Educational Insights EI-1750 User Manual

G R A D E S 3 – 4
Build students’ writing, speaking, and test-taking vocabularies week-by-week with this fun vocabulary development program with a twist – appealing, large-format cartoons that students will laugh about and remember!
Using the Word of the Week Program
Designate a set time at the beginning of the week for introducing each Word of the Week. Separate the target word, its definition, and the cartoon along the perforated edges. (Note: The words, definitions, and cartoons are all numbered to make keeping them together easy.) Display them in the pockets, leaving room at the bottom for student-written sentences. Discuss each word, including its part of speech, definition, and use in the cartoon. Have each student write a sentence using the target word in class or as a homework assignment. Focus on the word, using some of the tips below, for a week. When you are done, store the materials in the handy storage pocket on the back.
Here are some ways to review the target Word of the Week:
• Post and discuss a new student-written sentence each day.
• Keep a tally on the board each time the word is used appropriately during the school day.
• Have students bring in and share newspaper headlines or sentences they have copied from books or magazines in which the target word is used.
• Add the target word to your weekly spelling test as extra credit.
• Create a word wall by writing each new word on a sentence strip and posting it. This attention-getting visual display will remind students to use their new vocabulary words in their everyday speech and writing. Students can also add synonyms below the words as they think of them during the week.
• Have students copy the word and its definition onto opposite sides of an index card. By the end of the year, students will have a library of vocabulary flash cards.
Using the Reproducible Pages
We have included a quiz or activity for each group of ten words. The quizzes can be used for both pre- and post test assessment. In addition, we have included a Make-Your-Own Cartoon page. Having students create their own cartoons for the target words in the program is an excellent way of checking and reinforcing their understanding of word meanings. You may also have students choose words from their reading to illustrate. Display the cartoons or make copies and bind them into a book for your classroom library, or submit them to the school newsletter. Here are some tips to inspire your budding cartoonists:
• Make it autobiographical.
• Use historical or storybook characters in unexpected situations.
• Give people ridiculous super powers or give animals abilities they wouldn’t normally have.
Grades 3-4
Word List
The 40 words in the program are
ntroduced in the following order:
strive immense abode ponder wallop culprit blunder eerie heed utter attire superb sliver baffle taunt murmur hasty shriek jovial lug
hurl irate dingy tranquil pact drowsy flawless prank throng plead thorough jostle timid amble bedlam jaunt scrumptious flaunt slumber feign
Answer Key
Quiz 1
1. c, 2. c, 3. d, 4. a, 5. b,
6. d, 7. a, 8. d, 9. b, 10. a
Quiz 2
1. c, 2. d, 3. f, 4. h, 5. g,
6. e, 7. j, 8. b, 9. a, 10. i
Quiz 3
1. throng, 2. hurl, 3. flawless, 4. prank,
5. irate, 6. dingy, 7. tranquil, 8. plead,
9. drowsy, 10. pact
Quiz 4 Across: 2. slumber, 5. amble, 7. feign,
8. timid, 9. thorough Down: 1. jostle, 2. scrumptious,
3. jaunt, 4. flaunt, 6. bedlam
© Educational Insights, Inc., Gardena, CA (U.S.A.). All rights reser ved. Learning Resources Ltd., King’s Lynn, Norfolk (U.K.). Made in China. Please retain this information.
© Illustrations copyright by Marc Tyler Nobleman.
ges 8-9
Name ____________________
thought; fast
a. joyful; cheerful
b. to scream or yell
c. clothing
d. excellent; very fine
e. to whisper or talk quietly
f. a small, thin piece
g. to make fun of; mock
h. to confuse or puzzle
i. to pull or haul
j. done quickly or with little
Word of the Week Quiz 2
Words 11-20 Date_____________________
Match the word with its definition.
_____1. attire
_____6. wallop
_____2. superb
c. to make fun of
b. huge
a. a wall
_____3. sliver
d. to hit hard
_____4. baffle
a. a home
b. absent
c. clothing
_____7. abode
_____5. taunt
d. a joke
_____8. eerie
_____6. murmur
a. a guilty person
c. to hear
b. an ear
_____7. hasty
d. weird or strange
_____9. utter
_____8. shriek
a. under
c. to study
b. to speak or say
_____9. jovial
d. to tease
_____10. lug
© Educational Insights, Inc. © Educational Insights, Inc.
a. to obey or listen to
c. to disobey
b. ahead
d. to try hard
____10. heed
b. tiny
a. easily frightened
Word of the Week Quiz 1 Name ____________________
Words 1-10 Date_____________________
Choose the letter of the best definition for the word.
_____1. immense
c. very large; huge
d. immediately
a. a hero
b. silly mistake
c. a guilty person
d. careful
_____2. culprit
a. to speak or say
_____3. blunder
c. to study
b. to hit hard
d. a silly mistake
a. to try very hard
_____4. strive
c. strange or weird
b. to study
d. to obey
a. to hit hard
b. to think about
c. to pound
d. to try very hard
_____5. ponder
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