V. Call Delay / Call Extension Control:
The two, twelve-position DIP switches labeled CHAN 1 and CHAN 2 located on the front panel are
used to program Call Delay and/or Call Extension. To turn any of these DIP switches ON, push the
switch to the left.
i. CALL EXTENSION (EXTEND) (DIP switches 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6):
DIP switches 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are used to control the amount of time a CALL output is extended.
The values ¼, ½, 1, 2, 4, and 8 that appear to the left of the DIP switches are assigned to a DIP
switch when it is turned ON. When a DIP switch is turned OFF, its value is 0. By adding the
values of each DIP switch that is turned ON, effective values of 0 to 15.75 can be achieved
indicating the amount of Extension time (in seconds) that has been selected for the channel. The
factory default setting of all of these switches is OFF (no Extension time programmed). The
following table contains examples of switch selections and Extension time settings.
(¼ Sec)
2 (½ Sec)
OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 0.00
ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF ¼ + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 0.25
OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF 0 + ½ + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 0.50
OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF 0 + 0 + 1 + 0 + 4 + 0 = 5.00
ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF ¼ + 0 + 1 + 0 + 4 + 0 = 5.25
OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON 0 + ½ + 0 + 2 + 0 + 8 = 10.50
ON ON ON ON ON ON ¼ + ½ + 1 + 2 + 4 + 8 = 15.75
ii. CALL DELAY (DELAY) (DIP switches 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12):
DIP switches 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 are used to control the amount of time a CALL output is
delayed. The values 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, and 32 that appear to the left of the DIP switches are assigned to a
DIP switch when it is turned ON. When a DIP switch is turned OFF, its value is 0. By adding the
values of each DIP switch that is turned ON, effective values of 0 to 63 can be achieved indicating
the amount of Delay time (in seconds) that has been selected for the channel. The factory default
setting of all of these switches is OFF (no Delay time programmed). The following table contains
examples of switch selections and Delay time settings.
(1 Sec)
8 (2 Sec)
OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 0
ON OFF OFF OFF OFF OFF 1 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 1
OFF ON OFF OFF OFF OFF 0 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 2
OFF ON OFF ON OFF OFF 0 + 2 + 0 + 8 + 0 + 0 = 10
OFF OFF ON OFF ON OFF 0 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 16 + 0 = 20
ON OFF ON OFF ON OFF 1 + 0 + 4 + 0 + 16 + 0 = 21
OFF ON OFF ON OFF ON 0 + 2 + 0 + 8 + 0 + 32 = 42
3 (1 Sec) 4 (2 Sec) 5 (4 Sec)
9 (4 Sec)
(8 Sec)
(16 Sec)
6 (8 Sec)
(32 Sec)
0 + ½ + 0 + 2 + 0 + 0 = 2.50
1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 32 = 63
Operating Instructions
Model T-210 Series
I. General:
The Model T-210 is a scanning, two-channel, shelf mount loop detector with Delay and Extension
timing. Once the detector is connected to an appropriately wired harness, it will begin to operate. The
detector automatically tunes itself and is operational within two seconds after application of power or
after being reset. Full sensitivity and hold time require approximately 30 seconds of operation. The
detector is fully self-compensating for environmental changes and loop drift over the full temperature
range and the entire loop inductance range. The Model T-210 is available with solid state or relay
The operation of each channel is independent and is programmed using one of two, front panel mounted,
six-position DIP switches. Each channel has a single, dual color (green / red) Detect / Fail LED
indicator. The LED provides an indication of the channel’s output state and loop failure conditions.
OUTPUT STATE conditions are indicated when the Detect / Fail LED is illuminated in a green state.
LOOP FAILURE conditions are indicated when the Detect / Fail LED is illuminated in a red state. The
Model T-210 also has a TEST mode that verifies proper operation of the outputs, LED indicators, DIP
switches, and loop-oscillator circuitry.
II. Operating Controls:
i. Front Panel Mounted Programming DIP Switches:
The two, six-position DIP switches located on the front panel that are labeled 1, and 2 affect each
channel independently. To turn one of these DIP switches ON, push the switch to the left.
Frequency (FREQ) (DIP Switches 1 and 2):
Each channel of the Model T-210 detector has four (4) frequency selections that allow altering the
resonant frequency of the loop circuit. DIP switches 1 and 2 are used to select the frequency for a
given channel. The values (1 and 2) to the left of the DIP switches are assigned to the switch when
the switch is ON. If the switch is OFF, the switch has a value of zero (0). By adding the switch ON
and OFF values, the two switches will combine for values from 0 to 3 that indicate one of the four
Frequency selections. The following table is a reference for the switch settings and associated
frequency selections.
7 Sensitivity Levels plus OFF: 0 to 7
Presence or Pulse Mode
4 Frequency Selections: 0 to 3
P/N 889-2002-00 Rev: June 2020 4 Model T-210 Operating Instructions

NOTE: After changing any frequency switch setting(s), it is necessary to reset the detector by
momentarily changing one of the other switch positions.
Frequency Switch 2 Switch 1 Effective Value
* OFF * OFF * 0 + 0 = 0 *
ON OFF 1 + 0 = 1
OFF ON 0 + 2 = 2
ON ON 1 + 2 = 3
* Factory default setting.
Presence / Pulse Mode (PRES PULS) (DIP Switch 3):
DIP switch 3 controls the output mode of each channel.
PRESENCE (PRES): When the switch is in the ON position, Presence Mode is selected.
Presence Mode provides a Call hold time of at least four minutes (regardless of vehicle size) and
typically one to three hours for an automobile or truck. This is the factory default setting and the
most common setting.
PULSE (PULS): When the switch is in the OFF position, Pulse Mode is selected. Pulse Mode
will generate a single 125 millisecond pulse output for each vehicle entering the loop detection
zone. Any vehicle remaining in the loop detection zone longer than two seconds will be tuned out
providing full sensitivity for the vacant portion of the loop detection zone. Full sensitivity for the
entire loop detection zone is recovered within one second following the departure of any vehicle
that has occupied the loop detection zone longer than two seconds.
Sensitivity (SENSE LEVEL) (DIP Switches) (DIP Switches 4, 5, and 6):
There are seven (7) selectable sensitivity levels plus OFF for each channel. The seven sensitivity
levels and OFF setting are selected via DIP switches 4, 5, and 6 on each of the two front panel
mounted six-position DIP switches. The values (1, 2, and 4) to the left of the DIP switches are
assigned to the switch when the switch is ON. If the switch is OFF, the switch has a value of zero
(0). By adding the switch ON and OFF values, the three switches will combine for values from 0 to
7 that indicate OFF or one of the seven Sensitivity Level selections. The following table is a
reference for the switch settings and associated sensitivity selections.
NOTE: Changing the sensitivity level setting will RESET the detector channel.
Sense Level -ΔL/L Switch 4 Switch 5 Switch 6 Effective Value
0 (OFF)
6 *
OFF OFF OFF OFF 0 + 0 + 0 = 0
0.64% ON OFF OFF 1 + 0 + 0 = 1
0.32% OFF ON OFF 0 + 2 + 0 = 2
0.16% ON ON OFF 1 + 2 + 0 = 3
0.08% OFF OFF ON 0 + 0 + 4 = 4
0.04% ON OFF ON 1 + 0 + 4 = 5
0.02% * OFF * ON * ON * 0 + 2 + 4 =
0.01% ON ON ON 1 + 2 + 4 = 7
* Factory default setting.
ii. Front Panel Mounted Pushbutton - Detector Reset:
A front panel mounted pushbutton labeled RESET is used to reset the detector. To reset the
detector, press the pushbutton.
iii. Front Panel Mounted Pushbutton - Audible Detect Buzzer:
A front panel mounted pushbutton labeled BUZZER is used to enable an audible detect signal that is
emitted any time a given channel’s detection zone is occupied. To activate this feature, press the
pushbutton. Only one channel can have this feature active at any given time. The first time the
pushbutton is pressed, a short (50 millisecond) audible signal confirms the activation of the feature
for Channel 1. The second time the pushbutton is pressed, two short (50 millisecond) audible signals
confirm the activation of the feature for Channel 2. To deactivate this feature, press and hold the
pushbutton for one second. A long (250 millisecond) audible signal confirms the deactivation of the
feature. This feature will automatically turn off 15 minutes after activation.
NOTE: When operating in Pulse mode, the audible detect signal will cease if a vehicle occupies the
detection zone for more than two seconds.
III. Reset:
To reset the detector, press the pushbutton labeled RESET. Changing the position of any of an
individual channel’s front panel mounted programming DIP switches (except the Frequency switches)
resets the channel. The detector can also be reset by the reapplication of power after a power loss.
Changes made to any of the Delay and/or Extension Timing DIP switches do not reset the detector.
IV. Detect / Fail Indicators:
The Model T-210 detector has a single two color (green / red) light emitting diode (LED) per channel to
indicate a CALL output and/or the status of any current or prior loop failure conditions. A continuous
ON (green) state indicates a CALL output. A continuous ON (red) state indicates that a current open
loop failure condition or an inductance change condition of greater than +25% exists. This indication
also generates a CALL output. A one Hz (red) flash rate indicates that a current shorted loop failure
condition or an inductance change condition of greater than -25% exists. This indication also generates a
CALL output. A flash rate of three 50 millisecond (red) flashes per second indicates a prior loop failure
condition. A flash rate of three 50 millisecond (red) flashes per second followed by a single 750
millisecond (green) flash indicates a prior loop failure condition and a current CALL output (detect
If either channel has Delay and/or Extension Timing set, that channel’s Detect / Fail LED will display
one (or both) of two unique flash sequences [four flashes (green) per second - Delay Timing set; 16
flashes (green) per second - Extension Timing set], thus providing an alert that the channel has Delay
and/or Extension Timing set and the feature is active.
If either channel has the audible detect feature activated, that channel’s Detect / Fail LED will be
illuminated in an orange state for any CALL output condition.
Detect / Fail LED Meaning
Solid ON (Green)
Solid ON (Orange)
Four flashes per second (Green)
Four flashes per second (Orange)
16 flashes per second (Green)
Solid ON (Red)
One Hz flash rate (Red)
(50% Duty Cycle)
Three 50 ms (Red)
flashes per second
Three 50 ms (Red)
flashes per second followed by a
single 750 ms (Green) flash
Three 50 ms (Red)
flashes per second followed by a
single 750 ms (Orange) flash
Three 50 ms (Red)
flashes per second followed by four
flashes per second (Green)
Three 50 ms (Red)
flashes per second followed by four
flashes per second (Orange)
Three 50 ms (Red)
flashes per second followed by
16 flashes per second (Green)
Audible Detect Signal Activated, Detect (CALL Output)
Delay Timing active, No Detect (No CALL Output)
Inductance change condition of greater than +25% exists
Inductance change condition of greater than -25% exists
Loop Failure condition occurred but no longer exists
Loop Failure condition occurred but no longer exists
Loop Failure condition occurred but no longer exists,
Loop Failure condition occurred but no longer exists
Loop Failure condition occurred but no longer exists,
Loop Failure condition occurred but no longer exists
No Detect (No CALL Output)
Detect (CALL Output)
Vehicle detected, Delay Timing active,
No Detect (No CALL Output)
Audible Detect Signal Activated, Vehicle detected,
Detection zone vacant, Extension Timing active,
Detect (CALL Output)
Open Loop Failure
Shorted Loop Failure
Detect (CALL Output)
Audible Detect Signal Activated
Detect (CALL Output)
Vehicle detected, Delay Timing active,
No Detect (No CALL Output)
Audible Detect Signal Activated
Vehicle detected, Delay Timing active,
No Detect (No CALL Output)
Detection zone vacant, Extension Timing active,
Detect (CALL Output)
2 3