EDT HRC User Manual

User’s Guide
Mezzanine Board
High Rate Carrier (E4, STS3, OC3 / STM1) for use with a PCI / PCIe Main Board
Doc. 008-02006-03a Rev. 2013 January 22
Sky Blue Microsystems GmbH
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Sky Blue Microsystems GmbH
Geisenhausenerstr. 18 81379 Munich, Germany +49 89 780 2970, info@skyblue.de
EDT, Inc. 2
In Great Britain:
Zerif Technologies Ltd.
H5 Ash Tree Court Nottingham NG8 6PY, England +44 115 855 7883, info@zerif.co.uk www.zerif.co.uk
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Definitions. This agreement, between Engineering Design Team, Inc. (“Seller”) and the user or distributor (“Buyer”), covers the
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License. Seller grants Buyer the right to use or distribute Seller’s Software and Firmware Products solely to enable Seller’s Hardware Products. Seller’s Software and Firmware must be used on the same computer as Seller’s Hardware. Seller’s Products and Documentation are furnished under, and may be used only in accordance with, the terms of this agreement. By using or distributing Seller’s Products and Documentation, Buyer agrees to the terms of this agreement, as well as any additional agreements (such as a nondisclosure agreement) between Buyer and Seller.
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Disclaimer. Seller’s Products and Documentation, including this document, are subject to change without notice. Documentation does not represent a commitment from Seller.
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Overview................................................................................................................................................................... 5
DMA: Four-channel vs. Legacy Sixteen-channel......................................................................................... 5
FPGAs on the PCI / PCIe Main Board......................................................................................................... 5
Companion Products.................................................................................................................................... 6
Related Resources....................................................................................................................................... 6
Installation................................................................................................................................................................. 7
About the Software and Firmware................................................................................................................ 7
The PCD Device Driver................................................................................................................................ 7
FPGA Configuration Files ................................................................. ... ... ... ... .... ........................................... 8
Software Initialization Files........................................................................................................................... 8
Sample Applications and Utilities................................................................................................................. 8
Sample Applications.............................................................................................................................. 9
Utility Files............................................................................................................................................. 9
Basic Testing Files ................................................................................................................................ 9
Building or Rebuilding an Application........................................................................................................... 9
Configuring the HRC............................................................................................................................................... 10
Checking or Updating the PCI / PCIe FPGA Firmware.............................................................................. 10
Loading the UI FPGA Firmware and Configuring the HRC........................................................................ 11
Using Custom FPGA Configuration Files................................................................................................... 11
Configuring the Channels ....................................................................................................................................... 11
Basic Testing .......................................................................................................................................................... 11
Connector Pinout .......... ... ... ... .... ... ....................................... ... ... ... .... ... ... ... .... ... ...................................................... 12
Registers................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Revision Log .......... .... ... ... ... ... .... ...................................... .... ... ... ... .... ... ................................................................... 19
EDT, Inc. 4
HRC Mezzanine Board
The HRC Mezzanine Board supports OC3 / STM1, STS3, or E4 signals in various combinations, including
framing and descrambling for OC3 / STM1 framed data. The board allows DMA output at the rate of 139 or
155 Mb/s (DMA is provided through the PCI / PCIe Main Board). The PCI / PCIe interface has bandwidth to
output OC3 / STM1 data on all four HRC channels.
The HRC has four connector locations; each is occupied by either a 75- BNC coaxial interface with CMI-
coded transmission, or a fiber-optic LC with a single-mode 1300 nm transceiver.
The standard connector combinations are: 4 BNC; 4 fiber-optic; 2 of each; or 3 BNC + 1 fiber-optic. Each
BNC can be programmed for either input or output; for bidirectional coaxial operation, a maximum of two
channels is available. The fiber-optic HRC has eight potential data streams (four in and four out), so full
duplex operation on all four fiber ports is not possible.
DMA: Four-channel vs. Legacy Sixteen-channel
Due to the constant filling and flushing of the DMA data pipeline in the host computer, some computers
cannot support the PCI bandwidth required for more than two active HRC outputs. With 16-channel DMA,
DMA burst size is smaller, and the PCI bus cannot switch between channels fast enough. With four-chann el
operation, however, DMA occurs in bigger bursts, with less switching — a more efficient mode of operation.
Therefore, we recommend that you configure new systems for four-channel operation.
However, if you choose to use sixteen-channel operation, you can do so by using the UI FPGA configuration
sshrcin.bit, the software initialization file hrcin.cfg, and a PCI FPGA configuration file ending in
available DMA channels (four in and four out), assuming that you have written you r own firmware to do so.
The DMA channels correlate to the HRC inputs and outputs as follows:
Channel 0 = input 0 Channel 2 = input 2 Channel 4 = output 0 Channel 6 = output 2
Channel 1 = input 1 Channel 3 = input 3 Channel 5 = output 1 Channel 7 = output 3
(either pciss16.bit or pcigs16.bit). Thus configured, the HRC can use eight of the sixteen
FPGAs on the PCI / PCIe Main Board
The HRC is paired with an EDT PCI / PCIe Main Board, which has the following FPGAs:
•The user interface (UI) FPGA links the HRC to the main board’s PCI or PCIe FPGA.
•The PCI or PCIe FPGA communicates with the host computer over the PCI or PCIe bus and implements the DMA engine, which transfers data between the board and the host. This FPGA loads automatically, at powerup, with the correct firmware from the main board’s FPGA configuration flash memory (“flash memory”).
For details, consult the PCI / PCIe Main Board User’s Guide (see Related Resources below).
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HRC Overview
Companion Products
For additional resources, the HRC is designed to work with these EDT products:
Required – a PCI / PCIe Main Board (PCI SS, PCI GS, or PCIe8 LX / FX), for DMA and other resources
Optional – a Time Distribution Board, for precise timestamping of the data.
For details on these products, see Related Resources.
Related Resources
The resources below may be helpful or necessary for your applications.
EDT Resources Description Detail Web link
• HRC specifications Datasheet (on product page) www.edt.com
• PCI / PCIe Main Board information Datasheet and user’s guide www.edt.com/main_boards.html
• Time Distribution board information Datasheet and user’s guide www.edt.com/timedist.html
• Application Programming Interface HTML and PDF versions www.edt.com/manuals.html
• Installation packages:
Windows, Linux, Solaris, Mac
Software / firmware downloads
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