Educational Insights EI-2302 Language Tutor Instructions For Use Manual

Why Language Tutor ?
Language Tutor provides an interactive, audiovisual experience that is appropriate for a wide range of students: struggling students in general education classrooms and special needs programs, ELL/ESL learners, and students who receive speech and language intervention.
The system uses a multisensory, model-and-response strategy for language acquisition. Students see the target words on the cards, listen to them being spoken on the Teacher track, and repeat them as many times as needed, progressing independently and at their own pace. When ready, students record themselves speaking the words and compare their speech with the Teacher track, building their skills and confidence in a systematic and motivating way. Perfect for differentiated instruction, individual students, and small groups, Language Tutor makes an excellent guided or center activity.
What's on the Lesson Cards?
This card set introduces and reinforces important phonics skills, including initial and final consonants and short and long vowels. Each card presents a target letter, two target words, and two full-color photographs.
Language Tutor
recognizes each card’s unique bar code and speaks the target word.
Cards are color-coded and numbered for easy identification.
The target words are shown in big, bold letters. The target letter is given additional emphasis.
Full-color photographs illustrate the words.
The target letter is shown in isolation.
Before You Begin
If you are using Language Tutor in a classroom setting, designate an appropriate space for your Language Tutor center. To the extent possible, this space should provide a distraction-free environment for students. We suggest that students use headphones equipped with a boom microphone to eliminate classroom noise and improve the quality of their recorded speech. Note: Language Tutor supports the type of headphones equipped with two separate jacks.
Getting Started
Students should be comfortable using Language Tutor before they begin working independently. Introduce the unit, pointing out and demonstrating the function of the STUDENT, TEACHER, and RECORD buttons. This guide includes a brief summary of the unit’s operation. Refer to
the Language Tutor guide included with the unit for a more detailed explanation.
Monitoring Student Progress
Storing Student Work
Language Tutor enables you to store and evaluate the audio recordings of up to three students at a time for each card. This important feature enables multiple students to work on the same skill. This is especially helpful when several students are having difficulty with the same card. To review a student’s work, place the lesson card on the unit, dial that student’s assigned number, and press the STUDENT button. To review the work of another student on the same lesson card, turn the STUDENT button dial to that student’s assigned number, and press the STUDENT button.
The Student Progress Record
The Phonics 1 card set enables you to match the learning task to the needs of each student. The Student Progress Record in this guide makes planning and monitoring student progress simple. Make a copy of the record for each student. To assess a student’s knowledge of the concepts, administer a pretest of some or all of the cards. Have the student identify the target words on each card; for example, the student identifies bag and bell. Note the date assessed and whether the student correctly identified the words. Set aside incorrectly identified cards for further practice and posttest assessment.
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