EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500
magicolor WX
User's Guide
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500
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Manual Notice
QMS, Inc. reserves the right to ma ke changes to this manual and to the equipment
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the equipment when so operated.
Typographic Conventions
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500
The following typographic conventions are used in this manual:
lowercase ital ic
UPPERCASEFile and utility names
↵Press the Enter key (PC)
Notes contain tips, extra information, or important information
Text you type, and messages and information
displayed on the screen
Variable text you type; replace the italicized
word(s) with information specific to your printer or
Information displayed in the printer message
Variable information in text
that deserves emphasis or reiteration.
Cautions present information that you need to know to avoid
equipment damage, process failure, or extreme annoyance.
Warnings indicate the possibility of personal injury if a
specific procedure is not performed exactly as described in the
Bitte halten Sie sich exakt an die im Handbuch
beschriebene Vorgehensweise, da sonst Verletzungsgefahr
bestehen könnte.
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500
Set up the Printer .........................................................................1 -7
Install the Developer and Toner Cartridges 1-7
Remove the Pressu re-Rel eas e Piec es 1-12
Install the Cleaning Pad and Oil Bottle 1-14
Install the Waste Toner Pack 1-18
Install the OPC Belt Cartridge 1-20
Fill the Paper Cassette 1-24
Connect the Printer to Your PC and Plug It In 1-26
Install the Printer Driver 1-26
Register the Printer ....................................................................1-29
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500
Configuring the Windows 95 Printer Driver .............................. 2-2
Setting the Printer Driver Defaults 2-2
Configuring the Print er Driver for the Current Print Job 2-3
Configuring Pape r Options 2-4
Configuring Gra phi cs Options 2-8
Configuring Co lo r Optio ns 2-11
Configuring the Windows NT 4.0 Printer Driver ..................... 2-14
Setting Document Defaults 2-14
Configuring t he Printer Driv er through the Windows NT 4.0 Start
Menu 2-15
Configuring the Printer Driver through the Application 2-15
Configuring Page Setup Opt ion s 2-16
Configuring Advanced Options 2-20
Configuring Halftone Color Adjustments 2-26
Configuring Devi ce Setting s 2-32
Halftone Setup 2-35
Printing on a Network ............................................ ....... ...... ...... 2-40
Sharing Your Printer with Others for Windows 95 Users 2-40
Sharing Your Printer with Others fo r Windows NT 4.0 Us ers 2-41
Sharing Someone Else's Printer 2-43
Refilling the Media Cassette ..................................................... 2-44
Using the Manual Feed Tray ..................................................... 2-47
Printing on Different Types of Print Media .............................. 2-49
Printing Transparencies 2-49
Printing Labels 2-49
Printing on Letterhe ad or Other Prep rin ted Me dia 2-50
Printing on 3-Hole or Other Pre-punc hed Media 2-50
Printing Envelopes 2-50
Printing on Thick Paper Stock s 2-50
More About Print Media ............................................................ 2-51
Print Media Sizes, Imageable Regions, and Margins 2-51
Print Media Types, Weights, and Recommended Brands 2-54
Print Media Storage 2-54
Preventing Media Jams ................ ............................................. 2-55
Preventing Envelope Jams 2-56
QMS magicolor WX User's Guideii
Cancelling a Print Job ...............................................................2-56
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500
Replacing a Toner Cartridge 5-5
Replacing a Developer Cartridge 5-9
Replacing the OPC Belt Cartrid ge 5-14
Replacing the Cleaning Pad and Oil Bottle 5-18
Replacing the Waste Toner Pack 5-23
Cleaning the Printer .................................. ....... ...... ....... ............ 5-25
Guidelines for Cleaning the Printer 5-25
Cleaning the Charger Unit, the Precharger Unit, and the AC-
Charger Unit 5-26
Cleaning the Rollers 5-34
Cleaning the Exterior of Your Printer 5-41
Energy Star Compliance B-6
FCC Statement B-6
Laser Safety B-7
Canadian Users Notice B-7
International Notice B-8
Warranty Considerations B-8
QMS magicolor WX User's Guidevi
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500
In This Chapter . . .
nFinding a good location for the printer
nUnpacking the printer
nChecking shipment contents
nSetting up the printer
nInstalling the printer dri ver
nRegistering the printer
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500
technology to produce 300 and 600 dpi color and monochrome documents from PCs using Windows 95 or Windows NT. This chapter
explains how to set up your QMS
first time and install the printer driver for either Windows 95 or Windows NT.
WX Print System uses advanced color laser
WX Print System for the
Find a Good Location
Use the follo wing guidelin es when selec ting a location for your printer:
nOn a hard, level, sturdy surface capable of supporting 106 lbs
(48 kg). (By “level” we mean the surface should be so flat–1° of
slant or less–that you can lay a round pencil down on it, and it
doesn’t roll in any direction.)
nIn an area with a moderate temperature and humidity (64°-81° F /
18°-27° C, 60%-70% relative humidity).
nAway from cooling sources, heating sources, extreme tempera-
ture changes, direct sunlight, excessive dust, corrosive chemicals, strong electromagnetic fields (such as that created by an air
conditioner) and excessive vibration. Don’t connect it to the same
electrical outlet as noise-generating equipment.
nNear an electrical outlet (grounded and surge-protected,
120 volts/
nNear the PC—6' (1.8 m) or less for parallel connection.
± 12 volts, 60 Hz/± 2 Hz).
QMS magicolor WX User’s Guide1-2
Find a Good
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500
nIn an area that allows plenty of space for ventilation and mainte-
nance access:
4"/10 cm
16"/40 cm
28"/70 cm
36"/90 cm
Unpack the
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500
Unpack the Printer
consumables. Do not attempt to lift the printer by yourself.
versuchen Sie niemals, den Drucker alleine anzuheben oder zu
packing materials (explained below) before turning it on.
1Remove everything except the printer from the shipping car-
ton (leave the plastic and the straps on the printer), then lift
off the box.
The printer weighs approximately 106 lbs (48 kg) without
Der Drucker hat ein Gewicht von ungefähr 48 kg. Bitte
To prevent damaging your printer, you must remove all
them if you ever need to relocate the printer or return it for service.
Store all of the packing materials where you can easily access
QMS magicolor WX User’s Guide1-4
Unpack the
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500
2Get someone to help you with this step: Use the strap han-
dles provided (two on each side of the printer) to lift the
printer from its carton and place it in a sturdy, level surface.
Strap Handles
Strap Handles
3Remove the plastic wrap and all packing tape from the
4Remove the top cover and remove the packing material fr om
inside the printer.
Front View
Check Shipment
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500
Check Shipment Contents
In addition to the printer and this manual, the following items are
included in your shipment. If any items are missing or damaged, contact your QMS vendor immediately. Don’t return any merchandise
before contacting the vendor.
n4 toner cartridges (one each cyan, magenta, yellow, and black)
n4 developer cartridges (one each cyan, magenta, yellow, and
nBags for used toner and developer
nWaste toner pack
n1 oil bottle
n1 cleaning pad
nPower cord
nPrinter driver disk for Windows 95
nPrinter driver disk for Windows NT 4.0
nWarranty and registration card
nUniversal media cassette
nOPC belt cartridge
Don’t remove the cartridge from its protective bag until you’re
ready to install it.
The OPC belt cartridge is sensitive to direct sunlight.
QMS magicolor WX User’s Guide1-6
Set up the Printer
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500
Set up the Printer
the printer sometimes from the front and sometimes from the rear,
depending on which view is best to show you the part we’re installing
at the time. You don’t need to turn the printer while performing these
The illustrations accompanying the following procedures show
Install the Developer and Toner Cartridges
combustible powders; they should not be disposed of by burning.
Also, avoid inhaling loose developer or toner or getting them around
your eyes; they can cause respiratory problems and eye irritation.
Pulver, die leicht enzündlich sind; sie dürfen deshalb niemals mit
offenem Feuer in Beruhrüng kommen. Einatmen oder Berührung mit
Haut und Augen ist ebenfalls zu vermeiden, da dieses zu
Beeintràchtigungen der Atemwege, Haut oder Augenreizungen
führen könnte.
The developer and toner cartridge contain highly
Bei Entwickler und Toner handelt es sich um gefährliche
the correct place, exactly as described.
1Find the black-developer cartridge and remove it from its
protective bag.
Developer cartridges have green handles and a small strip of
plastic on top that indicates their color.
access them if you ever need to relocate the printer or return it for
It’s important to load the developer and toner cartridges in
Store all of the packing materials where you can easily
Set up the Printer
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500
2Raise the two green latches and lower the cartridge into the
slot closest to the back of the printer.
It should snap into place.
Color-Coded Tab
Front View
3Close the developer cartridge latches.
Rear View
QMS magicolor WX User’s Guide1-8
Set up the Printer
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500
4Grasp the tab on the top of the developer cartridge and pull
the tab and attached clear tape straight up and out of the car-
Rear View
5Remove the black toner cartridge from its protective bag.
(Toner cartridges are color-coded on top.)
6Hold the toner cartridge as shown and shake it horizontally.
This distributes toner evenly inside the cartridge and helps
ensure quality printing.
Set up the Printer
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500
7Install the toner cartridge on top of the developer cartridge.
Hold and squeeze the toner cartridge across the center, and align
the pins on the back side of the toner cartridge with the notches
on the developer cartridge. Orient the cartridge so that the words
on top are readable from the front of the printer.
cartridge, or you’ll damage the cartridges and the printer. If it
doesn’t fit easily, make sure you’re installing the correct color
car tr id ge: they’re keyed to fit each other.
Toner Cartridge
Rear View
Never force a toner cartridge onto a developer
QMS magicolor WX User’s Guide1-10
Set up the Printer
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500
8Hold the toner cartridge in place with one hand while you
pull the tab straight up to remove the attached tape from the
Rear View
9Repeat steps 1-8 to load the remaining developer and toner
cartridges in this order (from back to front): cyan, magenta
and yellow.
Set up the Printer
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500
Remove the Pressure-Release Pieces
1Pull up on the paper exit unit latch and then tilt the paper exit
unit back and down to open it.
Rear View
2Use the two green separator latches to tilt the pawl unit back.
Front View
QMS magicolor WX User’s Guide1-12
Set up the Printer
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500
3Open the green pressure-release lever on the end of the
fuser unit.
Rear View
4Remove the two pressure-release pieces (one on each end of
the fuser roller).
Front View
Piece (left)
Fuser Rollers
Paper-Exit Unit
Store all of these pieces where you can easily access them
if you ever need to relocate the printer or return it for service.
Pressure-Release Piece (right)
Set up the Printer
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500
5Close the pressure-r elease lever.
Install the Cleaning Pad and Oil Bottle
1Remove the cleaning pad and oil bottle from their protective
Oil Bottle
The fuser unit is an integral part of the color imaging
process and is also very expensive to replace. The fuser life will
be shortened or the fuser permanently damaged if the cleaning
pad is not installed properly or if proper care is not taken to
change the cleaning pad and oil bottle when needed. This type of
damage is not covered under warranty or service contract.
The first oil bottle and cleaning pad will last approximately 1,500
pages. After that, they will last approximately 3,000 pages. (Refer
to chapter 5, “Maintenance,” for replacement instructions.
QMS magicolor WX User’s Guide1-14
Set up the Printer
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500
2Hold the cleaning pad by its tab and place the white side
against the orange roller closest to the green felt strip. Align
the center rib of the cleaning pad with the triangle mark on
the green felt strip.
3Keep the white side of the pad touching the orange roller
closest to the green felt strip as you press the pad forward
and down into the slot under the green felt strip.
It’s in place when it clips securely into the slot with the white pad
touching the orange roller.
Line up Rib with Triangle
Cleaning Pad
White Pad
Orange Rollers
Green Felt Strip
Black Toner Cartridge
Front View
Set up the Printer
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500
4Close the separator pawl unit: lower it onto the orange roller;
then grasp the green separator latches with your thumbs
and forefingers and push down with your fingers while pushing back with your thumbs to snap the unit into place.
Front View
5Place a finger on the outer edge of the oil bottle retainer and
push it in and up to open the spring latch.
Rear View
QMS magicolor WX User’s Guide1-16
Set up the Printer
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500
6Hold the oil bottle over its slot (spout-end down and label
facing the printer’s front). Lower the bottle in place, making
sure the spout is aligned with the pin in the fuser slot. The
top of the bottle should be flush with the top of the fuser
Rear View
7Close the oil bottle retainer, making sure the spring latch is
securely in place.
8Close the paper exit unit.
If you have trouble closing it, make sure the separator pawl unit is
completely closed (see step 4).
Rear View
9Close the top cover.
Set up the Printer
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500
Install the Waste Toner Pack
1Remove the waste toner pack from its protective bag and
assemble it.
2Open the waste toner door (on the left side of the printer) by
pushing the cover on the top-right corner.
Waste Toner DoorRear View
3Remove any tape inside the compartment.
QMS magicolor WX User’s Guide1-18
Set up the Printer
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500
4Insert the pack into the printer until it fits securely. Make
sure the pack is level and centered.
5Close the waste toner door.
TabRear View
Set up the Printer
EDNord - Istedgade 37A - 9000 Aalborg - telefon 96333500
Install the OPC Belt Cartridge
1Open the manual feed tra y b y pushing t he top- right corner to
release the spring latch.
Front View
The OPC belt is extremely sensitive to bright light and
direct sunlight. Do not remove the cartridge from its protective
bag until you are ready to install it. Also, handle the belt cartridge
carefully. The belt is extremely sensitive to hand oils and
scratches, both of which will reduce print quality.
2Remove the OPC belt cartridge from its protective bag.
Save the protective bag to use during printer cleaning and maintenance when the OPC belt cartridge is out of the printer.
QMS magicolor WX User’s Guide1-20
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