When a channel is in Fail Safe Mode, the Loop Fail symbol located at the bottom of the LCD will be illuminated and the
programmed sensitivity level
LCD will display L lo for low loop inductance and shorted loop situations or L hi for high loop inductance and open loop
situations. In addition, the corresponding channel’s LED will begin to emit a flashing pattern (three flashes per second). If
the loop self-heals, the detector and LCD will resume normal operation. The LED will continue to flash as a means of
indicating a prior loop fail condition and will continue to do so until the loop fail register is cleared.
The firmware version and revision for the detector is displayed. This is a view only parameter. The display a lternates
between the model letter and firmware version (example S34) and the firmware revision number (example .00).
III. How to Reset the Detector:
• Momentarily press the CHAN pushbutton until the channel to be reset is selected. Press and hold the CHAN pushbutton
continuously for three (3) seconds. After three seconds the channel is reset maintaining all previous settings.
• Changing the frequency or sensitivity setting will enter the new setting and reset the channel. Changing any of the other
parameters will take effect immediately or on the next detection, but will not reset the detector channel. Simply
entering the program mode without changing any parameter will not reset the channel.
• Pressing and holding all four pushbuttons simultaneously and continuously for five (5) seconds resets both channels
and also restores the default settings to both channels.
• Changing the setting of Option 4 (Noise Filter Disable) will reset both detector channels.
• The detector can be reset by removing and reapplying power.
• Loop Fail History is cleared by all reset procedures described above except changing the setting of Option 4 or
changing frequency or sensitivity. Pressing e ither the (UP) or (DOWN) pushbutton while viewing the Loop Fail
History will also clear the Loop Fail History.
IV. Sensitivity Setting:
Sensitivity is controlled by selecting a Sensitivity Level for a channel. The sensitivity numbers 1 through 9 represent
thresholds from the least sensitive to the most sensitive. Setting the proper sensitivity level for the loop circuit provides
stability to the system. If set too high, the detector may detect adjace nt traffic. If set too low, the detector may not detect
small vehicles or high bed vehicles.
The LCD includes an eight (8) segment bargraph that is a representation of the relative change of inductance as seen by the
detector. This automatically takes into account loop size, loop inductance, number of loops, number of turns, loop
geometry, lead-in length, etc. The bargraph is a sliding scale that is relative to the programmed Sensitivity Level. The
first (left-most) bargraph segment represents the minimum inductance change necessary for the detector to output a call at
the currently se lected sensitivity level. Larger inductance changes will indicate more segments. Each additional se gment
indicates that the next sensitivity level has also been met or exceeded. Therefore the bargraph indicates if the sensitivity is
set too high or too low, easily facilitating the ideal setting of the sensitivity level.
The diagram below shows the bargraph with the channel set to Sensitivity Level 6: 0.02% -ΔL/L. The bargraph indicates
that the vehicle in the loop zone has exceeded the minimum sensitivity level by an additional five Sensitivity Levels or
0.64% -ΔL/L. The typical vehicle to be detected should cause five or six segments of the bargraph to become filled.
sensitivity set to Level 6
L/L .0025 .005 .01 .02 .04 .08 .16 .32 .64 1.28 2.56 5.12
If the typical vehicle to be detected is not creating a five to six segment display on the bargraph, count how many segments
are being displayed and subtract six. If the number is positive, lower the sensitivity that many levels. If the number is
negative, raise the sensitivity that many levels. Example: The detector channel sensitivity is currently programmed at
three (3). The bargraph shows four (4) segments during a typical vehicle detection. Take four (4) (the number of
segments displayed) and subtract six (6) to get minus two (-2). Since the a nswer is negative, raise the sensitivity level,
currently at three (3), by two (2) to arrive at the desired sensitivity level of five (5).
The bargraph can also be used to take advantage of a direct relationship between the percent change of inductance caused
by a single standard automobile and a small motorcycle in the same loop / lead-in configuration. Adjusting the sensitivity
level for the channel until seven (7) segments of the bargraph are shaded when a standard automobile is present in the loop
zone ensures that the sensitivity has been set to detect a small motorcycle in the same loop zone. If the left most segments
of the bargraph are flickering when vehicles pass in the adjacent lane, the Phase Green Compensation can be turned on to
minimize the effects of adjacent lane detection (see Option 5). The second method of reducing adjacent lane detection is
to reduce the sensitivity level by the number of segments that are flickering, however this will also eliminate the ability to
reliably detect small motorcycles.
Operating Instructions
Model S-1200 Series
Firmware Version 34
I. Factory Default Settings:
Frequency (8 settings) 3 7
Sensitivity (OFF, 1 to 9, CALL) 6 6
Presence / Pulse Presence Presence
CALL Delay Time (0 - 255 seconds) 0 0
CALL Extension Time (0 - 25.5 seconds) 0.0 0.0
Max Presence Time (OFF, 1 - 999 seconds) OFF OFF
End Of Green OFF OFF
Option 1 (Loop Inductance, L) * OFF
Option 2 (% Inductance Change, -∆L/L) *
Option 3 (CALL Extension Time Control) OFF OFF
Option 4 (Noise Filter Disable) * OFF
Option 5 (Phase Green Loop Compensation) OFF OFF
Option 6.0 (Display Vehicle Count) OFF OFF Model 1201 Only
Option 6.1 (Reset Vehicle Count) OFF OFF Model 1201 Only
Option 7 (Number of Loops) 04 04 Model 1201 Only
Option 9 (Third Car Passage) ** OFF
Option 10 (Directional Logic) ** OFF
Option 11 (Audible Detect) OFF OFF
Option 12 (Detector Disconnect) OFF OFF
Notes: * These settings are per unit, not per channel.
** These settings affect two channels.
II. How to View and Program Detector Functions:
• Enter the PROGRAM mode by momentarily pressing the FUNC pushbutton. Use the FUNC pushbutton to step through
the functions described below.
• Press the CHAN pushbutton to select the channel to view or make changes to. The channel that is in PROGRAM mode
is indicated by a flashing numbered-loop symbol at the bottom of the LCD.
• To change a function’s setting or to toggle a function ON or OFF, press the (UP) or (DOWN) pushbutton.
• To exit the PROGRAM mode and return to the NORMAL mode, press and hold the CHAN pushbutton continuously for
one second.
Press the (UP) or (DOWN) pushbutton to c hange the programmed loop frequency. The filled segment on the
bargraph indicates the setting. The left-most segment represents setting 1 and the right-most segment represents setting 8.
The LCD will display the actual operating frequency of the loop circuit. A separation of at least 5 KHz for adjacent loops,
not connected to the same detector, is recommended. NOTE: Changing the frequency will reset the detector channel.
Care should be taken to ensure that the detector channel is not reset while the detection zone is occupied.
Function Channel 1 Channel 2 Notes
P/N 889-1901-01 Rev: June 2020 4 Model S-1200 Operating Instructions

Press the (UP) or (DOWN) pushbutton to change the programmed sensitivity. The lowest Sensitivity Level is 1 and
the highest Sensitivity Level is 9. The channel can be configured to place a permanent call by selecting CALL (one setting
after Sensitivity Level 9). The channel can be disabled by selecting OFF (one setting before Sensitivity Level 1). If CALL
or OFF is selected, the LCD flashes the message CALL or OFF during NORMAL DISPLAY mode. See Section IV
Sensitivity Setting for instructions on how to use the bargraph to determine the proper sensitivity setting for the loop / leadin network connected to the channel. NOTE: Changing the sensitivity will reset the detector channel. Care should be
taken to ensure that the detector channel is not reset while the detection zone is occupied.
Pressing either the (UP) or (DOWN) pushbutton toggles between PRESENCE and PULSE modes. PRESENCE
mode outputs a call as long as the detection zone is occupied. CALL EXTENSION, CALL DELAY, and MAX
PRESENCE can all modify the operation of the PRESENCE mode. PULSE mode generates a 125 millisecond pulse when
a vehicle is first detected. Only CALL EXTENSION and CALL DELAY modify PULSE mode operation.
Call Delay Time can be adjusted from 0 to 255 seconds by pressing the (UP) or (DOWN) pushbutton. When the
Call Delay Time is 0, pressing the DOWN pushbutton steps the value to 255 seconds. When the Call Delay Time is 255
seconds, pressing the UP pushbutton steps the value to 0. During the DELAY PERIOD, the channel’s LED flashes at a
four Hz rate with a 50% duty cycle and the LCD shows a countdown of the Call Delay Time.
Call Extension Time can be set from 0.0 to 25.5 seconds by pressing the (UP) or (DOWN) pushbutton. When the
Call Extension Time is 0.0, pressing the DOWN pushbutton steps the value to 25. 5 seconds. When the Call Extension
Time is 25.5 seconds, pressing the UP pushbutton steps the value to 0.0. During the EXTENSION PERIOD, the channel’s
LED flashes at a 16 Hz rate with a 50% duty cycle and the LCD shows a countdown of the Call Extension Time.
Max Presence Time can be adjusted from OFF to 999 seconds by pressing the (UP) or (DOWN) pushbutton. When
the time is set to OFF, press ing the DOWN pushbutton steps the value to 999 seconds. If Max Presence Time is set to
anything other than OFF, an EOG selection appears on the LCD after the Max Presence selection.
A call output occurs when either a vehicle is detected (Delay Time = 0) or after the delay timer has counted down to zero
following the arrival of a vehicle. The Max Presence timer starts timing when a call output occurs. Any time a call output
drops while the Max Presence timer is timing, the Max Presence timer is reset to the Max Presence time setting. The Max
Presence timer counts towards zero as long as the call output exists. If EOG (End of Green) control is OFF, the detector
channel resets at the time the Max Presence timer reaches zero. If EOG is ON, the detector channel goes into a wait state
when the Max Prese nce timer reaches zero. The channel remains in the wait state until either the call drops or the green
input signal to the channel transitions from the ON condition to the OFF condition. If the call drops, no reset action
occurs. If the Max Presence timer is in the wait state when the green input signal transitions from the ON condition to the
OFF condition, the detector channel is reset with the vehicle over the loop. When the Ma x Presence timer is in the wait
state, the MAX PRESENCE - EOG message flashes on the LCD. NOTE: If the Max Presence timer does reset the
channel, no CALL EXTENSION time will occur.
EOG (END OF GREEN) NOTE: Only appears if MAX PRESENCE TIME is not set to OFF.
Pressing either the (UP) or (DOWN) pushbutton toggles between ON and OFF. See MAX PRESENCE TIME
above for the effects of turning this feature on.
Pressing either the (UP) or (DOWN) pushbutton toggles between ON and OFF. When Option 1 is OFF, the LCD
indicates three dashed lines (- - -) during the No Call state. When Option 1 is ON, the LCD continuously indicates the
Loop Inductance value in microhenries while in the NORM AL DISPLAY mode. After 15 minutes, Option 1 turns OFF.
The display shows three digits if the inductance is between 15 and 999 μH. If the inductance is greater than 999 μH, the
display alternately flashes between 1 or 2 and the lower three digits. The four digits represent inductance values from
1000 to 2500 μH. When a vehicle is detected the Detect LED and bargraph display indicate the call. The countdown of
the Delay, Extension, and Max Presence timers is not displayed when Option 1 is ON.
for either channel turns it ON for both channels.
Pressing either the (UP) or (DOWN) pushbutton toggles between ON and OFF. When Option 2 is OFF, the LCD
indicates a steady Call when a vehicle is detected. When Option 2 is ON, the LCD indicates the -ΔL/L value when a
vehicle is detected. The maximum -ΔL/L that occurred is displayed for two seconds unless a greater change occurs.
NOTE: Turning this option ON for either channel turns it ON for both channels.
Pressing either the (UP) or (DOWN) pushbutton toggles between ON and OFF. When Option 3 is OFF, the detector
channel extends all calls for the programmed extension time. When Option 3 is ON, the detector extends calls for the
programmed extension time only when the associated Phase Green Input (Delay Override) signal is active.
Pressing e ither the (UP) or (DOWN) pushbutton toggles between ON and OFF. When Option 4 is OFF, internal
noise filtering is utilized. When Option 4 is ON, internal noise filtering is disabled thus providing a faster response time.
Changing the setting of this option will reset both detector channels. It is recommended that this option only be turned ON
when the detector is used for speed and/or occupancy measurement applications. NOTE: Turning this option ON for
either channel turns it ON for both channels.
NOTE: Turning this option ON
Pressing either the (UP) or (DOWN) pushbutton toggles between ON and OFF. When Option 5 is OFF, normal loop
compensation is used. No compensation occurs during the first four minutes following the detection of a vehicle to
preserve small motorcycle detection for a full four minutes. When Option 5 is ON, loop compensation begins when the
Phase Green (Delay Override) input becomes true and the channel is outputting a Call. The channel will then begin to tune
out small changes, such as adjacent lane pick up and/or loop drift. The presence time for average size vehicles is not
affected (note that a small motorcycle will also be tuned out in a short period of time following the start of Phase Green).
This option is useful in minimizing false detection resulting from adjacent lane pickup effect.
This option has two parameters. Option 6.0 is used to turn the display of vehicle counts ON and OFF. Option 6.1 is used
to reset the vehicle count to zero. Pressing either the (UP) or (DOWN) pushbutton toggles between ON and OFF for
either parameter. When Option 6.0 is ON, the NORMAL DISPLAY will show the accumulated vehicle count since last
vehicle count reset. The display will show the hundreds, tens, and ones digits until the accumulated count exceeds 999. At
this point the display will alternate between the ten thousands and thousands digits and the remaining three digits for
hundreds, tens, and ones. Setting Option 6.1 to ON resets the accumulated vehicle count. The setting automatically
returns to the OFF state when the parameter is exited.
Pressing either the (UP) or (DOWN) pushbutton scrolls through the available loop configurations for counting. The
currently available options are 7.01 through 7.05 where the last two digits specify how many loops there are in the
detection zone. The detection zone must be confined to a single lane of traffic.
Pressing either the (UP) or (DOWN) pushbutton toggles between ON and OFF. Option 9 is a paired channel option.
This means that it requires two detector channels to perform the function. Channel 1 is paired with Channel 2. When this
option is changed for one of the paired channels, the state of the option for the other paired channel is changed to match it.
When Option 9 is OFF, the detector channel operates normally. When Option 9 is ON, the output of the two paired
channels are logically ANDed together. This means that neither channel will output a Call until both channels have
detection. The first channel with detection will enter a pending state while waiting for detection in the other paired
channel. While in the pending state, the LCD will show Pnd. NOTE: Option 9 is mutually exclusive with Option 10.
Turning ON one option will automatically turn OFF the other option.
Pressing either the (UP) or (DOWN) pushbutton toggles between ON and OFF. Option 10 is a paired channel
option. This means that it requires two detector channels to perform the function. Channel 1 is paired with C hannel 2.
When this option is changed for one of the paired channels, the state of the option for the other pa ired channel is changed
to match it. When Option 10 is OFF, the detector channel operates normally. When Option 10 is ON, directional logic is
enabled. Directional logic starts with a detection on one channel. This channel will go into the pending state, display Pnd
on the LCD, and NOT output a call. When both of the paired channels have a detection, the last channel to have a
detection will output a Call until the detection for the last channel ends, even if the detection e nds for the first channel.
NOTE: Option 9 is mutually exclusive with Option 10. Turning ON one option will automatically turn OFF the other
option. None of the timing functions of the first channel with a detection will time (Delay, Extension, and Max. Prese nce)
and the first channel will always operate in the Presence Mode regardless of programming for the channel.
Pressing either the (UP) or (DOWN) pushbutton toggles between ON and OFF. When Option 11 is ON for a
channel, an audible signal is emitted any time that channel’s detection zone is occupied. This option can only be turned
ON for one channel at a time. The last channel to have Option 11 turned ON will be the only one with Option 11 turned
ON. Delay and Extension time have no effect on the audible signal. Option 11 will automatically turn off after 15
Pressing either the (UP) or (DOWN) pushbutton toggles Option 12.0 between ON and OFF. When Option 12.0 is
turned ON, detector disconnect is enabled for that channel and Option 12.1 is now accessible. If Option 12.1 is OFF, the
extension timer also serves as the disconnect timer. If Option 12.1 is O N, the extension timer is inoperative and its
programmed value is used as the disconnect timer (gap timer). When Detector Disconnect is enabled (Option 12.0 is ON),
the detector operates normally during times when the phase green input for the channel is OFF. When the phase green
input is ON, the detector will use the value programmed as extension time to determine when to disconnect the output for
that channel. Therefore, if the detection z one is e mpty for the amount of time specified in the extension timer, the output
for that channel will be disconnected. If a call does not exist when the phase green input transitions to ON, the output is
immediately disconnected. The output is re-enabled when the phase green input transitions to OFF.
The number of loop failures logged in the loop fail register is displayed. Any time a channel enters the Fail Safe Mode due
to a recognized loop failure, the loop fail register is incremented by one count. Pressing either the (UP) or (DOWN)
pushbutton will clear the loop fail register. The number of loop fail counts is also reset to zero by any power down, when
the harness is disconnected from the detector, or when the channel is reset. The loop fail register is not reset when the
setting of Option 4 (Noise Filter Disable) is changed or when the channel’s sensitivity or frequency is changed.
After each detector channel is initialized and operating in a normal manner, the channel is continuously monitored for
faulty loop conditions (e.g. broken wires, poor splices, bad solder connections, etc.). If the measured loop inductance
value rapidly changes by more than ±25%, the channel is considered to have failed. The channel then enters the Fail Safe
Mode, which generates a constant Call Output.
2 3