................................................................................................... 18!
Check it over ......................................................................................................................................... 19!
Your Fibre broadband is being set up ............................................................................................... 20!
You can now connect your devices .................................................................................................. 20!
Moving to Fibre broadband .................................................................................................................... 20!
Engineer Visit ........................................................................................................................................ 20!
Reconfigure your current equipment ............................................................................................... 20!
Connect and turn on your router ........................................................................................................ 21!
Check it over .......................................................................................................................................... 21!
Six simple steps to move .................................................................................................................... 22!
Your Fibre broadband is being set up ............................................................................................... 23!
You can now connect your devices .................................................................................................. 23!
Setting up a Wired connection to your Bright Box ............................................................................ 23!
Setting up a wireless connection .......................................................................................................... 25!
Chapter 4: The Bright Box Admin Pages ................................................................. 27!
Accessing the Bright Box admin pages ................................................................................................ 27!
How to log in to the Bright Box admin pages ................................................................................. 27!
How to log out of the Bright Box admin pages ............................................................................... 29!
Possible Errors displayed when logging into the admin pages .................................................... 30!
Navigating the Bright Box admin pages .............................................................................................. 31!
Bright Box admin page descriptions ..................................................................................................... 33!
Status tab .............................................................................................................................................. 33!
Basic Set-Up tab ................................................................................................................................... 33!
Advanced Set-Up tab ........................................................................................................................... 34!
Making Configuration Changes ............................................................................................................. 38!
Help pages ................................................................................................................................................. 39!
Chapter 5: The Bright Box status page .................................................................. 40!
Internet status ......................................................................................................................................... 40!
Wireless Status ......................................................................................................................................... 42!
EE Bright Box User Manual
Currently Connected Devices ............................................................................................................... 44!
USB Device ................................................................................................................................................ 45!
Information ............................................................................................................................................... 45!
Chapter 6: Bright Box Basic Set-Up pages ............................................................ 49!
Broadband Settings ................................................................................................................................ 49!
Description of Broadband Settings .................................................................................................. 49!
How to manually update the broadband username and password ............................................. 52!
How to change the broadband MTU ................................................................................................ 53!
How to set manual DNS addresses ................................................................................................... 54!
Migration Wizard ...................................................................................................................................... 55!
How to migrate to EE Fibre broadband ............................................................................................ 56!
How to migrate to EE ADSL broadband ........................................................................................... 57!
Wireless Settings ...................................................................................................................................... 59!
Description of Wireless Settings ....................................................................................................... 59!
A note on changing wireless settings .............................................................................................. 62!
How to enable or disable wireless ..................................................................................................... 63!
How to change the Wireless Network Name (SSID) ..................................................................... 64!
How to change the wireless WPA password .................................................................................. 66!
How to change the Wireless Mode ................................................................................................... 67!
How to change the wireless channel ............................................................................................... 69!
How to change the Broadcast SSID option ..................................................................................... 70!
How to change to wireless WEP security ........................................................................................ 72!
How to change to wireless WPA mode ............................................................................................. 75!
How to disable Wireless Security ...................................................................................................... 77!
Using the Intelligent Wireless feature .............................................................................................. 78!
Wi-Fi protected setup .............................................................................................................................. 79!
Description of WPS settings ............................................................................................................. 80!
How to enable and disable WPS ........................................................................................................ 82!
How to establish a WPS connection using push button configuration (PBC) ........................... 83!
How to establish a WPS connection using the personal identification number (PIN) method
................................................................................................................................................................ 86!
USB File Sharing ...................................................................................................................................... 88!
How to File Share with a USB Drive (Auto Share) ......................................................................... 88!
Description of USB File Sharing settings ........................................................................................ 90!
How to set a username and password on the USB drive .............................................................. 92!
Chapter 7: Bright Box Advanced Set-Up pages ...................................................... 95!
Broadband Settings ................................................................................................................................. 95!
Description of Advanced Broadband Settings ............................................................................... 96!
Using the button to force an Internet Connection/Disconnection ............................................. 97!
ADSL Mode ............................................................................................................................................... 98!
Description of ADSL Mode settings ................................................................................................. 98!
Migration Wizard ..................................................................................................................................... 98!
Wireless Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 98!
Channel and SSID .................................................................................................................................... 99!
Description of Channel and SSID settings ...................................................................................... 99!
How to change the wireless speed from 144Mbps to 300Mbps ............................................... 101!
How to set up multiple SSID’s (multiple wireless network names) ........................................... 102!
WEP .......................................................................................................................................................... 105!
How to set up a multiple SSID with WEP security ........................................................................ 105!
WPA .......................................................................................................................................................... 108!
Description of WPA settings ............................................................................................................ 108!
802.1x ...................................................................................................................................................... 110!
Description of 802.1x settings ......................................................................................................... 111!
Bandwidth Control .................................................................................................................................. 112!
EE Bright Box User Manual
Description of Bandwidth Control settings .................................................................................... 113!
How to limit the wireless bandwidth on an SSID .......................................................................... 113!
USB File Sharing ...................................................................................................................................... 115!
Description of USB File Sharing settings ....................................................................................... 116!
How to add user account access to a USB drive. ......................................................................... 118!
Mobile Broadband ................................................................................................................................... 121!
DHCP ........................................................................................................................................................ 122!
Description of DHCP settings: ......................................................................................................... 123!
How to reserve an IP address for a computer or a device .......................................................... 124!
NAT ........................................................................................................................................................... 126!
Address Mapping .................................................................................................................................... 127!
Description of Address Mapping settings ...................................................................................... 128!
Port Forwarding ..................................................................................................................................... 128!
Description of Port Forwarding settings ........................................................................................ 130!
How to set up a port forwarding entry ............................................................................................ 131!
Port Triggers ........................................................................................................................................... 132!
Description of Port Trigger settings ............................................................................................... 133!
How to set up a port trigger rule ..................................................................................................... 134!
NAT mapping table ................................................................................................................................ 135!
Firewall ..................................................................................................................................................... 137!
Access Control ........................................................................................................................................ 138!
Description of settings on the Access Control page ................................................................... 139!
How to create an Access Control rule ............................................................................................ 140!
MAC Filter ................................................................................................................................................ 143!
Description of MAC Filter settings .................................................................................................. 144!
How to set up a MAC filter rule ....................................................................................................... 144!
URL Blocking ........................................................................................................................................... 145!
How to create a URL Blocking rule ................................................................................................. 146!
Schedule Rule ......................................................................................................................................... 150!
How to create a Schedule Rule for Access Control ...................................................................... 151!
Intrusion Detection ................................................................................................................................ 155!
Description of Intrusion Detection settings: ................................................................................. 156!
DMZ .......................................................................................................................................................... 157!
Description of DMZ settings ............................................................................................................ 158!
How to add a computer to the De-militarized zone (DMZ) ......................................................... 159!
QoS ........................................................................................................................................................... 160!
How to enable Quality of Service on the router ........................................................................... 161!
Traffic Mapping ...................................................................................................................................... 162!
How to create a Quality of Service Traffic Mapping rule ............................................................ 163!
Quality of Service Traffic Type descriptions: ................................................................................ 165!
Diffserv Groups ....................................................................................................................................... 166!
How to apply bandwidth prioritisation for Diffserv Groups ........................................................ 166!
WMM ........................................................................................................................................................ 168!
UPnP ......................................................................................................................................................... 170!
Tools .......................................................................................................................................................... 172!
Configuration ........................................................................................................................................... 172!
How to save a copy of your router’s settings ................................................................................. 173!
How to restore your router’s settings from a backup .................................................................. 174!
Restart ..................................................................................................................................................... 175!
How to restart your router ................................................................................................................ 176!
Factory Default ........................................................................................................................................ 177!
How to restore the router to factory defaults from the router admin page ............................. 177!
How to restore the router to factory defaults from the reset button on the router .............. 179!
Firmware Upgrade ................................................................................................................................. 179!
EE Bright Box User Manual
How to upgrade your router with a firmware file ......................................................................... 180!
System ..................................................................................................................................................... 182!
Time Settings .......................................................................................................................................... 184!
Password Settings ................................................................................................................................. 186!
How to change the router’s admin password ............................................................................... 187!
How to change the time out period of the admin pages ............................................................ 188!
DDNS ........................................................................................................................................................ 189!
How to configure your router for Dynamic DNS ........................................................................... 190!
ADSL Status ............................................................................................................................................ 191!
System Log .............................................................................................................................................. 194!
Description of System Log entries .................................................................................................. 195!
Chapter 8: Troubleshooting .................................................................................. 198!
Unable to display the router admin pages using ..................................................... 198!
Unable to connect to the Internet .................................................................................................. 199!
Unable to establish a wireless connection with the router ........................................................ 201!
Poor wireless signal strength and speeds or the wireless connection is lost ........................ 202!
Problem sharing files with a USB drive connected to the router. ............................................ 203!
Appendix A: Default Router Settings ................................................................... 204!
EE Bright Box User Manual
The Bright Box Wireless Router is a wireless ‘N’ modem router offering speeds of up-to 300 Mbps when used with a compatible wireless ‘N’ adapter. It also has four 10/100 Mbps Ethernet ports for wired connectivity.
The Bright Box Wireless Router supports ADSL2+ broadband connections
offering maximum
theoretical speeds of up to 24 Mbps on your EE
home broadband line. The Bright Box also
supports a simple ADSL setup over the EE
broadband network through remote configuration
– just plug it into your ADSL line and it works. The Bright Box features Intelligent Wireless
- improving the reliability of your wireless broadband signal by avoiding interference from other signals. You can control when your connected devices move on to a different wireless channel to improve performance, giving you the most reliable wireless connection for all your laptops, smartphones and tablets throughout your home
The router also features the latest WPA2 (Wi
-Fi Protected Access) wireless security out-of-
-box, to ensure that your wireless connection is protected from external wireless intrusion.
The router is
also compatible with wireless ‘B’ and wireless ‘G’ standards
The Bright Box Wireless
Router supports connectivity from a variety of devices to include Windows and Apple Mac computers, games consoles such as Xbox and Play Station 3, iPads, iPhones, and other mobile smartphones including Signal Boost (UMA) compatible handsets.
It’s also possible to connect a USB memory device (e.g.
USB hard drive, or memory stick) to
the Bright Box wireless router to enable file sharing across the home network. The Bright Box also has handy advanced features
such as Port Forwarding, Port Triggering, Access Control, MAC Filtering, URL Blocking, Intrusion Detection, UPnP and Quality of Service (QoS) settings among other
s in order to provide configuration options to suit your needs.
Throughout this document, the following icons will be used. Below is a description of what the icons represent:
Information icon: this will be used to denote added information, which may be of interest to the reader about a specific process or reason for completing a specific task within a process. Alternatively, if there’s more than one way to complete a process, the most efficient process will be documented, however the alternative may appear next to an information icon.
Exclamation mark icon
: this will be used to highlight key points in the document of specific importance, such as particular tasks that must be completed, or warning about the implications of completing specific processes
Model Name
Bright Box Wireless Router.
LAN Ports
3 x 10BASE-T/100BASE-Tx (RJ45).
WAN Ports
1 x 10BASE-T/100BASE-Tx (RJ45) – doubles as additional LAN port.
EE Bright Box User Manual
ADSL Ports
1 x RJ11.
ADSL Modes
G.DMT - G.992.1, ADSL2 - G.992.3, ADSL2+ - G.992.5, Annex M
- G.992.3 & G.992.5
Broadband Modes
ADSL PPPoA, ADSL PPPoE, Routing Mode, Fibre/Ethernet PPPoE, Bridge Mode.
USB Ports
1 x USB 2.0.
Wireless LAN
IEEE 802.11n, IEEE 802.11g, IEEE 802.11b.
Wireless Band
2.4 GHz (2.412 – 2.472).
Wireless Channels
Auto (Intelligent Wireless), 1 – 13 (plus extension channels +/
- 4)
Wireless Speeds
Up to 145 Mbps (20MHz bandwidth) by default or up to 300 Mbps (40MHz bandwidth).
Wireless Security Mode
WPA2-PSK, WPA-PSK, WEP (64/128 Bit), Unsecured Mode, 802.1X, TKIP, AES.
Wi-Fi Protected Setup
WPS PBC Mode, WPS PIN Mode – disabled by default
Gateway IP Address
Default MTU
1492 (configurable from 576-1500)
Power Adapter
230V, 50Hz Input
Power Supply (Input)
100-240V ~ 50-60Hz 0.5A
Power Supply (Output)
12V ~ 1.0A
Firmware/Software Version
v0.09.94.0006-OT (28 November 2011)
Boot Code Version
v1.00.09.0003-OT or v1.00.10.0001-OT
ADSL Code Version
Hardware Version
165mm x 133mm x 30mm
EE Bright Box User Manual
The Bright Box Wireless Router is black with an EE logo printed on the top of the device, as illustrated below:
On the bottom of the router you will find a sticker detailing the model name, MAC Address, Serial Number and important wireless information including your wireless network name (also known as an SSID) and wireless password. The sticker also includes the URL used for accessing the router admin pages
( and the username and password to
login to the admin pages.
On the front panel of the Bright Box Wireless Router, you’ll find 9 green LED lights, which can be used to indicate the status of the router:
EE Bright Box User Manual
When the router is connected to power, switched on and only a
broadband cable is
connected, the lights should
be lit as follows:
LED Colour/Activity
Solid green
Solid green
Off (Fibre) or flashing green
Solid green
Intelligent Wireless/WPS
Ethernet 1-3
Ethernet 4
Flashing green (Fibre Broadband) or Off (ADSL
The table
below describes the LED light behaviour on the front panel and what they mean,
from left to right.
The router is receiving power this is normal operation.
The router is not receiving power, or has failed.
The router is functioning correctly, and is connected to broadband.
Fast flashing
The router is training or synchronising with the exchange.
Slow flashing
The router has attempted to connect to the Internet but has failed. This could be a problem connecting to the
broadband exchange, however
will be most commonly experienced when the
EE Bright Box User Manual
username and password have been entered incorrectly.
The router can’t detect a broadband signal. If you are using
the EE Fibre broadband service check that the Ethernet connection between the WAN port on the Bright Box and LAN1 port on the Fibre
modem is connected and the modem is
powered on.
Traffic is being sent or received between the computer and router, or the router and the internet
For ADSL broadband that means that no data is currently being sent or received from the router.
If you are using the EE Fibre broadband service, this light will always be off, and this is normal.
The wireless access point is enabled.
Data is being sent via the wireless link.
Wireless has been disabled.
Intelligent Wireless/ WPS
A successful WPS connection has been made.
Fast Flashing
The WPS button has been pressed - the router is capable of setting up a WPS connection.
Slow Flashing
The router is searching for a new wireless channel as part of the Intelligent wireless process.
Default behaviour – WPS or Intelligent wireless aren’t currently in progress.
Ethernet 1
­4 (ADSL Broadband
Ethernet connection has been established with the indicated port.
The Ethernet connection is sending/receiving data.
There is no Ethernet connection on the port.
Ethernet 4 (Fibre Broadband)
A connection has been established between the Bright Box and the Fibre
Data is being sent between the Bright Box and the Fibre
The Ethernet connection between the Bright Box and the Fibre
modem has been disconnected or
the modem is powered off. Check that the Ethernet connection between the
WAN port on the Bright Box and LAN1 port on the Fibre
modem is connected and the modem is
powered on.
On the back panel of the Bright Box you will find the following ports, sockets and buttons:
EE Bright Box User Manual
Ethernet Ports o WAN
port for Fibre broadband services (also known as LAN 4)
o LAN ports (1
USB port
power switch
The table below describes the ports, sockets and buttons on the back panel of the Bright Box router:
DSL port
For ADSL broadband, connect one end of a broadband cable (RJ
-11) to this port and the other end to a filter and
the telephone line.
Reset button
Press briefly to restart the router, or press for 6 seconds to return the router to factory default settings.
WAN port
For ADSL broadband, connect one end of an Ethernet cable (RJ
-45) to this port to use as a normal LAN port (LAN
4). For Fibre broadband, connect one end of an Ethernet
cable (RJ
-45) to this port and the other end to the Fibre
LAN port
Connect one end of an Ethernet cable (RJ-45) to this port, and the other end to a computer (or other Ethernet device) with a LAN card installed.
USB port
Connect a USB storage device such as a USB hard drive to this port.
USB File Sharing
on page 88
Power switch
Use this switch to turn the router on/off.
Power socket
Connect the supplied power adapter to this socket.
EE Bright Box User Manual
Intelligent Wireless/WPS button
Press this button briefly to activate the Intelligent Wireless process or press this button for 5
seconds to activate WPS (WPS will only be available when enabled in the router’s admin pages
– (see
Wi-Fi Protected Setup
on page 79)
On the base or bottom of the router, you’ll find a sticker detailing the information below:
Model name
of router (Bright Box Wireless Router)
Wireless network name
(also known as SSID), e.g. BrightBox-1a2b3c
Wireless password
– 6 character random password
Router login details
– i.e.
Router login username
and password
The MAC address
and Serial number of the router
EE Bright Box User Manual
To make your life easier, we’ve already set-up your Bright Box wireless router so it will connect to the Internet once your broadband is ready. Simply plug it in and connect your device. If you’d like a helping hand, follow this guide and you’ll be online in no time.
The box should include the following items:
A Bright
Box Wireless Router:
2-Part power supply
broadband cable (for ADSL broadband only)
2 x broadband filters
EE Bright Box User Manual
Black Ethernet cable:
Bright Box wireless router set
-up guide:
If any of these items are missing or damaged please contact us on 0844 873 8586.
EE Bright Box User Manual
Follow these steps to set up your Bright Box Wireless Router for your ADSL EE broadband service.
If you are using the EE Fibre optic broadband service, see the next section.
Disconnecting your old equipment
If you’ve already got a broadband modem or router connected to your line, unplug the power supply and all other cables and put them to one side for now.
We recommend using the broadband filters provided in the box, especially to connect
new router. You can leave existing filters connected to other telephone sockets.
Connecting your new equipment
1. Connect the broadband filter to the telephone socket.
Connect your router to the main phone socket for better broadband speeds. make sure to have a broadband filter connected to all sockets in use, this includes those for telephones, answerphones, TV
box’s and alarm systems.
Connect the grey broadband cable into the broadband filter:
You can connect a telephone to the other available socket on the broadband filter (this
is optional):
Connect and turn on your router
1. Plug the other end of the grey broadband cable into the DSL socket on your router:
Connect the two parts of the power supply together
EE Bright Box User Manual
3. Plug the power cable into the router:
4. Plug the other end into a plug socket and turn it on:
You can now switch on the router:
Check it over
1. The power light will go green and the broadband light will go green shortly afterwards.
Your set up should now look like this:
Your home broadband is being set up
This will take up to 5 minutes, so relax and let us do the leg work.
EE Bright Box User Manual
Please note that if you're redirected to the ‘Nearly there!’ holding page in your browser,
you may need to wait a few more minutes for us to set up your router.
If after 5 minutes, the ‘Nearly there!’ text is still visible when you reopen your browser window, reboot your PC and then reopen the browser window again, you should now be able to view web pages. If this still doesn’t work, you can manually enter your broadband
username and password in the router
user interface and make a connection to the Internet (see
how to manually update the
broadband username and password
on page 52)
You can now connect your devices
You can now connect your devices to your Bright Box router. Choose either wireless or wired connection and follow the steps on page
s 23 and 25
Follow these steps to set up your Bright Box Wireless Router for your EE Fibre broadband service.
Make sure that your Fibre broadband has been installed
– the engineer will confirm that
your line is ready to go
Disconnect Old Equipment
If you’ve already got a broadband modem or router connected to your line, unplug the power supply and all other cables and put them to one side for now.
Engineer Visit
1. The engineer will change your telephone socket and connect the modem for you.
Connect the black Ethernet cable, provided, to the modem:
Connect and turn on your router
1. Connect the other end of the black Ethernet cable into the red WAN port on your router:
Connect the two parts of the power supply together:
EE Bright Box User Manual
Plug the power cable into the router:
Connect the power supply into a plug socket and turn it on.
You can now switch on your router.
Check it over
Everything should now look like this, the power light will go green and the broadband light will go green shortly afterwards:
EE Bright Box User Manual
Your Fibre broadband is being set up
This will take up to 5 minutes, so relax and let us do the leg work.
Please note that if
you're redirected to the ‘Nearly there!’ holding page in your browser,
you may need to wait a few more minutes for us to set up your router.
If after 5 minutes, the ‘Nearly there!’ text is still visible when you reopen your browser window, reboot your PC and then reopen the browser window again, you should now be able to view web pages. If this still doesn’t work, you can manually enter your broadband username and password in the
user interface and make a connection to the Internet (see
how to manually update the
broadband username and password
on page 52)
You can now connect your devices
You can now connect your devices to your Bright Box router. Choose either wireless or wired connection and follow the steps on page
s 23 and 25
Follow these steps to move your Bright Box Wireless Router from an ADSL to EE Fibre broadband service.
Make sure that your Fibre broadband has been installed
– the engineer will confirm that
your line is ready to go
Engineer Visit
1. The engineer will change your telephone socket and connect the modem for you.
Connect the black Ethernet cable, provided, to the modem:
Reconfigure your current equipment
1. Disconnect any broadband filters from other telephone sockets.
EE Bright Box User Manual
If you have a telephone cable reconnect it directly to the telephone socket
Disconnect the grey broadband cable from the Bright Box.
Remove any Ethernet cables currently connected to the red WAN port, reconnect the
Ethernet cables to another available port (LAN1, LAN2 or LAN3)
Connect and turn on your router
Plug the other end of the black Ethernet cable connected to the modem into the red WAN port on your router:
Check it over
Everything should now look like this:
The power light will go green, the broadband light will go green once you’ve completed the next steps.
EE Bright Box User Manual
Six simple steps to move
1. Open a web browser (you will not be connected to the Internet)
Type into the browser address bar and click go. Your username is
admin and the password is on your ‘KEEP MEE’ card or on the sticker on the bottom of your router.
Select the Basic Set-Up tab at the top of the screen.
Select the Migration Wizard from the menu on the left hand side menu:
5. Press the Fibre/Ethernet button.
EE Bright Box User Manual
Press OK on the warning pop-up. The migration countdown will begin. You can now
close your browser.
Your Fibre broadband is being set up
This will take up to 5 minutes, so relax and let us do the leg work.
Please note that if
you're redirected to the ‘Nearly there!’ holding page in your browser,
you may need to wait a few more minutes for us to set up your router.
If after 5 minutes, the ‘Nearly there!’ text is still visible when you reopen your browser window, reboot your PC and then reopen the browser window again, you should now be able to view web pages. If this still doesn’t work, you can manually enter your broadband username and password in the router user interface and make a connection to the Internet (see
how to manually update the
broadband username and password
on page 52)
You can now connect your devices
You can now connect your devices to your Bright Box router. Choose either wireless or wired connection and follow the steps on page
s 23 and 25
To set up a wired (Ethernet) connection between your computer and the Bright Box Wireless Router, follow the steps below:
For ADSL broadband, plug one end of the black Ethernet cable into any of the four yellow
Ethernet sockets on the back of your Bright Box Wireless Router
EE Bright Box User Manual
For Fibre broadband you should leave the black Ethernet cable connected to the red
WAN port on the Bright Box, but can plug another Ethernet cable into any of the other LAN ports on the Bright Box (LAN1, LAN2 or LAN3).
Plug the other end into the Ethernet socket on your device. You’ll hear a click when
you’ve connected the cable correctly:
To check your connection, type into a browser's address bar and click Go:
The EE home page will load:
EE Bright Box User Manual
If you can’t connect or are having problems, repeat all of the steps again ensuring that all plugs are connected properly. If none of these work give us a call on 0844 873 8586 and we’ll help get you up and running.
To set up a wireless connection to the Bright Box Wireless Router:
Your wireless network name
(SSID) and wireless password can be found on the ‘KEEP
MEE’ card or on the bottom of the router.
If you’re using a wireless adapter, make sure it’s installed correctly and turned on.
Open the wireless software on your device:
Windows – click the network icon in your device’s notification area – if using Windows Vista, you’ll need to choose ‘connect to network’
Apple Mac – click the ‘AirPort’ icon in the menu bar
Other Devices – the list can usually be found in the settings menu next to ‘wireless’, ‘manage connections’ or ‘networks’
3. Look for your wireless network name in the list of networks.
Select ‘connect’ or ‘join’ on your wireless network and when prompted enter your
wireless password.
You should now be connected to the wireless network
To check your connection, type into a browser's address bar and click Go:
EE Bright Box User Manual
The EE home page will load:
EE Bright Box User Manual
In order to configure settings on the Bright Box wireless router, you will need to log in and out of the router’s admin pages using your web browser.
The admin pages will only allow one user (defined by the IP Address of the connected wireless or Ethernet device) to access the pages at one time. As such if swapping between a wired or wireless connection on the computer it is advised that you log out of the pages once you’ve finished the task. If you forget, you’ll receive an error, and need to wait 10 minutes, or restart the router.
How to log in to the Bright Box admin pages
To log into the Bright Box wireless router admin pages:
1. Open a browser, for example Internet Explorer Safari or Firefox .
In the address bar type,
The router’s admin page login will open:
Enter the Username and Password to login to the router admin pages:
EE Bright Box User Manual
a. The Username is admin b.
The Password can be found on the sticker on the bottom of the router (in the
Router Login Details section) and on
the ‘KEEP MEE’ card.
Click L ogin
The Bright Box ‘status’ page will be displayed:
EE Bright Box User Manual
How to log out of the Bright Box admin pages
To logout of the router's admin pages:
Click Logout – you’ll find this in the top right-hand corner of the router’s admin pages:
You’ll be taken back to the login screen:
EE Bright Box User Manual
Possible Errors displayed when logging into the admin pages
You may experience one of the errors below while logging onto the admin pages:
‘The router log in details you’ve entered are incorrect. You’ll find these printed on the bottom of your router
You’ll get this error if the username and/or password for the router’s admin pages have been entered incorrectly or left blank.
Remember that the username and password are case sensitive
ensure that the Caps Lock on
your computer keyboard is not on when attempting to log on. Close the browser window, and then
try to log on again using the details below:
Username: admin
Password: This can be found on the sticker on the bottom of the router (in the router
login details section) and on the ‘KEEP MEE’
If you think you may have changed the password
for the router in the Advanced Set-Up >
> Password Settings page, and can’t remember the new password, you will need
to return the router to factory settings
using the reset button on the back panel of the router
how to restore the router to it’s default settings
on page 179)
+ 177 hidden pages